At first glance the Trafalgar Club - with its annual dinner commemorating the famous sea battle - sounds like a heritage society wanting to honour one of Britain's national heroes. For just £15 a month minimum donation, members receive a newsletter and a free ticket to its annual dinner. Men get a tie with "England Expects" - the first two words of Nelson's rallying signal at the battle - emblazoned on it while women receive a personal organiser. The club could be a gathering of naval historical enthusiasts - the reality is different. Those who attend the annual dinner are addressed by Nick Griffin, chairman and leading light of the British National Party.
Tonight’s File on 4 which is scheduled for 8pm and should be of interest to BNP contributors on this blog. I predict a massive hatchet job on the BNP in relation to their funding activities. Having viewed previous BBC exposés on the BNP, I would expect it to be lacking in real substance instead relying on vague innuendo and hearsay. Whatever the outcome – I am sure the BBC are doing their best to divert the publics attention away from the real and massive scandals involving Labours funding shenanigans. Tameside Citizen
Well as long has Labour MPs continue to get back handers, oh and councillors in Tameside thats all well and good.
Urgent information for Cllr John Taylor. A large group of youths outside the shop on Concord way, did not see you there or any of our police and patrollers.
Locals fed up of your talk Taylor they want action.
He's too busy with the BNP Roy.
I listened to this programme and as I expected it was designed as a ‘hatchet job’ on the BNP, but overall I thought the BNP come out of it ok. They appear to be a little deceptive in their accounting practices but nowhere near as blatantly corrupt as our current party of government. The BNP treasure made a great point about the BNP being scrutinised so closely by the BBC despite them only being a minor political party but as we all know – the BBC are far from objective in their investigations.
The BBC Radio 4 programme on the BNP's finances was the usual mix of lies, half-truths and speculation.
Interesting programme. As Sherlock Holmes said "Why didn't the dog bark?"
Where was the interview with Nick Griffin? With Simon Darby (press officer)? I noticed of all those interviewed only Treasurer John Walker got a real grilling. Why?
My theory is this now prepares the way for an end to the current unrest in the party.
John Walker is sacrificed to the mob for being incompetant. The 'rebels'...many of whom were UNCRITICALLY interviewed...are brought back on board, possibly by a new leader...(Darby?)
Note how the main evidence came from the ex-treasurer who declined to be interviewed for fear of 'reprecussions' yet he has been sitting on shreaded paperwork for years and didn't mind handing THAT over. He (John Brayshaw) can avoid answering awkward questions.
Once the 'rebels' are back the party can carry on with it's alloted role of both "safety valve" and "apple barrel". That is a place where Nationalist activists can safely be alllowed a voice and be easily monitored.
This was not an anti-BNP hatchet job. It was an attempt by the state to save the 'apple barrel' and prevent the breakup of a controled organisation.
Now...let us consider "Leaderless Resistance" shall we????
A laughable pack of Third Rate Marxist lies. That is the best way to describe the truly pathetic attempt by the BBC’s Fran Abram and the hardline extremist Communist Searchlight organisation to cast aspersions over the BNP’s finances.
The radio show “File on 4″, broadcast last night on BBC Radio 4, was based exclusively on material supplied by the Stalinist Communist Party Searchlight organisation (tongue in cheek, the BBC described Searchlight as an “anti-racist” organisation, ignoring its Communist credentials, which are well known and documented).
The programme was a transparent attempt to divert attention away from the very real corruption, financial scandals and criminal activities within the Labour Party - for which people have been arrested - by focussing on a series of truly pathetic concoctions, lies, half truths and smears from the gang of proven liars at the Communist Searchlight, and their comrades in the BBC.
In particular, the allegation that the BNP “hid” a £20,000 donation received during the Leeds court case. The BBC and Searchlight tried very hard to create the impression that this money had somehow vanished, and when told by the National Treasurer, John Walker, that the cheque in question had bounced, and was therefore obviously not reported, the BBC programme tried to imply that Mr Walker was either lying or trying to conceal the fact.
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