Back in May I took a photograph of the bridge over the Huddersfield Canal in Stalybridge after it had bricks removed/stolen. Having recently passed the same spot sadly I have to report the situation has deteriorated. If the disassembly of the bridge continues at the current pace there will be no retaining wall within a couple of years.
I cannot even think of a solution other than CCTV to prevent further damage due the fairly remote location of the bridge. In the dead of night wrongdoers could operate without fear of meeting a living soul anywhere near this bridge so the chances of them getting caught are slim.

The solution is obvious.
Catch the perpetrators.
Use them as an example to DETER others.
Birch them into unconsciousness.
Lock them up in a 10' X 6' concrete room for five years.
Widely publicise the above.
Vandalism will soon plummet in the area.
Above nah your too soft man.
Pull out their teeth with rusty pliers, then place their balls in hot tar.
Personally I'd use a bolt gun on them. We'd all be better off without the huge amount of human dross that should never have been born in the first place. Imagine a Britain without them.
Execution for knocking a few bricks from a wall? What a sick bastard you are.
Nightime patrols will work. There is a wonderful real life superhero who every now and again operates in Tameside. I've heard he wwas interviewed by the BBC and will be in a documentary soon wearing his trademark scim net mask and German army raincoat.
I've seen him sometimes. Lives nowhere near Staly though. I encourage people to join the RLSH community, I am thinking about it myself.
If you have numbers you dont even have masks, I think the EDL do it. E-E-EDL! :D
*disclaimer- I'm not a zionist believe it or not.
Couple battered in savage gang attack captured on CCTV.
16/10/2011 02:06
Come on thats not racist it's just some Muslims having a bit of fun.
FRANCE have a real problem with Muslims like this. Thats why the National Front are getting FIVE million votes.
CCTV is a good thing when you people get caught red handed breaking the rules like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=mh-p35aw2gc
Dukinfield Tameside Elections
Don't like being filmed because they got caught red handed breaking the rules of the elections, then pretending the car had broken down.
Only for a nation to be overrun by Muslims and the rest.
Beefy might have done it.
I concur with Mr Negroponte, getting rid of such people isn't execution, it's 'de-birthing' those who should never have been allowed to exist in the first place.
They're now everywhere, look around most of them stand out a mile. Vandals are one of the less virulent forms but ALL need getting rid of.
PR voting for tameside
Mr west is going to sort the wall out when he gets his 200 hous community service ? So stop worrying over the wall its all in hand
We all know aluman is tryimg to fool us all.
Nationalist/aluman the political persecution case is listed for the 19th March 2012.
well good luck with it roy and i hope you sort him out
I may just start to campaign for the BNP again, I've got the A boards. I can get the new leaflets.
He does'nt believe the BNP have any right to stand in elections.
Or anyone that have right wing views, does not deserve political representation.
The meeting on the 22nd may see a new party formed by Andrew Brons MEP.
Better idea Roy;
A new party with a new name for a new Tameside!
'Nationalists Against Taylor, See YouTube'
You could go head to head on the dogshite issue:
"I'm Roy West from your local N.A.T.S.Y Party, would you like to help me establish a 'Turd Rake' in the parks of Dukinfield?"
This weekend will be eventful hopefully.
I can't see AB founding a new party, he seems too set against it. I'm worried that that issue if not resolved quickly might dominate the meeting and prevent the people who want to stay in from finding a solution.
Founding a new party will not be easy, it should not be done while there is still a greater than 5% chance of saving the BNP
Make sure your accuser goes on the stand and is asked about some of the sickening, vile allegations on his blog.
I recall one from a couple of years ago that was straight from the gutter. Disgusting smear tactics, from the Deputy leader of a major metropolitan borough.
I'm looking forward to hearing the Deputy Leader Justify his vile allegations.
He says in his police statement, that, there was no evidence to say West was involved with making death threats. Yet The Deputy Leader put out a leaflet saying West was guilty of making the death threats.
Failed Labour Candidate (labour til i die) Ballagher
Michael Patrick.
Failed local resident, not even making an issue about rubbish BEING dumped on his own street.
There's litter all over the shop in Tameside. It's turning from a relatively tidy borough to a right dump.
17/10/2011 17:11
I agree people won't take their litter home, or put it in the bin.
It's just too much trouble for them.
See here!
Within weeks MPs could vote on a EU referendum and i dont have an MP coz my vote got put in the bin . So can anyone tell me how to get my voice heard ? I done wont to be in the EU and i never did
Money talks, justice walks.
We just have to keep rolling the ball forward, no stumbling, weaving our way through the defences. We can worry about solving problems once we have the goal posts facing us.
Until then we focus on the game.
I am going through a bit of a football phase but it's still relevant :D
MPs have just voted themselves another 5 day mini-break next month. That takes their days off to 87 per year. Nice 'work' if you can get it.
He did not want filming because he did not want people to see them breaking the rules of the election.
But now people can see how they operate, and they don't like it.
Is Britain's tradition of free speech under threat?
A teenager is facing prosecution for using the word "cult" to describe the Church of Scientology
The City of London police came under fire two years ago when it emerged that more than 20 officers, ranging from constable to chief superintendent, had accepted gifts worth thousands of pounds from the Church of Scientology.
The City of London Chief Superintendent, Kevin Hurley, praised Scientology for "raising the spiritual wealth of society" during the opening of its headquarters in 2006
L.Ron Hubbard, former pulp science-fiction writer and inventor of Scientology, once apparently said to a friend that he'd come up with the best money making scheme ever, he was going to invent his own religion.
Sean Parker Perry deselected as Labour councillor for longdendale. Who says there is no justice?
18/10/2011 15:30
can't keep hiding his shit i suppose?
Ha ha ha, Tameside VIP aka Sean Parker-Perry de-selected as Labour candidate for Longdendale. Just serves him right.
The prat thought he was going to be an MP, but now finds that soon he won't even be a poxy councillor.
Lord Pendry step forward.
Here is one of Parker-Perry's posts on this blog in response to an anti-Israel story from 2007.
Tameside VIP said......
Hey, tameside citizen, if you know what is good for you delete this topic and make no more mention of it. Powers are at work that save us all from harm, even you facists. Isreal [sic] is our ally and a beacon of democracy in a very dangerous part of the world. David and Andrew are doing more good for tameside than you could ever imagine. Take my word on this once [sic] and drop this subject
07/12/2007 22:25
And in 2010 SPP was overlooked as a parliamentary candidate for a man with stronger pro-Israel credentials. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH
How many official trips to Israel has Mr Reynolds been on since getting "elected" in 2010?
While MPs and other elected representatives feather their own nests and pursue their own often crank agendas the country is destroyed from within because Labour let three million immigrants in in thirteen years and they're now all busily breeding.
The coalition are proving expert at ignoring this gigantic elephant in the room
The traitor bastards who did this should all be strung up.
Anyone who still votes for these c***s is every bit as responsible as they are.
Come off it,these Israeli covert MP`s sat in the House of Commons are trying to stay low key but are very very active for Israel see below.
Gwynne in paricular chose his staff to gain maximum involvement for Israeli benefits.
Prepared 16th September 2011 House of Lords Registers for Researchers and Assistants of Members of Parliament
GWYNNE Andrew Benjamin Garratt Director, Labour Friends of Israel (promotes balanced debate on Middle East ).
John Stormont None.
Benjamin Garratt
Thank you for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.
I am taking part in a night time charity walk through East London for Meir Panim, a poverty- fighting charity in Israel.
Ben Garratt, Head of Policy and Research at Labour Friends of Israel
Ben Garrattposted toLabour Friends of Israel
LFI Special Briefing: Update on the Middle East peace process http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2F38f8me8&h=GAQBJF5JHAQDnzoRSM9nC14y1gfzFK4YRLJFp0I7U_vzWPQ
Labour Friends of Israel is widely recognised as a serious and
thoughtful contributor to that debate. As well as thanking those who presented papers
during the consultation phase of this pamphlet and wrote the following chapters, thanks
are also due to the Labour Parliamentarians who engaged with the project, namely: David
Cairns MP, Rt. Hon Lord Clinton-Davis, Lord Davies of Coity, Andrew Dismore MP,
Louise Ellman MP, Andrew Gwynne MP, Fabian Hamilton MP, Lord Janner of
Braunstone, Rt. Hon Jane KennedyMP, Stephen LadymanMP, Rt. Hon AnneMcGuire
MP, Madeline Moon MP, Meg Munn MP, Baroness Ramsay of Cartvale, Rt. Hon Joan
Ryan MP and Lord Turnberg.
"Adam Werritty".
Watch out for the links with Israel and Mossad.
A devious campaign to turn Israel into one of our masters as they created in the US.
Michael Lewis, the boss of Oceana Investors and a former chairman of Bicom, an organisation that lobbies on behalf of Israel.
Lewis another one linked with Werritty and Fox,its now endemic this
intended control of Our Country by Israel and its agents.
2 in Tameside is two too many.
One scrawny Israeli 'sergeant' released for hundreds of hardened fighting Arab men who want to see Israel in rubble.
I woke up today grinning like a chesire cat as I watched Russia Today.
Whats better is Egypt helped to conduct it, a masterstroke by Hamas and the new Egyptian government!
Israel, all your crimes are coming back to haunt you!
From the Deputy Leader's police statement.
On Friday 22nd April I recieved a leaflet from Roy West critising the Labour party.
I sent it to Sandra Stewart who is the Council solicitor who overseas elections.
Those wanting to witness this political persecution brought by our glorious deputy leader, the case is listed for the 19th of March 2012 at Tameside.
Come off it,these Israeli covert MP`s sat in the House of Commons are trying to stay low key but are very very active for Israel see below.
Gwynne in paricular chose his staff to gain maximum involvement for Israeli benefits.
Prepared 16th September 2011 House of Lords Registers for Researchers and Assistants of Members of Parliament
GWYNNE Andrew Benjamin Garratt Director, Labour Friends of Israel (promotes balanced debate on Middle East )
Benjamin Garratt
Thank you for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.
I am taking part in a night time charity walk through East London for Meir Panim, a poverty- fighting charity in Israel.
Ben Garratt, Head of Policy and Research at Labour Friends of Israel
Ben Garrattposted toLabour Friends of Israel
LFI Special Briefing: Update on the Middle East peace process http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2F38f8me8&h=GAQBJF5JHAQDnzoRSM9nC14y1gfzFK4YRLJFp0I7U_vzWPQ
Labour Friends of Israel is widely recognised as a serious and
thoughtful contributor to that debate. As well as thanking those who presented papers
during the consultation phase of this pamphlet and wrote the following chapters, thanks
are also due to the Labour Parliamentarians who engaged with the project, namely: David
Cairns MP, Rt. Hon Lord Clinton-Davis, Lord Davies of Coity, Andrew Dismore MP,
Louise Ellman MP, Andrew Gwynne MP, Fabian Hamilton MP, Lord Janner of
Braunstone, Rt. Hon Jane KennedyMP, Stephen LadymanMP, Rt. Hon AnneMcGuire
MP, Madeline Moon MP, Meg Munn MP, Baroness Ramsay of Cartvale, Rt. Hon Joan
Ryan MP and Lord Turnberg.
1100 Palestinians for one Jew, someone got a good deal.
Irrespective of that, if the Jews gave all 'their' promised land back to the Palestinians, paid massive reparations and exorbitant rent to live there it wouldn't make Islam as a whole even pause. They'd just carry on with their long term campaign to outbreed the rest of the world. Palestine is just a tool in that campaign.
Zionist Terror Gang Bombs British HQ At King David Hotel, 65 Killed (1946)
The Secret Halal Meat Scandal
Halal/Kosher: barbaric, cruel, alien, unnecessary.
The boltgun or pre-stunning are the civilised and proven ways of minimising suffering and anyone living here should abide by these methods.
A British slaughterman, in his own country, would be prosecuted for animal cruelty if he slit one animal's throat without stunning it, but the barbarism of Islamic and Jewish slaughter is allowed on an industrial scale.
The silence on this issue from people and organisations supposedly concerned about animal's rights is deafening.
Check where and who your MP hangs out with.
A number of LFI supporters have been promoted in Labour Party Leader Ed Miliband’s reshuffle.
LFI Vice Chairs Rachel Reeves MP and Jonathan Reynolds MP have been appointed to the role
of Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury and PPS to Ed Miliband respectively. In addition, LFI
supporters Ivan Lewis MP (a former Vice Chair) and Rt Hon Anne McGuire MP have been
appointed to the roles of Shadow Secretary of State for International Development and Shadow
Minister for Work and Pensions respectively. Former LFI Chair Stephen Twigg MP has become
the new Shadow Secretary of State for Education, LFI Vice Chair Michael Dugher MP will now
attend Shadow Cabinet, in his new role as Shadow Minister without Portfolio (Cabinet Office),
and former LFI Chair Andrew Gwynne MP has been appointed as a Shadow Health Minister.
Relationship between the UK and Israel: Labour Friends of Israel leads a delegation of
Parliamentarians to Israel and the Palestinian territories; this followed a successful
Labour Party Conference for LFI with over 500 people attending the LFI Annual Reception
and over 150 people attending a joint LFI-Progress fringe debate on ‘making the
progressive case for Israel’
Labour Friends of Israel have just returned from a very successful week-long visit to Israel and
the Palestinian territories with seven Labour Members of Parliament. LFI Chair John Woodcock
MP, a Shadow Transport Minister, led the delegation, which included Rt Hon Anne McGuire MP
(Shadow Work & Pensions Minister), Rachel Reeves MP (LFI Vice Chair and newly-appointed
Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury), Jonathan Reynolds MP (LFI Vice Chair and newly
appointed PPS to Rt Hon Ed Miliband MP), Dan Jarvis MP (newly appointed Shadow Culture,
Media & Sport Minister), Michael McCann MP (member of the International Development Select
Committee) and Pamela Nash MP (Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on HIV and AIDS).Relationship between the UK and Israel: Labour Friends of Israel leads a delegation of
Parliamentarians to Israel and the Palestinian territories; this followed a successful
Labour Party Conference for LFI with over 500 people attending the LFI Annual Reception
and over 150 people attending a joint LFI-Progress fringe debate on ‘making the
progressive case for Israel’
Labour Friends of Israel have just returned from a very successful week-long visit to Israel and
the Palestinian territories with seven Labour Members of Parliament. LFI Chair John Woodcock
MP, a Shadow Transport Minister, led the delegation, which included Rt Hon Anne McGuire MP
(Shadow Work & Pensions Minister), Rachel Reeves MP (LFI Vice Chair and newly-appointed
Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury), Jonathan Reynolds MP (LFI Vice Chair and newly
appointed PPS to Rt Hon Ed Miliband MP), Dan Jarvis MP (newly appointed Shadow Culture,
Media & Sport Minister), Michael McCann MP (member of the International Development Select
Committee) and Pamela Nash MP (Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on HIV and AIDS).
backSomeone should point all this out to Labour's block Muslim vote in Britain.
Jonathan Reynolds MP is LFI Vice Chair and newly
appointed PPS to Rt Hon Ed Miliband MP.
The dirty, filthy bastard Jonny Reynolds. I am consumed with jealousy and resentment.
Vote Labour and place Israel into running the UK.
The LFI are now according to their statements are seeking to build a much larger membership amongst local Labour UK organisations,hence their free meal in Manchester for Tameside Councillors.
Its time the public got the message.
If all comes to the worst we've got the main man to take over the leadership of the Council.
I wud such like 2 say that i did not write nothing above the person calling themself sean parker perry is not me thanx sean.
Class in a glass said...
If all comes to the worst we've got the main man to take over the leadership of the Council.
If you mean JT don`t forget his Israeli Flag on his web-site.
Our Councillors are not an expensive purchase for the LFI.
Just cheap,brain dead,and a couple of pints and where do we sign up.
Cheap as chips comes to mind.
What happened Sean you seemed so happy here?
It’s All Hate Now, Even Homosexuals are Homophobic!
Someone said to me the other night in the Masons Arms.
"How has got that job he's got love and hate on his knuckles"
I told him, "You know he's made £200,000 in the last 8 years from being on the Council.
He did'nt believe me.
John Taylor The Love And Hate Man!
Total - £35,135.00
Total - £31,791.32
Total - £31,565.18
Total - £31,044.34
Total - £27,822.00
Total - £27,157.00
Total - £24,640.25
Total - £25,655.50
He's a very rich man, he calls the police if you tell people how much he he's making.
If those figures are correct that's actually £234,809, or £29,351 a year. I wonder how much an hour that works out at for a part-timer.
Count it all up here from the Council's own figures.
These are not real labour, but greedy bastards.
You can pick some of the out to be decent and not greedy of course.
If he does 20 hours a week (I doubt if any councillor actually does that) for 46 weeks a year it works out at £32 an hour, on his new deputy leader rate it's over £38 an hour.
Mind you he IS the sort who'd be headhunted by international companies so is worth every penny.
He does'nt want people going round with his expenses on leaflets, thats why he calls the police to try and prevent the truth spreading to clueless voters.
John Taylor is using the police and courts to prevent any opposition to his thug rule.
But the whole truth will come out in court. And alot of good people are going to be shocked to read about his methods.
The Chief Executive's on £189,000, but then, when it comes to the hardship millions are suffering in the recession, he's one of 'the exempt'.
You put that on a leaflet and you'll get a visit from the CID.
They don't want people knowing how much they are making.
They are prepared to fit you up using the police, if you dare expose how much they are on.
Put out a leaflet giving details on how much Sandra Stewart is making. See what comes your way.
It's a corrupt Mafia in Tameside. When are you people going to learn?
It's a rigged game.
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