According to J Garlick from Hollingworth who had a letter published on this subject in the latest edition of the Tameside Advertiser.
There was an interesting debate on this blog back in August on this subject with some excellent points put forward by Ronnie Rabbit, MRM and Every Penny Counts.
The astonishing thing is that Cllr Peter Robinson (parking enforcer and persecutor of motorists) and the Council cannot realise the false economy in the tactic they are pursuing. They may indeed get a return from the parking machines they are installing but this would become irrelevant compared to the money created by vibrant and bustling towns centres, which Hyde could become once again if managed properly.
The Council should think long term instead of focussing on short term gain, and they could do worse than tootling off down to Trafford to see how things are when long term strategic planning is used rather than knee jerk tactics designed to raise a quick buck.

The job of running a metropolitan borough properly is too big for most of them. They're too thick to plan ahead and visualise and are panicking over the financial situation.
They should also scrap the pathetically outdated ideology, we can't afford it. A massive increase in privatisation of services and cuts in employees is also required, not cutting the throats of local town centres to raise a few quid. Spreading and increasing parking charges in the middle of a recession, including a proposal to target the disabled, is about as thick and unimaginative as you can get.
The thing is most of the people who vote for these cretins are on the same intellectual level.
Robinson was the one who wrote to the Labourtiser to tell residents that some speed bumps that had been complained about were simply replacements for old ones. Several people, including one who'd lived there 41 years, wrote in to say there WERE no speed bumps there before. Like they wouldn't know.
The objective is to get picked and have the crucial red rosette which guarantees victory even if you're a total cretin and nasty piece of work.
As long as Tesco etc are happy small traders can get fucked.
Yours Truly,
We took the 'Bridge, Hyde's next. I'll suck the life out of every town in every Borough we can buy.
Tesco, Google, M&S, you name it, we either own it, control it, part own it, part control it, are about to own it, are about to control it, indirectly control it (mainly through advertising), or are blackmailing it.
"Our race (speaking of the Jews) is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best.
Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves."
Menachem Begin.
Former terrorist and Israeli Prime Minister.
Note: Right up to his death in 1992 Begin proudly admitted to the above quote.
.....but if a 10 year old Palestinian boy throws a stone, HE IS LABELLED A TERRORIST BY THE MEDIA.
I'm sorry, but I went to Hyde the other week to have a look at some tiles. Going to the Clarendon Shopping centre was something out of a nightmare. They are stuck in the 60's. The pebble dashed multi-storey car park amongst the council flats looked like something out of Communist Eastern Europe.
I'm sorry, but TMBC isn't wholly to blame here. The traders need to get their acts together. Take a look at their stock, their pricing and their appearance. It's no wonder people flock on the trains to Manchester to get competitively priced, quality goods.
Thanks for that Sandy
The Clarendon Centre is a bit tatty but that is not the fault of the shopkeepers who rent space in there. There will be no chance of a Hyde revival unless this parking madness is overturned. I don't think they will be happy until they have turned Hyde into another Stalybridge.
I was walking next to the Clarendon Centre early on Thursday afternoon and I passed Jim Fitzpatrick who was all suited and booted. He has an evil look about him, he reminds me of the sort of bloke who would volunteer to work as a guard in concentration camp gulag - as long as at paid well and there was perks to be had.
Poppy-burning Muslims plan new 'Hell for Heroes' demonstration on November 11
I think its a shame that the troops of today have hijacked rememerance day coz the old boys were true heros ?
All the wars of today are just down and out murder 200.000 women and children slaughter and for what ? Was we under attack ? NO are troops sign up to defend Queen and country not attack and massacer for them ?
Are they fighting in my name ?most certainly not . I use to always where a poppy these days ? NO coz i dont support these wars atall and pls dont give me any crap about the troop havin to do as they are told ? coz they swear and oath to defends use and fuck all else and these kids are signing up daily so whats up with there parents ? when my youngest son told me he was joining the army i put a stop to it and i told him i would kill him my self . I wish these lads no harm but i dont support them
People need to rememcer that you get what you vote for. Keep voting Labour, and this will continue.
Remember their sacrifice for our right to FREE SPEECH and political association.
Dear Resident
The reality is completely different for the likes of me.
•In 2009 three police officers raided my house just to take pictures of flags in my living room.
•In 2006 one high ranking Labour Cllr actually went to my neighbours saying to them “if he gives you any trouble let me know and I’ll get rid of him for you”
•Every time I dare to challenge the Labour Mafia I get a visit from the police.
•That’s my reality in this struggle.
Why do I get a police visit when I put out leaflets about Labour Cllrs Allowances and Expenses?
Remember FREE SPEECH is just a police visit away.
Remember it could be you next time that gets visit from the police, sent by the Labour Mafia.
I am being politically persecuted by Labour and the police working together. Cllr Jim Fitzpatrick is openly spreading smear and allegation in Dukinfield.
(Caught on film)
Defend FREE SPEECH open your eyes to political persecution in Dukinfield.
Printed and published by Roy West.
Queen of Shops, the Clarendon Centre's not as bad as you say but regardless of that, if it IS a bit inferior to manchester etc that's all the more reason for the council not to kick it in the teeth by expanding parking charges.
They're doing it as a panic measure to save money. They need to look at other measures, like Bury, such as mass privatisation of services. Also a reduction of councillors; stop forking out £700,000 a year on Diversity Officers and Union officials etc; cut services back to basic levels.
But this is the featherbedded public sector which doesn't understand competetiveness, profit and above all efficiency. I used to work for them and also British Rail and the NHS, all are models of wastefulness and chronic inefficiency.
oh lovely stuff
In May 2010 Tohseef Shah spray painted a British War Memorial with "islam will dominate Britain" he was fined £50 & walked free from court.
In November 2010, Emdadur Choudhury burned a Poppy during the 2mins silence. He too was given a fine, £50 and walked free from court.
Last week in a Portsmouth Court, 2 men were sentenced to 6 months in prison for painting a Poppy on a mosque. Its a f*ck*n disgrace !!!
The person calling himself "nationalist" is a member of the Labour party, possibly Ballagher trying to give nationalist politics a bad name by writing crap.
Ballaghers house is a shite hole. Taxi driver who picks him, and his wife up told me
It doesn't take a genius to work out it is Labour boneheads causing trouble again.
P/S Someone tell me why we see so many of these Labour child molesters in our communities.
Anonyous why is what i say crap ? The labour party have sold you a lie and like a spud you buy it . Get our lads home and the rest of you stop permoting this hero crap coz all your doing is saying that you agree with the labour party and that our troops should be there . all three partys want you to be shouting hero ,hero coz it justifys there iegal wars .I was always tought if you kill someone for no good reason it was murder ? So tell me what the difference is
AND before anyone gets on my case i have already said i wish our troops no harm
Regarding these parking charges.
To use an ancient standard - Cui bono? Who benefits? In the case of these outrageous parking charges in Hyde, the beneficiary will be the new Tesco currently being built on Hattersley.
So the question remains: Are officials/Councillors from TMBC in the pay of Tesco or are they being bribed, directly or indirectly?
Good point, there's new revenue coming in from the new parking charges (even if usage of that car park has dropped) AND as it will deter shoppers from going to Hyde, it will boost trade at the new Tesco five minutes up the road. It's win win, unless you're a trader in Hyde town centre, in which case TMBC have got a message for you: 'Get fucked.'
Right you bastards. we boycot this stupid blog because its shit but if you want to come round and say it to my face you will see. my grandad fought you bastards and i will do the same
If you are going to pretend to be someone else, at least put the effort in.
Ballagher's GRANDAD fought 'your lot' did he?
Who are you, the Boers?
Ballagher has been selected to stand again. Just what this council needs, another high calibre Neanderthal with the brains of an iguana and the finesse of a water buffalo.
labour til i die well clean up that shit on your street.
This guy thinks Dukinfield St. John uses the Iron Cross.
Concerc said...
"If you are going to pretend to be someone else, at least put the effort in.
Ballagher's GRANDAD fought 'your lot' did he?
Who are you, the Boers?"
Dear Concerc,
Ballagher said during his losing speech at Dukinfield town hall in 2007 or 08 that, "my grandad fought the Nazis in World War II, and here I am fighting them again" in response to losing his seat due to the BNP taking enough votes from him, and, thereby, allowing the Tory candidate, Cartwright, to come through the middle and just beat him.
So it probably IS Ballagher himself making the comment on this blog regarding his grandfather. We know from the IP addresses that he comes on this web blog. Happy to clarify.
Entho v Civic nationalism
One argument which is raging at the moment, or rather one sort of false debate which has been started if you like is, a number of people have tried to say that within nationalism you need to define yourself as what kind of nationalist you are, are you an ethno-nationalist as some people call themselves, or are you a civic nationalist, as other people call themselves. I have heard this on a number of occasions, people identifying with either side and I thought I would address it tonight.
I have seen certain people call themselves ethno-nationalists. Clearly what they are trying to do by saying that is that they believe that ethnicity is a key part of nationalism- they want to make it clear that a person's ethnicity as part of their nationality is relevant and it's important to them and I can understand that.
On the other hand, I have only ever heard the term civic nationalist being used to denigrate people and I haven't heard many people referring to themselves as that but of late I have heard one or two people mention it as a different stance to the ethno-nationalist stance and what people who describe themselves as civic nationalists are basically trying to say is that, going back to what I was just speaking about then, that they don't have ethnicity at the core of their beliefs and they don't want to be called racists and be portrayed as being racist and again I can understand that.
From my own part of view I don't rush to attach labels to myself, I think it's better to not to do that, it's best to be avoided if at all possible. I am happy to call myself a nationalist, I always have done. But I would not insist that people call themselves that. I have no problem with people who don't. If people broadly agree with our policies and are patriotic then that will do for me. And this argument, that you need to define yourself as an ethno-nationalist or a civic nationalist, or some people call themselves a cultural nationalist, I find it very divisive and not particularly useful because hoe many of us can say exactly which category we fit into.
I support the English Democrats open membership policy that says anyone can join us if they agree with our manifesto. I wouldn't like to see anyone mistreated because of their race or ethnic background. Does this make me a civic nationalist?
On the other hand, I believe that all peoples have the right to self-identify however they want in terms of culture, language, background, ethnicity and I wouldn't try and tell other nations that they cannot do so, whether we are talking about Apache Indians or Zulus.
Before I came here this evening I got an idea in my head, because I don't just turn up at these meetings and talk about the first thing that comes into my mind, I do actually think about what I'm going to talk about sometimes, it might surprise you to know. I printed off the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as this is something I have read up on in the past and I thought it would be relevant to this ethno-nationalist v civic nationalist debate. It is quite an interesting document which has clearly not been designed with the English in mind but there are few people who would disagree with the sentiments expressed in it . The third point down in this document (it's quite a long), I thought the third point was particularly good and it states that:
that all peoples contribute to the diversity and richness
of civilizations and cultures, which constitute the common heritage
of humankind...
the common heritage of humankind. Now I can support this entirely and I believe in this - I don't want to see smaller nations wiped off the map and undermined by occupying forces, by colonist etc. and I wouldn't expect anyone here to.
Up to this point probably PC liberal types would agree, they would be nodding along at this point thinking yes we support the rights of the eskimos and kurds and basques and all these peoples who have been oppressed over the years, they should have the right to their own culture and identity and the difference between me and those types is that I wouldn't stop there, I would extend this to the English as well. I believe that people who want to identify themselves as ethnically English should be allowed to do so and that it should be monitored on ethnic monitoring forms. The laws that are in place to look after all the other ethnic groups should also be used to look after the people who identify themselves as ethnically English as well. People who want to tick this box on the form should not be disadvantaged because they class themselves as ethnically English anymore than they should be disadvantaged if they tick the Bangladeshi box etc. so that is a little bit about what I believe about ethnicity and the role that it should play in our society.
Does that make me an ethno-nationalist? It's not a term that I would use or recognise. I don't find it particularly useful and I find it divisive and I am quite happy to identify myself as English and I am quite happy to identify myself as European for that matter. I am anti-EU but very pro European, I would class myself as European culturally, and I would class myself as a nationalist as well. What we need to do is get away from this divisive argument with regard to where we stand on these issues because it is very important that our party is a broad church of opinion. We can have people who care about such things and people who don't, it really doesn't matter. We can handle these things because we are a democratic party. If people disagree then we can talk about it. That's what distinguishes us from a religious or political cult. The fact that we are democratic means we can be a broad church of ideas, and that's what we need to be. So let's just leave those types of arguments for other people and not get bogged down in that sort of nonsense because we really do have a much bigger task ahead.
You managed to mis-spell the only part of all the cut 'n' paste above that was your own work, well done!
Thanks for the response, 'Chris'.
In the face of such overwhelming evidence, I must concur.
How could it not be, considering you apparently have access to 'IP addresses' that the siteowner himself does not even monitor.
Have a pretty low opinion of Ballagher m'self, but an even lower one of cranks, sockpuppets, stirrers and unquestioning believers of all they read.
Thanks again for the 'clarification' though.
The intelligence level of the average Labour councillor is a reflection of the intelligence level of the average Labour voter.
Would be voters should have to pass a basic current affairs/intelligence test before being given the franchise.
Weeble said..
You managed to mis-spell the only part of all the cut 'n' paste above that was your own work, well done!"
All of C Beverley's post was copied and pasted. Any spellings are his alone. Doh
Weeble, what are your views on C Beverly's post?
So the editor of this blog does not have access to IP addresses. Interesting! Because that is not what he has told us in the past.
Dear Mr Killing,
We regret to inform you that you have failed the test set by our esteemed colleague Mr Selective Democracy.
Specifically this part: Would be voters should have to pass a basic current affairs/intelligence test before being given the franchise.
We apologise unreservedly that the wars we have so thoughtfully been providing over the recent decades have not been "fucking good enough" for you, and hope to remedy this situation forthwith.
However the fact remains that you failed, leaving us with no choice but to remove your franchise with immediate effect.
The Illuminati
Quite hard to form an opinion on what C Beverley is actually on about y'know.
Lots of it sounds a bit like the 'People's Liberation Front of Judea' speech. A call for unity among divisive arguments about names maybe? Oh, and he seems to really want a tick box on forms that says 'White British'.
Have I missed anything more profound?
Oops - 'White English'.
Weeble, it's hard to form worthwhile opinions generally, but easy to be glib.
C Beverly's comments are slightly vague in places but do call for a consensus and unity amongst nationalists, so they can focus on the issues causing the ongoing destruction of Britain and its identity.
What are you views on this?
The Illuninati, democracy is now part of the problem with millions of foreigners, traitors and morons given the vote. That's why we need a fucking good war, with everyone wading through oceans of blood to purify the nation's essence.
Let's hope the Greeks throw out the resue package in the referendum and wreck the Euro and the whole European Union with it. Real democracy that should make OUR government ashamed.
Long term planning? These are the dickheads who pushed for the mobile traffic jam that is the tram. Still it will move a massive 1 or 2% of the public. Well worth the gigantic investment and all the trouble and delays it will cause.
Why are the Tories negotiating with the red public service union dinosaurs? The Tories should crush the unions like Maggie did. I am sick of these whinging public sector parasites who are trying to cut a deal a for themselves which takes the piss out of ordinary workers like myself. It was reported on the news tonight that public sector workers get £19,000 per year in pension when they retire, that's more than I get for a 40 hour week. It is wrong and public sector workers are no better than me and my colleagues at Asda so come on let's have some fair play and equality on the pension front for all.
So you really believe that all public sector workers get that much when they retire?
Even the ones that help your kids cross the road, work in your free libraries, or the ones that will end up tending to you in your last days?
If not a troll then you are a credulous fool.
I was speaking to all these racists in the pub, well they said they were all for the White Man.
Is that racist.
One nice lady said "I'm for the White Man" Who do you vote for, I said? Labour she said.
Glad we can support you and the rest of the 'care in the community' gang down at the Prince of Orange.
Next time you are in raise a glass to us, you can take it out of our 'gold plated' pensions mate!
ok mate will do. They all vote labour with racist views who's taking the piss?
labour rely on the benefit vote with out it, they would not get in.
Care home votes, postal votes, bit of fraud as well thrown in for good measure.
New charter in a panic about the housing benefit going to their tenants, instead of going straight to them.
Public sector pensions on average are far better than private sector ones, this gap has increased as private pension returns have significantly deteriorated.
The public sector's pensions are also contributed to by the taxpayer, something no-one can explain. So while many are forced to contribute to the public sector's pensions they cannot afford their own.
Now the public sector are going on strike, one of the reasons being some of them will have to wait for their pensions until 65 (i.e the same as everyone in the real world).
The public sector is an entitlement culture exempt from the effects of the recession with millions suffering severe financial hardship. Why? It just is.
The public sector should be the same as everyone else, they should be paid a wage and left to make their own pension arrangements.
Compulsory redundancy is also very rare in the public sector, and the vast majority of the time their wages and conditions are now far superior to private sector equivalent jobs.
It's never enough and now they're going on strike. They will get virtually no support or sympathy from hard pressed workers in the real world.
Fat Griff's local blackshirts will no doubt be expecting a fascist surge at the polls in tonight's Leicestershire by-election.
The credulous few who still take their orders from the Welshpool Fuehrer-bunker are no longer a threat to the democracy of our English councils and are now no more than an oddball masochistic cult. They really must enjoy the weekly humiliation at the polls by mainstream voters. The BNP boneheads are the living embodiment of the phrase,"some people just never learn".
The boneheads have actually won seats in the area in the dim and distant past and came second polling 20% in the ward in 2009 (see below). However, the good folk of Leicestershire have now had a few years to cast their eye over their local "nationalists" and the opportunity to judge the record of Britain's fastest shrinking "political party".
Today they'll deliver their considered verdict at the ballot box. A bonehead meltdown is widely predicted.
Syston Ridgeway (Lei'shire)2009
Stephen Hampson (Con)52.6%
Cathy Duffy (BNP)19.4%
Richard Miller (LD)17.4%
Colin Lovell (Lab)10.6%
Who is this BNP Meltdown numpty who keeps posting cut'n'paste's about obscure by-elections?
There is no justifying the disparity between public and private sector pensions. Public sector workers get more holidays, retire earlier and get enormous pensions. It is worth noting that their jobs and wages are largely unaffected by the millions of Third World immigrants who have recently swamped to these shores, if their wages were being reduced due to mass immigration then you would hear them whine.
In short, they want to have their cake and eat it too. The red union rabble rousers and shop stewards are in it for personal gain, as are the public sector workers who attend demos to make sure that inequality in the workplace remains.
They talk of equality but only when it suits them, when they stand to lose their privileged status in the workplace they spit their dummies out.
The Tories must keep on exposing the public sector gravy train because most people are unaware what a good number public sector workers are actually on.
Michael Gove was the news just now and he was saying that for private sector workers to receive a similar pension to public sector workers they would have to put a third of their monthly salary into a pension fund from the age of 20 until the day they retire. That is just wrong and the Tories must stop giving concessions to the privileged public sector.
Come on Tories, show us what you are made of.
The Unions that sat back and said nothing while New Labour opened the cheap labour/mass immigration floodgates decimating the pay and conditions of millions of British workers.
The words, f*****g and c***s come to mind.
BNP Meltdown, what do you think of UKIP?
'BNP Meltdown' is a former Labour Councillor with Darlington Borough Council - Mark Burton. He is very angry that this blog, and especially LiarsBuggersandThieves.blogspot.com, continually expose him as a child molester. Click on the blue link above for more details.
dirty bastard. innocent til proven guilty i know. but still a bastard.
The BNP avoided the predicted meltdown in yesterday's Leicestershire by-election and registered one of their best local election results for a couple of years.
Rather than suffer the usual meltdown their vote merely slumped.
Fat Griff's losers still lost a quarter of their voters in yesterday's poll as they slid back from a creditable second place in 2009 to a distant third place.
BNP activists would no doubt have been expecting to make progress in the ward. However, it was Mr. Miliband's democratic socialists who attracted those voters willing to switch parties and Labour surged from a poor last place in 2009 to a very respectable second place with a 16% increase in their share of the vote.
A respectable UKIP candidate would most probably have delivered the coup de grace to the fading BNP support in the area but Mr Farage's party failed to nominate a candidate.
Syston Ridgway, Leicestershire
Stephen HAMPSON (Con)981 52.13%
Colin LOVELL (Lab)490 26.04%
Cathy DUFFY (BNP)279 14.82%
Richard MILLER(LD)132 7.01%
Con 52.6%
BNP 19.4%
LD 17.4%
Lab 10.6%
Translation: Despite the dire economic circumstances the Tory vote held up extremely well, in fact 100%. Further demonstrating the nature and quality of the pathetic, talentless, policyless idea free zone that is the Labour Party. They have virtually zero voter appeal as well under the Marxist freak. Who gives a toss about minority parties apart from democracy hating, obsessive non-entities like you.
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