A special classroom for 'naughty' kids is to be built at a failing school - costing the taxpayer £20,000.Pupils facing exclusion from Egerton Park Arts College in Denton will be sent to a room which could have DVD players, TVs and computers.It will be used by children who cannot take part in normal lessons because of their behaviour.But the idea has been labelled as a 'silly, trendy, gimmick' which will reward children for misbehaving.Egerton Park hit the headlines last year when, in a first for Greater Manchester, the entire board of governors at the debt-ridden school was sacked. Tameside council chiefs said they were forced to act because of 'unacceptable standards'.Now, the local education authority will provide £20,000 to create the room for kids at risk of being booted out of the school.Nick Seaton, chairman of the Campaign for Real Education, said: "This gives completely the wrong message to children, as those that misbehave appear to be rewarded."The idea of spending money to equip the room with TVs and DVD players flies in the face of common sense and would be a disgraceful abuse of taxpayers' money."What youngsters need are clear rules of behaviour that are rigorously enforced - not silly, trendy, gimmicks like this."One mother, who did not want to be named, said: "Kids who really do want to work get nothing. "It's the principle of thing - if they're bad, they get treated like royalty. But they should just give them minimum comforts."They do drama at school and they're doing a musical. My daughter has been told they need to raise £4,000 to stage it. "They're having to go to local businesses and pack bags at supermarkets. My daughter's getting to the point where she said `I might as well start being naughty'."Head teacher Mick Ironmonger defended the move and said: "We are planning to create an area where disaffected youngsters struggling in mainstream classes can be given extra support to motivate and help them, so they do not end up being excluded from school. "Originally, we were planning to use two existing classrooms, but we have identified another area of the school."In terms of drama productions, we always encourage fund-raising initiatives so that productions can make enough money to be cost effective."A spokeswoman for Tameside council said discussions about equipment in the room are at an early stage.
Manchester Evening News
I could go to this School
Looks like one local UKIP member wont be standing again this year in the local elections, see Sunday People hes in Ashton police station right now on a very serious charges.
I did go to one like this and look at me now on £55,000 minimum.
Yeah it proves that even thick tw@ts like you can make some money Wag.
Rocked by Derek Conway’s disgrace, Tory leader David Cameron told his frontbenchers to declare publicly if they pay relatives out of their taxpayer-funded staff allowance. He revealed that more than 70 Tory MPs - more than a third of the total - employ a spouse or other family members, although he would not say which ones.”
Yes, that’s correct – at least 70 Tory MPs use taxpayers’ money to employ family members! If, to that, we add mistresses, rent-boys, friends and associates – then it is likely that around half of all Tory MPs are engaged in this questionable practice. What an example of “Tory family values”!However Labour has yet to “declare” how many of its MPs are also participating in, what many consider to be, nepotism. And, if they are not proportionally worse than the Tories, then at least 100 Labour MPs have friends and family on the payroll “courtesy” of the taxpayer.Let’s not even talk about the Lib-Dems . . .
But one issue that Dave “Hug-a-hoodie” Cameron and Gordon ”Gord” Brown are still avoiding like the proverbial plague is – how many of their MPs are claiming Additional Claims Allowance (ACA) on public-money funded second homes that they do not actually need – other than, of course, to make a killing on the London property market at taxpayers’ expense?
Hey wait a minute Taylor you never went to school reason for the name (WAG) They sent you to borstall for the act of smashing your old school up.
Special event this Tuesday 5th Feb Ashton market ground ,they are arranging a special race with pancakes and are looking for people to take part you must be able to toss the pancakes whilst running.
I know we have some locals who will be good at this get down there you tossers with nothing else to do and help raise some much needed cash for our local charities.
Campaign up date (BNP Dukinfield)
Support coming in from Batley my home Town, support from the Dewsbury coming in to Dukinfield.
Will you get any support from Kevin Hamilton?
Has your record got stuck Mr Anonymous, so my second name use to be Hamilton big deal that news will sell alot of papers in Duki. from West to Hamilton, Hamilton to West and all done in the best possible taste.
I understand the Greens are looking some of their cosy little agreements, you dont stand on my ward and we wont stand in yours yes there all at it, let me remind you that Labour will be standing in every ward and we will campaign in every ward,and we will be in control of Tameside at the end of the campaign again.
ukip greens lib dems bnp will get nothing because they dont do any work and they have no policies for the people to vote for ,I am against us being in Europe and would pull out today we did not vote or in my case vote against what we have now ,but none of the anti Europe party's would ever appeal to me ones racist and fascist and the other a single issue party.
You Reckon?
Also for yours and other posters information UKIP has NO official or unofficial contact with the BNP, either in Tameside or Nationally.
A fundamental rule of warfare is know your enemy, I suggest you get reading JT.
No Taylor I have now got a network of support, from members of the Christian Alliance to individuals living in Batley and Dewsbury, to members of a certain church, growing support in Dukinfield. A new group of interested people outside the BNP...........
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