Rumours, plotting, even a BNP link - is the party over for Ukip? Three years ago, the United Kingdom Independence Party was a political force to be recognised. With 12 seats in the European Parliament and a 16 per cent share of the vote, the party was Britain's third-biggest in Europe. At one point, inside Conservative Central Office there were fears that this one-time rag-tag gang of breakaway anti-Europeans would split the Tory vote in the UK and break the mould of British politics at Westminster. This, despite a memorable claim in 2004 by the MEP Geoffrey Bloom that a woman's place was behind the fridge, scrubbing. But as hundreds of delegates gather for their annual conference in a rain-swept Bournemouth this weekend the party finds itself riven with furious – and quite extraordinary – infighting. Its leader, Nigel Farage, is facing an attempted coup to unseat him by several factions of the party, including one with links to the far-right British National Party (BNP) and another still loyal to his predecessor. The party's press officer, Annabelle Fuller, a close ally of Mr Farage, has resigned after receiving phone threats. She told The Independent the calls came from "sexist" party members in the middle of the night. In her letter of resignation, Ms Fuller, 26, complained of "personal threats" and "verbal abuse". She said she had been subjected to abusive telephone calls, including one at 3am calling her a whore. Back at Ukip's headquarters, at least four senior party figures – including one who gave money to the US associate of the BNP – are said to be seeking Mr Farage's removal. At the same time, another plot to remove Mr Farage is being co-ordinated by the former Ukip member Andrew Edwards who was removed from the party after it emerged he had links to the BNP. In January, he sent an email to friends saying, "Happy new year and damnation to the enemies of Britain and the British". He confirmed yesterday that he wants Mr Farage removed, and named several other figures who believe Mr Farage is not taking a hard enough line on issues including immigration and who are moving against his leadership. Then there is David Abbott, a member of Ukip's national executive committee (NEC), and former candidate in the European elections. He once donated money to the American Friends of the BNP (AFBNP). Dr Abbott, whom Mr Farage has tried to remove from the NEC, said he was working for Mr Farage's removal from the leadership, saying "UKIP needs effective leadership". Nick Griffin, the BNP leader, confirmed both Dr Abbott's donation – which he said was a one-off and on "free speech" grounds – and Mr Edwards' ever-closer involvement with the BNP. He said Mr Edwards regularly wrote for the BNP website, confirmed he was involved with the BNP while in Ukip and said that he "was with them and is now much more sympathetic to us".
The Independent
You talk a load of shit West anyone would think you have been at it for years where have you been for most of your sad miserable life.
I don't agree with West, but we need to wake up to what's going on.
Take a look at this
Sick sick sick, that poor kid - free Pizza for that girl because she has been totally brainwashed. Sick sick sick. Thanks for sharing UKIP.
The situation is getting worse by the day in England. We need to educate people to what's going on in this land.
We in UKIP know that these issues need to be highlighted. It's not racist to be concerned about these matters.
We in UKIP have a lot to learn from this man. The countdown to National survival has already been set.
Another tragedy caused by racial hatred two families shattered by it the dead bnp member had a long criminal record for violence he and his son another bnp member had waged a long campaign of racial hatred against the Khan family next door Brown was trying to kill Khans son Aziz at the time What would you do if you found someone trying to kill one of your children.
What would you do if you found someone trying to kill one of your children
You mean like Kriss Donald or Gavin Hopley? Victims of Muslim killers.
I think Robert Cottage was jailed for doing what you are hinting at
oh ok, just checking. I can understand the viewpoint of The BNP, and I must admit that I agree with their policies on homosexuality, Islam and politicall correctness. I find political correctness as largely patronising, all these efforts to attain equality insuniate that these middle class white liberals do not believe we are equal. Positive discrimination for example, cutting uni scores for ethnics and generally giving ppl jobs because of their ethnicity, which happens both ways. Its just all patronising though i feel like they are saying you cant compete because your not as good so we will give you a boost. Me myself I am a UKIP supporter as a believe they incorporate patriotic, conservative social values without incorporating racial exclusiveness. I don't agree with their economics as id say i believe in moderate, central economics that do not favour either the rich or poor. how about you?
Who's Nigger are You?
This Trash must be picked up and Taken off the Streets
On the very day the Crime Statistics were revealed to illustrate what a lot of law-abiding folk we are, an incident occurred in a busy shopping centre in Croydon which showed the opposite - and it is not an isolated example, either.
Two unarmed police officers were patrolling the area when they spotted a 15 year old girl throwing her food wrapper to the ground. They asked her to pick it up - and then, all hell let loose !
The two constables were immediately set upon by a howling mob, thirty-strong and were very lucky to escape serious injury.
14-07-08 - Knife attacks -- 60 a day --
But don't worry, everything is under control !!
Jacqui Smith, Home Secretary, wants to assure everyone that the Government is taking the issue of knife crime very seriously. Well, that's a relief !! And what is more, Scottish Tom McNulty, Home Office (Police) Minister, tells us not to worry, as everything is 'under control'. Even better, Gordon Brown has given his backing to their 'shock' tactics. One of these is to exclude all pupils found carrying knives. So there, that'll teach them...or not!
Tom McNulty must be the most smug, complacent, useless individual to hold that office, but he and the two aforementioned are thankfully soon to depart, and then we will have an opportunity to put things right.
UKIP are loyal. Stop immigration no more.
Sorry I have not been able to respond until now. I have been in Bournemouth at our very successful conference.
I have not posted on here for a couple of months due to work pressure and a family health problem. I can assure you there is no truth to the newspaper stories and the positive plans hatched at the conference will enable us to build on our progress in ALL types of election.
Thanks for the comment Roy, I see you are all bitter and twisted by our desicion to reject your overtures towards joining UKIP.
Would you like to explain exactly which of our policies you disagree with, and why.
UKIP are S**** is not realy a cogent arguement.
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