An earlier blog on this site reports that the UK ethnic population has risen 40% in recent years. We asked why there has been no resistance worth the name to this change...
We now answer our own question...."The Cohesion Industry"
The enclosed letters are self explanatory. The first two pages are from the Department of Communities and Local Government in respose to a Freedom of information request. The last three pages are to the Dept Of CLG from Tameside Council and reveal for the first time the cost of "Cohesion" to Tameside.
We highlight:- a one off cost of £100,000 plus £15,000 pa wages.
an admission that Tameside DO meet the press in order to supress stories;
they meet with a mosque leader for "non-agenda" meetings;
an admission that the council have a good relationship with faith-groups ( the local clerics who push an anti-BNP message at elections?)
Elected members passing on their mail to "the intelligence network"..shades of the old Stasi!
Most interesting is the admission that "in engaging with some individuals it (The Council) had concerns about just how representitive they (the "community leaders") were and who they spoke for". Just what does THAT mean?
Note that we have redacted the name and details of the people named in the documents. This is to prevent personal attacks. Such a council policy as described above could not come from anywhere but the very top and to blame an underling ( they were neither councillor nor department head) would be wrong.
Do remember that Tameside Council employs the second highest number of diversity officers. We have 16 in total - more than Oldham and Bradford combined! This costs me and you £322,558 a year.
And Labour are sacking surestart workers!
Yeah but you won't find them living in these areas of cohesion.
Cost Cutting Conservative, the Dumb Horde don't care what Labour do, they automatically vote for them. Democracy could be the thing that brings Britain down, with a combination of wholesale apathy, dumbing down and the mass block vote of certain large immigrant communities.
The apathetic British morass had better wake up very soon.
Is Britain Being Conquered From the Inside?
Britain has already been invaded by a dangerous enemy, and most Britons don’t even realize it—yet.
But many say, it's too late.
Anglo-Saxon England can only ensure survival through Revolution.
Time will surly answer that question.
In reply to "The Cost Of Cohesion"
Islamic jurisprudence is spreading throughout Britain:
Come in West this a serious issue don't swamp it with your blue link nonsense. Post them below if it makes you happy. TC, delete West's non-relevent comments.
How can it be non-relevent can't you read?
The UK is the approximately the size of the American state of Oregon. The UK's population is somewhere around 70 million, Oregons about 4 million. The UK has to import AT LEAST 40% of it's food because the excessive population has outstripped the carrying capacity of the land. To put it simply, we are overpopulated.
We don't need anymore people here, no matter how talented, we are full up and then some.
As for the lazy whites on welfare, they need their butt's kicked into shape.
The growing cost of Cohesion.
Poppy-burning Muslim extremist says he will wear fine as 'badge of honour'
England: 1023 people per square mile.
A few more American States for comparison:
North Carolina: 196.1, (15th most densely populated out of 50).
Michigan: 174.8.
Minnesota: 66.6.
Mississippi: 63.2.
Arizona: 56.3.
Oklahoma: 54.7.
Kansas: 34.9.
Nebraska: 23.8.
New Mexico: 17.0.
South Dakota:10.7.
Wyoming: 5.8.
US average: 87.4.
That makes England's population density 43 TIMES HIGHER than Nebraska's (a fairly typical mid-west State). And 1200% higher than the US population density average as a whole.
And STILL they're shipping them into England.
Ashton ukip.
You mean, even more non-relevent than one of your election campaigns in Tameside?
England will rise up, all that stuff about the hooded hero who will return in Englands darkest hour is not a myth of recent medieval invention.
Heroes of English blood have never been rare.
Black 'Nazi' jailed for racist murder of white Polak. You honestly could not make this one up. How will UAF/Searchlight spin this one?
Silence is what you'll get the victim is White.
Two questions for people that know their stuff.
1) How long does it take to get a reply from the Borough Solicitor.
In relation to a complaint against a Labour Councillor?
2)If someone makes a false statement about an individual.
Is it a matter for the CID.
Or a Libel court?
The Islamification of Britain: Muslim Gang Attacks Christian Church in Rochdale.
Wasn't Tameside community cohesion subject to a sudden unexplained spike in projected spending coming circa 2011-12 according to some figures TC posted here a year or two back?
This story is buried in the Islington Gazette, whereas by contrast Stephen Lawrence was again given a whole front page on a national paper yesterday. 415 news articles in the last 7 days.
Can you imagine all the front pages this story would get if it were a real Dutchman doing this crime?
Five years for a blatant black on white racial murder is nothing. If the victims were reversed and the killer white he would have been sentenced to a full life sentence.
Stuart Laidlaw, reviewing lawyer for the CPS, said: "Gareth Hemingway decided to use the very public forum of YouTube to distribute videos of racist and inflammatory nature which he had edited, and which were designed to provoke anger against ethnic minorities, particularly those living in Dewsbury. "They called for a 'racial discussion', described acts of passive resistance and made supportive references to far right groups such as Combat 18 and Patriots of White European Resistance." Mr Laidlaw added: "Freedom of speech carries with it responsibilities. "Publishing something that is abusive and insulting and that is likely to stir racial hatred is against the law and the CPS will work with the police to prosecute robustly anyone who does so."
Gareth Hemmingway who had no previous convictions was jailed for 18 months.
Yet: John Taylor can openly make false statements about me.
Saying that I am guilty of racial harassment against a neighbour with mixed race children.
Total lie from Taylor and he can get away with it.
Re leaflet.
Make sure you make an official complaint.
The 'Black Nazi' kills someone by stabbing them in the back, (which for some reason is apparently manslaughter not murder) and is convicted of two counts of carrying an offensive weapon. Total sentence, five years three months. Utterly pathetic.
Don't hold your breath waiting for the Borough Solicitor. This is the Borough where Labour get their hard left mates in who put out 10,000 illegal smear leaflets and nothing happens.
Are you talking about this Labour Cllr?
Jim Fitzpatrick caught delivering third party, Communist, Smear Propaganda.
Am I a racist?
Racist is a word used to smear the opponents of the corrupt and the genocidal. If you are called a racist the you are a threat to the establishment. Be more worried if the Jewish media praise you.
I can tell you a few things about Labour smears and allegations.
During the 2008 local elections. John Taylor sent the police to my house.
With Allegations I was using a false name.
The police confirmed that, there, was no wrong doing in relation to Taylor's allegations.
John Taylor still went ahead and published a leaflet for Dukinfield, making false statements about me.
This is something I have come to expect from this Labour Councillor.
He seems to be free to make any allegation he wants, in his leaflets.
We would not have to suffer the Labour Mafia, if we had a strong Tory fight back.
Why is the local Tory leadership so weak?
I know, that, the Tories would never smear people in the way Labour Mafia do.
National Tory government no time for.
But come on local Tories do something for God's sake.
If he's put a false allegation that someone made a complaint of racially based harassment against you on one of his official leaflets, make sure you show it to the police.
John Taylor made a false statement.
Saying that this woman made an official complaint of racial harassment against me.
As you can see, she's got two of Taylor's smear leaflets in her windows.
Read Taylor's comment on the page.
Taylor's opened a can of worms. Bad mistake as he's got a lot more to lose.
Cost Cutting Conservative - This £322,558 paid for these diversity officer types is money for old rope. Why does this borough need so many of them? It's moneywasting and politically correct posturing by the ruling socialist elite.
The enemy within - you are so, so correct in what you say about idle and apathetic white voters. They whine about the mass block votes from certain communities being garnered by the socialists, then the imbeciles either don't bother themselves to go and vote or worse still vote for the corrupt leftists they spend all day moaning about.
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