Tameside is set for the ‘biggest Eid event it has ever seen’. Tameside Council and partners in the Muslim community have organised the celebration at Portland Basin museum in Ashton as a chance for all residents to learn more about Ramadan and Eid. The event, on Sunday 5 October from 12noon to 4pm, is free and Sarah Booth from the Council’s events team said she’s expecting a large turnout. "Organisers are confident that this will be the biggest Eid event Tameside has ever seen and hope that lots of local people will turn out to enjoy the event. Plans for the day already include performances on a specially erected stage outside the Museum, free activities inside ranging from henna hand painting to Eid card making, craft and information stalls dotted around the Museum and traditional Asian food served on the waterside," she said. There are opportunities for local people to get involved in the event and Sarah would like to hear from anyone who would like to perform on the day or have a stall in the Museum. Contact her on 342 4144 or e-mail events@tameside.gov.uk.
The Asian NewsImage taken from the Saturday 13th September issue of The Scum newspaper.
How can I find out if any of my council tax money is being used to fund this event?
The Sun Newspaper do me a favour TC.
So long as the costs of Eid and Ramadan, per capita, do not exceed the costs of Christmas, St Georges, Bonfire night ,Easter and new year per person.
I do not really see the problem. I am starting to suspect that this blog may have a racist ulterior motive.
I well appreciate that Tameside bloggers should remain anonymous, but we would like to know their party allegiance.
What are you moaning about UKIP, it's from the Sun newpaper you dickhead.
UKIP, this blog does not owe allegiance to any political party, but is hostile towards the bandits who go by the name New Labour. I was expecting a response accusing me of having a ‘racist’ motive when I posted this - despite it being absolutely a Tameside issue. The article was copied direct from The Asian News and is relevant to this blog because it announces the biggest ever Eid celebration in the history of Tameside.
When I first set up this blog I did so with the intention of having an open forum where issues could be discussed free and unshackled from the insidious curse of Political Correctness.
Islam is not a race therefore suggestions I have an ulterior motive in relation to this subject by turning it into an issue of race cannot be true. The problem lies with Political Correctness and how this warped ideology is actually achieving the opposite of what it was originally intended to achieve.
Until people feel free to discuss issues that are relevant to their lives, and immigration and Islam both feature highly in the minds of many people I speak to, I suspect the only people who will make political capital from peoples fears and concerns are those perceived to be brave enough and break the PC taboo and that is the BNP.
As long as mainstream political parties refuse to talk about un-PC issues that are concerning the electorate you can expect the BNP to keep on growing. Like it or hate it, a fact of life in modern Britain is that a backlash against the policies imposed upon the people by an out of touch ruling elite is beginning to take place and from my observations only those who stand up and listen to the concerns of the people will benefit at the polling station.
Let's all follow UKIP'S way of thinking and have no free speech lay out, he sees a Sun artical and then thinks it's BNP motivated. This country is fucked and no doubt more to follow in the future.
As you well know 'Islam' is used as a shorthand proxy for Asians. Why have you posted a fair report on a religious festival which affects many Tamesiders, and then included an inflammatory newspaper report which has no relevance to the posting?.
I have no interest in stopping free speech and believe that everything should be up for discussion. I do however have a problem with a site that purports to be unbiased, posting two unconnected items in order to discredit those who wish to celebrate Eid.
I fully support your opinions of Labour both nationally and locally. This blog may not offer overt support to the BNP, but I am afraid your voting preferences shine through many of your posts.
Please do not claim to be impartial.
No one takes any notice of what you have to say anyway UKIP, your just the same has Taylor and co, a sneeky individual that posts on here under different names. You can't even be up front with some of your vile comments on here.
You and your party will be left behind when the Brits call time on all this mass immigration. Our strreets have become battle grounds for foreign drug gangs and so on.
U ignorant pig, i bet U have never even stepped foot into a mosque. We were invited to a mosque open day and i bet u never knew that when white people were running round wearing fur loin cloths and living in caves muslims were involved in high art and complex mathematics. Without the creativity of islam the europe would still be in the dark ages. Try reading some history u thick facist twats.
Good to see well ajusted people still in the Labour party at least.
Rip Off said it all along
labour til i die said...
QUOTE U ignorant pig, i bet U have never even stepped foot into a mosque. We were invited to a mosque open day and i bet u never knew that when white people were running round wearing fur loin cloths and living in caves muslims were involved in high art and complex mathematics. Without the creativity of islam the europe would still be in the dark ages. Try reading some history u thick facist twats.UNQUOTE
Now, where to start...
Cave men...12,000 BC
Ancient Greece 500 BC
Rome 200 BC to 400 AD
Mohammed 570 AD to 630 AD
Your chronology is a little out, but since when have the Labour Party allowed TRUTH or FACTS get in the way of an anti-white rant??
Dear UKIP, thanks for your civil and courteous response. I would like to start by quoting Orwell "Speaking the Truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act." Now I fully take on board your comments about the ‘inflammatory’ newspaper article not being directly linked to the article on Eid, but is the article itself false or misleading? If not I would say I had every right to use it to draw attention to the Eid celebrations for two reasons; firstly it is controversial and as we know controversy does draw peoples attention to any given subject, and secondly, despite the link being tenuous there is relevance if you study the words of Anjem Choudary and the explosion (no pun intended) in the Muslim birth-rate. Large Muslim birth-rates will lead to bigger and bigger Muslim celebrations of Eid, and the news article boasts of Tameside’s biggest ever Eid celebration. I would ask you to go to the website of The Sun and listen to Mr Choudary in his own words and see if this alters your opinion.
Now then, Labour Til I die, what can be said about this scholar that has already not been said. Well I suppose I could start by asking if he is a failed Labour candidate from this years local council elections? It is said this scholarly individual was close to tears when he surprisingly got defeated and he blamed it all on the intervention of the BNP - damn bad thing that annoying system called democracy isn’t it LTID? It is said he was angry, really really really angry, so much so that in his speech he spent very little time thanking the police And returning officer etc, and went off into a rant about his relatives fighting in WW2, it is said even the other thick skinned Labourites in attendance were blushing with embarrassment while listening to his inane rambling, and after reading his words of wisdom on the age of Islamic enlightenment I can understand why.
By the way LTID, if you substituted the word white with black when you were writing about people with fur loin cloths who lived in caves - guess what - that would have made you a racist! ;-)
Halal meat cruelty Halal meat cruelty
Halal and Kosher slaughter 'must end'
The method of animal slaughter used by Jews and Muslims should be banned immediately, according to an independent advisory group.
The Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC), which advises the government on how to avoid cruelty to livestock, says the way Kosher and Halal meat is produced causes severe suffering to animals.
Both the Jewish and Muslim religions demand that slaughter is carried out with a single cut to the throat, rather than the more widespread method of stunning with a bolt into the head before slaughter.
Kosher and Halal butchers deny their method of killing animals is cruel and have expressed anger over the recommendation.
'Clearly suffering'
One worshipper at the Central London Mosque told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "Everything about the Islamic way of life is under attack so it makes you wonder if this is actually about humanity to animals."
Peter Jinman, president of the British Veterinary Association said vets respected people's religious beliefs, but urged Muslims to be respectful of animals too.
"We're looking at what is acceptable in the moral and ethical society we live in," he told Today.
FAWC said it wanted an end to the exemption currently allowed for Kosher and Halal meat from the legal requirement to stun animals first.
It says cattle can take up to two minutes to bleed to death - amounting to an abuse of the animals.
"This is a major incision into the animal and to say that it doesn't suffer is quite ridiculous," said FAWC chairwoman, Dr Judy MacArthur Clark.
Compassion in World Farming backed the call, saying: "We believe that the law must be changed to require all animals to be stunned before slaughter."
'Way of life'
Muslims and Jews argue that their long established method of slaughter results in a sudden loss of blood from the head, causing animals to feel virtually nothing.
They say they will fight any attempt to prevent a practice required by their religion and central to their way of life.
One rabbi, who had been practicing the Jewish method of animal slaughter for around 40 years, told BBC News: "The process takes a fraction of a second.
"With a very, very sharp knife all the vessels in the neck are severed and that means there's no blood going to the brain and the animal loses consciousness very rapidly and dies soon after that."
The Muslim Council of Britain says animals are not distressed when they are slaughtered.
"It's a sudden and quick haemorrhage. A quick loss of blood pressure and the brain is instantaneously starved of blood and there is no time to start feeling any pain," said spokesman Dr Majid Katme.
The Humanists movement, which has previously called for the abolition of ritual slaughter, said ethical values should be put above religious ones.
"There is no imperative for Muslims or Judaists to eat meat produced in this manner," said spokesman Roy Saich.
"There is no reason why they should not simply abstain from eating meat altogether if they do not wish to eat the same meat as the rest of us."
Visit him in the secure ward thats even more popular
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