Monday 22 August 2011

Mottram Agricultural Show 2011

Some random footage from yesterdays Mottram Show including the show winning vegetables grown by Jonathan Reynolds MP.

This is a wonderful annual event in a beautiful location, and to think the proposed Mottram bypass was planned to pass right through the showground where this event is held. Thank goodness sanity prevailed and the proposed monumental act of environmental vandalism was thwarted.


Tameside Citizen said...

Please let’s not get this item bogged down with repetitive comments regarding immigration or dodgy local councillors.

Roy K West said...
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roast beef said...

How come animal rights had a stall? I thought that would be the last place bunnyhuggers would be welcome. Watching that video has made me decide what we're having for supper tonight.

Roy K West said...
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Anonymous said...

"Please let’s not get this item bogged down with repetitive comments regarding immigration or dodgy local councillors."

Then you had better ban Roy West Mr TC!

Ben Dover said...

No, I'm told Jonny Reynolds has got a real passion for growing pink cucumbers. The bigger the better.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 22/08/2011
Please stop your obsession with roy west.
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small but perfectly formed said...

Johnny Reynolds has a fine pair of tubers there, no wonder he won.

Keith Yallop said...

Yes, but is there any truth in the rumours. If so he should be open about it. As a voter I want to know. I wouldn't vote for a homosexual, in my view they've got something fundamentally wrong with them.
If THAT'S normal where do you draw the line?

Calvin Zabo said...

No, he's married with a couple of kids. But allegedly getting a big helping hand from Peter Mandelson's influence during the (totally fair and open, apparently) selection process will invite rumours.
I wouldn't vote for Labour scum anyway, if they were queer OR straight as a die

hand outs said...

Mottram show was fantastic and we had great weather for a change, bit of a scare late on but the rain held off, oh and by the way I have a list of Roy's benefits for you, doesn't look like hes providing us with one.
Because of his long term mental illness he gets incapacity benefits of £91.40 per week ,his carers allowance is £53.90 its the higher rate,mobility allowance again the higher rate of £49.85.
his partner also gets the higher rate of incapacity benefits £91.40.
No rent is paid he gets 100% housing benefits worth £85.00 per week,and no council tax is paid again 100% council tax benefit worth £21.00 per week.
He gets a few extras like money for the children,and he gets the Christmas bonus of £10.00
£391.00 per week and he does not lift a finger for it ,none of its taxable and there's no national insurance to pay.

Anonymous said...

Thats strange because the kids are both 21.

Roy K West said...
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Anonymous said...

I agree hideously white, too English to the core. You know what that needs?

SerpentSlayer said...

Seems a bit pointless to me, much better to stay in, watch brainwarping trash and eat food loaded with all sorts of nastiness.

On a more serious note, does anybody know if theres any extremely cheap housing in Mottram?

Nothing like that in Droylsden, just chavs lighting fires on the Meddy and loads of traffic (little of which stops here)

Anonymous said...

Whats happened to the alternative land site bought by TMBC to continue the Mottram Show after the By Pass was started ??.
Once again R.Oldham had it all planned out,so tell us TMBC who is using the chunk of land some way from the existing show ground ??.
How come the Tameside Tories have gone underground once more since the last Council Elections ??.
Tameside Tories are a total sham
and must be definitely linked behind the scenes with Labour on the gravy train.
The numerous no nowt in Tameside are duplicates of the Shameless actors,and Tameside will NEVER CHANGE regardless of whatever happens until the education standards in Tameside radically improves,and the dross dies off.
Like your site but 65% is repetitive mumbo jumbo focussed on Duky and its back street endless squabbles.

ExploiNation said...

Look at all those benefits. I know people on them who draw a lot less, barely subsistence level. Unfortunately the now rocketing cost of living and widespread minimum wage, caused in part by economic circumstances but mostly the mass importation of cheap foreign labour, means millions of people are literally better off on the social. They can't cut benefits by more than a token amount, and wages are going down in real spending power every day. Why do a 40 hour week to be £10 better off than you would be on benefits? And don't start talking about pride in work, that used to be true, now it's bollocks with what you're expected to do for s**t money.

Major General Thaddeus Mbu said...

Yes it is a bit of an anti-Taylor zone, but that's only because we hate him.

How do I join this benefit club said...

Can we take it the rest is correct Roy, send the shirts to the recycle bins, shred the leaflets turn off the printer, you cant campaign against councillors getting paid when you pick up all that cash for doing nothing.

Anonymous said...

But who says he does? you? Walk round with it on a t-shirt see how long it takes for police action against you.

No! leaflets on their way, new t-shirt for Hyde DA.

Anonymous said...

You'll like the new leaflet Jim.
No matter what you say on here.
The greedy Labour expenses campaign/leaflet is about to hit the streets.
Great response so far, with people having to struggle to make ends meet.
And these greedy Cllrs like Taylor/Wild/Lane raking it in.

Anonymous said...

Mottram Show moves to the new site next year doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Yes all the greedy Labour Cllrs will be there.
Growing richer by the year.
Pretending to care, but showing their greed year by year.

SerpentSlayer said...

Keep it up Roy. I'm very pessimistic about the immmediate future for Nationalism but theres no point in making this political mini-dark age easy for the Communist parasites.

I'm not sure how I can put pressure on, but in the mean time I'll be running, cycling and going to see Droylsden home games. If any body knows any amateur teams in Droylsden who need an extra man give me a shout.

Roy K West said...
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Roy K West said...
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Roy K West said...
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Roy K West said...
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Traitor's death said...

Any Labourite who complains about one person's benefits after their Party spent thirteen years building up a massive client vote of parasites, welfare witches and foreign scroungers in the 'community', the vast bulk of whom either hate Britain or have zero loyalty towards it, is a c**t and a hypocrite.

Have a look at your guts said...

Every one of them should be hung, drawn and quartered for treason.

I wish I went said...

So where is the Mottram Show to be held next year?

motorway not wanted said...

seriously, it has disturbed me to think about them building a motorway through those fields. If I knew I would have joined the protests.

Anonymous said...

I think Mottram Show moves to a field off Stockport Road Hattersley.

Roy K West said...
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Anonymous said...

TC. Not sure this blog works anymore as all subjects take us back to Dukinfield and Councillor expenses and T-shirts and leaflets etc

neutral observer said...

This West fellow just cannot help himself can he. It is not just this blog you know. He does the same on Facebook, Youtube, Yahoo and many other online forums. He must spend most of his waken hours on the computer. He should get a life and realise that there is more to life than the internet. But in the bigger scheme of things West's leliance on the welfare state is nothing compared to the billions of pounds spent on foreign wars and immigrant housing. this does not justify his repetitive spam campaign but in his own demented mind he may feel he is being unfairly victimized.

Anonymous said...

Neutral Observer. I'm glad you agree. As a neutral myself I just think we get nowhere with any debate affecting Tameside as he has this personal crusade and brings everything to a halt

Anonymous said...

That is true. I do not know the man but I have read his words and watched his video tirades. We all know he has a problem recognising and respecting authority but he never appears to accept his own flaws. I think he should take a long hard look at himself before he starts condemning hard working and well respected councillors who give their lives to helping the community.

stars in his eyes said...

The UKIP boss had to give him a crack a while back. He had a fall out with is own party, there's a surprize, and he tried to join UKIP. When he was told thanks but no thanks he started ranting and threatening until he got a crack. That shut him up and now he spends his time making up false allegations against hard working local councillors.

Anonymous said...

Mr West is ruining what is often an interesting blog site that debates local issues in Tameside

Roy West Leaflets said...

Hi Everyone today I kicked off my independent campaign for Dukinfield.
And just like the independent guy in Denton.
I want to know, from all these great Labour Socialists why do you make so much money on the backs of the people?
If John Taylor is such a great socialist, why does he make so much money from the Council?

Anonymous said...

Cllr John Taylor puts in a great deal of time and works for the people of Dukinfield as well as Tameside in his capacity of Deputy Leader. Worth every penny I say. So does the electorate of Dukinfield. Sorry Mr West but this post was about Mottram Show.

Anonymous said...

Yes but why does he make so much money and claim to be a Socialist?
A true Socialist would not make that much money.

Anonymous said...

Your ideologies are somewhat dated. More akin to 50 years ago. Local councillors throughout the country receive expenses regardless of political party. This is fact. MP's receive payment. Fact. Get over it and move on

Anonymous said...

But he claims to be a Socialist.

Anonymous said...

Yes but the biggest robbers in Tameside, are Labour.

Anonymous said...

Yes as do many other people who receive payment / expenses etc. Not sure why a socialist cant't receive payment / expenses etc

Anonymous said...

Yes and this leaflet is getting a good response, thats what I want from it.
People don't want to see these greedy Cllrs making so much money.
This campaign is going to be a success.
And it's going to provoc a reaction from them.
I've seen them at election counts and how nasty they are.

SerpentSlayer said...

How hard working was John 'the thug' Taylor before Mr.West put the pressure on him to earn his votes?

The same can be said about other cuntcillors, What state was Hyde Newton in before Nige (or was it Ros) stood againts the vested powers of jew labour?

Anonymous said...

John Taylor has been a hard working councillor for a lot longer than Mr West been around

The Race Is Not Over; It Goes On said...

I don't want to stop getting at them, for the simple fact they are so nasty.
A real nasty thread runs right through the Tameside Labour Mafia.
Ask that Tory guy stood at the Dukinfield table, at the election count.
Philip Fitzpatrick steaming drunk and what he did to the guy.

Anonymous said...

Don't be fooled. Like national politicians they're probably all drinking together now. Don't be fooled by election day antics

Anonymous said...

I don't support Conservatives.

curious said...

What did Fitzpatrick do to the Tory at the Dukinfield count?

Attrition said...

Anonymous, Mr West might have problems but 'recognising and respecting authority' Tameside? Get better informed before you make comments like that. Stand against them and you'll find out what a vile, corrupt organisation Tameside Labour are. They deserve contempt and disrespect.

Anonymous said...

curious he elbowed him trying to gets past him.