Friday, 5 October 2007

Three stars for Tameside

The delivery of the £7.2 million Supporting People programme provided by Tameside council is excellent with excellent prospects to continue to improve, according to an independent report released by the Audit Commission.On a scale of zero to three stars, the Audit Commission, in partnership with inspectors from Her Majesty`s Inspectorate of Probation and Commission for Social Care Inspection, gave the council a three star excellent rating.Paul Clarke, lead housing inspector at the Audit Commission, said: “Tameside is demonstrating how effective partnership working can deliver significant improvements in the lives and choices available to some of the borough`s most vulnerable people. It is delivering housing related support services in the innovative way intended by the government when it introduced the Supporting People programme.”Tameside council received a Supporting People grant of £7.2 million in 2007/08 to meet the cost of its housing related support services. These include supported housing for older people, homeless people, teenage parents and women fleeing domestic violence. In addition the council receives £205,763 to pay for the costs of administering the Supporting People programme. Supporting People is the government`s funding and planning regime for the local delivery of housing-related support services to a wide range of vulnerable people.


Anonymous said...

Taylor is in charge of this department isnt he what have got to say about it 4 star service .

Tom Hagen said...

I thought he did say it was a 4 star service or something or other at the last council meeting going on that Tameside couldn't get any better as it was the highest standard... eek!

Obviously these government standards are set to low to give themselves a good pat on the back!

Anonymous said...

Hey Liam tell us the truth are you working for John Taylor?

Anonymous said...

The 4 star service at that meeting was for home and community care services, this one is for supporting people it will be at the next meeting see you there .

Anonymous said...

Two more and it will be five stars.

Anonymous said...

Liam did ask if he could work for Taylor but he refused to have him .