Tameside has the highest proportion of the population dying from coronary heart disease (CHD) across England.
A new campaign launched today by MSD and HEART UK at the cholesterol charity's annual conference highlights a wide geographical variation in the risk of dying from CHD across England.
A North-South divide still exists with the North West having the highest number of deaths from CHD in the country compared to the South Central region which has the lowest CHD mortality rates in the country.
The CHD mortality rate for people in Tameside and Glossop, is almost four times as high as those living in Kensington & Chelsea in London (140.84 vs 36.91 people per 100,000).
Chief Executive of HeartUK, Jules Payne said she was astonished by the figures here: At Heart UK we are absolutely shocked by the rates in Tameside and Glossop. The rate is almost double the national average. What's even more concerning is the gender difference. For males, it's 185.85 with a national average of 111.56, and for women it's 99.93 percent with a national average of 49.75 percent. What we'd like to to is encourage everybody to understand their risk and take action. People don't need to change their lives overnight.
The problem with cardiovascular disease is it is a silent disease and a silent killer.
It does tend to be in the more deprived areas........ Read more on the website of Tameside Radio 103.6FM.
In 1854 Friedrich Engels published his historic work titled The Conditions of the Working Class of England. Below is an excerpt where he describes Stalybridge.
A mile eastward lies Stalybridge, also on the Tame. In coming over the hill from Ashton, the traveller has, at the top, both right and left, fine large gardens with superb villa-like houses in their midst, built usually in the Elizabethan style, which is to the Gothic precisely what the Anglican Church is to the Apostolic Roman Catholic. A hundred paces farther and Stalybridge shows itself in the valley, in sharp contrast with the beautiful country seats, in sharp contrast even with the modest cottages of Ashton!
Stalybridge lies in a narrow, crooked ravine, much narrower even than the valley at Stockport, and both sides of this ravine are occupied by an irregular group of cottages, houses, and mills. On entering, the very first cottages are narrow, smoke-begrimed, old and ruinous; and as the first houses, so the whole town. A few streets lie in the narrow valley bottom, most of them run criss-cross, pell-mell, up hill and down, and in nearly all the houses, by reason of this sloping situation, the ground-floor is half-buried in
the earth; and what multitudes of courts, back lanes, and remote nooks arise out of this confused way of building may be seen from the hills, whence one has the town, here and there, in a bird's-eye view almost at one's feet. Add to this the shocking filth, and the repulsive effect of Stalybridge, in spite of its pretty surroundings, may be readily imagined.
Looking at the high coronary death rate in Tameside in 2011, if Engels were to come back from the grave and once again spend time in Tameside I am sure he would have an interesting footnote to add to his monumental work which undoubtedly would illustrate that despite infinitely better living conditions enjoyed by today’s Tameside working class compared to their Victorian predecessors - in contemporary terms the ground rules remain the same and societies less advantaged inhabitants still die younger from preventable causes. Tameside Citizen
There must be many areas where unhealthy lifestyles are just as prevalent, and indeed far worse, than those in Tameside. Yet we have this shockingly high rate of heart disease. There must be more behind it.
You may be interested to learn that the Author of this report a Dr.Jessica Allen of the University College of London has no medical qualifications re Heart Disease or what causes it,and her qualification is in Psychiatry.
She has simply collated the information requested from PCT`s across the country and simply boxed their replies into statistics after obviously getting a grant to create a report which I have informed her is full of contempt for the reality because it avoids any mentioning of the seriously deadly toxins when you breathe in
In the UK they prefer unlike most of the other Western Countries to blame everyone for their own diseases and deaths which is scandalous because ALL SUCH REFERENCES only state Smoking,Obesity and Exercise
are causing your Deaths and never ever will you see or read
reports on the even more serious dangers provided by Councils and Government relating to Air Pollution.
Your lives have no value whatsoever when it comes to Councils and those in control of PCT`s.
What a lousy bunch of manipulative and deceptive cretins are administrating our families lives.
Knowing how the Tameside & Glossop PCT have hidden the chronic air pollution from everyone for years and its recognised Epidemiological
serious dangers to Tamesiders Health,its time the local PCT stopped being directly complicit in its deliberate avoidance relating to Tameside Air Pollution and such as Dr.Chand should be ashamed and exposed and resign.
Having contacted him ages ago as to what he was going to do his only contribution as he stated to me was to have a meeting with PCT staff and told them to try limiting their car use.
How brilliant was this idea of the man responsible for protecting the Public Health of 215.000 Tamesiders.
I was informed in recent times that an elderley Irish Doctor came to England for his first time to visit Manchester and immediately stated he could taste and smell the
vehicle air pollution which amazed him.
So its only on sites such as this will you find how TMBC and the Health Administrators could not give a toss how much chemical toxins you are now ingesting.
Mr Ian Saxon the TMBC Assistant Executive Director refused to allow air pollution monitoring in the vicinity where traffic volumes merge,stating no appropriate sites were available,yet another proven not fit for purpose when it comes down to your environment and his avoidance of air pollution problems in recent years and who still climbs the TMBC tree of sycophants.
I correspond throughout the world with leading highly qualified Professors doing Epidemiological Research and they are all disgusted to learn how many in Tameside are at the mercy of deliberate ever increasing traffic volumes courtesy of TMBC.
Mr Watkinson
There is considerably more as you say,but for 15 years and having produced dossiers for Blair and Prescott at their request,held meetings with Directors of Public Health,and provided 400 pages of substantiated evidence which showed conclusive evidence of TMBC`s methods of manipulating air pollution monitoring to dupe DEFRA and the public,and after years of collating large volumes of Epidemiological evidence they want the subject buried.
That is a serious claim to make Mr Hall.
Why would TMBC wish to manipulate environmental data in such a way?
Yes Mr Watkinson. it is all the fault of the M67 / M60 junction. Forget the fact that the M40 lots more traffic, forget the fact that Salford has more motorway traffic, forget the fact that motorway congestion is worse in Stockport, forget the fact that Birmingham's motorways have more congestion. forget the fact that very few Tamesiders actually live near that junction or in Hollingworth. If you forget enough facts you will come to the same conclusion as Hally
Another anon idiot spouts rhetoric without detailed knowledge or facts.
Anonymous said...
Yes Mr Watkinson. it is all the fault of the M67 / M60 junction. Forget the fact that the M40 lots more traffic, forget the fact that Salford has more motorway traffic, forget the fact that motorway congestion is worse in Stockport,.
Come out of your bunker if you have the bottle to allow your spurious foolish comments to be dealt with,by someone with far far greater knowledge than you will ever have on this subject.
47,000 live in Denton/Audenswhaw almost approaching 25% of the total Tameside Electorate and if you look at the AQMA Maps over the past 10 years for Tameside you will improve your depleted knowledge considerably.
So 47,000 is very few,your having a laugh pal !.
When you understand the pattern of air movements filled with toxins, living within 500 metres of Motorway routes affects your health and 200 metres can cause pregnant women to have aborted foetus`s because of Nitrogen Dioxides along with PM2.5 Particulates so forget your stupid comments and study the facts for a change before you utter garbage.
My comments are based on expert data,reliable and trusted reports,which eliminates your points.
J.Hall (not anon)
Bob from Audenshaw said...
That is a serious claim to make Mr Hall.
Why would TMBC wish to manipulate environmental data in such a way?
Let me tell you how and why Bob.
Firstly the main air pollution monitoring unit operated by Tameside was placed up Two Trees Lane adjacent to the school in a semi rural area with wide open land spreading to the Penines.
TMBC stated in documents at that time they wanted the monitoring station away from roads and Motorways so that any urban pollution could be identified.
A deliberate act to underate Tameside Pollution levels whereas other GM Councils have monitoring stations alongside Motorways and adjacent to major roads as you would see if you checked all the grid references shown by 9 other Councils as where their monitoring is carried out,hence DEFRA and the Public with thousands of Tamesiders living within 500 metres of main roads and motorways were fed manipulated data instead of reality statistics.
Serious is not the word Bob its
been obscene,contemptuous and a bloody disgrace.
Prior to the Mottram ByPass Public Inquiry TMBC pushed by R.Oldham positioned Air Pollution Monitoring equipment very conveniently directly on Mottram Mooor (its still there)approx 6-8 feet from vehicle exhausts to create false evidence of pollution levels in Mottram,which I exposed then as fact within Public Inquiry evidence
My comments are not simply accusations or just serious claims as you suggest,but in fact are how TMBC constantly manipulate data to achieve its ultimate objectives and I have been proving it 100% to Public Inquiries these past years with Facts,Films,Photographs and detailed accurate statistics,which TMBC could not argue with during Public Inquiry evidence and cross examinations.
Just so you also know here are the diseases caused by Nitrogen Dioxides and PM2,5 Particulates according to the World Health Organisation and highy respected research carried out in North and South America,Australia,European Countries,Far Eastern Countries who publish their findings all over the internet if you bother to search the thousands of references to Air Pollution/Deaths and Diseases.
So these are confirmed as occurring and linked to Air Pollution
Cancers,Heart Attacks,Strokes.Lung Diseases,COPD,Dementia,Alzheimers,
Lung growth restrictions in Children,aborted Foetus`s and maimed born Foetus`s.
If you want me to go into detail how these toxins affect human organs and once ingested can be never be expelled from peoples lung tissue,but then are transmitted into the main blood streams where organ degeneration commences.
Even the unborn foetus`s can ingest such toxins because its now confirmed that the womb can be breached between what the mother ingests and what the Foetus then ingests.
So its not simply a serious claim its criminal what is occurring to infants,children,adults and the elderly,and don`t forget that the Dept of Transport placed Tameside as No 1 in the UK League table for
increasing traffic volumes far in excess of all other Uk regions.
The answers and facts stare you in the face once you allocate considerable time to research and establishing the facts and not the Council rhetoric and duplicity fed to you.
Why haven`t any TMBC Official or Councillor accepted my years of calling for them to challenge my thousands of facts in a public open forum.
So that must surely prove my point as well.
Anonymous, you clearly know next to nothing about air pollution. Unless you're disputing the fact that decelerating and accelerating cars emit far more pollutants. And that the massive increase in artificially created obstructions on the roads of the Borough by Tameside Council has significantly increased the amount of decelerating, accelerating and of course idling traffic, and has therefore significantly increased the amount of air pollution in Tameside. Totally unnecessarily I might add.
I will not be mourning the loss of any jobs at thE turgid News of the World rag. Murdoch's media monopoly on British public opinion has been all-pervasive over the years. It all seems however nothing more than a cynical rebranding exercise after the allegations of phone hacking and malpractice. Expect to see a 'new' Sunday tabloid replacing the now toxic NOTW. The rival weekly 'Red Top' slot is far too lucrative for Murdoch to give up to his competitors.
PS, J Hall is right on the mark. Thanks for the info J Hall.
The main factors are:
Lazy lifestyles where large amount of the populace - especially the poorer section never do any excercise.
Smoking and drinking to excess which many poor people think is acceptable.
Eating high fat, high calorie rubbish such as sausage rolls, pizza, kebabs, curry and virtually never eating fresh fruit or vegtables.
I know poor people and this is a honest reflection on the underlying cause behind these shocking coronary statistics.
it may not be polite but it has to be said said.
I know poor people and this is a honest reflection on the underlying cause behind these shocking coronary statistics.
We all know poor people what you say contributor to TC and certain life styles can certainly contribute to serious illnesses,which I am well aware of.
It sounds however that you have swallowed the bait and hook supplied by Government/Council/and Local Health Authorities which has been forcing the message you now believe 100% that life styles are totally the cause of deaths and diseases.
I do regret however that your assertion is a somewhat misrepresentation of the Facts,and simply knowing people who are poor
is not conclusive evidence.
After studying Local History for almost 60 years because I originate from the depths of poverty,what you fail to link is that poor people previously decided to raise families with home made nutritious soups,cooked meals for their children out of few ingredients.
What has poverty to do with Heart Disease it costs nowt to start running around the block,and as for being simply thick in eating all the wrong products,and not buying fruit and vegetables is pig ignorance.
As for smoking,drinking that`s everyone`s own choice and also makes people poor but no-one can help breathing to live and that`s where far more damage is being done
hence they are constantly burying the facts which you unfortunately don`t know.
I appreciate your obvious concern for poor people but self inflicting diseases is another matter which we are all aware of.
Great point and let's not forget the noxious fumes we are breathing in, especially the cancer causing particles from large diesel engines used in busses and lorries.
It's a sad fact of life these days, over drinking and smoking.
You can't force people to look at the healthy options.
But I must say, that, it's the lazy benefit way of life that is the problem.
I can't understand the governments thinking on giving an extra £40 to alcoholics.
We need to stop giving these type of people benefits to waste on drink and drugs.
The culture of benefit is the problem, paying them large amounts of state benefits is bad news for society.
And may I just point out.
Please feel free to contact me, on issues relating to my Outside Bodies on behalf of the Council.
We are here to justify what we do, to you, the voters.
Outside Bodies on behalf of the Council.
Member of Greater Manchester Pension Fund Management Panel.
Member of Local Government Association - Urban Commission.
Member of MIDAS.
Member of Tameside Economic and Learning Partnership.
Member of Tameside Local Strategic Partnership.
Member of Housing Partnership
Member of the Compact Delivery Group.
After reading about the HERO amongst our midst:
I was bloody glad the sick bowl was nearby.
What a charlatan when it comes to this person being responsible for protecting our health and now becomes a HERO
'It may not be polite...' there are many areas with diets as you describe, and no doubt many slum areas far worse. Why should Tameside in particular's heart disease rate be so high?
Check out TMBC's latest masterstroke: The new traffic lights created at the junction of Ashton Rd, Cheetham Hill Rd and Johnson Brook Rd on the Hyde/Dukinfield border.
The significant increase in the length of queues of stationary traffic, and consequent increases in air pollution are no doubt benefitting the local's lungs enormously.
Having gained a Phd in pollution control can I say that J Hall is talking absolute rubbish.
You can say it but no-one will listen because no-one knows who you are.
That's fine by me. This is the first time I have posted on a blog and being an ordinary common sense educated bloke who would not normally post on sites I was incensed at the utter rubbish that J Hall has been posting. The guy continues with his bull yet continues in live in an environment he claims to be 'unhealrhy'. And as for Carillion being involved in the Mottram Bypass where is his evidence????
Anyone who makes any negative remarks about Dr Chand will be reported to the authorities for incitement.
Lets really check you out anon
re your absolutely pathetic comments ref:
Anonymous said...
Having gained a Phd in pollution control can I say that J Hall is talking absolute rubbish.
Anonymous said...
That's fine by me. This is the first time I have posted on a blog and being an ordinary common sense educated bloke who would not normally post on sites I was incensed at the utter rubbish that J Hall has been posting. The guy continues with his bull yet continues in live in an environment he claims to be 'unhealrhy'. And as for Carillion being involved in the Mottram Bypass where is his evidence????
1. Have you scrutinised all the Tameside MBC AQMA Maps over the past 10 years.
2 PHD in pollution control ???
does not involve actual air pollution chemistry and the basic components of air pollution.
3.I expect you didn`t know the UK Government has been threatened for the past 5 years with vast financial penalties by the EEC Directorate for being in breach of Air Pollution set levels,and I have been constantly in touch with the EEC administration for 7 years giving specific factual information
and expose the reality situation.
4.Have you been studying and collating Epidemiological Research reports from the Worlds top research units for 12 years ??? because if you have your total inability to understand them denotes substantial ignorance concerning Air Pollution and the resultant Diseases.
5.Have you got any qualifications in studying the 9 prime toxins which abound in our environment, their composition and their toxicity ??
So don`t spout absolute crap which doesn`t even make any mention whatsoever of what the rubbish is that you refer to.
If you had attended the Waterside Park large Public Inquiry you would have seen me cross exam daily over 3 months the rhetoric supplied as evidence by the Developers expert witnesses on pollution and transport. Result being they packed their bags,didn`t return to complete their evidence having been absolutely ridiculed.
I suspect you are acting on orders from a third party to try and demolish the case concerning TMBC gross negligence over a 15 year period
A map which designates where air pollution is rife in Tameside was the reason the Government 7 years ago gave a directive to Councils to get their act together a reduce and stabilise air pollution in the designated AQMA locations,so has TMBC done anything pal and what was it they did.
If you happen to be involved with TMBC Environmental Unit be assured I will rubbish you when you offer specifics which you prefer not to
refer to.
As regards Carillion you are opening a pandora`s box pal because
on my next comment you will get more substantiated facts than you would wish for into the public domain,and again your indicating your infantile ignorance on issues you obviously know nothing about.
I would relish the chance to challenge you in a Public open forum debate ON FACTS NOT RHETORIC.
PS Get rid of the ANON bit and show yourself seeing you are well educated with nothing to fear.
Anyone who makes any negative remarks about Dr Chand will be reported to the authorities for incitement.
Here we go again to stifle comments and opinions based on my dealings with Dr.Chand over a period of years regarding Tamesides Air Pollution which is never referred to by Dr.Chand yet its well documented and a serious health issue.
Incitement to what ? lets have you intended clarification concerning incitement.
Here we go ANON who is shouting off about Carillion and the ByPass
and hows this for evidence.
More if required.
Fill Your Boots pal with these and then apologise on the TC site.
J Hall. You are off the mark and should be sectioned.
Dear TC Admin
Seems like the knockers are running out of facts on your site and are totally reliant on simply abusing anyone offering actual facts.
Funny old world what ???
Anonymous said...
J Hall. You are off the mark and should be sectioned.
Is that the most intelligent offering you are capable of.
J Hall. I just find your comments tedious. I made a comment on this blog for first time. Just realized what a mistake that was. This blog is not about serious debate. If your comments were seriously analyzed you would be shown as a amateur who puts the slant on data that you want to. Over to you sad lot to have a go at anything official.
How come J Hall lives in an area of Tameside with the highest life Span? Must be the traffic congestion???
J Hall. I just find your comments tedious. I made a comment on this blog for first time. Just realized what a mistake that was. This blog is not about serious debate. If your comments were seriously analyzed you would be shown as a amateur who puts the slant on data that you want to. Over to you sad lot to have a go at anything official
Another one bites the dust because they can chuck insults and that`s all especially when you give them loads of facts to ridicule them.
How come J Hall lives in an area of Tameside with the highest life Span? Must be the traffic congestion???
Very funny !!! is that your limit on a serious issue ANON
The points raised by Mr Hall are all valid. The M60/M67/A57 and A628 bottleneck is bringing massive illness to this borough. The solution is simple. Bann HGV vehicles from the A628 and A57.
Unfortunately, and yet again, Hall takes a series of facts and builds a false conclusion to justify his notion about the M67/M60 junction.
I find Heart UK's conclusions far more compelling than some skewed rantings.
Could you explain to us Mr Hall why life expectancy in this area of Tameside, that you claim is so polluted,is actually higher than the rest of Tameside.
For real evidence see the Association of Public Health Observatories pdf on this very subject at www.apho.org.uk/resource/view.aspx?RID=91955
Oops, this evidence does not fit your claim does it?
J Shepley..well said. And how come the area of Tameside with the lowest life expectancy does not have the major road networks and junctions that Mr Hall rants on about. It is too simplistic for J Hall to use this blog to rant on about traffic.
How many more deluded and ignorant of the facts individuals are intending to insult me.Its obviously organised and denotes the level of intelligence coming from those connected with TMBC.PCT.or Politicians.
The all knowing bible referred to by
J.Shipley as the ultimate truthwww.apho.org.uk/resource/view.aspx?RID=91955
is a contradictory,deceptive,and manipulated rag created by TMBC/PCT and other parties,and let me tear it apart with 100% facts.
Could you explain to us Mr Hall why life expectancy in this area of Tameside, that you claim is so polluted,is actually higher than the rest of Tameside.?
Get stuck into the official AQMA (air quality management area) Maps)
over the past 10 years by DEFRA and TMBC,which shows the Denton/Audenshaw region and its 47,000 stuck into the largest air polluted area of Tameside.
The Highways Agency reports during the past 10 years confirm its one of the most traffic congested localities in the whole region.
Its a daily dose of toxins from a minimum of 350,000 vehicles with many HGV`s the majority of which stop/start producing vast levels of toxins and where TMBC for 10 years have refused to monitor air pollution at the M60/M67/A57 site area.
Serious Health risks are known within a 500 metres radius of such hot spots according to all Epidemiological Research Reports.
The DfT placed Tameside as No1 in the UK for increasing traffic volumes followed by the MEN reporting that the Motorway traffic was now second only to the M25 problems.
Even A Gwynne had his picture taken leaning on the barrier at this major interchange stating it was the worst affected location in the region.(now he prefers to keep quiet on the facts)
Now lets come to the real jokes in the report J.Shepley refers to as facts:
"Over the last ten years there has been a fall in death
rates from all causes and in early death rates from
cancer, and from heart disease and stroke. However,
these rates remain above the England average".
How big is that contradiction when reading the facts on this blog title)
"The Local Area Agreement and the NHS Tameside &
Glossop Commissioning Strategic Plan have joint
priorities to tackle smoking, alcohol, physical activity,
childhood obesity, teenage pregnancy and to look at
early interventions for heart disease and stroke with a
focus on narrowing the gap in life expectancy".
As I have repeated constantly for those incapable of of taking facts in,whats happened to the dangers of air pollution as confirmed on all AQMA maps for Tameside.Where is it mentiond???????????????
Again the subject is taboo yet it affects the health of thousands in Tameside yet its a deliberatyely buried (never mention it)fact with the dead and dying from the diseases caused.
Look at "early intervention for Heart Disease"
This joke shows the contempt by the Tameside Authorities because prevention is better than the cure to most intelligent people,but seeing they have buried the facts in files relating to air pollution and diseases so they erase the facts of the Tameside Air Pollution
in reports as shown above and then have the bloody cheek to suggest early intervention is required,without the slightest reference to the consequences on heart diseases from air pollution.
The dross thats coming out of selected individuals trying to prop up the manipulations,deceptions and contempt for the Tameside Public was expected and those responsible are are showing contempt for human life and the diseases from air pollution.
Why not remain in your bunkers and try educating yourselves with Facts not insulting Rhetoric.
The Anon`s and others never declare their knowledge base nor their identities but I believe the Health scribes and TMBC stooges are intent in stupidly denying the facts and clutching at anything but substantiated facts.
Your one big joke full of non researched clap trap which fails miserably under scrutiny.
J Shepley..well said. And how come the area of Tameside with the lowest life expectancy does not have the major road networks and junctions
Where`s that report which you refer to ?
Mr Hall is 100% correct in what he claims. Read this report for conclusive proof that living close to traffic pollution does indeed massively increase your chances of coronary heart disease.
We in Tintwistle are dropping like flies with heart disease caused by mass air pollution created by a never ending procession of HGV’s spewing out deadly pollution and if the heart disease fails to finish us off the cancer created by the pollution certainly will. Read this report from the U.S.
Diesel vehicles emit extremely carcinogenic particulates that significantly damage our health. Diesel particles are coated with extremely toxic chemicals — about 40known carcinogenic substances have been identified in diesel exhaust.
In 1998, the California Air Resources Board, USA, branded diesel particles as toxic air contaminants. Subsequently, the US Environment Protection Agency (EPA) also accepted diesel particles as carcinogens.
In its assessment of new emission regulations for heavy-duty diesel vehicles, slated to come into force in 2007, USEPA states that "the most compelling information that suggests a carcinogenic hazard is the consistent association observed between lung cancer and diesel exhaust exposure in occupationally exposed workers". EPAreviewing published literature, and found that about 30 different epidemiological studies showed an increased risk of lung cancer associated with diesel emissions. EPA evaluated 22 studies most relevant for risk assessment; 16 reported significant increase in lung cancer risks — 20 to 167 per cent — due to exposure to diesel exhaust.
The only study available on Indian cars, by Swedish consultancy Ecotraffic, shows that the cancer potency of diesel exhaust is more than twice that of petrol cars. If only particulate emissions are considered, the carcinogenic effect of one new diesel car is equivalent to 24 new petrol cars and 84 new CNG cars on the road. According to a study conducted by the German Federal Environment Agency, diesel is "several dozen" times more cancer-causing than petrol.
The problem: small particles that harm
Nearly all diesel particles fall into the fine particle size range (less than 2.5 microns); 50-90 per cent fall into the ultra-fine particle size range (less than 0.1 micron). Small size and large numbers offer greater surface area that allows toxic organic compounds to get adsorbed easily. In this way, diesel particles can go deep into the lower respiratory tract and, damaging lungs.
DPM is just about 6 per cent of US’ total ambient fine particulate matter inventory. Yet, the US wishes to control it
In urban areas such as California, Colorado and Arizona DPM is 10-36 per cent of ambient fine particulate level.
Exposure from diesel vehicles (mid 1990s estimate) — 0.5 to 0.8 micrograme DPM/cum of inhaled air in rural and urban areas, respectively.
For localised urban areas where people spend a large portion of their time outdoors — 4.0 micrograme DPM/cum of inhaled air.
We have severe problems with traffic congestion in many parts of Tameside. Much of it is caused by the council's incompetence and much of it is caused deliberately.
Prioritising traffic 'control', i,e. the imposition of totally unnecessary obstacles to progress, instead of prioritising traffic flow, increases pollution, noise, inconvenience and delay.
But the so called obstacles have reduced road fatalities. This can be shown by studying GMP figures, not Tamesides. Your theory mr Watkinson is just that....a theory.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
But the so called obstacles have reduced road fatalities.
No they have not according to the DfT,The RAC were always against speed humps because they generate 15% more pollution and during the past 4 years European Countries have been digging humps up as non effective.
24 Lanes of Traffic merge at the A57/M60/M67 major interchange stated by the Highways Agency as being completely saturated already
and where else do you get that with the majority stop/starting producing even higher pollution levels which TMBC for 10 years have point blank to monitor the pollution which is seriously dangerous within a 500 metre radius to human health
I was referred to the information at: www.apho.org.uk/resource/view.aspx?RID=91955 by a J.Shepley because of my skewed and false conclusions.
This site report must rate as deception at its strongest seeing it was created from TMBC and PCT and then passed to the DofH and then distributed by TMBC
Why is it devious and incorrect well here`s the proof.Remember the title of this Blog based on the latest report is:"Welcome to the coronary heart disease hotspot of ALL ENGLAND"
Yet this document accepted by J.Shepley as accurate states according to TMBC/PCT misleading report:
"Over the last ten years there has been a fall in death
rates from all causes and in early death rates from
cancer, and from heart disease and stroke. However,
these rates remain above the England average ".
A contradiction of immense proportion.
Then it gets even better because of the following part in this TMBC/PCT contemptuous statement:
I quote"The Local Area Agreement and the NHS Tameside &
Glossop Commissioning Strategic Plan have joint
priorities to tackle smoking, alcohol, physical activity,
childhood obesity, teenage pregnancy and to look at
early interventions for heart disease and stroke with a
focus on narrowing the gap in life expectancy".
What a deceptive and manipulated report this is because its burying vital and important facts because
where is any reference to the known Air Pollution that according to Government Departments exceeds pollution level requirements,and the Air Quality Management Maps issued by TMBC and recognised by Government Departments these past 10 years where 47,000 in Denton/Audenshaw are stuck in a compact urban location where more than 350,000 daily traffic from 24 lanes converge.
How impressive is this report accepted by J Shepley as being far more truthful than my facts.
It talks about wanting early intervention in Heart Disease and Strokes,well seeing that large volumes of PM2.5 Particulates and Nitrogen Dioxides cause Heart Diseases and Strokes,and the rest such as Dementia and Alzeimers,COPD
how strange TMBC/PCT decide to never ever refer to the substantiated facts that Tameside has major air pollution problems.
If you want early intervention into Heart Disease,Strokes and the rest of the diseases which are confirmed by all world leading Epidemiological resaerch times then you TACKLE SOURCE KNOWN PROBLEMS LIKE AIR POLLUTION,or is that too much intelligent thinking for TMBC and Health Officials.
Yes my facts are 100% and those administrating all our family lives and when die prematurely deviously and deliberately continue to callously avoid at every stage mentioning Air Pollution.
So no more threats to me re Dr.Chand as head of health protection for Tamesiders,its time to act and uncover the facts which TMBC/PCT show NO INTEREST IN RELATING TO YOUR HEALTH
(not skewed or making false statements but prepared to get the flack for offering Tamesiders FACTS).
I never mentioned road fatalities. By that argument reducing the speed limit to 5mph and having someone walk in front carrying a red flag would supposedly reduce them to zero. I no more trust the GMP's polititcally motivated manipulation of statistics than I trust the government's crime or immigration figures.
There has been a massive increase in cardiac patients dying in ambulances delayed by speed bumps and the other obstructions you seem to like, that's according to the head of the London Ambulance Service who put the figure at 500 a year minimum, that's for ONE medical emergency condition in ONE city. What's the nationwide total for ALL medical emergencies being rushed to hospital and delayed by speed bumps etc? It's also illegal to obstruct the Queen's Highway unnecessarily (unless you're running an anti-car council infested by lefties and Green lobby cranks), for very good reason.
According to the Road Research Laboratory (an impartial, scientific organisation) 87% of ALL road accidents are caused by pedestrians stepping into the roadway. So a pedestrian focussed safety campaign targetting the SOURCE of virtually all road accidents would have a far more dramatic effect on casualties.
It's a question of logic and balanced judgement, not imposing ludicrous and unnecessary obstructions, delay and unrealistic speed limits on drivers for politically motivated 'reasons'.
What's your 'theory'?
With you on this one Kevin because the following facts show absolute gross negligence by TMBC and total contempt for motorists.
The large Tower directly adjacent to the M67/M6/A57 interchange within feet of the M60 was granted full planning approval by all those on the TMBC Committee.
Its approval was given based on it being a Large Illuminated Advertising Tower,with the intention of displaying continuous adverts directed at the 350,000 drivers using this interchange.
I contacted the Highways Agency because it had just been active in removing the wooden Hollinwod,Hollywood wooden structure along the M60 near Oldham because it was a distraction for motorists.
First the HA didn`t want to approve the Huge Tower but relented after being leaned on by TMBC and my correspondence with Greater Manchester Police confirmed they had not been consulted concerning this large distracting illuminated advertising structure being erected.
Its obvious intention was to attract all motorists attention away from the 24 lanes of traffic which merge within feet of the Tower where they are they navigating the 24 lanes, which shows a blatant contempt for motorists and their passengers lives.
The site is a confirmed accident hot spot location according to the Highways Agency and Police yet here we have a bunch of idiot Councillors giving their full approval.
I persisted with this obvious negligence by TMBC and also the Illuminated Sign could be seen from Living room windows in the Denton West area,and a meeting of disgruntled residents took place.
I suggested that anyone experiencing some Car or HGV shunted up motorists rear end,causing injuries or damage should refer the matter to the TMBC Legal Dept and sue for large amounts because a huge deliberate distracting structure had been authorised by TMBC without due consideration for its impact on road safety.
No subsequent rolling adverts have yet been seen, but the threat is still there,so be aware all Motorists if you or your family are hurt and your vehicle is damaged in this area put your claims directly to Ms S.Stewart Borough Solicitor at TMBC for compensation.
Does this not indicate how totally unfit for purpose TMBC Councillors are ??
I have seen the large structure you refer to. I believe it is officially called the Denton Rock. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Ps, thanks for your efforts in exposing this scandal.
Has J Hall answered the question as to why he lives in the Tameside area with the longest life expectancy and yet prattles on about traffic. By doing so will mss the real issues about UK health. After all we have the best life expectancy levels for centuries with the highest car ownership levels. Am I missing something here?????
Anonymous said...
Has J Hall answered the question as to why he lives in the Tameside area with the longest life expectancy and yet prattles on about traffic. By doing so will mss the real issues about UK health. After all we have the best life expectancy levels for centuries with the highest car ownership levels. Am I missing something here?????
Yes your brain numbskull.
Won`t take long to locate you IP
and lets see who you are?
My bet is on a local Labour Politician whose exposes his
serious lack of any intelligence
and showing how callous he is when it comes down to Tameside Families lives.
Protect your kids folks from these people who obviously enjoys seeing kids stuffed with toxins.
Unlike himself whose stuffed full of sh--
Won`t take long to locate you IP
and lets see who you are?
Can't stand the debate? A bt like NOTW why don't don't you hack my phone at same time?
If anyone does write to Sandra Stewart, when waiting for a reply on any subject that might embarrass the council, don't hold your breath.
'We have the best life expectancy...' probably something to do with the massive decrease in industrial pollutants and the fact that car engines were emitting far less dangerous pollutants, until recently when the massive increase in diesel engined vehicles has filled the air with particulates which are the perfect size to be ingested into people's respiratory systems.
A system based on maintaining traffic flow whenever possible would significantly reduce overall vehicle emissions of all kinds.
Sandra Stewart is in for a rude awakening. Some serious stuff will be dripping out over the coming months.
Make one slip up and I will start proceedings through the civil courts.
Its almost time when the House of Commons goes into summer recess,but I wonder if Andrew Gwynne MP can remember again not to claim his summer food bills on House of Commons expenses whilst MP`s take their long summer break.
With prices rocketing its bad enough paying our own humble food bill`s without having to pay his as well.
Just worth a reminder to AG in case he forgets.
I see our Jonny Reynolds MP leads the Greater Manchester list of expenses claimed by MP`s according to a list the MEN released
Lovely Jubbly lads fill your pockets with our money whilst you can,because were on your cases and watching.
Its such a shame that instead of addressing the issues and acknowledging the independent evidence about the relative good health of Denton West residents Hall just carries on with his rants and invented conspiracy theories.
Such a shame when real and independent evidence is presented by respected third party's the thinly veiled threat of a notorious local stalker "ill find your IP" finds its way on to the blog.
You may have the integrity of News Of The World but not their stalking skills.
J Shepley is spot in and should be applauded. We should not ignore the reasons for poor health. It would be wrong of us to do so but to rant on about traffic as the major cause J Hall is not doing anyone any favours. A serious debate on the poor record of heart disease in this area is needed but it's more likely to be linked to poverty, poor diet, lack of exercise rather than any theory that J Hall puts forward
Will Shepley and the following
Anonymous cease their absolute and admit their assertions that the Facts already repeated and repeated are theory and skewed thinking.
Only someone who cannot read,take in information or confirm the Facts on the internet, posts such persistent and wild abuse without any facts,origins of facts,and never refers to all the document references given.
The obvious TMBC spoilers are trying to dumb down the reality
and truth on this site and are being constantly shot down so don`t make yourselves look any more discredited fool`s and get someone else in TMBC to
write the script.
I have seen Hall in action at Public Inquiries and anyone who imagines he provides anything other than facts which exposes TMBC/PCT`s,Highways Agency,DofH,DfT,is off their rocker.
His knowledge across a variety of subject matters appertaining to Tameside has got one Public Inquiry halted because of TMBC`s gross negligence,a reverse decision "after" a Public Inquiry result, and also the halting and abandonment of another recent Public Inquiry in Tameside.
All of which because he proved his evidence with clarity and documentation and fierce cross examinations.
Discrediting those who provide garbage as evidence is his forte.
As one who has also checked his submissions over recent years
the bloke does good on behalf of others,not for himself.
Mr Hall
You forgot to put your name on the bottom of the above post.
How forgetful!
J. Shepley, do you think queueing traffic causes more, or less pollution? And wouldn't it be a good idea to maintain traffic flow whenever possible, as opposed to TMBC's policy which is to cause as much delay and obstruction as possible via speed bumps, chicanes, kerbs in the middle of the road, ever growing numbers of traffic lights (lft on 24/7) etc etc. Especially bearing in mind virtually all these hinderances to progress, daily life and the economy are totally unnecessary.
We have Hall cornered here and he doesn't know where to turn so he's had to resort to anonymous posting.
Come on Hall, you say traffic caused by the M60/M67 is a major cause of illness in the borough but you can't explain why Denton West where you live and where the M60/M67 meet has the lowest incidence of heart disease in the borough.
Hall is well known trouble causer and I would advise any sensible person (but I don't think any sensible people bother with this blog)ignore his monotonous rambling.
Mr Watkinson. Do you not think the MOVA traffic light system does just that. Speed humps are used in areas where drivers have a total disregard for speed limits. You seem to think everyone wants to cause congestion. As for J Hall I agree with B Warrington. Let's start the debate on NOx levels and see how clever Mr Hall is
Mr Hall
You forgot to put your name on the bottom of the above post.
How forgetful!
Wrong assumption there
Check some more
B Warrington said...
Hall is well known trouble causer and I would advise any sensible person (but I don't think any sensible people bother with this blog)ignore his monotonous rambling.
Does this happen to be infamous
Councillor Brenda Warrington who who claimed on House of Commons Records/linked to Andrew Gwynne
that she was just an assistant to Andrew Gwynne with NO OTHER INTERESTS,got caught out after a House of Commons investigation and had to admit she was a TMBC well paid Councillor and had 3 other outside interests.Nice Try Councillor.
Was this the same information given to the Inland Revenue I
Re Kevin Watkinson
So, you are opposed to unnecessary delaying traffic. Does that mean you are in favour of the Longdendale by pass and the, long overdue - third tier of the M60/M67 junction?
re: cornered rat
Im not concerned with having Hall in a corner, he is of no consequence. The important thing is that the real facts and real issues arent distorted by rantings.
John Shepley
You are right John Sheply but still for all his pseudo-scientific nonsense Hall cannot answer this question which I will ask again.
Come on Hall, you say traffic caused by the M60/M67 is a major cause of illness in the borough but you can't explain why Denton West where you live and where the M60/M67 meet has the lowest incidence of heart disease in the borough.
cornered rat stuck in a rut said...
We have Hall cornered here and he doesn't know where to turn so he's had to resort to anonymous posting.
Come on Hall, you say traffic caused by the M60/M67 is a major cause of illness in the borough but you can't explain why Denton West where you live and where the M60/M67 meet has the lowest incidence of heart disease in the borough.
Not another twerp posting and asking a question with no specific reference to his claim.
Could this be another reference to the 2010 Tameside Rag I wonder.
Where has your tripe originated from.???????
Answer the question before I respond,I don`t deal with airy fairy references which don`t mention its source.
PS How thick can someone not recognise that 350,000 daily vehicles minimum with the majority stop starting not affect the thousands in theDenton/Audenshaw public.
Not just DW and be most careful about where I live pal,that really could unleash some very very unpalatable information on Tameside Labourites in power one of whom you must be.
Put your own knowledge base on a matchbox without reference to some TMBC rhetoric.
Come on Hall answer the question. You live in the part of Tameside with the longest life expectancy and yet live close to Motorway etc. And other parts of Tameside with a much lower life expectancy have no major road networks near them.
Anonymous said...
Re Kevin Watkinson
So, you are opposed to unnecessary delaying traffic. Does that mean you are in favour of the Longdendale by pass and the, long overdue - third tier of the M60/M67 junction?
Another posting from probably the same numbskull.
The Mottram ByPass was nothing to do about the Mottram/Hollingwort/Tintwistle Traffic.
If you start and locate the FACTS yes Facts the objective which was scuppered was for an M62 Mark2 Highway on a parallel route called the NETA Route which lies in TMBC files but not divulged.
Purpose being to increase the HGV traffic from Europe to the UK via Hull,M1,Longendale ByPass M67 onto the4 M60.
For God`s sake why don`t you read all the evidence on the Stop the Mottram ByPass site (its not mine)
so pick faults in that mass of evidence which caused TMBC/Highways Agency/DfT to pull out of the scheme once the cat was let out.
They abused the folk of Longendale by always stating the ByPass was for them only.Utter crap because if Longendale folk had known about the NETA route bringing floods of HGV`s from Hull Ports bang through their Valley on a ByPass close by.
they would not have signed up for a ByPass,
Read the mountain of supplied evidence which again are facts which you don`t seem t6o understand.
If TMBC and the Highways Agency wanted to reduce the traffic which is causing problems why for 20 years have they not tried an HGV ban on the A628 as requested time and time again for years by many people.
Still don`t get it,well if a ban was tried for 4-6 months and the improvements were obvious that would blow a hole in the intended NETA Route,and the main M62 would become the route for large increases in HGV`s as it should be,not demolishing the Peak District National Park environment in the region.
Gods Truth I bet you were totally impossible hard work for your School Teachers.
I was not aware of the NETA route but will research it now you have enlightened me.
Thanks for bringing it to my attention and now will please answer this simple question: You live in the part of Tameside with the longest life expectancy and yet live close to Motorway etc. And other parts of Tameside with a much lower life expectancy have no major road networks near them.
Hall. Your theory on NETA is a figment of your imagination. Nothing at all to do with the Mottram Bypass. If any teachers struggled it would have been yours. So answer the question about your area having the longest life expectancy and other areas of Tameside with much shorter life expectancies (as much as 6 years) have no major road networks near them.
Mr Hall
I went to Anglessey with Brenda Warrington in 1980 as I was a friend of her son. Although I was only 10 at the time, I remember thinking there was something not right about her.
Thats very interesting Champagne Socialist.
I guess it took ages to get through all those congested coastal towns in 1980. The traffic at Conway was particularly bad.
No, thank god, there is the A55 duel lane highway so not only is the health of those small towns much improved the traffic flows better as well. Good job the NIMBY's didnt win that one
Hally Knows It said...
I was not aware of the NETA route but will research it now you have enlightened me.
The details below prove the NETA Route was the main objective and not the Mottram ByPass for those
cretins who reckon its a myth and continue to rubbish my honesty.
I am sure other Posters on TC have found out that an orchestrated small bunch of Tameside stooges (idiot people) have been told to keep rubbishing anything posted
on TC which offers substantiated facts exposing TMBC and others.
So here`s another posting with once again totally discredits the
organized group of proven thick
not fit for purpose Tameside mouthpieces.
Don`t ask me anymore bloody stupid questions because you have no credibility left after you have been stuffed full of facts,and I prefer to discuss issues with people on TC who are intelligent folk,
I must say I think an MP might be linked to these organized posters.
Perhaps birds of a feather comes to mind.
So here you are and then sod off to your masters.
Re The NETA Route
But the most interesting part of the PDF is who's written it. If you go the file properties, it tells you the author is a David Moore. Remember him? Yes, we wrote a long article about this character back in February 2008. Moore is well known to anti-bypass objectors, at one time he frequently wrote in to local papers in support of the road, but what was less well known was that he was project manager for the Tameside MBC sponsored North European Trade Axis (NETA). This was a project to promote a 'trans-European transport network', linking the Humber ports with the Irish Sea ports, bringing HGV traffic from Europe, via Longdendale (& the bypass) to Ireland and back again. The website has since been taken down (how mysterious!), but the links to the pages we provided still work in the Internet Archive - you can view here David's lovely face and his contact details for the NETA project.
It is important therefore that the A57/A628 Mottram to Tintwistle Bypass
and the £7.18m Glossop Spur are progressed.
GMPTE’s as yet unadopted rail investment plan for the next seven years
largely promotes improvements to existing stations. A consortium of First
Group PLC and Keolis SA won the trans-pennine franchise to deliver rail
services via Stalybridge.
Tameside’s strategic trans-pennine location is also reflected in its
promotion and support of the Transpennine initiative. Transpennine Ltd
is an independent not for profit company that encourages joint working
between the North West and Yorkshire regions, and of the corridor, a
west-east axis coast to coast across the North of England. With support
from the private sector, the European Union, the North West Regional
Association, the RDA’s and local authorities, the North European Trade Axis
(NETA) project was evolved to put the Trans-pennine axis at the heart of an
emerging west-east Eurocorridor.
Tameside’s unique location and historic trans-pennine links and partnership
bode well for future benefits arising from the Northern Growth corridor initiative.
John Hall
Anonymous, any traffic light system that operates in conjunction with a set of traffic lights that aren't necessary is manifestly going to hinder traffic more than if those lights weren't there or were switched off at off peak times. We managed far better without all these extra sets of lights previously, and as traffic volumes peaked in Tameside in 2005 (apart from the M60), and have lowered dramatically even more since the start of the recession, their proliferation has nothing to do with the number of vehicles.
As for speed bumps, they are installed at the whim of the council and punishing ALL drivers because of the transgressions of a tiny fraction is the sort of utter brainlessness and politically motivated private car hatred that now infests Town Halls the length and breadth of the country.
I notice no-one has answered my point about the dangerous, nationwide delays caused to emergency services by these utterly misconceived monstrosities.
Kevin Watkinson, how can be sure what you say is true? I have never heard of emergency vehicles being delayed as you describe. Please provide evidence.
Anonymous 2, yes I'm in favour of sorting out the M60/M67 mega congestion, ASAP. The Longdendale bypass is a far more complex issue which is presumably why it's dragged on for so long and still isn't resolved.
Twenty five years as a professional driver has taught me that traffic lights, 99 times out of a hundred CAUSE problems not solve them, and when lights break down the traffic almost always flows better.
Part time lights, removal of unnecessary lights, and the flashing amber scheme (proceed if it's safe to do so) currently being proposed for trials in Portsmouth would restore sanity and common sense to the obstacle course that is now Tameside's roads.
Watch this film to see exactly what the type of measures I am proposing for the roads of Tameside.
Dear Mr Hall
Can you provide concrete proof that Tameside MBC has manipulated enviromental data in order to gain public support for the Mottram bypass?
"Statistics are like a bikini. What they reveal is interesting, but what they hide is fascinating."
Sir Oswald Mosely
Put up or shut up, imagine you're an ambulance driver who has to 'rush' someone with spinal injuries and internal bleeding to hospital and there are no speed bumps en route.
Now imagine a virtually identiacal incident happens two years later at the same location, and in the interim the council has installed dozens of speed bumps in the area, and bear in mind you would have to crawl over every bump, including carefully slowing and accelerating between them.
Now calculate which journey would take longer. Jesus.
The evidence comes from Sigurd Reinton, Chairman of The London Ambulance Service who stated in April 2003 that approximately 500 cardiac cases a year were dying as a result of ambulances being delayed by speed bumps. 90% of such cases survive if treated within 2 minutes, but it falls to 10% if treatment is delayed by 6 minutes.
Nick Knight who has responsibility for the Service echoed this and said, "Even a few seconds delay could impact the chance of survival for heart attack victims".
A report in Boulder Colorado suggests that for every life saved by traffic calming as many as 85 may die because emergency vehicles are delayed. The average delay in response time was 14%.
Another study conducted by the Fire Department in Austin, Texas showed an increase in the travel time of ambulances when transporting victims of 100%.
The Greater London Assembly Speed Bump Inquiry took evidence from Paramedic Mark Belchamber who was highly critical of speed bumps and the serious problems they cause. He felt so strongly he went on to write a degree thesis which can be read at http://www.belchamber.org/speedhumps/.
That's all I could 'put up' with two minutes work.
But then if speed bumps delay normal road users how could they do anything other than delay emergency vehicles, no evidence is required, it's obvious and common sense.
Unless they've made Hover-Ambulances that no-one knows about.
I didn't say NO traffic signals I said remove UNNECESSARY ones and make others part time.
Learn to construct an argument.
Re the Russian video, they tried a similar experiment in a town in Sweden, it worked so well they never re-installed the signals.
Love that quote from Mosely ref the bikini.
I can see where Kevin is coming from regarding the speed bumps slowing down emergency vehicles.
It is a pity to see Mr Hall has been boxed into a corner - will someone help the poor bloke out. I would but I know too little on the subject in hand.
Anonymous said...
Hall. Your theory on NETA is a figment of your imagination. Nothing at all to do with the Mottram Bypass.
Who is this imbecile posting on TC.
Improved mental health care is definitely required urgently in Tameside
Here we go again fill the empty cavity in your nut with these,then apologise .
Re The NETA Route
But the most interesting part of the PDF is who's written it. If you go the file properties, it tells you the author is a David Moore. Remember him? Yes, we wrote a long article about this character back in February 2008. Moore is well known to anti-bypass objectors, at one time he frequently wrote in to local papers in support of the road, but what was less well known was that he was project manager for the Tameside MBC sponsored North European Trade Axis (NETA). This was a project to promote a 'trans-European transport network', linking the Humber ports with the Irish Sea ports, bringing HGV traffic from Europe, via Longdendale (& the bypass) to Ireland and back again. The website has since been taken down (how mysterious!), but the links to the pages we provided still work in the Internet Archive - you can view here David's lovely face and his contact details for the NETA project.
TAMESIDE MBC Publication
It is important therefore that the A57/A628 Mottram to Tintwistle Bypass
and the £7.18m Glossop Spur are progressed.
GMPTE’s as yet unadopted rail investment plan for the next seven years
largely promotes improvements to existing stations. A consortium of First
Group PLC and Keolis SA won the trans-pennine franchise to deliver rail
services via Stalybridge.
Tameside’s strategic trans-pennine location is also reflected in its
promotion and support of the Transpennine initiative. Transpennine Ltd
is an independent not for profit company that encourages joint working
between the North West and Yorkshire regions, and of the corridor, a
west-east axis coast to coast across the North of England. With support
from the private sector, the European Union, the North West Regional
Association, the RDA’s and local authorities, the North European Trade Axis
(NETA) project was evolved to put the Trans-pennine axis at the heart of an
emerging west-east Eurocorridor.
Tameside’s unique location and historic trans-pennine links and partnership
bode well for future benefits arising from the Northern Growth corridor
Ask your covert MP ? he is setting you for ridicule.
Anonymous said...
Hall. Your theory on NETA is a figment of your imagination. Nothing at all to do with the Mottram Bypass.
"If your capable of reading? fill you cranium void with these":
Re The NETA Route
But the most interesting part of the PDF is who's written it. If you go the file properties, it tells you the author is a David Moore. Remember him? Yes, we wrote a long article about this character back in February 2008. Moore is well known to anti-bypass objectors, at one time he frequently wrote in to local papers in support of the road, but what was less well known was that he was project manager for the Tameside MBC sponsored North European Trade Axis (NETA). This was a project to promote a 'trans-European transport network', linking the Humber ports with the Irish Sea ports, bringing HGV traffic from Europe, via Longdendale (& the bypass) to Ireland and back again. The website has since been taken down (how mysterious!), but the links to the pages we provided still work in the Internet Archive - you can view here David's lovely face and his contact details for the NETA project.
Give it a rest I don`t want to keep making a monkey out of you and Shepley
The picture linked to this item makes me ill. Will you remove it please.
The people who believe speed bumps and all the other ways of blocking the road work are generally the same people who believe doing 33mph warrants points on your licence. It's bullshit, the speed limit was designed as a general rule to stop people toeing it through urban areas. Good idea as far as it goes, but 33 mph is not toeing it, it's driving sensibly, a fact acknowledged at one time when the anti-car nutters didn't infest the corridors of power. Their agenda is to make the evil car users' lives as unpleasant as possible. If these loonies and cranks were REALLY interested in reducing casualties they'd educate PEDESTRIANS, whose ignorance and carelessness is the cause of most accidents. 87% is the figure quoted on here and that's probably very conservative. If a car goes past at 29mph or 37mph, what difference does it make if you're stood on the pavement. The c***s driving (usually stolen) vehicles at ridiculously high speeds in built up areas are the ones killing and injuring people and THEY are the ones who should be banned for ten years and sent down for five, the ban to start after they are released.
Mr Hall. A spelling mistake. You meant to write unsubstantiated facts. Many of your references are to other blog sites which do not substantiate facts. eg notomottrambypass.blogspot.com/2008/04 one-man etc etc. You will know that TMBC never had £200m to spend on a bypass. The original scheme was a HA scheme and no contract was awarded for construction. TMBC never had £200m and never made any award. The photo on the blog indicates spend on Schools for the Future. Like you that blog distorts facts.
What really charming individuals we have inherited in Tameside.
You have been getting all the facts
with all the sources of the substantiated facts as well,and can I suggest you get someone to read them for you.
You may well survive a bit longer,but it will only be until the education system improves in Tameside.
Labour Til I Die, I have deleted your comments because of the foul and insulting language you used.
You are more than welcome to contribute to the debate but please keep it clean. If you were once an elected councillor as people claim you should know better than to use foul language like that on a public forum.
Thanks for sharing the information on the NETA Route Mr Hall. I too was completely unaware of it.
For those that don't know, and you surprise me TC, NETA stands for Northern European Trade Axis. More people would know it as the M62 corridor. In England it runs from Merseyside to Hull and takes in the broad industrial area that runs across the North West and Yorkshire.
Although what it has to do with Tameside having the highest rate of coronary heart disease on the deluded know
Thank you for enlightening everyone. And Mottram never featured in the discussion about NETA. Again Mr Hall claiming some mystery file at TMBC and his own theories. The Mottram Bypass was just that and nothing to do with linking Merseyside with Hull.
The statistics produced by TMBC on air pollution in the borough should be taken with a pinch of salt. Statistics can be manipulated to "prove" just about anything.
I could manufacture some statistics to show that Cllr John Taylor has an extremely high IQ.
"Statistics are like a bikini. What they reveal is interesting, but what they hide is fascinating."
Sir Oswald Mosely
So you don't believe the Heart UK statistics on heart disease then NCB?
Is the world still flat as well?
I guess that just believing what you want instead of what is real makes your politics easier for you. Its a given really.
Aluman, you are, in all probability, both. They are not mutually exclusive.
Retard Alert, I think aluman is right, we should send massive numbers of immigrants home before our national identity is destroyed, as do tens of millions of other Brits. What's your view?
NCB, your comments are normally intelligent and interesting but to suggest statistical manipulation or indeed ANYTHING could make Taylor look intelligent leads me to believe you've gone barmy or have a serious substance abuse problem.
TC, why have you got a picture of Anubis up?
Come on let's not get bogged down in boring rants about immigration again. Mr Hall has the bent council nailed for falsifying environmental data to suit their political agenda. Let's keep this rolling to get to the bottom of it.
You are mistaken. For all the hot air and bluster spewed for by John Hall we can categorically state that the ‘facts’ he presents in relation to air quality and associated issues are totally fictitious. The majority are simply made up or copied from another local blog. None of his claims are backed up by scientific data.
By the way Mr Hall, tell us again why DW has the lowest coronary heart disease rate in the borough despite being the closest ward to the M60/M67 junction which you hold responsible for bringing ill health to Tameside?
We hear that the nazi bnp is heading for a massive split. Tameside bnp breaking away from the Griffin faction if he wins.
We'll be keeping an eye on developments in Tameside.
Different name same nazis.
'Boring rants about immigration', it'll be boring until they build the mosque on your road and the local school is 100% Muslim and/or non-English speaking won't it.
Environmental Department said...
You are mistaken. For all the hot air and bluster spewed for by John Hall we can categorically state that the ‘facts’ he presents in relation to air quality and associated issues are totally fictitious.
If this really is the Environmental Department the Dept should be disposed of quickly,based on my experiences with you seeing AQMA Maps change to serve your objectives.
When the Mottram ByPass/Glossop Spur was before Tameside MBC approval committee,I had sent in a full document relating to Air Pollution increases which would increase if the Plans were adopted
It was sent the Head of Planning (at that time)(check that out with him because on his new business he still indicates his work for TMBC)
How close links pay) before the meeting,I was notified that I had been allocated 3 minutes to put my case which involved years of work,maps and data (so much for for TMBC consultation methods),a few others took almost no time to object and the meeting was quickly closed.
But it gets better because the minutes of the meeting clearly showed my objection was never referred to whatsoever.
The Head of Planning also stopped me putting my case forward through the meeting held to establish the new UD Plans
After a further complaint concerning your refusal to monitor air pollution at the M67/M60/A57 location an area where 11,000 live in DW (don`t forget 500 metres is the spread of toxins from source according to scientific evidence) then your present Environmental Head came to my home and ended up stating no appropriate location could be found for monitoring equipment yet the huge M67/M60/A57 roundabout is a mass of unkempt grass,shrubs and trees,where it could fit 20 or more air pollution monitoring units.
When it came to TMBC producing its evidence to the ByPass Public Inquiry included with your evidence showed the ES Environmental Statement map from the A628 down to the MIDDLE OF THE M60 at is junction with the M67,thereby deliberately excluding the DW region and its 11,000 people within TMBC evidence.
The very last bit of so-called monitoring according to the TMBC map for the Public Inquiry was a position 16 feet below the M67 at a place which you even got the street name wrong,and sticking equipment 16 feet below a Motorway
which you did was deceptive,contemptuous and indicated you being unfit for purpose when the map showing air monitoring in Mottram,Hollingworth.Tinwistle had more than 15 monitoring places all along the "actual road side" (not the JUST ONE in Denton positioned 16 foot lower than the actual traffic on the M67.
Such deliberate and manipulative methods you utilise should get you sacked,but such actions are endemic in Tameside.J.Hall
Par 2 Cont
Seeing you have a large Monitoring Unit on Mottram Moor WITHIN 8 FEET OF the HGV`s EXHAUSTS (still there) as they climb their way towards Mottram Traffic Lights (banging up any readings) yet you refused to monitor what pollution exists at the M67/M60 A57 location because you know damn well the results would show vast disgusting levels of pollution and your duplicity.
Remember whilst you eradicate DW from your evidence maps where 11,000 live that population is greater than the entire Longendale area of Mottram (not Hattersley as you like to count in)Hollingworth and Tintwistle.
You have targeted DW for years with empty premises,removed junior football pitches,torn Windmill Lane apart with Storage Units,,Empty Offices etc and sold off for £50K to a local speculator the entire land where the PCT now resides.explain why DW folk have TWO METHODS OF WALKING TO THEIR TOWN CENTRE,
The last time I conversed with your Head of Environment he was overjoyed and proud that he had spotted some Taxi`s with engines running waiting for passengers,seems it was his claim to fame and a highlight in his employment.but it took you how many years ??? to stop the Kingston Stink.
How dare you refer to fictitious
details. go to part 2
Your Department is directly responsible and complicit in ensuring thousands in Denton/Audenshaw are stuffed with toxins.
You thoroughly disgust me as a Department and even more so your
persistent pretence to claim you take care of Our Environment.
Your long established Councillor Head of Enviroinmental Issues limits environmental rhetoric to Dog Dirt,Dimps Dropped,Grass Cuttings and Discarded Chip Wrappings and thats where your environmental concerns STOP.
Any further references to accusing me of hot air and bluster will be catered for by lots of 100% specific facts not your suggested SCIENTIFIC DATA which you have been "concocting" up for Years.
Everyone knows in Tameside how gross manipulations and non reality reports are carried out by TMBC to maintain its dominance of the public.
Seeing I pay towards your wages and pension you have a responsibility to give me your name
having accused me of fictitious comments and anyone else in the Environmental Department who is backing and promoting your blog.
And you wonder why no decent academic or official with all the answers will not have a proper dabate with Mr Hall. Read the rants and it tells you why.
Loser 'til you die, Mike, the steps and squat toilet bowls in Ashton Mosque need cleaning, get down there and get them licked clean.
If your masters get desperate and stand you in St Mohammed...sorry St Peter's Ward, it'll get you more votes. But you'd probably lose even that 'community' ward judging by your past feats in snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Drip feeding info re TMBC over fairly recent years might be a better idea and indicate questions which I never got answered,which should have concerned all Tamesiders.
Anyone can go to the Council Offices at Ashton and ask to see the Declaration of Interests files
of all Councilors as I did and intend again to do.
Its most interesting to see who has
outside paid interests,and do they connect with TMBC.
As an example I feel sure providing Dustbins for TMBC is a very nice order ,well it showed a Councillor who is no longer with us,who showed his interests as being a UK Sales person for the foreign manufactures of the bins concerned.
I recall the comment on the Councilor`s Interests declaration
stating its nothing to do with me.
It is unlawful for Councilors
to not declare their interests each year which should have checked each and every year by the Council Chief Executive,well another not with us now Councilor had not completed his Declaration of interests for 12 years.
I copied all the declarations,but funnily enough the next time I visited and requested the files I was attended by a chaperon.
Now many UK Councils show their Councilors Interests on the Internet,and that includes MP`s and Peers,so I requested that all TMBC Councilors interests should also be available on the Internet because "Why Not" ?.
I was informed that would be carried out the following year,alas that was the end of that story.
PS I do happen to keep extensive records as Andrew Gwynne MP knows.
As for my Councilor B.Warrington who refers to me a a trouble maker,well why should Councilors be troubled with the public knowing the truth.
If Labour until I die wishes to know,I voted Labour more years than he has lived until I started digging.
J Hall. I am one step ahead of you but am more literate. I too studied the recycling performance of TMBC and the source of their bins. We will all know the manufacturer of our bins because it's stamped on the lid. Can you tell all the readers of TC how many bins came from the company of the ex councillor to which you refer. Most of us have 4 bins so I reckon that's around 380,000 bins. What percentage come from which company. Come on hall substantiate your wild accusations
Perhaps you had a chaperon because those declarations were there before you inspected them - on your own - and weren't there afterwards, hence the chaperon.
I cant see any other reason for a chaperon except they just do not trust you not to tamper with them
You can clearly tell by the tenor of the anti-Hall brigade comments that they are rattled and highly defensive. If Hall was simply an ignorant crank (and he MAY be wrong in some of his assertions), and TMBC was such a model of probity you'd just ignore him.
Personally, having experience of several local election campaigns, I think this Borough stinks, from the point of view of the legal overseeing of elections.
KTR. You're right in that all Hall deserves is being ignored. I'm not rattled at all but feel someone needs to challenge his wild accusations. Rattled I'm not. Enjoying a drink and enjoying posting. I still drive my car via M67 / M60 junction to take my well earned money to the shops of Denton and keep the local economy going.
Aluman, comment deleted.
You are welcome to join the debate but please do so minus the profanity.
ncb, your comment regarding Taylor made me smile. John scored 220 IQ points recently in testing, how about that! Seriously, John Taylor has an IQ of 220, well done to him.
But that was 220 points from 8 tests.
Anonymous said...
KTR. You're right in that all Hall deserves is being ignored. I'm not rattled at all but feel someone
Glad you drive your car to Denton Shops what about the elderley,infirm,
mothers without a car,school kids going to Audenshaw,
bloody typical I`m all right jack
Anonymous said...
J Hall. I am one step ahead of you
That won`t happen
Yes. I'm also a carer who drives. Just making the point that yes I drive and yes I do look after an elderly relative so before you criticize think about what you write
That won`t happen
Hall. There are at least 6 questions you haven't answered with facts. Just your usual rants with unsubstantiated facts
Anonymous, congratulations on driving your car through the M60/M67 junction. Wouldn't you prefer it if the junction was finished and traffic flowed significantly improved?
If you shop in Denton I'm beginning to suspect you like queueing in traffic. Most people clearly differ as Denton recently came ninth in the entire country for the percentage of closed down shops in the high street.
Well done to TMBC for their significant efforts in creating traffic problems and consequent economic decline in the Denton area.
We won't mention Tramsville, formerly known as Droylsden.
Re Taylor's IQ, you forgot the decimal point, it's 22.0, i.e. just this side of a gorilla.
Anonymous said...
That won`t happen
Hall. There are at least 6 questions you haven't answered with facts. Just your usual rants with unsubstantiated facts
Amazing how you never disclose where any of your proof of your comments come from.
You really are a Labourite stooge
full of accusations without back up,and refusing to answer where your comments originate from
Always remember this Ghandii saying:
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
And that applies to me, leaving Shepley and Anons who are simply losers.
J hall
Amazing how you never disclose where any of your proof of your comments come from.
It is difficult to show proof when arguing with someone who doesn't have the proof. Let's take the Cariilion and Mottram Bypass issue. Your evidence is a couple of blog comments. You will know the Public Inquiry and the scheme was stopped so how come Carrillion got the contract?????? No scheme no contract. As for TMBC they never got beyond the consultation stage. No scheme no contract. So how can anyone show you proof against something that is a figment of your imagination or that of people on other blogs
Mr Hall
Ghandi also said
A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.
Think about it Mr Hall.
Absolutely right. The Eygptians were very Intelligent. Pity J Hall doesn't take after the Eygptians
How thick can posters get,they are seriously inadequate when it comes down to any debate.
Facts I have thousands so what next do you want to know about.
The Chief Executive,how much just costs did Carillion make on the Mottram Costs only,???
Why did Oldham borrow a large security system on loan from TMBC which we paid for ??.
How did Gwynne get to be banned from TMBC meetings by the Labourites.??
Who didnt declare their interests on official TMBC documents ???
What was the official reason why the Mottram Public Inquiry folded??
Who stopped the Waterside Park Public Inquiry for 3 months and why just 1 hour after it started ??
Why was the TMBC Chief Executive shown on Companies House records as a Director of the Carillion setup called Inspired Spaces on 3 seperate companies ?
Who discussed with Blair Tamesides Environmental neglect ??
DE Da De Da de da.
Hundreds of facts are at my disposal and you can`1t even say where your rhetoric is coming from.
I really do feel sorry for you folk
having such characteristics which
discredit you entirely.
Just the same old rubbish and insults Mr Hall rather than answering the question.
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