Wednesday 6 July 2011

Thugs jailed after brutal attack in Stalybridge

Drunken thugs who launched a 'sickening and brutal' attack on a stranger they found asleep at a bus stop have been jailed.

Dean Hayward and Dane Simms rained punches on their victim's head and body before one of the men kicked him in the face, a court heard.

Hayward, 26, and Simms, 27, had been on a ten-hour drinking binge for Simms' birthday before the street robbery, in Stalybridge, Tameside.

After the unprovoked attack they rifled through their helpless victim's pockets and stole a mobile phone, wallet, and cigarettes. Read more on the Manchester Evening News website by clicking here.

Bring back the birch and teach these thugs a lesson they will never forget. Tameside Citizen


SerpentSlayer said...

Why didnt he defend himself?

We need to get more people confident in how to defend themselves. I'm not a tough guy but they would have got a few punches back at them at least.

I thought everybody learned to fight at school? Dinner times aren't just for football.

Anonymous said...

He had was asleep when the thugs attacked him, that is probably why he didn't fight back.

Frank Castle said...

They'll serve just over a year, pathetic. As for the birch, it should definitely be brought back for minor misdemeanors far less serious than this brutal assault.

There are ever growing numbers of people like this in Britain. The truth is they should never have been born in the first place. The solution is to 'de-birth' them all. The bolt gun would ensure they could never inflict themselves on society or individuals again.
As Stalin said, 'No person, no problem.'

Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill said...

There are several billion people who should be got rid of for varying reasons.

SerpentSlayer said...

I agree with Mister Castle. We need a eugenics program to root out the biologically redundant. Their are far too many people who will never contribute positively to the nation, even their offspring will be a burden on the folk.

The modern times have done us a great favour, all the degenerate, criminal and evil people are out in the open. We have a massive chance to improve our gene pool and bring ourselves closer to the divine.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

TC if you can bloke all nutters - as is claimed by annon a couple of times above - can you bloke West as well as Hall.

Thank you
So facts like this denoted below need bloking (sorry blocking).
Well my objectives pal are that the Tameside Electorate should know the facts,know what kills them,and expose the TMBC cretins who do nothing whatsoever about its Air Quality Management Area`s as told to do by the UK Government 8 years ago and the EEC.
I might be one of the few who fight real battles for present and future generations concerning the foul,highly toxic air they breathe in Tameside,but at least I don`t talk crap just facts which not one of the TMBC Labourites can dispute or prove otherwise.
And that`s why the Waterside Park massive development was squashed,and the last attempt at a Mottram ByPass folded because another 40,000 daily vehicles on top of the present 350,000 daily vehicles in the area would become a further criminal act carried out on Tamesiders the kids and infants.
Could this comment about blocking me originate from Taylor ? because firstly because of the bloke spelling and secondly the fact that he is one of those who would
not kick off about the air pollution because he knows nowt about the Epidemiological evidence
which confirm my facts.
So these thick contemptuous sods at TMBC must enjoy seeing Tamesiders suffering and dying from chronic air pollution diseases just like Sadaam did.
Not exactly real men and women who administrate YOUR environment just
money grabbing louts.

Anonymous said...

Refer back to the previous comments on the TC site which obviously stuck in the gullet of the local Councillors and MP`s regarding Air Pollution.
Any reasonable minded Tamesider who knows that the local politicians have done nothing other than seeking thousands more vehicles into the area and seriously damage YOUR health even more.
Yes mugging and acts of violence are despicable and should always result in gaol,but TMBC are carrying out equally horrendous obscene acts of harm to thousands and causing many premature deaths.
Do not refer to its smoking,obesity and diet because the FACT is 136 people die each and every day on average in the UK from diseases caused by air pollution,but you don`t see that in the Advertiser or the National Press because they bury the information.

Anonymous said...

Mr Hall

I'm glad to see you've dropped that nonsense about police numbers going up.

An apology might be in order

Anonymous said...

The Tameside Health Authority prove my point with this on their Web site ie

Coronary Heart Disease
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a preventable disease that kills more than 110,000 people in England every year. More than 1.4 million people suffer from angina and 275,000 people have a heart attack annually.
CHD is the biggest killer in the country. The Government is committed to reducing the death rate from coronary heart disease and stroke and related diseases in people under 75 by at least 40% (to 83.8 deaths per 100,000 population) by 2010.
Nationally, deaths from circulatory diseases in those aged under 65 generally account for approximately 30% of total deaths.
Together with cancers, circulatory diseases are responsible for 60% of all premature deaths (Office of National Statistics, Annual District Death rates; 2003-2005).
Data from the 2005 Lifestyle Survey also shows that local people eat less than the recommended 5-a-day fruit and vegetables (84% compared with a national average of 75%) and take less than recommended amounts of exercise (67%). 26% of people are current smokers, compared with 27% nationally.


The BBC announce Tameside is the worst place in the whole of the UK for Heart Disease.
Do yourself a favour and check out
PM2.5 Particulates and Heart Diseases and Deaths on all World Health reports including the World Health Organisation,and these destructive dangerous toxins are at their highest in Tameside courtesy of TMBC.
Will this latest news today from BBC news end up in the MENews Advertiser,Reporter,Glossop
Local news,because they are all complicit in restricting air pollution news in Tameside over recent years,which to me is obscene and deplorable when local people are dying from ingesting PM2.5 Particulates,some of the highest levels in the region.
So much for the local health authority release above,can YOU FIND any references to severe Air Pollution as dangerous to humans,NO you will not because the top Health Officials in Tameside are definitely not fit for purpose
and are also grossly negligent and complicit by ALWAYS ONLY QUOTING
SMOKING,OBESITY,EXERCISE are what YOUR problems are caused by with nothing about what chronic toxins you ingest 24/7
Its obnoxious deliberate
deception,by all those in Tameside who administrate your lives and
are responsible for your premature deaths.
Tameside MBC should be held to account in Court for knowingly killing people because of their
continued policy of being the UK`s No 1 position in traffic increases and continuing to bringing even more traffic into Tameside and Air Pollution.
Challenge my FACTS TMBC with your deceptive manipulated air pollution monitoring methods.and I will gladly expose more facts.

Anonymous said...

Andrew Gwynne MP is now daily active in the House of Commons as shadow spokesperson on Transport.
Nice one Mr.Gwynne with your Constituency getting in excess of 350,000 minimum daily vehicles belting out what kills people.
I consider you an utter disgrace for actively being complicit in increasing traffic in your area,and you should be ashamed,if you know its meaning.
Your totally now unrepresented constituent decided by you and your Councillors.

Anonymous said...

Mr Hall

I'm glad to see you've dropped that nonsense about police numbers going up.

An apology might be in order

............................. Check out the Chief Constables latest report that GMP Officers are swinging the lead with sick entitlements and obtaining inside desk jobs for being overwight and and not able to carry out full duties.
Why stay Anon crawl out for once.

Anonymous said...

I also note the Manchester Evening News has decided not to mention the disgusting BBC report of Tameside and Heart Disease.
The contempt shown by our local media for the Electorate is equal to the NOTW hacking of the dead.
No wonder the Guardian/MEN group stuck ex-staff into TMBC.
A safe haven for Labour sycophants.
Its time the Tameside Advertiser was hit by advertisers until it becomes a representative media for Tamesiders.

Chief Executive said...

I would like to encourage members of the public to write to me, on a wide range of local concerns.
It could be, that, you are not happy with council expenses, or my own council salary.
Coucillors conduct and expenses.
Local involvement.
Councillors outside interests and Payments for services.
Tameside Council is here to serve you, the people.
We are open to all of the questions asked of us in Council.

Oliver Burton said...

One of the most significant causes of increasing air pollution in Tameside is the massive increae in the number of traffic lights, speed bumps, chicanes, chevrons and all the multifarious other man-made obstructions.
Every time a vehicle is forced to slow down or stop at these ludicrous obstacles for no reason, and then accelerate again, there is a big increase in all pollutants, as slowing, stopping and accelerating vehicles emit far more than vehicles simply proceeding along the road.

Countryside for all said...

Is Andrew Gwynne MP in favour of or opposed to the Mottram by-pass?

Tamesider said...

Here's a 'concern' for you Mr Pleasant: Why have we got a massive, 57 councillors costing us a fortune in allowances and expenses to represent just over 200,000 people?

Anonymous said...

Countryside for all said...

Is Andrew Gwynne MP in favour of or opposed to the Mottram by-pass?

His written response to a person in "Sheffield" which I have which was copied for exposure at the Public Inquiry is quite clear and clarifies he wants the ByPass and ship more traffic inc HGV`s down the M67 into his Constituency to the M60.

Anonymous said...

I still want to know why the TMBC Chief Executive Mr.Pleasant was named on Carillion Company Documents twice as a Director of Carillion when he was at the top of TMBC and when Carillion was given the multi million contract to refurbish Tameside Schools.
and of course the ByPass contract.

A latest formed link has now been made between TMBC with HeatSeekers a PO Box in Leicester (a Private Insulation Company)
Perhaps this should now be scrutinised in depth to see whether any TMBC person is directly associated with this Company as an Advisor or Director.
When you have a bag of squirming monkeys tied up in a TMBC bag you have to watch every move and deal being carried out.
Check out the jobs attained by TMBC Councillors on the off shoot
Organisations now in Tameside who then handled previous activities


Anonymous said...

Chief Executive said...

I would like to encourage members of the public to write to me, on a wide range of local concerns.
It could be, that, you are not happy with council expenses, or my own council salary.
Coucillors conduct and expenses.
Local involvement.
Councillors outside interests and Payments for services.
Tameside Council is here to serve you, the people.
We are open to all of the questions asked of us in Council.

What a load of bloody cynical garbage from the Chief Executive.
1.Ever tried getting a comprehensive answer at a District Assembly Meeting.
2.Ever tried getting over the barrier manned by the Tameside Borough Solicitor to silence you or even threaten you with legal action.
3.Why cannot Cabinet Meetings be attended by the Tameside Tax Payers who pay into Cabinet members Bank Accounts.
4.The secrecy maintained over years by TMBC is alive and doing well,and the pawns are in place to stop you knowing the behind the scenes scams,so Mr.Chief Executive don`t come the acid and suggest you and others have nothing to hide,the sleaze in TMBC is endemic
and years of substantiated cases have not yet toppled those responsible,but it will occur and even you may be shipped out later to another Greater Manchester region to safeguard exposures.
All Councillors have been harnessed
through their appointments which give them a fantastic gravy train to ride,and many are incompetent
illiterate idiots who rely on TMBC staff to prop them up.

C***s said...

Here's a concern for you Mr Pleasant, why are staff being laid off at the Tameside Countryside service when you're earning nearly a fifth of a million pounds a year in the middle of such dreadful economic circumstances and supposed council belt tightening?
Now the Council are aking for volunteers (i.e mugs) to work for NOTHING, to prop up the massively over inflated wage packets of senior management and our snouts in the trough councillors. But of course, they're all exempt from the effects of the economic armageddon. Don't ask why, they just are.