A viewer of this blog has sent in two newspaper cuttings relating to Simon Walker. How on earth they obtained them is beyond me because they are many years old. It is not my intention to judge Mr Walker, but this whole affair does need to be examined and it is in the interests of the people of Tameside that transparency and accountability are two words that should not be feared by those in elected office or in receipt of a living courtesy of the council tax payers of Tameside.
I would like to comment on the fact that one of the cuttings is from a newspaper commonly referred to as The Scum. I am not suggesting that what they say in relation to this is untrue, but do bear in mind that this so called newspaper has many times done its utmost to destroy lives and reputations in return for circulation.
Hmmm, I wonder who could have supplied these? Could it perhaps be Liam aka Roadmunkey? The same Liam/Roadmunkey who has been rejected work experience at Tameside Radio so is trying to topple Simon Walker? The same Liam/Roadmunkey that was expelled from the Tories for making flase accusations about one of the local Councillors? Really? Well im sure that whatever he has to say is gospel!
Poor Ron Piddington ousted from his party when to me it looks like he was the victim of Cath Piddington. She still hasn't changed (much).
There seems something more to Ron Piddington resigning and then having to go through a selection process again. Very strange indeed.
Y'know, it must be humiliating to be kicked out of Tameside Tories. It's not like they are really popular around here is it? I mean, look at the number of Labour councillors compared to Tory ones? You would think that a minority group like that would want as many members as possible really!
Haha! This is beyond a joke now. So, you tried to get this re-published in newspapers? Or get the private eye to write about it? But more than likely they both told you to go jump because nobody wants to write about something which is 15 years old, so you put it on here.
“…in the interest of Tameside”. Don’t make me laugh. Its about this website and many of the people who use it’s personal vendetta against the Labour government and anyone affiliated with it, now or then.
What’s more ridiculous than your 15-year-old-stories is the fact that the picture evidence was more than likely provided by a boy who was in nappies when this story was published. It’s sad that somebody has kept these newspaper clippings as well, I would have thought that any person in there right mind would have better things to do with the space it used up.
If this website actually care about the things going on in Tameside it would promote the station as it has volunteers and experienced people working together to give them experience in a field they may not have had chance to work in otherwise, it promotes the borough of Tameside in a positive way, and generates it own money as well as receiving grants from local sources who want to put money into it because it’s a good thing. So why don’t you put your time into doing something positive instead of trying to bring people down.
Many marriages break down through affairs and I don't understand the purpose of dragging that one up. Which of us has never been touched by a breakdown of marriage through an affair either personally or indirectly? Identify illegal or dodgy activity, fraud, backstabbing nasty behaviour by all means but I'm not a fan of that particular type of stone throwing.
Anonymous - These are PRESS CUTTINGS. Pretty evidential and I note they were printed at a time when the local press weren't being kept sweet by Tameside MBC.
And as far as I know Liam wasn't expelled for making false accusations since they are backed up with pretty solid evidence. It was more likely his youth, outspoken and and fearless ways that made his cowardly party show him the door. I can see him doing well as a political journalist in a few years, tameside radio is laughable and should pay compensation to anyone who accidentally tunes in. It is certainly NOT the place for his skills. He needs a mentor, not a team of monkeys.
Sleeper, what the fuck are you on about? "Liam wasn't expelled for making false accusations since they are backed up with pretty solid evidence. It was more likely his youth, outspoken and and fearless ways that made his cowardly party show him the door."
If Liam/Roadmunkey had any substantial evidence, don't you think the Tories would have used it AGAINST Sean Parker-Perry at the next local election, considering he is standing? Lets be honest, the Tories are not gonna leave a Labour seat uncontested, and if this evidence were true and substantial, it would give them something to use against a sitting councillor.
Personally I think Liam is schizophrenic, considering the number of times he has logged on as different identities and communicated between himself, trying to make it look like it is Sean Parker-Perry or Jonh Taylor replying to one of his various pseudonyms.
Whether they are press cuttings or not, still doesn’t give reason why they are on here.
Sleeper, whether or not you like radio station, you should not discredit people who are trying to make something for themselves and the community, with something that is part of their personal life 15 years ago. Although they are press cuttings, does that make them completely true? Unexaggerated? Is the sun known for its outstanding quality of news coverage? Not really, it’s just over inflated crap that they write to sell newspapers.
We can all 'research' peoples names on the internet by putting it into Google and copy and paste political statistics but that will never make you a good journalist, nor will it make you any more creditable than the source you lift it from.
The Tories got rid of Liam because he is a liability. There would be no reason other than that. If he should be there, he would be.
The articles shown are just a tiny sample from our archives. There are countless others available that will be used when appropriate, ranging from trade union supporting Quislings turned ‘sickness enforcers’, to serving councillors with let’s say a ‘colourful’ past. Watch this space!
"The same Liam/Roadmunkey who has been rejected work experience at Tameside Radio"
Not totally true, I sent an email in regards to volunteering as part of the Millennium Volunteer scheme which was running at school. I was sent an application form, but didn't bother to respond as I already started on something else. Information like this being leaked is a breach of data protection and I will be submitting a complaint about this.
"The same Liam/Roadmunkey that was expelled from the Tories for making flase accusations about one of the local Councillors?"
Yes, but you should know what else went on shouldn't you? Hasn't SPP told you about my old blog from when I was 15 he submitted and the numerous "profiles" he submitted to John Bell/Richard Ashton. What is SPP doing on Gaydar anywway?
"it has volunteers and experienced people working together to give them experience in a field they may not have had chance to work in otherwise"
Couldn't agree more. I am in favour of a local radio station. However you need to take into account public accountability here. The main question I have been raising is over money given to Simon Walker for Tameside Radio.
Walker has been behind many of Owen Oyston's radio stations, but where are they now?
If Tameside Radio was a private venture not running from public handouts, I would not have a problem with it unless the content was to become bias towards Walker's political alliance, however this has not happened yet.
My issue here is over whether or not Walker is suitable and capable of managing public money and going off Tameside Enterprises Limited, I personally would not think so.
"If Liam/Roadmunkey had any substantial evidence, don't you think the Tories would have used it AGAINST Sean Parker-Perry at the next local election, considering he is standing? Lets be honest, the Tories are not gonna leave a Labour seat uncontested, and if this evidence were true and substantial, it would give them something to use against a sitting councillor."
Longdendale is not a target seat for the Tories when you consider the massive swing towards Labour. Due to the limitation of the number of members, it is best to target "marginal" seats such as Hurst. That is no disrespect to Longdendale residents, it is a strategic measure which Labour/Lib Dems and even the BNP will do.
People could use information about Parker-Perry, but to distribute that information to every voter in Longdendale would require a lot of effort. Not many people understand how IP addresses are assigned either.
Anonymous, you are just feeling sour after someone has published an article which you thought would never creep up again. It is the typical Tameside Labour Party arrogance.
Members of your party were accusing me of lying over your affair which is totally stupid as they have dug the hole for you and now you have fallen in it.
hmmm. i thought i made it clear i didnt care for the articles either.
anonymous, ill spell out what the fuck im going on about. the fact is SPP thought he was internet savvy and he wasnt, SPP was defacating wikipedia thinking he couldnt be traced, he could. Liam understands the internet better and when he noticed SPP's childish behaviour he investated it and outed him. There were no false accustations from Liam.
Just because you dont understand the evidence it doesnt mean it isn't there. Both labour AND the Tories are lacking in that department. However, I understand the tories dont like the mud slinging tactics of Labour and as juicy at it was they maybe saw Liam as i previously described. Also considering there are more important issues that could be followed up on instead of a bumbling Frank Spencer-esque councillor.
SPP severly underestimated Liam. SPP made the false accusations and then claimed police were investigating Liam (more likely the other way round). I wonder if he ever regrets going online, he wouldnt be looking such a prat now.
The subject is getting boring now. Move on.
QUOTE:-"It’s sad that somebody has kept these newspaper clippings as well, I would have thought that any person in there right mind would have better things to do with the space it used up."
"We can all 'research' peoples names on the internet by putting it into Google and copy and paste political statistics but that will never make you a good journalist, nor will it make you any more creditable than the source you lift it from."
These methods you now see fit to condemn are the very methods used by left-wing journalists such as "searchlight" and "panorama" against the BNP. Even "The Advertiser" has seen fit to delve into the archives to be critical of me at election time.
Don't complain if those methods used by Labour and their supporters are now used against them.
Here Here!
TonyDJ, This isn’t about the BNP, Simon Walker is no longer a councilor for Labour, therefore this is not a political tactic used to badmouth the rival party, but a public persecution of a man who was once involved with the council.
Owen Oyston's companies failed because he got sent to prison, and any creditable company would want to be associated with that. It’s not down to one man that all of his stations collapsed. Surely you understand that advertising runs radio, but nobody would want to advertise on a station owned by a man who was in prison for something horrible.
And by the way, it isn’t Simon posting this. Nor was it the last 4 I made, 2 today and 2 last night from a different computer.
Sleeper is right, theres 3 blog posts pretty much about this subject and it is boring.
Dear Labourite Anonymous,
I must say the recent three postings have got your party in quite a sweat. You are not used to this sort of opposition are you? Times are changing and I don't mean that the clocks are going back soon either.
I love it how you criticise me for bring up dead articles and for "bad mouthing" your fellow members. All I can say is you are a bunch of hypocrites, just look at the people within your own party such as Taylor and Perry who see the need to spread crap not just on me, but other political opponents too.
Now you have got what you want in ousting me from Tameside Tories. Just what are you going to do to silence me? As your last tactic crashed and burned as my comments have got a lot worse as I am no longer bound by party policy or political restraints.
As Taylor said "Those can't stand the heat should stay out of the kitchen" well I am stepping up to gas mark 6 on this and it is to become VERY hot indeed and judging by the response to my comments it looks like you are sweating already.
I forgot to say that my claims are SOURCED. Where are yours? I never see any from the Labour group. Perhaps you are lying?
So SPP can cry all he wants on saying that my claims are not credible, but what has he got to prove it? Nothing.
Dear Liam,
Would it surprise you to know that I am not much older than you, and voted BNP at the last local election? I have no loyalty towards the Labour Party. Would it also surprise you to know that some people aren’t only interested in vengeance or politics or bringing people down but, are willing to stand up for people because they feel others are being treated unfairly?
Maybe you don’t know what you think you do, and perhaps it is me who has got you sweating.
Simon Walker may have had an affair but, that has nothing to do with him running the radio station, as that’s all you say you are interested in.
I can't call anyone because I was sent to borstal for smashing my old school up.
Is it relevant what Simon Walker does in his private life? Frankly, probably not.
But there is a wider issue here, that of hypocricy.
The local media made much of Cllr Peter Wright's past as a mercenary, an event even longer in the past than this cutting.
A local non-Labour Councillor was / is constantly taunted in the chamber over their (alleged?) non-payment of Council tax.
The local media also recently ran a story of a rapist, convicted in the 1970's who was a BNP supporter in Oldham in 2002. (He is related to a prominant Oldham Labour activist but that wasn't mentioned)
The Labour Party have used smear, innuendo and underhanded methods for years. Now they get the same treatment and all we hear are squeals.
But I am prepared to compromise. I will call for an end to these tactics when the Labour Party do. When Cllr Taylor's blog allows a "Right to reply" on a par with "Tameside Citizen" then I will support those who are critical of postings which rake up the past.
But as long as the Labour Party act as they always have done then I say "Carry on Tameside Citizen"
And while they continued asking him, he lifted himself up, and said unto them: let him that is among you without sin, cast the first stone; John 8:7
I must say on the whole I agree with ‘anonymous’ on this issue. Mr Walker may very well have had an affair, but as the above text from the New Testament says so well – Let he without sin cast the first stone.
On the subject of Tameside Radio; I must say I genuinely like it and now when I am within range, I always listen to it. I have found that you can easily pick it up as far away as Chorlton and Didsbury, but occasionally the radio retunes to a dreadful Manchester based community radio called All FM. I think whoever is responsible for music selection on Tameside Radio has very similar taste to my own. Another thing that has impressed me so far with Tameside Radio is the way it appears to be politically neutral. There doesn’t seem to be any underlying trend to promote the Labour party, or any of their policies. There was an article this evening about Tameside doing well in the latest Britain in Bloom, they interviewed Cllr Sweeton, but it was not party political in any way.
If you have not yet tuned in to Tameside Radio, please do so and give us your opinion.
I've just realised that these blogs are a complete waste of time because people are posting articles using false names,so the whole thing is bollocks and in future I will stop wasting my life on this sad blog.
Tameside Citizen and Tonydj are a credit to democracy in Tameside.
Keep up the good work boys.
I agree, if people cant be bothered to post using their real names why do they bother posting atall?
I know what you mean Tameside VIP.I go around on here as anonymous so it is harder for peepel to know who i am.
I agree it is hypocrisy. To be honest it does not bother me about Walker's affair, however I don't think it is fair for Sean Parker Perry either to go around displaying Liam's gay dating profiles to all and sundry.
If you get Labour party members throwing shit around other opposing parties, it is obvious that it will bring grief for them and their members. You would think SPP and Taylor would have learnt their lesson by now to keep their mouth shut, but they haven't and they only have themselves to blame when Liam and the BNP start coming back and they do seem to come back with some real nasty stuff on them. Do you honestly think that the likes of Liam and the BNP are going to sit back? I don't.
What goes around comes around.
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