Christmas should be downgraded in favour of festivals from other religions to improve race relations, says an explosive report. Labour's favourite think-tank says that because it would be hard to "expunge" Christmas from the national calendar, 'even-handedness' means public organisations must start giving other religions equal footing. The report by the Institute for Public Policy Research was commissioned when Nick Pearce, now head of public policy at Downing Street, was its director. IPPR has shaped many Labour policies, including ID cards, bin taxes and road pricing. The report robustly defends multiculturalism - the idea that different communities should not be forced to integrate but should be allowed to maintain their own culture and identities. The report, written by IPPR advisers Ben Rogers and Rick Muir, calls on Ministers to launch an "urgent and upfront campaign" promoting a "multicultural understanding of Britishness". "Multiculturalism can be shown to provide for a fairer and more liberal society and does not necessarily lead to social division and community conflict, as its critics have claimed," it says. Councils must act to "ensure children mix and are able to form friendships with pupils from different backgrounds".
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=490925&in_page_id=1770Thankfully Tameside Council still count Christmas as special, and talking of Christmas, I hope all goes well when Roy West joins Cllr Taylor for the big Dukinfield lights switch on. Good look Mr West and we await the fottage.
Tameside Citizen
Yes I hope Roy does show Taylor up at the Christmas lights switch on.
This just goes to show how Labour is pushing Christians down the ladder as second class citizens.
We are now having to recognise this, that and the other. I am an ignorant, proud British white man and I refuse to abide by this multiculturalism. We have a problem and it needs sortinf ASAP.
No doubt they will encourage employers to scrap Christmas holidays however I am sure they will keep the unions sweet so they can keep theirs and add new ones on for other faiths.
Culture cannot be imposed from above, it must come from within. It grows from a shared history, a shared experience or experiences.
Those groups which share nothing common cannot share the same culture.
Due to common experience the English, Irish, Scots and Welsh are a nominally Christian people. They, we, may allow other groups to celibrate their festivals but we may not wish to join in and we most certainly do not intend to suffer a lessening of our culture to placate these other groups.
Assuming, that is, that these other groups ARE the instigaters of this call to downgrade Christmas and not the Left-wing using race relations as an excuse to launch their own anti-Christian campaign..
It's shit like this what causes Racial problems in our society.
i'm sure the vast Majority of Muslims, Jewish, Hindu, Seikh, Budhist people actually don't have a problem and actually enjoy the festivities.
This only gives amo to the right wing and New Labour have to take their share of the blame.
Can you imagine 'downgrading' the Muslim festival of Eid. We would have riots on the streets. Leave Christmas as it is. I'm Jewish, but it doesn't bother me.
I'm thinking of going to night school to re-train for a new career because very soon my skills will no longer be needed.
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