Good people carrying out excellent work.
Topaz vegetarian café seems to be the hub of this operation and I will certainly be visiting it next time I am in Ashton.
I have been trying to become vegetarian for ages and am now 80% of the way there. Giving up eating dead animals is easier than it sounds as old lifestyle habits die hard, especially for an undiagnosed
OCD case like myself.
I once saw Egon Ronay being interviewed about vegetarian food. He corrected the interviewer and said, 'It's not food.'
Quite right, I've tried it and it's 95% f*****g awful. Meat is an essential source of protein and contains all the essential amino acids, many vitamins, plus phosphorous, riboflavin, iron etc etc etc.
Why wouldn't you want to eat something that's so good for you, tastes fantastic and massively benefits your health when eaten in sensible amounts.
'Moral' objectors should grow up and start offering REASONED arguments as to why it's 'wrong' to eat meat.
As long as the animal is humanely treated and humanely killed that's all that matters.
Good idea, but one gets subjected to extreme left-wing views by those in-charged there.
Heifer whines could be human cries
Closer comes the screaming knife
This beautiful creature must die
This beautiful creature must die
A death for no reason
And death for no reason is MURDER
And the flesh you so fancifully fry
Is not succulent, tasty or kind
It's death for no reason
And death for no reason is MURDER
And the calf that you carve with a smile
And the turkey you festively slice
Do you know how animals die ?
Kitchen aromas aren't very homely
It's not "comforting", cheery or kind
It's sizzling blood and the unholy stench
It's not "natural", "normal" or kind
The flesh you so fancifully fry
The meat in your mouth
As you savour the flavour
Oh ... and who hears when animals cry?
But why do these types always turn out to be left-wing nutters?
Great song from the lad from Salford.
You'll find this lot down the mad house with this other lot.
There's hardly any people working in these projects, loyal to our British ways and culture.
I hear them "oh give them what they want"
It's racist to object to them, I've listened to them mate.
This is what they did to me as well. I hated it just like Jack does, but it cured me of my mental ilness. These days I'm ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffine.
You are damn right Harry, meat is murder, and so is going 10 rounds with Mike Tyson. Pensa ai fatti tuoi Harry.
Without meat many more animals would die and many species would soon shrink or even die out.
On top of that we would all end up looking like Gillian McKeith!
Perhaps some of us could volunteer to keep livestock to improve the cafes menu. The idea of local produce being used exclusively does chime with my anti-globalism. Is the produce also organic?
I may pay them a visit, I would be happy to keep chickens, I've been wanting to for a while. They will pay very little for them and I'll feed them well. Give me an excuse to buy a shotgun too.
A mental disorder or mental illness is a psychological or behavioral pattern generally associated with subjective distress or disability that occurs in an individual, and which is not a part of normal development or culture. Such a disorder may consist of a combination of affective, behavioural, cognitive and perceptual components. The recognition and understanding of mental health conditions have changed over time and across cultures, and there are still variations in the definition, assessment, and classification of mental disorders, although standard guideline criteria are widely accepted. A few mental disorders are diagnosed based on the harm to others, regardless of the subject's perception of distress. Over a third of people in most countries report meeting criteria for the major categories at some point in their lives. The causes are often explained in terms of a diathesis-stress model or biopsychosocial model. In biological psychiatry, mental disorders are conceptualized as disorders of brain circuits likely caused by developmental processes shaped by a complex interplay of genetics and experience.
ps. I copied and pasted the bollocks above from Wikipedia.
All the best
No worries Frank, regular readers are well used to copy / paste bollocks.
Stick any lengthy post on here into google and most of them have been written by some bugger else.
Listen up Kraven, it is proven fact that vegetarians live longer, are rarely fat and genarally are content with their lives compared that to fat angry meat guzzlers who usually die of heart disease or cancer at an early age.
Booker is right. Lots of the posts on here by some idiot who uses the name BNP Meltdown are copied and pasted from various far-left websites and blogs. The moronic idiot can think of nothing original to say he/she/it just copies and pastes. The best policy is just to ignore the fool and they will probably tire of it in the end.
The Right to use a Video Camera - Whit Friday 2010.
Police state fast approaching us.
I remember some time back there, Jack Straw wanted to bug people's houses. If a child living at that house said a "racist word" at school.
The sinister WORLD of new charter housing.
Why are new charter housing so closely linked to the police?
Neighbourhood policing has a boost following the latest partnership between New Charter
and Greater Manchester Police.
The landlord has bought the local police a new car to patrol neighbourhoods, attend to
incidents and provide mobile video surveillance. Tenants and residents in Stalybridge,
Mossley and Dukinfield will see the new vehicle on their streets from today.
World population to reach seven Billion in the next few days. The vast majority of the population growth since the six billion mark was reached twelve years ago has been in Africa and Asia.
Meanwhile the worlds European population is in steep decline. In most European countries and countries founded by European settlers such Canada, USA and Australia the European birth rate has plummeted to record low levels. All population growth in these countries is as a result of non-European immigrants.
The European peoples of the world are now a genuinely endangered species. You may not think that if you walk out onto the street and see lots of Europeans, but the long term prognosis, if current trends continue is global insignificance as the shrinking European population is dwarfed by previously unimaginable population growth in Africa, Asia and South America.
The worlds resources cannot supply the demands of this ever increasing population growth. The West still has the ability to keep on supplying the Third World with the means to increase their populations but this policy is flawed as the earth can only provide finite resources. Eventually the land and the seas will have provided all they can and the worlds enormous population will be unable to feed itself as demand begins to outstrip supply.
Action to reduce the worlds population needs to be taken. I propose all aid given to Third World countries is conditional on that aid being used to support the living but preventing new births. This is the only way we can avoid a global population catastrophe. If the limp wristed politicians and ‘philanthropists’ of the West keep on ploughing money into the Third World without thinking of the population implications of their actions, the future holds nothing other than starvation and misery for billions.
Many developing countries have very large debts, and the amount of money they owe is quickly increasing. Trying to pay off the debt (debt service) has become a serious problem for these countries, and it causes great hardship for their people.
Take the region of Sub-Saharan Africa, for example. This region pays $10 billion every year in debt service. That is about 4 times as much money as the countries in the region spend on health care and education.
Denise, it isn't a proven fact it's nonsense and there's nothing 'morally' wrong with eating meat either.
Whatever happens sub-saharan Africa bears no responsibility for their collective or individual actions. That burden has been removed by lunatic western liberals who think a never ending supply of aid will solve the problem. This is deapite all the available meaningful evidence demonstrating the contrary.
Sub-saharan African countries virtually all have astronomically high birth rates, Niger's for example is 8. That's the AVERAGE number of children each woman gives birth to.
A typical European country's is between 1.2 and 1.8, and a significant part of that is made up by Third World communities resident in those countries.
In 1985 at the time of LiveAid Ethiopia's population was 33 million, 26 years later it is 77 million.
International aid organisations and their supporters live on the 'moral' high ground where they can look down on and demonise anyone who points out that they are now part of the problem not the solution. Just like all unreasoning behaviour, indiscriminate, wholesale compassion CREATES problems.
Kraven, you must face up to facts and stop living in denial. What Denise states is absolutely correct. Vegetarians do have vastly reduced cancer rates compared to carnivores.
You should do the right thing and reduce the amount of meat you consume. Not only will you feel better but you may also live longer.
who wants to live forever anyway?
Not unless you want to live on your knees.
TC, you're talking about OVER consumption of meat. As witnessed by your statement that a reduction in meat consumption is what matters. That of course depends on how much an individual is conuming in the first place, vegetarians need to INCREASE their meat intake.
The people who live longest are those with a sensible, healthy, nutritious, balanced diet, an essential part of which is meat. Any impartial doctor or food/nutrition expert would endorse this view.
Vegetarians often talk about health but can never answer when asked, why they choose not to eat one of the most essential and healthy parts of the human diet, meat.
The real reason is not health but usually either personal squeamishness or an unreasoning view that there is something 'immoral' about eating other creatures. This provides a sensation of 'moral' superiority.
I only eat human meat, usually with kidney beans and a bottle chianti.
Human blood is nice, saying that I've only drank very little, just a phase me and my goth friends went through at school. Not much you can get from the cuts you end up with from the rough and tumble of a schoolyard.
Apparently its good for your complexion, Elisabeth Bathory swore by it.
Meat is essential, it keeps you passionate and aggressive. We Britons need that now more than ever and as a self professed berserker I swear by great amounts of steak, minced beef, paltry, fisch and beef burgers.
Hey SS, are you Thor or bloody Nosferatu?
I look more like the latter for certain anonymous.
In the universe and in everything that makes up a part of it there is light and then there is the dark.
As a teenager the darkness was less under control than it is now and ciobined with other like minded teenagers a lot of mayhem was caused. Back then I would not say Thor but more Loki.
Now the darkness (that is essential to nourish the light afterall) plays a less prominent role and I have found a higher cause in life beyond the hedonism of adolescence.
To remind myself of that cause the sun now follows me wherever I wander.
That bird on the video still looks like bloody death warmed up.
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