A former butler to the Queen was in jail last night after being charged with raping three young boys.Paul Kidd, 54 - who knew Princess Diana well - allegedly carried out some of the sex attacks while rubbing shoulders with Royals as a trusted Palace servant.He was arrested in London after a three-month probe and taken for questioning at Ashton-Under-Lyne police station, Manchester.Kidd faces allegations of raping and molesting the boys, aged 11 to 16, and photographing some of them.The former flunky, who worked for the Royals between 1975 and 1984, was remanded in custody by Tameside magistrates yesterday.Kidd, of Stalybridge, Cheshire, faces 18 charges - nine of rape, four of gross indecency and five of sexual assault. Police acted after a man of 41 recognised Kidd from the media and alleged that he was molested by him in 1981.Officers have also seized a computer containing more than 1,000 images of child porn. A senior police source said last night: "This man was a senior royal butler."The alleged offences go back three decades to when he was working for the Queen. Police may want to question members of the royal household."Kidd was the Queen's personal butler for four years from 1976 and was then senior footman to the Queen Mother. He knew Di's butler Paul Burrell.
Kidd has been seeking £2,000 to £4,000 a time for speaking engagements and stood as a candidate for the UK Independence Party at last year's local elections.
http://www.people.co.uk/Before posting comments on this disturbing case please remember that this man has been charged with these heinous crimes but not convicted. Until he is convicted he is guilty of nothing.
Tameside Citizen
Before posting comments on this disturbing case please remember that this man has been charged with these heinous crimes but not convicted. Until he is convicted he is guilty of nothing.
Good advice for John Taylor, he likes to get information from thugs and criminals.
Before posting comments on this disturbing case please remember that this man has been charged with these heinous crimes but not convicted. Until he is convicted he is guilty of nothing.
Hear hear
Well said
Assuming he is found guilty and then imagining that the four political parties listed below are in power with a huge majority that would allow them to dish out what they would consider ‘justice’, what punishment do you think he would receive? Here is how I think it would be:
BNP: Execution
Conservative: 7 years imprisonment and sex offenders register for life
Labour: Same as Conservative
Lib Dem: Targeted as a potential recruit
Paul Kidd was very well known in Stalybridge, he was well liked and respected. He did an enormous amount of charity work.
He stood in last years elections, coming third with 9.8% of the vote, stopping the Tories in their second target ward.
Nobody in the Tameside branch had any idea or suspicions of what has now been alleged. He had already excused himself as a candidate this year on the grounds of ill health.
He is innocent until proven guilty.
I have already had a reporter from the Manchester evening news on so we are preparing ourselves for a welter of bad publicity in the local press.
This is terrible news for our branch, but it is not a party political issue. All party's suffer similar travails, so i would hope other parties do not attempt to capitalise on this issue.
The BNP in Oldham were destroyed in 2002 due to a similar incident. An individual called Robert Bennett latched onto the BNP, he was not a member or candidate, and months after the event it was discovered that he was in fact the son in law of an Oldham Labour party big wig. It was a total set up by a sister newspaper of the one that exposed Mr Kidd and the criminal Searchlight organisation.
I concur with UKIP that it would be in poor taste if other parties in Tameside were to use this shocking news as political instrument.
UKIP said "He stood in last years elections, coming third with 9.8% of the vote, stopping the Tories in their second target ward".
I think you have just confirmed exactly what UKIP intentions are in Tameside trying to stop the Tories and you still claim you're not a put up job by Labour?
On the main point agreed this isn't a topic for political point scoring as the issue in question is very disturbing if true
Well, that's ballsed up Labour's plans in Dukinfield/Stalybridge Ward. UKIP did very well for them last time. Remember, they won it by just 35 votes in 2006...
No Deep Voice,
As a Small and virgin branch, we decided to create as much reportable news as possible. Naively believing we would get some publicity from the Reporter and Advertiser, we targeted marginal seats.
Please do not think we only hate the conservative party, We have similar feelings for all pro EU parties. We of course save our special bile for the racist/socialist BNP.
Thank you for your non partisan stance on the Paul Kidd issue
It is obvious to all that UKIP are nothing but a one issue splitter party.
I think we will just have to agree to disagree on the subject as i think you do more harm to The Conservative Party than you do to Labour and if you disliked Socialism as much as i think you do you would understand this issue if we never agreed on anything else
No need to be polite to this closet racist. UKIP are the BNP without the boots and braces and every bit as racist. Both are racist vermin and should be dealt with accordingly.
"As a Small and virgin branch, we decided to create as much reportable news as possible. Naively believing we would get some publicity from the Reporter and Advertiser."
Your UKIP mate has certainly done that for you now. Was it his idea to set up a 'small and virgin' branch? How ironic he's called Kidd...
Yes DV,
I do understand your hatred of Socialism.
However you labour and the lib dums all agree to open borders from the EU.
You all agree to more windmills, that require conventional power stations to remain online in case the wind stops blowing( 66% of the time).
You all agree with the stupid human rights act, which displaces the traditional laws, which had kept us safe for hundreds of years.
You are all quite happy for 75% of our laws to be made by UNELECTECD euroquangocrats
Can you point to one FUNDEMENTAL difference in policy between your happy family of EU worshippers.
you are a member of the European socialist party.
I am delighted to take tory votes, and i would love to take the same amount of votes from other parties.
I have been approached by other parties and have told them to s*d off
I think the BNP UKIP Tory alliance is over no Kidding
Anti-Fascist I do not wear boots and braces.
Campaign up date (BNP Dukinfield)
Over the last three days a staggering one thousand local bnp leaflets sent out by post to residents in Duki, also 150 copies of the Freedom paper(BNP Newspapers) sent out to local residents.
There never was any kind of alliance between UKIP and any other party. We were approached by JT to stand in Dukinfield, we have not committed to any ward or any strategy yet
Old Politics to Change Required
From a mountain of debt...
£1.3 trillion household debt ...to economic stability
Independent checks on Government spending.
From overstretched armed forces...
Service resignations at a ten year high ...to valuing our troops,
Giving our troops the resources they need for the job we ask them to do.
From police behind desks...
Police spend more time on paperwork than on patrol ...to police on the streets
Making the police accountable to local people.
From more laws ...
Over 30 seperate criminal justice acts and over 3,000 new criminal offences ...to more law and order
Greater power for magistrates.
From overcrowded prisons and early release...
25,000 prisoners to be released early by next July ...to punishment that fits the crime
Honesty in sentencing.
From taxing families ...
111 stealth taxes costing every family £1,300 ...to taxing pollution by Cutting carbon emissions.
From commuter hell...
1 in 8 trains delayed ...to modern public transport
Faster, more efficient trains
From a damaged international reputation...
Separate foreign and domestic policy ...to putting Britain's security first
A single national security policy
From unfair trade and ineffective aid...
Around a billion people worldwide still live on less than $1 a day ...to trade justice and aid that works.
Openness and accountability in aid spending
From an open-door Britain ...
More than half a million illegal immigrants in our country ...to tough new border controls
A dedicated border police force to protect Britain.
Only the Conservatives have the new ideas and the long-term policies to give people more opportunity and power over their lives, make families stronger and society more responsible, and make Britain safer and greener.
That's why at the next election, whenever it is, people will agree that it's time for change.
Deep Voice.
Yours is quite a long post there are many points raised.
I note that many of your points revolve around cutting tax /or paying people more for less work. You have agreed to charge the same tax for the first three years of a conservative government, so how can you cut taxes?
Please explain why British embasisies are closing and being sold off, and are being replaced by EU embassies.
Please explain your policies on prisons, do you intend building more?and if so where does the money come from. Are you allowed to reinstate the death penalty?
Your immigration policy seems interesting; Will your border force be able to restrict immigrants from Poland,bulgaria or any other european state.
The EU have said they are prepared to allow another 5 million immigrants to enter Europe from North Africa, Care to guess where they will end up?
Please answer the question.
Give me a policy that you and liebour do not agree with
Do you remember back when the BNP won all those seats in Barking & Dagenham?
Back then the local press, the local branches of the Tory/Lab/Lib/UKIP coalition were busy telling all who would listen that the voters would live to regret it. Many were the horror stories told about how the election of BNP councilors would cause discord, increase violence, and stir up racial
Well, guess what? None of these things have happened. Just take a look at the latest crime figures for the area, recently released by the Met. For proof the figures for racial and homophobic crime have actually fallen, and interestingly, virtually all other types of crime are lower as well!
Frankly, I am puzzled!
UKIP said:-
"Please do not think we only hate the conservative party, We have similar feelings for all pro EU parties. We of course save our special bile for the racist/socialist BNP"
Why does he "save ...special bile for the racist/socialist BNP" when we are anti-EU? In doing so he proves that he has an agenda seperate from the EU. He saves special bile for an ANTI-Eu party therefore showing that being anti-Eu is not the deciding factor in his political world outlook!
I note that he regards Socialism as on a par with racism, ie not nice.
What is wrong with Socialism? Explain why YOU do not like it.
You further say :-
"You all agree with the stupid human rights act, which displaces the traditional laws, which had kept us safe for hundreds of years."
Safe from who or what? Not "foreigners" surely. Isn't that....Racist? "Traditional"?? You mean in the past, as in "An all White Britain"?
Finally, "anti-fascist" has a link which leads to the web-site of the Judean Popular Peoples...oh, sorry, to the web site of the "Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist)".
The (Marxist-Leninist) bit is instructive. It means they are MAOIST, ie a splinter group which still hankers after old Mao in China and Enver Hoxha in Albania.
Sad Bastards.
For sometime on this blog a regular poster has been hinting of a brewing "Sex crime scandal".
Now it's happened. Were they just luky in their guess, or were they tipped off by the authorities?
What price confidentiality or security?
Tony DJ is onto something here. I was under the impression West was going to be unmasked as some kind of sex case after reading all the suggestive posts but it seems that was just a diversion and the real sex case was this ukip'er. It has to be more than sheer coincidence. I think somebody in the know - possibly a journo, was feeding us tit bits in the hope of a contributor to this blog revealing more. Did Kidd ever post on this blog?
The other three parties are socialist, yours is socialist and racist. It matters not at all that you are anti EU, as a BNP run country would be as bad as an EU ruled one.
You are correct in your assumption that UKIP are not just anti EU, we have for years tried to point out we are not a single issue party.
What is wrong with socialism would fill many pages, so I suggest you open any newspaper or just open your front door.
The human rights act replaced many of our traditional duties and responsibilities, checks and balances. It has nothing to do with 'foreigners'.
As to the other posts, From information I have been able to cobble together, I doubt there is any conspiracy, either from the press or other parties.
The News of the World today reports on the disturbing story of a Muslim British National claiming benefits whilst supporting “A LOT OF JIHAD” from his £350,000 home - funded by the tax payer…
A MUSLIM fanatic is funding terrorists killing British troops in Afghanistan while SPONGING off our state benefits, the News of the World can reveal.
Gloating extremist Mohammed Nawaz Raja (above left) runs a network of door-to-door money-raisers collecting thousands for his fake ‘charity’.
But householders who stump up thinking they are supporting a religious school are being duped into buying weapons for the Taliban. The evil godfather of terror claims to have sent them hundreds of thousands of pounds. Incredibly Nawaz, who owns a five-bedroom £350,00 house, is himself being funded by the taxpayer. He pockets £250-a-week in handouts — and boasts: “I’m a British national. The government pays me to live.”
To ukip,
Please be specific, what is wrong with this country which you blame on Socialism? If you can't name everything, just name a few.
And what is "Racist" about the BNP? Please be specific in your arguements
Is John Taylor so much desperate and evil that he is frantically looking into the background of a certain BNP member in Dukinfield. The word on the street in Dukinfield is that Taylor is close to a mental breakdown. People inside Tameside council are aware that Taylor could find himself in trouble with the police if he continues his illegal activity.
I was sent a link to this blog by a colleague of mine who works in the social services department, I can confirm that Cllr John Taylor is indeed searching through social services documents in relation to Mr Roy West and his family.
bnp kicked out of Dukinfield pub NOT WELCOME.
The fact is John you contacted us to stand in Dukinfield.
The following comments from Cllr John Taylor taken from his website.
I would suspect the nice cosy alliance we have had will now be suspended for a while with the bnp and ukip until the outcome of Mr Kidds allegations are dealt with remember he is innocent until proven guilty.
Hey John good luck with your New Alliance with the beast of the Old General.
Local bnp looking for somewhere to meet already thrown out of one pub in Dukinfield can I suggest the use the telephone box on the corner of Boyds Walk and Glenmore Grove its big enough.
About 40 BNP activists rallied in Burnley in Sunday to deliver 11,000 leaflets to seven wards in Burnley in a day of action which is the first of many designed to boost the party’s profile in the region.
Nick Griffin, party chairman and acting northwest regional organiser, was personally present and took part in the leafleting exercise. Numerous local residents were delighted to meet the BNP leader in person.
Once all the target wards had been leafleted, the activists were treated to a well-deserved buffet at a local venue where the landlord supports the BNP.
UKIP, did Cllr Taylor really try and encourage you to stand in Dukinfield? If so, what do you think his reason for this was?
Well John Taylor is shit scared of the BNP in Dukinfield, he has never seen such a Nationalist campaign like the one in Duki before. He wanted to split the Nationalist vote in Dukinfield.
Enough said.
Yes it is true, and I do have the E-mails. His reasoning is that he mistakenly believes UKIP only attract Tory and BNP votes.
Taylor would make a pact with the devil in order to split the Nationalist vote in Dukinfield, and I have the letters to prove it.
UKIP’s Nigel Farage, was paraded onto the Andrew Marr show [BBC1] on Sunday morning. Yet surprisingly, there’s very little comment on the appearance from UKIP?
Why is that? For normally, Mr Farage, can’t wait to make some political capitol out of his BBC outings!
Indeed, the only reference to Mr Farage’s latest BBC performance to be found on UKIP’s web-site, can be found in a brief mention posted yesterday, and even that short paragraph has the feel of some sort of damage limitation exercise about it.
After clicking on the above link – see the button on the right of the screen titled “Latest Programme” under the words “The Andrew Marr Show”. If you click on that button,
The interview with Mr. Farage is from the 23rd minute of the programme until the 27th minute of the programme (i.e. just after the review of today's newspapers by two people sitting on the 'Sunday AM' studio sofa).
Sky Television News are reporting on Mr. Farage's interview on Andrew Marr's programme in their main news bulletins.
Sky Television News correspondent Mr. Peter Spencer (who was very fair in his reporting about UKIP when the excellent results for UKIP came through at the last EU Election) showed (at 12.03 pm today on Sky Television News) Mr. Farage on the Andrew Marr programme today saying "We are paying more and more for MPs who are doing less and less - goodness me, I mean 75% of our legislation is done in the EU: the best way to solve this is to cut radically the allowances MPs get."
For those of you who that are new to this blog let me explain.
The massive bnp campaign in Dukinfield is not motivated by racial hate, there are a number of reasons. Lack of political representation when my family needed it most, and the time of great violence against my family. The lack of action from the police and the courts to protect my family from the violent attacks on our home. But most of all these reasons, the letters sent to my home from Cllr John Taylor informing me that he had a meeting with those same thugs that attacked my house and family.
Now Councillor Taylor has taken away my human right to political representation by informing me by letter that I will be turned away from his council surgery.
I really do believe Roy West is not motivated by racial hatred but by a genuine desire to create a better Dukinfield where ALL people get fair representation.
I remember John Talor sending the police round to my house at Werneth Avenue because I had the front to reply to his letters sent to my home. The police informed me that they advised him that he had to expect some letters being a councillor. Taylor wants it all his own way, his view on matters are final in his way of thinking. No one has the right to question Taylor's way of doing things.
The BNP has made a pact with Mr Cooke of UKIP.
The BNP has decided not to publicize the allegations against Mr Kidd in the run-up to May's local elections. In return, Mr Cooke has agreed to help Tameside BNP with election strategy.
Bullshit to the above.
UKIP, does not, will not, and have not, signed or agreed or discussed, any agreement or pact with the BNP.
We have agreed not to discuss the guilty plea of Paul Diggett.
Please count the days Labour has left. It may not be this year, But labours days are numbered, their treason over the constitution signed their death warrant.
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