Friday 24 June 2011

Any opinions on the new look Tameside Citizen magazine?

I must confess I found the recycling bin information on page two handy. My green bin has ‘glass only’ printed on the front and as a consequence I only ever put glass into it. I was always baffled at how neighbours used to fill theirs every two weeks when mine took months to fill. Now I know the reason - because you can put cans into it too. Silly me!


Spend Thrift said...

The question should be - how much is this piece of polished up Labour propaganda costing the Tameside council tax payer.

Uncle Joe's Mintballs said...

Better than the Pravdatiser.

Josef Goebbels' Mintballs said...

This magazine is a masterstroke.

SerpentSlayer said...

I would keep hold of them, fuel prices are soaring. Could be handy for eeping you warm.

Concerned Bloke said...

Good use of Tory colours....obviously an oversight that will be corrected for the next edition.

Paul Harris said...

Labour aren't worried about criticism.
A brainless base of core voters, plus postal votes, plus mass apathy and disinterest from 70% of the electorate and it's a shoe-in.

Doctor Gatt said...

A prime example of propaganda on the rates. Waste, waste, waste. Typical of the Tameside politburo and their obsession with wasting goodness knows how much ratepayers' money year on year.

Evil personified said...

Simply much academic standards have fallen. Still it looks nice, and these days that's God.