Wednesday 28 January 2009

Tameside council plans £12m economy boost

A Greater Manchester council wants to put £12m into the local economy in a bid to support businesses and traders. Ideas by Tameside Council include work creation schemes, dropping parking charges and ensuring local tradesmen are hired for repair projects. Projects include refurbishment work at the borough's eight cemeteries, school repairs and buildings' maintenance.
The cabinet will finalise details of the plan, called Tameside Works First, at a budget meeting next month. Tameside council said the aim of the scheme was to boost the borough's economy and safeguard jobs. It will spend £10m from its capital budget on the work creation initiatives, and £2m towards schemes to support local shops. These will include free parking in Ashton-under-Lyne from 1500 GMT on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Councillors will also pledge to pay bills incurred within 10 days, to help the cash flow of local companies and contractors. Council leader Roy Oldham said: "It is the objective of the coming budget to provide effective help while maintaining a low level of charge. "Our priorities are and must be our own local community, so our focus will be on helping small and medium-sized businesses to survive during the difficult times that lie ahead." BBC News


Anonymous said...

The Conservatives have been campaigning for 2 hours free parking on council owned sites for the past 5 years.
This is a start by the Council but yet again much too late and too little.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I have a feeling they said they would vote BNP just to get rid of you.

Anonymous said...
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Keir Hardy said...

Quite right Roy.

JB has been pushing this issue for a while. Its good to know that they have seen the light.

Keep up the good work JB!

Keir Hardy said...

thats Roy Walker not the nutter Roy

Anonymous said...

It seams you have done more work than your candidate she's a little lazy isn't she?.
And i hope you enjoyed your chat about foreigners and how they shouldn't be here West.
As every time i speak to someone who either votes BNP or is a member tells me that they hate all "these paki's and blacks".
I may despise Labour and what they have done to this great Country but it will be a sad day when people like you and your party get into power.
Not that there is much chance thankfully

Anonymous said...

Hey Justin ya bent Tory take a look at this lot.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The vast majority of British people have no problem with a sensible number of foreigners and immigrants coming into the country, regardless of colour. What they ARE sick to the back teeth of is the uncontrolled flood let in in the last twelve years by a totally incompetent fundamentally irrational regime that seems to think it has some 'moral' duty to save the world regardless of the damage done to the nation, its values history and tradition. The indigenous inhabitants are simply in the way of this quest for national destruction. Any group or individual who objects is demonised as a 'racist', fascist etc. The other main Parties are too gutless to do anything other than go with the flow. Within a few years ALL races/cultures in this country will be outnumbered by the Muslims unless we act now. This massive and deliberate breeding campaign caused the bloodbath in the Balkans in the early Nineties; 50% of the Islamic population were UNDER 16. The Serbians response to this was a war of attempted annihilation. Outbreed the host is the Islamic creed and has been for over thirteen centuries. It's time to wake up.

Anonymous said...

David Cameron has allready said that there will be limits put on imigration, a nice and sensible aproach rather than basic hatred. Which comes from certain corners.
No matter how you want to sugar coat things.
Only a Conservative Government, will get this Country on it's feet again.

Anonymous said...

End all immigration into Britain.
(Britain is full)

Anonymous said...

Roy walker, Cameron would keep us in the EU which means people from every European country could come and go as they please, in other words we would not have control of our own borders. The only way to stop this is withdrawal from the EU. We need to get real and get tough, Cameron and the Tories are capable of neither.

Anonymous said...

England's population density is 390 per sq km which makes us the most populous country in Europe and leaves only South Korea and a few minor island states ahead of us globally. Germany and France have approximately 230 and 240 per sq km. We don't need a so called nice and sensible policy we need to stop ALL immigration apart from an essential trickle before our infrastructure collapses and our national identity is destroyed forever. Check the demographics or go to some of the schools in London where NO-ONE has English as a first language and many can't speak it at all.

Anonymous said...

Multiculturalism will sound the deathknell for Britain unless we stand up now and start to fight back. The three main Parties' priority is keep the peace. This craven appeasement is being manipulated by certain 'communities' for their own ends. Anyone not loyal to the nation should leave. No-one can serve two masters.

Anonymous said...

Allahu Akbar!