Lying in wait to rob unsuspecting motorists. These modern day Highwaymen were strategically parked on Manchester Rd between Denton and Hyde just where the road dips and where even the most careful of drivers can exceed 30mph due to driving down hill. A big thanks to White Van Man for flashing his lights to warn us of the Highwaymen hazzard ahead.
The van used by the sneaks had Greater Manchester Partnership Casualty Reduction written on the side. Is this a legitimate organisation dedicated to road safety or just another local authority initiative to rinse money from motorists? Also, where does the money extorted by speeding fines from vans like this and speed cameras end up, does it go to the police, central government, the council or anywhere else not mentioned?

We put in a Freedom of Information (FoI) request to ask where all the money raised from speeding fines goes to. We were told it all ends up in a central government fund, and then is redistributed to local authorities to help fund road safety initiatives. All in all, it sounded dubious to say the least.
They use the two white squares painted on the road to trap you. Braking when you spot the van is no good. If you crossed the two white squares a quarter of a mile ahead and were speeding at the time, you're nicked.
Appropriate speed is what matters. As wit all speed limits 30mph is simply a rough guide to stop idiots toeing it in built up areas. The authorities of course have always known this and in the past made allowances and the vast majority of times people doing 35 or so were ignored with the odd person overdoing it a bit rightly getting a warning, i.e. fair, balanced and sensible policing.
Now it's about milking the motorist cash cow as much as possible, and the anti-car cranks in the establishment pursuing their pathetic agenda.
All this of course has significantly damaged the relationship between the police/authorities and millions of law abiding people who have been effectively criminalised for committing a technical offence. After all 31 mph is speeding.
Those pretend police on the motorways in the 4x4s are the best. What a waste of money. If I see them on the motorway I always accelerate past at about 80.
The rules are simple, do not speed and you have nothing to fear but if you do break the rules you will pay the price.
A quick read of todays local paper shows the happy society our masters have created for us, sexual abuse of vulnerable children, sexual assault and how about a fight to the death to round things up.
We are looking into the real prospect of calling Councillor Jim Fitzpatrick to the stand on 19th March 2012.
He himself, is a keen player in spreading smear and allegation against the BNP Candidate in Dukinfield.
He will beable to give the court a greater insight, into this Labour/Searchlight collusion of spreading smear and allegation.
Judge Dread, how long did it take you to come up with that brainless crap. Patently there's a lot more to the speed issue, but simplistically backing the authorities no matter what they do clearly makes you feel secure.
That van's there because there's an accident every eight years or something, which was almost certainly caused by a pedestrian not looking anyway. If speed WAS a causal factor it wasn't anyone doing 35, it was a reckless criminal c**t, probably in a stolen car, doing 95. For which he got three months and was out in six weeks.
If they gave dangerous drivers a mandatory five years it would make other potential dickheads think twice and the police could leave law abiding motorists, who've only technically broken the law, alone.
Tony Blair has defended Labour’s controversial mass immigration policy by claiming that Britain cannot succeed unless it opens its borders to more people from different backgrounds.
The former prime minister said it was 'right’ that the country was made up of different cultures and faiths mixing together.
Mr Blair added that migrants had made Britain 'stronger’ and said those calling for greater curbs on foreigners entering the country were wrong.
His comments come just days after official figures revealed that the population is expected to soar by the equivalent of a city the size of Leeds every year for the next decade.
A defiant Mr Blair insisted his party’s policy on immigration was the right one. He said: 'It’s been a very positive thing and there is no way for a country like Britain to succeed in the future unless it is open to people of different colours, faiths and cultures.’
Under Labour, up to 5.5million people born outside the UK arrived as long-term migrants. Daily Mail
Sneaky plastic plods. A cunning stunt from stunning cu...
Blair is a chronically arrogant, self-worshipping traitor of the first order.
He represents one of the extremes of the cult of the individual which has become supreme since the end of WWII.
Loyalty to the self and its advancement, stimulation and fulfilment is now God in the western world. Values such as patriotism, loyalty and kinship are increasingly rare.
The cult of the self has led Britain to where it is now, on the edge of destruction.
Blair and a lot of others should be executed for treason.
I have thought long and hard about making the following statement, but I feel the time is right to disclose all I know regarding Mr Taylor (Labour Councillor for Dukinfield) and his involvment in the leafleting of illegal, third party, anti-BNP smear leaflets around the Dukinfield area.
I will not disclose my name or address at this stage, although my identity will become apparent during the forthcoming trial involving Mr Roy West.
I joined the British National Party (BNP) in 2005 and was proud to do so. My sensitive job meant that I had to keep my membership of the party a closely guarded secret, especially at work. However, the leaking of the entire BNP membership list in 2007 by a disgruntled former employee of the party meant that my cover was blown, as it were. Everyone at work found out that I was a BNP member, as did many of my neighbours, some of whom decided to take it upon themselves to make my life hell. We were subjected to late night "knocks on the door" and one local thug, who is mixed-race, regularly came round to our house to insult my partner. She became very distressed by the constant abuse, and, therefore, we decided to have CCTV installed outside our home. The strange thing was: soon after the cameras were installed, things settled down. It was as if the thugs who were harassing us had seen the cameras being installed.
I had contemplated going to see my local Councillor for advice on how to deal with the thugs outside my house, but before I did, the police advised me to install the CCTV. So in the end I didn't go to my Councillor.
As I say, the problem of harassment went away; however, the CCTV remained active just in case the thugs returned.
Some months later I noticed Cllr Taylor leafleting my street, and I was somewhat surprised to receive a leaflet from him that had no reference on it whatsoever of the Labour party. The leaflet seemed to be implying that Roy West had abused a woman with mixed-race children, or somehting of that sort, and was blatantly libellous in content. I spoke to Mr West about the leaflet and he confirmed that the claims made on the leaflet were a total fabrication. Later I checked the footage from my CCTV camera, and Mr Taylor can clearly be seen delivering the leaflet in question. The film is remarkably clear and shows the leaflet Cllr Taylor was delivering.
I have decided that I will testify at Mr West's trial next March to show that Mr West has been severely provoked by Cllr Taylor's actions. For now I will leave it at that.
Taylor caught on camera delivering illegal third party leaflets, just like Jim Fitzpatrick who was also caught red-handed. I love it! Now will Taylor swear on oath in the witness box that he has never delivered such leaflets? Because if he does he's going down for perjury.
Jeff take a look at the yahoo answers link from 4 years ago.
His allegations were getting so bad on his old website, that someone asked upront questions about his vile smears and allegations.
All these smear leaflets and allegations from his old website, are a very important part of the defence case.
Taylor's got nothing on Phil Woolas for making allegations against is political opponents.
BNP Conference Flop: When Will Nick Griffin Get the Message?
I would urge everybody to read the following passage from 'Without Conscience - The Disturbing World Of The Psychopaths Among Us' by Professor Robert Hare.
"Psychopaths usually don't get along well with one another. The last thing an egocentric, selfish, demanding, callous person wants is someone just like him. Two stars is one too many. Occasionally, however, psychopaths become temporary partners in crime--a grim symbiosis with unfortunate consequences for other people. Generally, one member of the pair is a "talker" who gets his or her way through charm, deceit, and manipulation, whereas the other is a "doer" who prefers direct action--intimidation and force. As long as their interests are complementary, they make a formidable pair."
Two names spring immediately to mind. Griffin and Jefferson.
nbc the thing is: he can't lead a party with an ever shrinking activist base can he? fewer and fewer people to do his bidding.
The British Freedom Party with a 180 members, will soon have more activists. He's a man running out of time and willing members to do his bidding.
He just keeps promoting any mug who comes along who has no idea of what's gone on in the Party in the last few years, and who buys into the Griffin personality cult. Time's running out for this farce.
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