Monday 4 July 2011

St Peters Partnership / Tameside MBC DVD for the CBI

The new Great Leader may not get his message over as eloquently as his predecessor but I can’t argue with the points he makes.


Bull...s**t said...

If Greenscape is so efficient, 'Delivers on time at the right price etc etc' why does it need to be propped up by the council? And why should ex-cons etc be given preferential treatment, especially in the current dire economic circumstances?

credit where credit is due said...

Ex-cons should be helped to prevent them from re-offending. Greenscape deserves praise for the good work it's doing.

Concerned Bloke said...

Quite good work but could have done without the 'redistribution of wealth' outburst. Tameside won't improve as an area until the school kids learn that in life, you get what you deserve. Labour believe 'you get what you can redistribute from your rich neighbour', so Tameside will remain a borough always needing extra funding from central government.
I accept that Quinn and Co think they are trying to help out the poorest, but all they are doing is trapping locals in poverty with their outdated thinking.

The British have lost at Waterloo said...

Concerned Bloke, I understand where you are coming from but do not dismiss ‘wealth distribution’ as a charter for ne’r do wells to prosper.

I guarantee you that nobody on this blog and probably nobody in the whole borough of Tameside belongs to the true moneyed class. The vast majority of this nations wealth is controlled by a very small clique of the super rich.

By super rich I do not refer to the likes of Sir Paul McCartney, Wayne Rooney or even the council chief exec. They are just proles who have prospered under the current system. Had they be born in a different generation the fact they were good at singing, playing football or good office managers would not have meant they would become rich. At one time it was the military men, the engineers and others who commanded the upper ground in the world of the proletariat but the wealthy ruling class never lose their position of game makers and controllers right at the top so bearing that in mind I think wealth distribution would be good thing.

Anonymous said...

Pollution can lead to brain damage and depression warn scientists
Long term exposure to air pollution could damage the brain and lead to learning and memory problems and even depression, new research has revealed.

Having campaigned like hell about these same facts I have known for 15 years and confirmed at the Waterside Park and Mottram ByPass Public Inquiries with volumes of factual evidence,strange that Tamesiders take no notice of the fact that Tameside is one of the most Air Polluted Regions in the UK courtesy of Tameside MBC being UK No1 League leaders in increasing traffic volumes in their Borough through
ignoring the facts when their Planning Applications are approved.
Test me out Quinn and Taylor with
a totally open Public Meeting where I would rubbish you and bury you with facts proving you and your sycophants are alike to Iraqi Leaders when they deliberately stuffed toxins into the Kurdish men,women,and children`s lungs slaughtering vast numbers.
Look to your own masters Tameside Employees when you also submit to Strokes,Heart Diseases,Lung Diseases,Alzheimer s and Dementia,Cancers, and even Heart Defects in Kids.
Amazing that seemingly Tamesiders don`t give a toss about their premature deaths in Tameside until the Finger of Fate points at Them.
Check out what the various Directors of Health in Greater Manchester responsibilities are and they are "to protect the publics health".
Having met a Tameside Director of Public Health on this issue be assured they could not give a toss and bury this information with the dead.
Note the latest plans for Denton with even more shopping centres adjacent to Crown Point attracting far more from other GMC area`s into an existing fully saturated traffic location and don`t tell me the repeated dross that any jobs will be exclusive to Tamesiders
If you and your families life are being threatened its bloody time you fineally woke and recognised what`s killing you and your kin folk.
I have spent years campaigning on this Tameside issue for the whole Electorate and not one
TMBC Councillor of whatever persuasion has taken the slightest interest,which in my mind makes them immoral,contemptuous,no compassion,and inhuman in our society.
How many of them live adjacent to the Motorways.Main Roads,and dense Urban locations ??
Andrew Gwynne MP is one of the worst culprits for wanting more PM2.5 deadly toxins stuffed into the electorates lungs,and I could prove this 100%,hence his decision not to represent me as a Constituent.followed by the other 3conteptuous Councillors who prefer increased traffic to increasing premature mortality rates.
I don`t write what I cannot prove 100% and I hope this information is not bypassed with a new subject matter ensuring it gets overlooked.
John Hall Denton

Jim Hall said...

'Ex-cons should be helped to prevent them from re-offending', why does anyone need help to prevent them from burgling, mugging, thieving, drug dealing etc? It's easy, just don't do it. They are accountable for their actions and giving them preferential treatment, especially with mass unemployment, is totally wrong.
If I find the person who broke into my 83 year old neighbour's house, ransacked and burgled it, including stealing her mother's wedding ring, I'd give him plenty of help, like kicking his lungs in. People with your soft, liberal attitude are a major part of the problem.

labour til i die said...

labour will always run Tameside so you bone head nazis should get used to it.

labour til i die said...

Why have you took off the Tameside eye blog from you're political links nazi blogger?

Anonymous said...

Where`s my post

Labour Disintegrating said...

Shut it Mike, unless it's to apologize for leaving Britain with a trillion pound debt. And no it wasn't the bankers, that was only 8% of it.

Any success Labour have locally is down to the apathy and brainlessness of the electorate.

SerpentSlayer said...

Is this the same council who cut the funding to Pathways Community Interest Company, the one to which I had a job reserved for me until they cut the funding a few days later?

The same council which pays vast salaries to trade union officials but cuts bin collections and low paid staff?

This is a step in the right direction, but would it be necessary if most of our jobs were given to British people and we grew and manufactured everything we could in this country?

P Harris said...

The reason no-one wants to employ ex-cons is because 99% of them are c***s and scum.

Anonymous said...

Why has J.Hall`s comments been
blocked ??

Alf Garnett said...

The Ex-cons fit in so so well with this lot

A nod is as good as a wink to blind bat said...

Anyone know who was responsible for this gang attack in Hyde.

The wording and lack of description of the attackers makes me suspicious there is a cover up going on, maybe because the attackers were members of 'The Community'

Anonymous said...

TC if you can bloke all nutters - as is claimed by annon a couple of times above - can you bloke West as well as Hall.

Thank you

Vinny said...

Are these polls rigged? It is impossible to believe so many people vote against public sector workers.

Green man said...

A little bird told me, that Mr West has left the sinking bnp and joined the English Democrats?

The Green Preacher said...

The green thinking.
We believe that soft drugs should be made available to whomever wants to use them.
We believe in the re-opening of a totally free society of drug use, if thats what people want to do.
Who are we to stop people doing what they want to do?
I hope that people will understand our aims for a much more open way of life.
I thank you for allowing me the chance to share with you our aims on drug use, with you all.
Thank You.

Tameside Citizen said...

Some good posts from Mr Hall and Serpent Slayer and it is pleasing to see ‘Labour Til I Die’ contributing in a civil manner and without resorting to foul language.

Oi Oi said...

No, he's not joined the English Democrats he has shaven his head to join the Gay Skins

James Dark said...

Green Preacher, if you believe people should be given unfettered access to controlled drugs, presumably you must also believe people should be able to walk into a pharmacist and buy whatever prescription drugs they want with zero regulation. What's the difference when you adopt an anything goes philosophy.