This is not a wind up or a means of having a dig at Cllr Taylor, but within seconds of accessing his website my anti-virus programme goes berserk. As soon as you log on exe. files attempt to install on your computer. Three of the offending items picked up by my anti-virus software are
Mal/Packer and
JS/Encharc-A JavaScript virus. It would be appreciated if any TC readers with greater technical knowledge than myself could enlighten us as to what has caused this but in the meantime I would advise anyone planning to view the website of Cllr Taylor to use extreme caution.
White candidates should be barred from standing for Parliament in up to eight constituencies in order to get more black and Asian MPs elected, says a controversial report commissioned by Labour’s deputy leader, Harriet Harman.
Positive discrimination is illegal in the UK, but the report concludes that, without a change in the law allowing parties to impose all-black shortlists, it would take more than 75 years for Britain’s ethnic make-up to be fairly reflected at Westminster.
Harman is understood to be still considering the report’s findings in detail, but has expressed personal support for a change. However, Vaz is lobbying Harman for the measure to be included in a bill on equality issues later this year - meaning it could be on the statute book by 2009. ‘She is the person who has a huge history of supporting these issues,’ he added.
Woolley said that a change in the law could help the Tories by putting David Cameron’s A-List - a pool of candidates, many of them women or from ethnic minorities, singled out for the fast track to the irritation of some white men - on a firm legal footing.
Taylor caught the virus Tuesday night sitting next to Westy, its a nasty bug you wont be able to work if you catch it.
Did you know?
The number of poisoned web sites is increasing. 1 in 1000 web pages are infected with malicious drive-by downloads (source IDG News).
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