Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Tameside Radio- The First Year (Long Version)

I like Tameside Radio and often tune in. It is amazing how far away from Tameside I can pick it up when in the car.


Anonymous said...
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Tameside Citizen said...

Lol - go for it Mr West!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

We will campaign in Tameside very soon, our new members have the look of a great fighting team and they are ready

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

They have a hot line for battered wives if that's any good.

Anonymous said...

Also ex borstal boys line.

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Anonymous said...

The Honorable James David Manning is willing to die to stop Barack Obama. This message was preached on 14 June 2008.

Anonymous said...

Tameside Radio is awfull. They play indian music which is typical of a socialist Radio station.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I wont liston to it knowing they have a socialist thief in charge

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Anonymous said...

West is banned from all the radio stations and local papers does that tell you something, can you imagine picking up your paper each week and reading about the thugs from Hyde and Taylor's letters to him.
Looks like we have good local editors not going to allow him to mess up their paper like hes done to the blogs.

Anonymous said...
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tonydj said...

QUOTE Tory boy said...
West is banned from all the radio stations and local papers does that tell you something, can you imagine picking up your paper each week and reading about the thugs from Hyde and Taylor's letters to him.
Looks like we have good local editors not going to allow him to mess up their paper like hes done to the blogs.UNQUOTE

Didn't know you had time to read the papers with all the overtime you had to work Tory Boy.....er what exactly is it you do.

Simon Walker the head of Tameside Radio ex-Labour Councillor and involved in the TEL (Tameside Enterprise Ltd) scandal

see:- http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm199394/cmhansrd/1994-02-24/Debate-7.html

Anonymous said...

My attention was brought to one such case by the 13 January 1994 edition of the Radio 4 programme "Face the Facts". That programme referred to a contract that the Labour-controled Tameside borough council near Manchester made with Tameside Enterprises Limited to privatise its old people's homes. The Labour motion before us condemns the use of contractors to provide public services, but that is a Labour-controlled council which has done exactly that. What is Tameside Enterprises Limited, or TEL for short? Let us look at its shareholders. First, the Labour-controlled Tameside metropolitan borough council ; secondly, Ashton-upon-Lyne constituency Labour party--very interesting, that one--thirdly, the Thameside community care trust, the majority shareholder. That sounds better, but who are the trustees of that trust? They include two Labour Members of Parliament and a Labour Member of the European Parliament. I should like to know who are the other trustees. Do they also have political views in common?

The set-up was best described by a member of staff speaking on the radio programme :

"Well, to be quite honest, I I thought I was working for the Labour Party, basically. The directors always seemed to be somebody from the Labour Party. There seemed to be jobs created for it was always somebody's wife or somebody's daughter or an ex councillor who lost his seat. And it just seemed that anybody you met was either involved in the Labour Party or a relation of somebody."

Who did run TEL? The answer was given by the programme presenter, John Waite. He said :

"At the top of the heap, as the fifty five thousand pounds a year company secretary and sole executive director, was Mr. Paul Stonier, a former Labour Parliamentary candidate whose wife was chair of the" Labour- controlled

"borough's Social Services committee. His number two was local Labour councillor, Simon Walker. Neither man had any significant business experience. Both had a wealth of party connections. Too many, according to"

a Labour

"Councillor Craig Brodie."

Then, on the programme, Councillor Brodie was quoted as follows : "Paul Stonier was a former director of Policy Services at Tameside Council and had no financial qualifications at all."

Let us remember that we are speaking about the chief executive of quite a major company. He continued :

"Councillor Simon Walker was appointed from a short list of one. There was the chairman of the company and he was also the chairman of the Strategy committee of Tameside Council. One councillor's wife and daughter received jobs in TEL. Basically, it was a family affair."

Let us remember that those are the words of Labour Councillor Brodie.

Mr. Waite went on to state :

"Links between the council and the company were further strengthened by the appointment of council leader, Roy Oldham, as the director of a subsidiary of TEL set up to oversee property projects."

Let us return to another accusation in the Opposition motion, about

"increased fraud and waste, and falling standards in public life".

Let us judge that case on those criteria. The House will remember that the executive director was appointed on a salary of £55,000. Within two years he was on £80,000 a year and a flash sports car, but that was not enough. John Waite, in the programme, told listeners :

"Mr. Stonier and his number two, Councillor Walker, had awarded themselves unauthorised pay rises of a thousand pounds a month, twelve thousand pounds a year each, after TEL had won a contract to manage homes for"

--wait for it--Labour-controlled

"Stockport Council. Both men had also used the company credit card to finance personal spending, for which they later repaid the company. In particular, Mr. Walker put the plastic to work buying a holiday abroad just a week after the cuts package"

--which I shall mention later--

"was introduced in the borough's old people's homes. Mr. Stonier had also arranged an unauthorised loan from the company of sixteen thousand pounds, a loan made jointly to himself and his wife, Shirley, then chair of Tameside's Labour-controlled social services committee."

What about a waste of money? Let us consider some of the orders contracted. John Waite said :

"In fact, in just two years, almost half a million pounds went on carpet contracts alone, contracts awarded without tender to a former bankrupt who'd fitted carpets in executive director Paul Stonier's home. The tendering process was also ignored in awarding the contract to run TEL's payroll, with the job going to a firm run by one of Mr. Stonier's Labour party colleagues."

How could all that arise? Company law defines the responsibilities of company directors. Where were they, the directors appointed by and representing the shareholders--let us remember, Ashton-under-Lyne Labour party, the Labour-controlled council, or the Labour trustees of the so- called Community care trust? They either did not demand information or exercise control or they failed to assess it. It seems that that scandal was not confined to the instances that I have outlined ; it extended to the overall finances. Bills were not paid, debts were run up to the tune of £2 million, control was non-existent and--worst of all--the welfare of elderly residents was put in jeopardy. When the finances were in a shambles of a scale that even the Labour party could not fail to see, the Labour leaders of the council met.

The meeting consisted of Councillor Oldham--the leader of the council--the deputy leader, the director of finance and Councillor Middleton, chair of the council's debt recovery committee. Councillor Middleton said on the programme :

"All the three faces were ashen. As though they were waiting for an execution, that sort of thing. And it was the leader himself who said, Things are definitely not right with with Tameside Enterprises, Jim, but the last thing we want is any panic, you know, and eventually it'll work itself out and TEL will will ride out the storm' sort of thing".

Presumably, that is the way in which the Labour party operates, but rumours abounded, and, finally, in May last year, seven Labour councillors from the party's Ashton branch broke ranks to call for a public inquiry and the immediate dismissal of TEL's top management. The response from leader Roy Oldham and the controlling group of Labour-controlled Tameside council was swift and firm--the seven councillors were suspended. That is presumably the way in which the Labour party deals with the accountability to elected representatives for which its motion calls. Perhaps today's debate should be called "The Elected Sacked State".

How did the Labour group in Tameside ride out the storm? First, the board tore up the guaranteed pay and conditions package for the staff which had been negotiated

Column 510
with the National Union of Public Employees. Then, the executive director was sent around the old people's homes in his sleek sports car, sorting out the severe cuts that had been called for. "In a flash sports car around the homes"--does not that have echoes of the right hon. Member for Islwyn (Mr. Kinnock) describing

Labour-controlled Liverpool city council?

The key Labour party grandees began to resign from all the boards and committees of the company. Labour Councillor Rolland said : "All the key players seemed to be jumping ship because the first determined inquiry was now underway into that company. We really started to wonder whether things weren't far, far worse than we ever feared."

Mr. Hall : The hon. Gentleman referred to a public inquiry. Who instigated it?

Mr. Arnold : A public inquiry is now under way and many other inquiries jolly well should be under way. If a public inquiry was instigated, it was thanks to the BBC, which is, incidentally, a quango, not to the Labour party.

How did the matter end? I call on the Opposition's spokesman who winds up the debate to tell the House what the Labour party headquarters in Walworth road is doing about it. We should like to hear what inquiry the Labour party has established. Perhaps the Minister will tell us whether the district auditor is on to this, what steps are being taken to bring the directors of TEL to book, what the charity commissioners are doing about the trustees--two of whom are Members of Parliament--and whether the fraud squad is looking into the shambles.

Reading the motion leads one to think that people in glasshouses should not throw stones. Instead of tabling what can best be described as a sanctimonious boomerang of a motion, Labour should put its own house in order and clean out its Augean stable.

Tom Hagen said...

Now let me tell you, I know under good authority that Roy Oldham along with Simon Walker and other TEL directors were questioned for fraud by various officers from Tameside police. The case went to Hyde CPS who decided to throw out the case.

Anonymous said...

the link doesnt work

Anonymous said...

Its called the West link that's why it does not work

Anonymous said...

Flame that never dies

tonydj said...

Anonymous said...
the link doesnt work

Copy the link and paste into the address box (or whatever it's called) at the top of the web page.


Tom Hagen said...
Now let me tell you, I know under good authority that Roy Oldham along with Simon Walker and other TEL directors were questioned for fraud by various officers from Tameside police. The case went to Hyde CPS who decided to throw out the case.


No one sued the BBC for the content of the programme and the quote is from Hansard.

Cllr Brodie was ousted soon afterwards.

Anonymous said...

Do they play music like this?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

West arrested? can you confirm this Mr West?

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Anonymous said...

The police and Labour are working together, hand in hand.
Make no mistake about that.

Anonymous said...

All your problems are self inflicted you would cause trouble in a an empty house,and you cause most of the problems in the area you now live, it is a fact that the area you lived in is now a much better place and there have been no problems since you left.
Hyde councillors were over the moon when you left contact them and ask them.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

tory boy is actually John Taylor.

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Anonymous said...

Hey Westy have you ever won an election.
Do you really think the people of Dukinfield are going to elect a thick Yorkshire sheep worrier,we got 500 votes without lifting a finger spent nothing, you have spent thousands sending out the same old leaflets,our new candidate will win the seat she is local born in Dukinfield not like you an import and she is well known for her community contacts.
A huge campaign will be mounted it will finish you and Labour off.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Yes men did give their lives fighting Nazis like you and your party.
You lot should be the last people to talk about freedom.

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Anonymous said...

Well said Jim he is a Nazi racist lazy Yorkshire layabout,talks about ruining this country all hes ever done is take take take.
He contributes nothing and we will have to keep him for the rest of his life and he calls the immigrants.

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tonydj said...

green man said...

"He contributes nothing and we will have to keep him for the rest of his life and he calls the immigrants."

And he's not even a TV personality, member of the Royal family or soccer star

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Had they seen you Mr West they might not have volunteered you would not have been worth fighting
for they did go to fight the evil Nazis who you now support and would like to see running this country.
Would they have fought for you knowing the pay back would have been you sitting on backside each day costing us thousands, maybe you can explain why you have never worked and why you dont work now.

Anonymous said...

Pastor Manning asks if the black men with Obama paying child support? This message was preached on 23 February 2008.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

One in three white people believe they are the victims of racial prejudice in Britain, official research has found. At least 29 per cent said they now expected to be treated worse than other races by key public services.

And the number of whites claiming to have been refused a job or discriminated against at work for reasons of race has doubled in the last five years, according to the Government study

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Labour are thieves

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

What a two faced crawling little shit you are West.

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Anonymous said...

Hey John can you solve this problem for me? Oona Thacker at 21 is completely insane, she's got two very young kids and all she does is scream and shout at them, I heared the young boy say the other day that he wished he was dead. she has had dog shit in her drive way with her kids playing around the stuff. She had her kids going round the grove last night at 7 knocking on doors hiding in boxes when people answered the door. She is fucking off her head. I have never known anything like it. She is getting fucking worse, all the different men coming to her house.

Anonymous said...

Mr West said, "The tories will never be elected in Duki because I will keep them out."

Q: Which two political parties have elected representatives in Dukinfield Mr. West?

A: The Labour Party and the CONSERVATIVE Party.

The words, "pissed" and "chips" spring to mind...

Anonymous said...

Well UKIP your lot are fucked that's for sure.........

Anonymous said...

mr disco is UKIP he is a twat.