Sunday 21 August 2011

Dog walkers beware

The fields and land around Hyde Hall are infected with Ringworm. It is advisable to keep yourself and your dogs out of this area as Ringworm is contagious and affects animals and people.


Anonymous said...

TC. They have probably seen your previous post and trying to keep dig walkers away.

SerpentSlayer said...

Anonymous, you mean those ramblers that carry spades?

Tameside Citizen said...

Yes Anon, that is a good point but it would be using a sledgehammer to smash a nut as many people walk dogs around that area other than me.

itchy arse said...

Too many people in Hyde shagging horses.

Mark Flagg said...

Narcissism, wallowing in emotionalism, the cult of the self are the things destroying Britain and the West.

Patriotism, family values and decent standards of behaviour, based on Christian principles are what built Britain.

People were prepared to fight for Britain even a few years ago, and large numbers were well informed, with firm beliefs and convictions. Now our armed forces are sent to fight in foreign wars, on behalf of vested international interests, that have little or nothing to do with us. Now there's the spread of human dross, greed, ignorance, selfishness and self-gratification, all the base values.

If mass conscription became necessary, how many would lay their lives on the line to defend Britain and all it stands for. How many would have the belief, conviction and learned sense of identity which is essential for such selflessness, courage and nobility.

Roy K West said...

Dear SerpentSlayer
I would like to reply to your comment about the case with the German neighbour.
Since the court case in relation to the argument over the flags.
If I put a flag out in the garden he comes out grunting and going red in the face.
I put a poster in my window of the war time slogan "keep calm and carry on" he came out and took a pitcure of it in my window.
During the last local elections, I had a vote BNP placard in the front.
He's out again with the camera "it's because I'm German"
I won't be able to look out of my window soon.
His partner did not witness the argument in the garden that led to the court case.
Yet she placed her hand on the Bible knowing that she was telling a lie.
A woman with 4 kids came round the other week wanting to house exchange.
I may do that and give him more than a flag to worry about.
I know how much he loves kids outside his house.

grids for sale said...

Tell the whole story Roy. The woman was a Roma gypsy and the four kids will soon be eight. He will really be happy with them as neighbours.

Roy K West said...

Dear grids for sale

Two people have been round wanting to exchange.
Both single parents one with three kids, the other with four.
Nothing wrong with single parents of course.
Susan Holt once said to me after signing my petition, "we dread the thought of who he moves into 21"
Before he went off his head over the flag, she was very friendly.

Sausage suckers said...

Fancy getting a criminal conviction for losing your rag and calling someone, 'a fucking kraut.'
At one time, the Police wouldn't have even bothered to respond to something so trivial. Even if they had a few words of warning, to cool it, would have sufficed.

SerpentSlayer said...

I was arrested for shouting at a jumped up job centre worker. Its the world we live in. It backfired though, it meant I didnt have to visit the job centre for months but still draw my pittance (compensation for screwing up our collective birthright in my mind)

It was also an interesting experience, I got to understand a lot of the crap the local stasi have to put up with while wiping the chins of and spoonfeeding habitual petty criminals.

Had a good few hours to do press ups, sit ups and the like too.