Former Key 103 executive John Chapman has joined Tameside Radio as managing director.
The appointment comes several weeks after housing association New Charter Housing Trust stepped in to secure the future of the Ashton-under-Lyne-based community radio station.
After starting his career in newspaper advertising sales Chapman took on management posts in commercial radio at Key 103, the Transworld Communications Group and Galaxy 102. At Tameside he will be leading an executive and broadcasting team.
He said: "In some ways this is my dream job. I loved every minute of my time in radio and in local press. I can now use the skills I have gained over the last 30 years to make a difference at Tameside Radio and to give something back to the community that I am really proud to be part of.”
New Charter's chief executive Ian Munro said: “We are all delighted to have secured the services of such an experienced radio executive. John is a Tameside man and is passionate about the community, we were very impressed with his track record and his vision for the future of Tameside Radio.”
Tameside Radio was granted a licence in September 2007. www.howdo.co.uk
I wonder why Simon Walker has been replaced as MD? Tameside Citizen
Oh dear the creeping shadow of the political arm of labour/new charter.
But you already know that don't you, all?
Watching the Conservative conference it is easy to see they are a class apart from the Labour traitors and Lib Dum perverts. Most Tories look and talk like ordinary decent people, compare them to the Labour lot with their semitic looks and cunning false smiles.
I wonder what Tameside would be like if administered by a Tory council? If anything like Trafford it would be a lot better than it is now.
going back to blue interesting comment there.
I wonder if any Tory would go to someones neighbour to incite violence.
I've seen alot since 2006 in relation to Labour gutter politics.
I've seen how the police protect the "Labour Mafia"
New charter's involvement in spreading smear and allegation on behalf of certain Labour cllrs.
I wonder if any Tory could allow themselves to use such methods?
I don't understand how the Tameside Conservatives can play this dangerous game with Labour Mafia types.
Most people can see that John Bell is bought and paid for.
You see this guy at the election counts, he's with the Labour group talking, rather than standing with his own people.
I just don't understand the Tories in Tameside. It's like they have caved in to political correctness.
The most impressive aspect of the Conservative conference so far is the utter and universal discipline with which they are completely ignoring the real issues of immigration.
Theresa May's speech was a masterpiece of waffle and tinkering around the edges of the most vital issue facing Britain. Meanwhile the indigenous population is systematically and acceleratingly outbred and outnumbered.
An amazing insight of the hidden agenda used by the media to pervert public opinion.
This fat oaf deserved jailing, if it was up to me he would have got longer. But the agenda driven local paper makes it a political issue when it truly has zero to do with politics.
Most lemmings will totally miss that point and not question the hidden agenda; that is why they are lemmings and we are not.
Very good point the "hidden agenda" is clear for all to see, if they want to see it, thats the key point.
Of course the media don't focus on lib/lab/con crimes like they have done so in this case.
Usual story of the system of political smear.
One universal truth I've come to understand. That the police are here in Tameside, to intimidate and harass the enemies of the Labour Mafia run Council.
The public can't understand that view because they are not in the targets of the Labour Mafia.
People say that the police were racist and framed people in the 70's. But what you've got now is a political police force doing the bidding of those that are in the process of destroying British heritage.
They tried to frame Liam Billington over some harmless Political Satire on his blog.
From a Councillor that sends out letters "if you can't stand the heat then stay out of the kitchen"
Remember if you go around with your eyes and ears closed, you'll always be deaf, dumb, and blind.
Why should people trust them?
Do we still have a right, to say we don't trust the bastards?
Forces with officers suspended or charged are:
Avon and Somerset - four officers charged with perverting the course of justice
Bedfordshire - one officer suspended
Cleveland - eight suspended, including Det Spt Ray Mallon who advocates Zero Tolerance
City of London - two suspended for allegedly perverting the course of justice
Durham - three suspended over theft allegations
Essex - one suspended for alleged theft.
Gwent - one superintendent suspended over alleged expenses fraud
Hertfordshire - one suspended for allegedly selling information to a journalist
Kent - two charged with conspiracy to pervert the course of justice
Lancashire - one charged over payment of rewards to Crimestoppers
Leicestershire - one suspended
Merseyside - three suspended and one detective chief inspector charged with corruption
Metropolitan Police - 51 suspended
Northumbria - one suspended
North Yorkshire - one suspended
Nottinghamshire - one suspended
South Yorkshire - 11 suspended over allegations surrounding compensation for guns handed in after a firearms ban
Warwickshire - one suspended
West Midlands - seven suspended
West Yorkshire - three suspended over theft allegations and one charged with drug offences
West Mercia - one charged with misusing the national police computer.
Was Walker pushed or did he jump?
Good book to read:
Bent Coppers: Survey of Police Corruption [Paperback]
The story that first gave the TC blog credibility in the eyes of many people was unearthed by Tonydj in 2007. It was an interesting article, unearthed from the archives, and related to Simon Walker and a Labour councillor. The headline was:
Lefties In Town Hall Love Triangle
Wife Runs Off With Lover
Yes ncb, and we thought that story was buried but it came back to haunt us. But one day the tables will be turned when you and your scum friends will be buried for good. All the important skeletons have been carefully hidden in the closet, so that, no amount of "unearthing" by Tonydj is going to make the slightest difference. Now crawl off back under your stone!
This is all the evidence I need to see what the police are all about.
Frame ups, intimidation, bullies.
Police ban Bible in Christian café (Blackpool, England)
'Police ban Bible in christian cafe',
Lancashire Police have since dropped it but have refused to apologise.
They initially quoted Section 5 of The Public Order Act which outlaws insulting words that are likely to cause distress. They have since admitted they should have quoted Section 29E which outlaws the broadcasting of offensive material intended to stir up homophobic hatred.
Amazing that whilst undergoing such supposedly savage cuts the Police have got the time and resources to waste on this.
At one time such an obviously spurious complaint would have been ignored and the complainant warned about wasting police time. Now it's treated as the Holy of Holies, a Hate Crime.
How can a DVD of the Bible be a hate crime or inciting hatred? That is precisely the question they should have asked the complainant, but objectivity and common sense go out of the window when a sacred minority is involved.
But of course this was about intimidating the perpetrators of a thought crime not investigating a potential criminal offence, the former is something the modern police specialise in.
The Police have however succeeded in one thing: alienating a decent, law abiding cafe owner.
No doubt it will have been made clear by their politicised senior officers that any such reports should get top priority, as failure to do so could harm the career prospects of the upper echelons of the police.
What's going on in Congo...sorry Central Flats on King Street?
Heritage they can also spend time taking photos of flags in someones living room. And list them with crime numbers.
What has the cafe / bible thing to do with 'minority religions'?
How do you know who made the 'complaint'?
Seaside cafes are not exactly goldmines, and what better way to get some press coverage than to collude with a Christian pressure group with previous in this type of 'complaint'? (remember the guest house and the gay couple a few months back)
Check where the story came from, the whole point is to get the hard of thinking all fired up. This group are good at it, even though it is like shooting fish in a barrel - see above!
Oops, 'minorities or religion' in first line!
Semeth, 'What has cafe/Bible thing got to do with minorities or religion?' Homosexuals are a minority group and this is a Christian cafe. Lancashire Police have admitted they should have used Section 29E, so it must have been a complaint made by or on behalf of a homosexual(s).
Supply evidence of the profitability or otherwise of this cafe.
Whether a Christian grpup takes it up or not, none of the basic facts of the issue are in dispute. People can make their own mind up if the hard pressed police should be pandering to such spurious complaints. The cafe didn't start it and the original complainant could just as well be accused of seeking to exaggerate the issue, no doubt the 'gay' press will latch on to it.
The 'hard of thinking' comment is a meaningless, abusive, statement that emphasises your lack of reasoned argument.
Why do the lobby group behind this 'story' wish to depict the country's most widely followed religion (indeed one which has the monarch as it's head) as a persecuted entity when this is far from the case to even the most casual observer?
I am not sure how much of the Bible you are familiar with, but it is not exactly peppered with references to homosexuality. Therefore, in order for anyone to have genuinely been offended by what they read on screen, how long would they have had to sit there (presumably buying food / drink?) for such a verse to appear? Watch the video, the screen is inside and not in the window. It just does not make any sense at all as a real complaint.
As for profits, ever been to Blackpool out of season?
Anyway, never mind the homosexuals, check out Ezekiel 23:19-20 - most decent establishments would not display that kind of filth, yet this chap would apparantly plaster it across a plasma screen in front of one's grandmother!
To aluman,
Are the rumours true about you being a relative of Myra Hindley? Everyone in the BNP seems to think so.
An interesting idea, I'm not going to even mention the name of somebody else with the same last name as a serial killer lol.
Playing a silly word game would be about as productive as most of thhe comments on here so why not :D
Anonymous that tuck some thinking about you little puff ? and why do you hide behind the name Anonymous ? one part of that i have to agree with the rumours bit coz there is a girly click in tameside BNP and you were a part of it
R.I.P Dave Hannam a true Nationalist
JohnWagTaylor Cllr John Taylor
I cant see Osborn messing about with dodgy women and snorting coke ,can you ?
13 Sep
Well we can't all be like you can we now?
Did anyone hear Mrs Mussolini from Ashton speaking at the Conservative conference on the Radio4 ten o clock news last night? I am surprised the Conservatives allowed her to join.
Aluman, I was asked by Derek Dawson if you were related to Myra Hindley. Everyone in Burnley BNP seemed to think you were a relative of hers. I've heard others say the same thing. It's a wild rumour behind your back. Lol
iv'e seen the future and it looks a bit worrying to say the least.
what is your view on it???
The person sticking two fingers up is definitely a male.
Nice photo boys. I can hear the photographer, "say cheese Mossad".
Anonymous ? The Burnley lads would,nt pass a tosser like you the time of day and Derek defo would,nt
Semeth, your suggestion that the owners did this to increase trade and that people having read about this incident will flock to this cafe in Blackpool 'out of season' is totally ludicrous.
There is zero evidence this was anything other than a genuine, if ridiculous, complaint.
Christianity is often seen as an easy target by pressure groups, inside and outside of the establishment. There have been many instances involving B&B and hotel owners, adoption, Registrar's, Doctors etc where people with Christian principles have been investigated and would-be intimidated by arms of the State. The same State noticeable for its seeming obliviousness to, for example, Islam's total hostility to homosexuality.
As for lobby groups, the 'gay' community has a large and vociferous one of its own, which could of course be connected to the original complaint.
There WAS no complaint about some of the earthy language in Ezekiel etc so what's it got to do with this case.
Whilst Nationalists destroy themselves another city falls to islam ? Aluman tribute to Dave Hannam R.I.P pal
Myra Hindley's relative is stalking this blog again.
2010: Tohseef Shah convicted of daubing a British war memorial with: Islam will dominate the world, Osama is coming. Sentence: £500 compensation order to council for clean-up and walks free from court.
2011: Emdadur Choudhury sets fire to a poppy during the two minute's silence on Remembrance Day. Sentence: £50 fine and walks free from court.
2011: As a result of the poppy burning Steven Vasey and Anthony Smith painted a poppy and a cross on a mosque in Hartlepool in protest. Sentence: 12 months imprisonment.
Piss on a Union Jack and nothing will happen, piss on a Pakistani flag and your feet wouldn't touch the ground.
Britain is now run by a combination of liberals, cowards, appeasers, traitors, Marxists and the insane.
Come on please ladies and gentleman, let's not resort to playground antics with accusation and counter accusation.
yes west is pushing is luck again
The 5 Stages of Muslim Conquest (tried and tested in over 56 Countries over 1400 years)
The UK is at Stage 3.
America is at Stage 1
History shows that Stages 2,3,4,and 5 follow as sure as day follows night
Stage 1
New Muslim settlers in a country keep a low profile and remain law abiding (Britain 25 years ago) My Doctor, My pharmacist, Taxi drivers. No problems. what lovely people. They wouldn't hurt a fly! would they? No Veils, Niqabs etc
Stage 2
As they increase in numbers, double and triple, money arrives from oil rich countries to build mosques and issue intructions. Then they start protesting against "oppressive" local laws and advance the case for Sharia
Stage 3
As they see the new country's weak spots, they move into the relevent professions and start to take over areas. (Tower Hamlets, Bradford, Luton, etc, )
Stage 4
As they become confident and strong, financially, materially and militarily, they will carve a piece of land from the country as exclusively their own with finance from oil rich countries (Bosnia, Kosovo etc.)
Stage 5
Finally they will go for the kill and total takeover of the country (or piece of the country) as in Lebanon, Kosovo etc
Racism: Let us just remind ourselves of where this word came from and why. The word was devised by a homosexual Jewish Trotskyite called Magnus Hirschfeld in 1930 as a means to destroy Western homogeneity and therefore Occidental society in general.
He knew that encouraging non-white immigration into the West while simultaneously rendering Caucasian man intellectually defenceless through a series of psychological complexes brought about by supercharging emotions of guilt and pity via neo-Marxist ‘critical thought’ would ensure his downfall, along with the civilization he created, leaving a vacuum for the emergence of a global, Communist, totalitarian super-state.
‘Racism’ then, as many have pointed out, is merely an attack on native Europeans and is therefore in itself ‘racist’. As ever with Marxist semantics, the word is used to mean the opposite of the real desired effect (one thinks also of such words as ‘tolerance’ or ‘diversity’).
The other side of discourse on ‘racism’, again utilising the stereotype (racist again!) of the white man as the eternal oppressor is also engineered to antagonise non-whites against whites through the rewriting of history, the Caucasian becoming a hate figure.
This legitimates any means – through the media, violence, legal process and alteration, academia, the education system – of denigrating, subjugating and ethnically and culturally cleansing Europids in their own homelands.
As ‘racism’ is a Trotskyite invention, laws regarding it are Communist in nature and ensure that Caucasians are unable to define themselves as themselves either to the exclusion of, or in contradistinction to other races in their own homelands – unless that contradistinction is in and of itself a debasement of Caucasians.
Do they include race when promoting diversity. If so why don't they actively discourage racial intermarriage, as the result in the long run will be a complete LACK of racial diversity.
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