Ricky Hatton has pledged to do his bit to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour by training young people when he retires."Gyms are a place where these kids can channel their anger and find older role models."Delinquents can turn into gentlemen. There's so many cases of that in boxing," he told The Sun."I want to put something back into the community and stop the boredom that turns youngsters into yobs."Hatton, 29, who lives in Hyde, said he was shocked by the level of violence on Britain's streets.He said there were lots of youth clubs around when he grew up, but now there was very little for teenagers to do.On Sunday evening David Burns, 26, was badly injured when he was punched in Droylsden, Greater Manchester, and the the boxer said he had been drinking in a pub nearby only two hours earlier and had been shocked to hear about the assault.He said parents need to "be stronger", schools must have more discipline and courts should give stiffer penalties to offenders if violence on Britain's streets is to be tackled.He also called for more police on the streets to move on groups of children who are causing problems.
I am going to duck down in anticipation of flak when I say Ricky Hatton makes a good point that "Delinquents can turn into gentlemen”. I know of people who I once considered to be ‘lost causes’ but who in later life have turned themselves around and became first class citizens.
Yes after they have f..... up other peoples lives with their scum behaviour, destroying our local communities with yob culture violence. The yobs come up before the court with the confidence that the punishment will be a slap on the wrist, then they a free to go back on the streets to carry on with their yob behaviour. So lets put these little scumbags in the boxing ring, the answer is to protect decent folk from these verim that infest our streets and communities with violence and intimidation.
Spelling correction "vermin"
The fact is a sad one, that in this country the thugs and violent criminals are free to abuse and hurt people, we see this fact time and time again as the courts do not deal in punishment. The thug is free to cause fear and violence on the streets, and if this was not the case then why are thosands of people becoming victims of yob culture violence? We should see it from the victims side and not the violent thugs side. Yobs are constantly in and out of court and the reason for this is "No punishment" The thug that smashed my windows and tormented a woman with cancer was allowed to do so because he was in and out of court, no punishment.
The scum that smashed my windows, tormented a woman with cancer, tried to burn his own house down, and still no real punishment. So he continues to smash windows and torment people....Britain 2008.
So basicly Kevin you are saying once somebody has comitted a crime they are beyond redemption and can never be forgiven? Not a very Christian attitude from a man who quotes scripture so often.
Can only agree, We should triple the amount of prison places. It does not really matter whether a 'stretch' deters,or rehabilitates, the simple fact is they cannot reoffend whilst in prison.
No its not the case, practising Christian apostle.......eye for an eye...yet I did not put this in to practice.....many times turned the other cheek. Everyone deserves a second chance........God be with you sinner.
But can you continue to turn the other cheek when a family, or a member of the community who has cancer is being subjected to vile abuse and intimidation by the scum of the earth?
So Christian practising apostle, what do you do with the scum that were smashing the windoes of the Hyde hospital? I watched them do it, they are allowed to get away with it because the police are not in a hurry to act, and when they do act and it gets to court and the courts do not deal in punishment.
Rehabilitation not punishment, punishment is just another word for revenge. Bravo Ricky Hatton!
In my fight to save my local community from yobs in Hyde, I receive many letters from councillors and the police, one letter from Zoe Hamiltom then of Stalybridge police she states, "your case has changed the way we responed to anti-social behaviour"
Liberal thinker you disgust me, what do you say to the fact that a scumbag was allowed to tormemt a woman with cancer? because of Liberal filth like you.
I can understand your anger, but the people you talk about did not become savages by themselves. Somewhere along the line society failed them and taking revenge in the form of punishment against them would be unfair. People labelled as delinquents need therapy and understanding.
When I was an outreach worker employed in Manchester I was had many dealings with misunderstood youth from the Moss Side and Hulme area. These young people had been through the degrading prison system and come out to re-offend. Our unit used to specialize in a different type of solution to their problems. We would take them abseiling in the Lake District. white water rafting in Wales and occasionally skiing in Scotland. Our success rate was amazing. Many of these young people never re-offended.
Think humanity - not barbarism!
liberal thinker said...
Rehabilitation not punishment, punishment is just another word for revenge. Bravo Ricky Hatton!
So what is wrong with punishment or revenge. If some body does wrong they deserve a similar fate to their victim, they should suffer more than the victim as they were the instigator.
You cannot sweet talk most criminals out of bad behaviour, but fear does work. Offer employers a one year suspension on employers NI for recently released prisoners, and a 10% sentence discount for passing a literacy/ numeracy exam. Retain the time off for good behavior, but reduce the the amount, say 25 % off for good behavior + a recognised exam in a recognised exam(academic or vocational)
Liberal thinker you are scum, make no mistake about that, you make my blood boil......while folk suffer at the hands of thugs, you make excuses for filth that have conviction after conviction. Thousands of victims of crime and yob violence piss on your therapy.............
Liberal thinker you are an arse hole.
Dear UKIP, just as violence breeds violence, revenge breeds resentment. If you scratch beneath the surface you will discover that most offenders come from disadvantaged backgrounds and this is the primary reason for the criminal activity. These people lack self esteem and social status. There are few things more gratifying than helping these unfortunate people back into mainstream society.
Mr West please calm down - you are coming across as vengeful and hateful man.
Hateful man, after the fact that 14 yobs have now been convicted in court due to my evidence, that we find out that one of the scumbags was also smashing the windows of a woman with cancer...........F... you Liberal thinker.
Hey Liberal thinker maybe you can take all those scumbags that were smashing the windows at Hyde hospital on holiday you c...
Hey Liberal thinker what would you say to those patients in Hyde hospital, yobs smashing the windows? lets have some therapy for the scum smashing the windows.
I think it is all the more important to come forward in elections, when you see the rantings of scum like Liberal thinker, they would put the rights of vermin thugs that attack hospitals before the rights of decent folk. I saw the thugs smash the windows at Hyde hospital, I myself was a victim of crime on no less than 40 seperate occasions in my own home, the police asked my family to come forward to give evidence, yet they did not tell us of the price that we would have to pay for coming forward.
So Liberal thinker lets put this question to you. A member of your family maybe your mum suffering from cancer the victim of violence and abuse in the street, having her windows smashed, I am sure that your first thought would be rehabilitation, therapy. Sorry but I think that you are a c...
I take it this blog is run by Roy West? The man's getting more boring than Irene Woodcock's letters in the Advertiser...
Mad Molly then move off to John Taylor's website or some other forum.........................
This blog is run by concerned citizens of Tameside.
We are politically neutral.
Roy West has nothing to do with the running of this blog.
Well said.....................to the above.
Israel likes to pride itself on being a Western nation, and in too many ways (idolatry and immorality) it is. However, in too many other ways their bought and paid for leaders act like they're old-style Russian Communists who hate religion and the religious and will exert a brazen double-standard in enabling the left to get away with murder (remember Yitzhak Rabin?) and persecute the right for any trumped up charge or wild accusation.
Those precious Israelis of American descent are particularly "troublesome" to the hardcore leftists who aren't used to such independent thought (1 Kings 18:17), who abhor any who dare question the State, and who cherish their God-given rights of freedom of speech and religion. Israel is blessed to be like a Western nation in this regard, to the extent that those of American and other Western Israelite democracies are free to live and prosper in the Jewish homeland, free to set a noble example for the nation to follow, and free from politico-religious persecution.
Errrrrrr...can be get back to the original question please.
As far as a Christian response is concerned, before there can be forgiveness there must be repentance. Forgive the sinner WHO REPENTS.
Once that principle is accepted all else flows naturaly.
If they don't repent but persist in their crimes / sins then give 'em hell!
Yes but there is very little confidence, people do not see action to move these youths on from the streets...Large groups of youths hanging around the streets are a menace, and just one step away from violence..The problems of under-age drinking contiues on Concord Way, Armadale Road, and in side Dukinfield park at night. If the situation is being sorted out then why are we still seeing this problem of youths drinking on the streets?
The following words are from John Taylor.
Out on patrol again last night 14 uniformed officers out on our streets ensuring our safety and removing drinks from under age youths a superb job done again by our officers.
So Liberal thinker, this 85 year old lady was mugged recently by a Drug Addict near me, it turns out that the filth who mugged this lady was only just out of jail. So the first thing that you think of, is rehabilitation and therapy. Maybe he can come and stay at your house?
Liberal Thinker,
Whilst involved in Adult training for many years, I had quite a lot of experience with training, mentoring finding placements and eventually jobs for many ex offenders.
My views on this are that if somebody commits a crime they should suffer a lack of liberty, which should be long enough to deter them and also their peers. whilst they are serving their (longer than now)sentence. While they are inside, we should as a society try to address their other problems, Drug use, Literacy, Numeracy amongst others. This should be delivered in a robust way and it should be made clear that this is their one and only chance. When they leave prison every attempt should be made to get them into full time work.
If they re offend their sentence should be much higher. I would be quite happy to see life for a third time offender.
Your liberal ideas suggest that criminals are the victims, what about the people they have offended against. Do you not feel a person whose house has been burgled, who has to replace their belongings at their own cost might be a little miffed to see the perpetrator skiing and abseiling at the taxpayers expense.
The views you and your ilk have been pushing for the last 50 years explain, why we have record crime and record prison populations.
On this subject of yobs is it true that the BNP candidate for Dukinfield Mr west was visited by the police again and hes had to agree to stay away from the old General pub.
Recent threats to fire bomb the place and smash all the windows have caused the landlord and his family much distress.
Well no wonder you have posted that under anonymous John Taylor.............
John Taylor is a councillor that sends me anonymous letters and mountains of junk mail, newspaper cuttings relating to domestic violence, he had a meeting with the thug that directed a 4 year campaign of violence against my family in Hyde, now he his on friendly terms with the very violent individual that abused me has a child......
Oh yes Mr Anonymous (John Taylor)
Don't forget that the Landlord of the Old General has had to agree not to make any more threats of violence against me when he sees me leafleting in the area.......I have not decided to take legal action over these threats because he is already in and out of court. Yes the police did come to my house they were very friendly even shook my hand as they were leaving. Oh John can you inform the Landlord that you cannot smoke in the pub anymore.......
Good luck Taylor, but remember that I can spend as much money in the campaign as I like, its not an election. And is not getting in to your brian that I have already told you that I can spend my criminal injuries money on whatever I like...........I have not announced that I will be standing in the coming local elections....so I can send out a million bnp leaflets if I want....or should I be banned from doing so?
We will be checking with the electoral commission the amount being spent in Dukinfield on bnp material we are sure this money should be declared by them.
I spelt "Brian" in stead of "Brain" that could be an omen....for May 2008.....if I do decide to stand...........
Wow that Taylor knows how to see both sides, this Taylor is completely bent.
I'll tell what and I am being serious, I would hate to be in the dock with John Taylor on the jurie. This guy is absolutely bent.
40% of violent crime, 78% of assaults and 88% of criminal damage cases are committed while the offender is under the influence of alcohol
50% to 80% of violent crime, including assault, rape and homicide, is committed by people who have been drinking. Studies of violent offenders have found them much more likely to be heavy drinkers.
Alcohol consumption increases the tendency of male drinkers to project aggression onto others and to respond to imagined hostile behaviour more aggressively as a result.
Around 125,000 people suffer facial injuries in violent circumstances each year in UK - in the majority of cases, either the victim or the assailant had been drinking alcohol. There are around 5,000 "glassings" each year, in which a smashed beer glass is used as a dangerous weapon.
Jean-Marie Le Pen found guilty. The French far right Nazi supporter told the French people that the occupation of their country by the Nazis was not a bad thing to happen really, just a little blip.
Well many of our brave men and women died removing them and freeing Europe from the Nazis and this man comes to this country a special guest of the bnp who are not supporters of the Nazis so they tell us.
bnp lose legal battle against searchlight see anti-bnp page.
bnp and ukip now in a battle to see who can the most right wing none of them will beat some of the Tories we have round here.
Been out today delivering leaflets 3 of us we could only manage 300 and we did them all by hand (cant afford to post them) we all work.
Looks like the fraud squad will be visiting the bnp HQ all that cash floating about and no records.
14 officers out at weekend in our Town dealing with anti social issues 70 young people spoken to by them on Armadale road parents will be involved.
These parents have to start taking control of their children.
Been out again today we managed 570 leaflets today between two of us,we are getting better but wish we could afford to post them out like the bnp do.
Maybe that's where the £20,000 is going they did not declare and all the other cash sloshing around unaccounted for,think we will nedd to report all this money being spent in Dukinfield to the authorities now.
We will be checking with the electoral commission the amount being spent in Dukinfield on bnp material we are sure this money should be declared by them.
Every penny must be spent to bring true representation to the people of Dukinfield. The corrupt John Taylor must be exposed, and we now have the evidence to do that. His lies must be exposed, and every effort to do this will be put in to campaign in Dukinfield. The fight to save our local communities from yobs and corrupt politicians must be won. Taylor has been found out, he takes information from thugs to try and blacken the names that oppose him.
Taylor is very hateful in nature, you only need take a look at his hate-filled website. Taylor will be challenged, his lies, his violent past with the Anti-Nazi League. John Taylor is a bully, and he believes that the police should believe him in any situation. We must be strong in our campaign to bring real representation to the good people of Dukinfield.
I have to admit that John Taylor can be very nasty at times.
(Campaign update bnp Dukinfield)
Since the last local elections in Dukinfield, 12,000 leaflets sent out by post to residents in Dukinfield.............hoping to continue to send out hundreds of leaflets before I decide if I will stand in the local elections in May 2008.........Representation not hate..
Three leaflets delivered by the Labour members the voters of this ward should remember which party stayed and worked this area even when we had three Lib Dems,local Tories abandoned this ward over those years.
Check this out--- Cllr Wild confronts Roy and he gets huge amounts of nasty phone calls at all hours even just after his wife died.
Roy confronts Cllr Taylor's wife when he tried to sneak one of his letters through her letter box and she gets nasty phone calls at all hours.
BNP members and Roy thrown out of Old General pub and the landlord gets threats via the phone to burn his pub down.
Roy leaves Hyde and the anti social problems in the area reduce by 67%.
Roy come to Dukinfield and the anti social problems in the area increase by 63%.
we will need to do some more research into this but there is a pattern emerging can anyone help us with it.
Usual Wag allways talking bollocks
Check this John Taylor meets thug that attacked a mother and her children, sent nasty letter informing Roy West of this. John Taylor sends Roy West mountains of junk mail and anonymous mail. Taylor now on friendly terms with the beast of the old General. Taylor comes round to Roy West house during the local elections to try and intimidate Mr West. John Taylor gives out the address details of Roy West to members of the public in the hope that violence will be directed at West and his family.
Check this out. West goes out on a normal day leafleting on Jubilee Avenue. Tayor's wife comes out screaming "Don't put this filth through my door" and then started to shout to the neighbours to come out and cause confrontation in the street. You should have seen the state of her.
Check this out. Despite John Taylor's knowledge of the orchestrated acts of violence directed against West and his family, he still goes ahead with the meeting with the Godfather of the yobs running around smashing people's windows Taylor then goes ahead with a plan to bombard Mr. West, or should I say, Mr. Pest, with thousands of junk mail catalogues and letters. Taylor, Wild and Lane, very concerned about the growing support for West's campaign of Representation, not Hate. Taylor, in secret talks with extreme left-wing thugs in order to cause fear and orchestrate attacks on the West home and West himself.
Check this out...John Taylor sends west a letter with an American flag on the top of the letter. Taylor states in the letter.
"Just ask other people who have stood in elections what sort of rubbish can be said and printed about you" Maybe Taylor should take some of his own wisdom there.
Check this out...John Taylor sends email to West's step son and to the borough solicitor after a complaint was made mini-motorbikes in the area. Taylor states in the email, "If he goes anywhere near them he will find his last place in Hyde heaven" this email came after Taylor's meeting with the thug that forced the west family to move.
Bet you wont confront her again Roy,I will not be cleaning your windows again until you have paid me for the last three months work.
Check this out..Cllr Margaret Oldham states "If everyone was like Mr West we would not have any problems like ant-social behaviour in the area" At the Hyde district Assembly.
Check this out..West sends a Freedom Newspaper (bnp newspaper) to Sean Parker Perry.. West gets a phone call early in the morning from Sean.. "If you send me anymore of this f...... crap I will come round there and do horrible things to you" Has far as we know Sean has not carried out the threat against Mr West.
Check this out...Cllr Joe Kitchen pays tribute to Mr West and his family for coming forward to give evidence against local yobs..at the Hyde District Assembly.
The warm tributes quickly turned sour after West found out that Kitchens step son was one of the yobs involved in the yob violence in the area.
Check this out...Cllr John Bell makes a statement to the Reporter about the violence against the West family. "I'm very concerned what Mr. West has been telling me and what is happening in the area"
Hey wildy you just look forward to your retirement.....and cleaning your 4 houses on your window cleaning round.
Researcher or Roy West? Hey Roy what is this I have been hearing about your step brother throwing you out of a Duki pub?
No he is not my step brother, I am not related to a beast like that, his wife won't even let him near his daughter.
Check this out...John Taylor sends the police round to west at Werneth Avenue after West had the front to reply to one of Taylor's crank letters. The police said "We have told Taylor that he has to expect some letters"
His brother is a drugie in and out of nick, he has been following me round Hyde making threats, so my wife went up to the scumbag and told him to stay away from me, he keeps away from me now.
Let me tell you something in the blue check this out...Taylor thinks that he his being cleaver with the Landlord of the Old General, yet knows nothing about him, Taylor likes to get involved with the scum of the earth with he wants to get back at his enemies.
Let me tell you something check this out in blue, I know all about the Landlord of the Old General from my childhood, he and his family made my life a living hell with abuse and mental abuse. His mother dumped me on the streets when I was nine years old. This is a very violent individual make no mistake about that.
Check this out-- this Taylor guy looks to have many of you fully wound up each week.
Not at all spring oil....look at his mad website...its the other way round..he also has many violent contacts which is certainly coming out at the moment.
Check this out John Taylor sends West a crank letter telling him that the Liberals have made it quite clear that he will be their candidate, he certaily got a shock when West stood for the BNP in Dukinfield. What did Taylor say on his website? "We have long suspected the bnp candidate of being a thug" This from a councillor that takes information from violent thugs to use against his enemies.
It is rapidly becoming clear that Councillor John Taylor is quite prepared to receive information from convicted thugs in order to get back at his political opponents. Taylor himself has a very violent past with his involvement with the Anti-Nazi League in the 70's, Many members of the Anti-Nazi League have convictions for public order indeed, for acts of terrible violence against police officers just for doing their job. Taylor and his friends brought alot of fear and violence to the streets of Tameside in the 70's.
Check this out.. John Taylor sends Mr. West a letter in which Taylor rants out, "If you can't stand the heat then keep out of the kitchen" West sends a reply to Taylor's letter, Taylor then runs off to the borough solicitor.
Hes got you more wound up today than ever, get the blood pressure checked out and do the heart just to make sure you can handle him.
Haddle Taylor are you joking, he is always running off to the borough solicitor like the coward he is.
Taylor is a scumbag just like the people he runs with.
Taylor is only good for sending out anonymous letters and crying to the borough solicitor.
Oh yes and getting his wife to run out in to the street screaming like a demented white trash slaper.
Well many of our brave men and women died removing them and freeing Europe from the Nazis and this man comes to this country a special guest of the bnp who are not supporters of the Nazis so they tell us.
bnp lose legal battle against searchlight see anti-bnp page.
bnp and ukip now in a battle to see who can the most right wing none of them will beat some of the Tories we have round here.
Been out today delivering leaflets 3 of us we could only manage 300 and we did them all by hand (cant afford to post them) we all work.
Looks like the fraud squad will be visiting the bnp HQ all that cash floating about and no records.
14 officers out at weekend in our Town dealing with anti social issues 70 young people spoken to by them on Armadale road parents will be involved.
These parents have to start taking control of their children.
Been out again today we managed 570 leaflets today between two of us,we are getting better but wish we could afford to post them out like the bnp do.
Maybe that's where the £20,000 is going they did not declare and all the other cash sloshing around unaccounted for,think we will nedd to report all this money being spent in Dukinfield to the authorities now.
We will be checking with the electoral commission the amount being spent in Dukinfield on bnp material we are sure this money should be declared by them
Don't miss bnp wives Sky TV on various nights , see how they remove the camera teams at night when they sing their nazi songs full of beer and hatred.
See the wife explain how her husband demanded that no black midwife should be allowed to help in the her child birth .
See them squirm trying to deny how the German nazis caused the war and how the Holocaust did not happen ,I would bet Nick would pull the plug on this if he could congratulations to the party executive who must have sanctioned this filming made our job easy.
Large amounts of unwanted papers removed from our streets today an ultra right wing rag that can not be printed in this country,good news is our paper re-cycling figures are up and I have another. large amount of stamps for guide dogs for the blind fund.
Another bnp member leaves the party in this area not sure yet if he jumped or was pushed.
Get your blue bins ready we are told more scum newspapers on there way even black and Asian families have had them posted to their homes just what they needed to receive from the racist scum.
I am more of a nationalist then they are the difference is mine is not based on racial hatred of someones colour.
Just the men to sort out you racist scum bags .
Local and national fascist to have their finances investigated see opposite.
See the bnp national web site looks like they dont get to well with UKIP unlike our locals who look to be very cosy bed fellows.
Local bnp looking for somewhere to meet already thrown out of one pub in Dukinfield can I suggest the use the telephone box on the corner of Boyds Walk and Glenmore Grove its big enough.
No its just good fun taking the piss out of John (Wag) Taylor.
He goes to bed thinking about Roy West and the nightmare of seeing a bnp councillor in Dukinfield.
For the first time in over 30 years the people of Dukinfield have the opportunity to seek real representation, a new political force has arrived in Dukinfield. The British National Party is a political movement for the good, it has the interests of the local people at heart.
The once proud neighbourly Britain has now become a very destructive and violent society, and we know that the British people are fed up with the politically correct Liberals that care more about the human rights of violent thugs rather than those human rights of decent people.
The British National Party cares about Britain, about the NHS, protecting local people from anti-social behaviour in the local community. The British National Party wants more police on the beat in your area protecting your human right to feel safe free from crime and violence. Only the British National Party will put in to practice effective social policies so that Britain can return to that neighbourly society that we all want. The British people now have a challenge before them to save Britain from the ever growing crime explosion and fragmented communities due to mass immigration, or to stay with the old gang of politicians that care nothing about local people.
The British National Party will turn back the tide of political apathy giving local people a real chance of political representation. The old gang of politicians care only for themselves and doing all they can to get re-elected not really giving local people the true meaning of political representation.
The main issue now for the British National Party in Dukinfield is to move ahead with a campaign for real representation and putting the concerns of the local people at the top of the political agenda.
Well with John Taylor doing deals with drug dealers from Hyde what chance do we have?
Sandra this man is doing what he did in Hyde and he will bring real problems on himself the people on Barlow road on nthe bikes are known to us the police and patrollers are trying to get them if he goes anywhere near them he will find his last place in Hyde heaven ,his mail is now twice daily
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Branson [mailto:markiabranson@yahoo.co.uk]
Sent: 12 September 2006 17:33
To: John Taylor - COUNCILLOR; Brian Wild; Jackie Lane
Subject: Reporting anti-social behaviour in Dukinfield
Dear Councillor
On the 11/9/06, while walking along King Street in Dukinfield with my partner's son, I witnessed a number of youths trying to smash the windows at the new development of apartments near Dukinfield Park. I have not reported this to the Police because I have a distinct lack of confidence in the way that the Police deal with these matters. I have also seen a number of unlicensed mini motorbikes riding around Barlow Road, Dukinfield.
Roy West, Dukinfield.
At the top you will see what John Taylor thinks of my concerns, yet more threats from a cllr that does noy believe in political representation.
It is good to get all this information about Taylor out in the open so that people can see what a snake he really is.
call round and tell Taylors wife what you think to her face DARE YOU bet you wont do it DO YOU KNOW WHO HER BROTHER ARE, IF NOT CHECK IT OUT BEFORE YOU GO.
Is that a threat, delivered leaflets to Jubilee Ave today.
Hey Duki lad why not put your true identity when you post, are you one of Taylor's thugs?
I have said before that John Taylor has a very violent past in politics, the 70's saw Taylor and a hard core of Anti-Nazi Leaguers bring fear and violence to the streets of Tameside. Taylor himself was forced off the road and on to the pavement in a very violent confrontation with the police.
Wait till you meet his wifes brother vinny and you will, shes been to see him Roy will not post anymore shit about her and Liam will be cleaning Taylors car for the next six months.
His brother lived on the same street with liam he will know.
Its not vinny the debt collector from the local mob.........shit.
Oh you know him call round to Liam and Roy and explain its Taylor's brother in law call Taylor all you want.
Call his sister and see what happens he is making arrangements for Tuesday to meet them for a chat with Joan.
I will have to get the Btley boys down then.
The Batley Boys.
Can't wait duki lad will you be there, or will you be hiding under the bed?
Oh you know him call round to Liam and Roy and explain its Taylor's brother in law call Taylor all you want.
Call his sister and see what happens he is making arrangements for Tuesday to meet them for a chat with Joan.
Come on ladies - calm down. Johns wife is a great lady - keep her out of ur petty bitching
Liberal thinker u r wasting ur time trying to reason with the intelligencia on here - if they had a brain between them they could be dangerous but they dont so dont waste ur time trying to civilize them.
That should be 'John's wife'. Dickhead.
Go back to school Perry.
That should be 'John's wife'. Dickhead.
Go back to school Perry.
Hey school teacher - who is the real dickhead. I bet i earn three times what u do and in five years i will be totally oitof ur league.
Yes but you are still a dickhead Perry.
Petty namecalling from the nameless coward with no bottle.
Ok coward name urself and tell me and everyone else viewing what i threatened. If u dont id urself u r a proven liar and coward.
I don't have to prove it you fucking moron because you never came round to get a beating, because that is what you would got if you would come here Perry.
I am not like your ex girl friend Perry
who you can knock about.
Hey perry did it make you feel good beating on your ex girl friend, you got away with it but you are still a little rat.
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