Bonfire Night is nearly here, and how could we forget when Cllr John Taylor seeks to maximize the ‘grey vote’ with his annual anti-fireworks campaign – see this weeks Advertiser letters page for details. Anyway I hear you say, what has a decrepit picture of a window frame got to do with bonfire night? The answer is: The picture of the window frame was taken in a house where Roy West was resident. The house was not fit for human habitation, after seeking advice and representation from his local councillors, which was quickly rejected, he decided to take ‘direct action’ in the form of a protest on the town hall steps using bits of the rotten window frames as evidence of his dire situation. Was his protest a success? Yes, Roy and family were eventually re-housed, but what is the connection with bonfire night? Well after seeking advice and representation from his local councillors and housing officials, the only feedback he got from them, well one of ‘them’ to be precise was one piece of advice, not the advice he was expecting though, he was told in so many words to “take his rotten window frames and burn them along with himself on bonfire night”. Now if anybody who has been following the Roy West saga on this blog ever wondered what Mr West means by ‘representation’ surely this as good an example as any of what lazy or uncaring councillors can bring back on themselves when they deny their constituents representation. Think about it Cllr ****** !
We had to take to the streets to get New Charter Housing to make urgent works to our home on Werneth Avenue in Hyde. It was sad to see those comments from Cllr John Taylor on this blog. It goes to prove just what we are up against when seeking representation from our local councillors. We stood in the freezing cold outside Hyde Town Hall to highlight our terrible housing conditions, we made the local papers and New Charter then took action to make our home safe.
The good people of Dukinfield are getting to know about our struggle with New Charter and the lack of help from our local Councillors.
Victory belongs to the most perservering Roy.
"Bonfire Night is nearly here, and how could we forget when Cllr John Taylor seeks to maximize the ‘grey vote’ with his annual anti-fireworks campaign"
For some reason I don't recieve the advertiser anymore. Could you scan it TC. It would be interesting to see, Taylor has previously said that fireworks should only be used for Bonfire night. What about Eid, Diwalli and erm... well not very "multicultural" is it Mr. WAG?
"he decided to take ‘direct action’ in the form of a protest on the town hall steps using bits of the rotten window frames as evidence of his dire situation"
I am surprised they didn't get you for criminal damage to a property Roy. Was the property in that state when you moved in or did you allow it to get like that?
No you anonymous dickhead the home was like that when I moved in with my Partner.
You could of always refused and asked for a different house or move to another area Roy. Temper, temper!
I remember New Charter Housing calling the police, the police came and told New Charter that I was in my rights to be there to protest.
Should fireworks be banned? Erm no!
Should John Taylor be banned? Erm yes please!
John Taylor is now training Brian Wild to be a sumo wrestler!
Kevin, the past is the past. Put this unfortunate episode behind you and look to the future. We cannot guarantee you a safe seat for much longer. You have to make up your mind very soon. You can either remain a despised minority along with your Fascist associates or you can be welcomed back into the mainstream by joining a normal political party. Life is so much better when you put hope before hate. Come on Kevin, do the right thing and rejoin the human race.
This was just one window, all the windows in the house wers like this one. John Taylor sent me a letter asking me If I had a court order on me not to contact New Charter Housing, not a letter asking if we were all ok, or have New Charter carried out the urgent works. Thats a great Councillor for Dukinfield. I would ask Cllr John Taylor to put hope before hate.
Helping hand or should I say John Taylor? you should know by now that the people of Dukinfield do not see me has an hate figure. I have been talking to local folk about the yob situation on Armadale Road and Concord Way areas. So many people down there think you and your mate Brian Wild are useless. You should start to open your eyes to what is going on in these areas Taylor and start to give local people some representation.
The Church of Zion.
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