Monday, 24 September 2007

Youth charged over imitation gun

A 17-year-old boy from Glossop has been charged with possession of an imitation firearm following an incident at Newton-for-Hyde railway station. The teenager has been bailed and will appear at South Tameside Youth Court on 27 September. British Transport Police received a call that a schoolboy had allegedly brandished an AK47-style rifle at the station on 14 September. A 15-year-old boy remains on police bail pending further inquiries. He will return to British Transport Police on 20 October. The incident was captured on CCTV cameras after a man who was working on a crane near the scene alerted his boss.


Anonymous said...

yeah but what will he get? a community punishment order.

Anonymous said...

Community service is ineffective. What is needed a harsh boot camp style prison without TV and a games console.

Perhaps Taylor could advise him what Borstal is like?

Anonymous said...

prove taylor has been in borstal and if you cant. put up or shut up.

Anonymous said...

Taylor smashed his old school up that's why he was sent to borstal for a spell.

Anonymous said...

what year did this take place and how long did he spend in borstal

Anonymous said...

Ask Taylor about it, he has done his best to hide the truth. He never went to school that's why they call him Wag.

Anonymous said...


roadmunkey said...

These things are near impossible to prove at times especially when Labour have their weasel words on hand.

Let the shit spread, let Labour have some of their own medicine. Wasn't it Taylor who said something like "Those who can't stand the heat..."

Anonymous said...

Make no mistake about it, Taylor is a thug who has be involved in violent demonstrations on the streets of Tameside. Taylor is a bully from the old school of politics. He now feels threatened in his Kingdom of Dukinfield, and that will not do at all.

Anonymous said...

Hail Taylor - King of Dukinfield

Anonymous said...

Borstal boy you mean

Anonymous said...

go to bed west you need your rest. i am elected - you are not and i will make sure you never are

Anonymous said...

hey kevin. what are you up to on november 5th this year

Anonymous said...

Mr Wag I think that you should clear up this matter of smashing up your old school.

Anonymous said...

Hindley...1977-79. Remember Boyack (Geordie screw with smelly hair). Williams - alleged ex-rugby player who - as most screws did in the time stated - hated blacks and could kick them up and down all day and every day without a pull from the Guv'nor. Some borstal that was - Mancs. in North & West wings, and Liverpudlians in South and East.