A man falsely accused of being a rapist has spoken of his hell after his accuser was locked up for lying.Dad-of-two John Mulholland (pictured) twice tried to commit suicide as he and he and his family were subjected to vile abuse after the allegations were made.He is now selling his home and moving to another country to start a new life following a six-month nightmare.Yesterday Stacey Challoner, 20, of Denton, was given a four-month sentence at Manchester Crown Court after earlier admitting attempting to pervert the course of justice.She had made up the rape claims after her partner demanded to know if she had been unfaithful while he was in prison.
Jeremy Kyle!!!!
Rape is a disgustig vile act and anyone who does it deserves to spend a lot of time in Jail.
But when a Woman cries rape she should be sent down for a very long time as well because people like her are scum of the earth.
As they cheapen every real claim
4 months is a joke
People that commit the act of rape need the rope end of story. The way that things are going in this country we will see the death penality return.
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