Saturday 25 June 2011

Fallen tree in Hardy Wood (Denton Woods)

This tree must have fallen overnight because it wasn’t like this yesterday. It is in a particularly dangerous place as this path which runs beside Denton cemetery is the route many people take when going into the woods and to make matters worse the path passes directly under the fallen tree which could fall the final few feet to the ground at any time.

I have tried ringing Tameside Country Services who normally deal with this kind but not surprisingly there is nobody answering the phone as it is out of hours.


.22 said...

Are these woods any good for hunting rabbits, birds and such?

Alf Garnett said...

They are if you fancy being dun for armed trespass ? you need land of your own or permission off the person that owns it to go shooting

SerpentSlayer said...

Not if you've got more firepower than the police. Force always beats law.

.22 said...

I know aluman, that's why I always go when it's quiet and use a silencer.

Tameside Citizen said...

I was in the woods today and it was pleasing to see the health hazzard of the fallen tree was promptly dealt with and made safe.