So the runners in this years local elections have been announced. The big news is that UKIP are to field more candidates than the Conservative Party this year in Tameside - a tremendous effort by Tameside UKIP - well done!
Also a great effort by the Green Party who are fielding 15 candidates - another great achievement.
The rumours about the collapse of the British National Party appear to have been well founded as they have fallen from fifteen candidates last year to only five this year. Also of interest is the absence of many of their well known and high polling candidates such as Anthony Jones, Nigel Byrne, David Gough, and David Lomas - Tameside BNP - obviously a very unhappy ship at present.
The ward to watch for fireworks is undoubtedly the Dukinfield ward where Roy West of the BNP goes head to head with his two arch enemies; John Taylor of the Labour Party and John Cooke of UKIP. Now that is one election count I would like to attend.
Please email any election leaflets you may receive to for discussion purposes and good luck to all the candidates standing and may the best of you win.
Well. I presume that this is the posting many have been waiting for. Why am I not standing in the election?
There are a number of reasons.
1) Main reason. My health. I can no longer give campaigning the effort that it demands. I have mobility problems, as anyone who attended the counts of the last 2 or 3 years will testify. A good campaign demands more than I can provide.
2) I have every confidence in, and fully support, the local leadership and candidates. I cannot say the same of the National Leadership.
3) The Party Nationaly has been effectively sabotaged by outside bodies in total contravention of basic decocratic principles. I am researching this sabotage and have already had some success.
(As a "taster" I will mention the EHRC refusing to release communications to them from a senior BNP official under the F o I Act and a prominant person claiming to be an ex-TORY councillor whereas the council he is claiming membership of deny knowing him!)
4) It is evident that opposition to this Labour Council cannot be restrictred to just 3 or 4 weeks in April and May. It must be carried on throughout the year by research and exposing the council's actions....such as the earlier blog on "Meridian". Foward with "Leaderles Resistance"?
Good luck to Roy West. Hopefully John Taylor will receive a kicking, even if you can't beat him. Perhaps a kicking will be enough to stop the Labour lot re-electing him as deputy this year. He is an absolute disgrace to Tameside. Taylor should have been kicked-out after Roy captured his behaviour and character so perfectly in his video which has been viewed 3200 times.
His weekly rants in the paper are an embarrassment. Taylor should accept he is a thicko and keep his head down.
UKIP has plenty, and I do mean mean plenty of ex-BNP members. Take for example Dr Paul Rimmer. here he can found speaking as a BNP ‘super activist’ last year, now here he is as a UKIP candidate now.
Chris Hill formally of Lancaster now Carlisle is another BNP super activist embedded deep within UKIP with an official position.
There are literally hundreds more BNP members in UKIP and if the final push to oust Griffin has not succeeded by July the BNP members not on the leaked membership list are going to migrate to UKIP while those who are will join the English Democrats.
If you work on a ratio that one BNP activist is worth ten UKIP activists I would predict within three years UKIP and the English Democrats will be effectively under BNP control and the rotting hulk of the Griffin BNP will have dissolved into glorious nothingness.
Interesting times for the minions of the political scene.
Don't tell Mr John Cooke (ukip candidate for Dukinfield.
He can't see passed the end of his own nose.
I see that, only two out of the five candidates for that area actually live in Dukinfield.
Good point, there appear to be more candidates than ever standing in wards they don't live in. Makes you wonder why.
wow. nothing like an over inflated ego "the post that many have been waiting for".
no actually, i don't think "many" care why you aren't standing. To be honest, I don't think "many" give a toss.
Two guy's coming back fron duty at guide bridge theatre for St John ambulance.
Saw kids dailing 999 at the phone box on the corner.
You just can't have that going on.
Hoak 999 calls from kids.
Those kids need to be told, that's a very serious matter.
I would say that the opinion of a man such as Mr. Jones is worth a great deal. I know the man fairly well and I have met few people with such an insight into local, national and indeed world politics. Certainly more qualified to comment than your average liblabcon dumbkopf.
I can't see ukip providing the British people with a real alternative to the status quo, not while state stooges like Farage pull the strings.
Id rather stick with a party such as the British National party, everyone knows we stand for the future of Britain. UKIP are a four yearly protest vote heavily funded by disgruntled Tory-types.
Anonymous, quite a lot of people, myself included, were wondering why Mr Jones, the local area's longest standing and best known nationalist, wasn't standing and he's answered them.
The Labour Party election broadcast they do not want you to see
You need to push this guy, he's a timebomb waiting to explode.
Click through to read how revolting BNP members from Huddersfield compare Nick Griffin to Robert Mugabe.
Byrne, Gough, Jones and Lomas are extremely unhappy with Nick Griffin. They are desperate to see the back of him. They feel that Griffin is a huge millstone round the BNP's neck and that progress is impossible without new leadership. The candidates who are standing feel the same as well.
Click through...yak yak yak.
We don't need to, we already know you're a democracy hating fat old lesbian.
Get yourself a boyfriend bulldyke.
Meeting a large group of Polish Labour voters tonight who want to help crush the Nazi bnp
Someone do West a favour and get him sectioned under the mental health act. For fucks sake can anyone blame the coppers for making snide comments when they see that nonsense he has outside his house. Ask yourself if you would like Roy West as a neigbour.
Would anyone like you as a neighbour?
More to the point.
BREAKING NEWS from the EDL Bunker:
The EDL's shadowy leader has just received news about the Muslamic Ray-guns.
See the video report :)
Actually he says ray gums.
The pissed prick says rape gams.
The Polish don't hate Jews it's a lie.
Another sad attempt at copying the masterpiece made by Liam Billington. To watch the original and best Hitler bunker spoof featuring Roy Oldham (RIP) click here
The way Quinn, Taylor and co stabbed Roy in the back was unforgiveable.
I watched an interview with a Polish immigrant to the UK a couple of years ago. She was baffled and unsettled at the massive number of non-British people living here. Not surprising seeing as Poland is 97% Polish and less than 0.1% of the total population is from outside Europe/Eastern Europe. I don't think many people from such a proud and patriotic country will be queueing up to help Labour, the party that spent thirteen years trying to destroy our own national identity with enforced, uncontrolled mass immigration.
Fancy using foreigners against your own countrymen because there might be a few votes in it, what a traitor. Foreigners shouldn't be allowed to vote in British elections.
Edward I would have cut your head off Taylor, after having you disembowelled.
Most Polish peopele support nationalist movements.
We have a large group of Polish people coming to help us in Dukinfield beat the local Fscist.
Mr Taylor, perhaps we 'fascists' should beat the local traitor? After all he is collaborating with alien peoples against his nation and backing the supermarket giant tesco in its bid to destroy the small business' of Longdendale.
We 'fascists' who care for the welfare of the British people have long memories Mr. Taylor perhaps you should try and keep the charge sheet to only a couple of forests worth of paper?
Using foreigners against your own people, how low can you sink.
Really looking forward to the fash wipeout on May 5. Just love it when the boneheads come last. Always piss myself laughing!
Last May 693 Duki residents voted Village Idiot.
My prediction is that this year he will get below 100.
It's gonna be hilarious!
100? You're having a laugh - 50 if he's lucky!
Just spoke to Liam last night. He says he has something special planned on the Duki ward which will dent Taylor's vote.
Byrne, Gough, Jones and Lomas are extremely unhappy with Nick Griffin. They are desperate to see the back of him. They feel that Griffin is a huge millstone round the BNP's neck and that progress is impossible without new leadership. The candidates who are standing feel the same as well.
In the Dutch parliament an alliance of an aninal rights party and the Freedom Party have forced through a vote, to be held later this month, that proposes the banning of Halal and Kosher slaughter.
These vile practices, where the animal's throat is slit while it is fully conscious massively increasing pain and suffering have no place in a civilised society. They are also illegal for Dutch (and of course British) slaughtermen who have to pre-stun the animal.
Cowardly British politicians have swept this issue under the carpet for years mostly to appease Muslims and keep their votes.
Raspberry Ripple, that's a hundred more than you'll get because you haven't got the guts, conviction or belief to stand up for what you believe in.
Eccles Cake, you'd piss yourself at the count...oh but you won't be there because you haven't got the balls to stand have you.
Region's MPs claim £150,000 for two months expenses
Andrew Gwynne, Denton and Reddish, £4,920.03
Eight claims for dinner in parliament, each time charging the £15 maximum. Shredding confidential documents cost £58.75. His mobile bill came to £21.
Jonathan Reynolds, Stalybridge and Hyde, £4,933.31
An £85 claim for a British Army uniform, £2.77 for Facebook advertising and £120 for eight meals at Westminster
Bloody parasites score again,making sure their stomaches are filled even after eating House of Commons already subsidised meals,a win win meal.
How dare the Tameside dumb and ignorant vote Labour.
The thickies will still vote scum in
How about this for undiluted election lies:
"Standing up for YOU in Denton West,you need a a local Councillor who is on your side according to Brenda Warrington who does not live in Denton West at all now nor in the past, nor do the other two Labour Councillors and the MP A Gwynne.
What shysters we have as Politicians in Denton West.
How is it obesity reigns big time with Labour Councillors and growing at a rate,which includes their partners.
More sodding dowright spin and lies
in Labour leaflets from Gwynne Quinn,Warrington,Smith,and Dawson Lane when they campaign on losing Police Officers in Greater Manchester,
Well the sly devious cretins never mention the increases in Police Officers in Tameside NOT CUTS
How bloody devious can you get ?
but that a normal typical sleazy lying stance they push into the Eldereley folks letter boxes deliberately frightening the folk with revolting lies,To do this shows what scum they are.
Epping Forest District Councillor Stephen Murray, who is an independent, said:
“I was pleasantly surprised to see that the BNP are putting forward no candidates this year. It can only be a sign of weakness.
He said that internal divisions and campaigning by anti-fascist organisations were the root of the the collapse.
“I also think that Searchlight have done valuable work in the area in waking people up to the true nature of the BNP as a racist organisation.
“However it is very important for people not to become complacent and for us to keep an eye on them.”
The Borough Solicitor needs address the of John Taylor conduct during elections in Dukinfield.
He was reported to the police for assault in 2010 local elections.
Third party groups like the UAF and Searchlight.
Work with John Taylor to spread lies and smears during the election.
Dear Sandra Stewart Borough Solicitor.
Please explain.
Why are Labour Councillors like John Taylor, allowed to assault people during local elections?
Why is Councillor Jim Fitzpatrick allowed to come to Dukinfield, to help John Taylor deliver third party smear leaflets?
Are we looking at a one rule for them situation?
You see! my concern?
Labour Councillors seem to be above your reach, and, also the code of conduct.
Their conduct brings shame on local elections.
Why is John Taylor allowed to bring into the area, these groups in order to smear my party?
Asking for the Borough Solicitor to pay close attention to Councillor Taylor during the Election period is well intended,but as for the Borough Solicitor being objective,in persuit
of justice and unlawful occurances in Tameside,forget it,she is probably the most sycophantic Labour
Borough solicitor in the North West because she owes her training and position directly to the Labour Cartel who
have primed her for years from her humble original appointment to an office job into the bastion protector
of all the Tameside Councillors sleaze merchants,to whom who she owes
big time forever more until she gets exposed and drifts.
You fund her salary,she fills her bank accounts and then craps on the Tameside Electorate
Such nice types we attract in Tameside just wish they were on oath 9-5 and they would not last a week.
They sleep well because they have no consciences whatsoever,most probably born like that.
REmember the Rat Race is Over,the Rats have Won.
If Sandra Stewart (Loads of money) borough solicitor
Is concerned about Candidates conduct during elections.
It does not apply to Labour.
Labour Mafia are above the law. Taylor is working with far-left groups (uaf)
Leading members of (uaf)recently convicted for assaulting policemen.
uaf post smear leaflets and she turns a blind eye.
Leading Councillor Jim Fitzpatrick, caught red handed posting Searchlight,smear leaflets.
you could always complain to the election courts but, then again, you don't have the balls for a real fight.
if only Jones, West, Hall ect had any guts . . .
These Labour cowards are above the law.
The borough solicitor allows them a free hand to do what they want.
She writes to us about the need for high standards during the elections.
Yet turns a blind eye to this Labour thug.
She's having a laugh!
Anonymous looks like that could be one option.
Now that Sandra Stewart wants high standards and no smears in the elections.
The establishment/legislature/judiciary hate and fear nationalist parties and are institutionally prejudiced against them, because they refuse to toe the politically correct line.
To suggest the BNP would get a fair hearing form these bodies shows what an ignoramus you are.
As for not having any balls what are you doing at this election? Either f**k all or going with the flow, but then it takes 'balls' to 'fight' against the prevailing ethos of the establishment and you haven't got any.
Dear Borough Solicitor.
Why did you turn a blind eye to the conduct of John Taylor during the 2008 local elections.
You know that he sent the police to my house on election day 2008.
why did you not act on his false allegations in this leaflet?
Why was he allowed to tell people I was using a false name?
There is no doubt, that , you turn a blind eye to this man's conduct.
Can you not see how one sided all this is?
I have no faith in claims of impartiality at all.
How could I, when John Taylor is free to spread false allegations like the above?
Taylor's posted on his blog that people should be careful what they say about candidates, 'we have new rules and they include comments on blogs.'
This is the man who regularly calls people 'fascist scum' on his blog, and that's just for starters, and he's acting like he's the soul of integrity. What a total f***ing hypocrite.
When are you all going to learn, that, Sandra Stewart is in the pay of the Labour Mafia? She's hardly going to bite the hand that feeds her.
February 2009, Hyde Newton by-election: 27500 smear leaflets put out by outside agitator groups, KNOWN to be linked to Tameside Labour councillors, and directed at ONE party in an attempt to reduce their vote so Labour would win. Action taken by Tameside Council's legal and electoral overseers: FUCK ALL.
Worse than a Third World dictatorship election, yet these self-same overseers like to come across as upholding electoral standards in the Borough. They are hypocritical vermin who don't know the meaning of the word integrity.
They've got a nerve to run smear campaigns on anyone.
A PROMINENT election agent has appeared in court charged with possessing more than 10,000 indecent images of children.
Sandra Stewart (borough solicitor) won't do anything about her masters colluding with Searchlight/UAF.
She knows that third party groups are used by her Labour masters, to spread smears and allegations about the BNP Candidates.
Sandra Stewart the borough solicitor.
Or legal aid for Labour Councillors.
The Postal votes system is being abused by your Labour masters Labour.
Labour go around these old folks homes getting postal votes, while no one else is allowed in there.
Why do you think that is Sandra?
Anonymous said...
you could always complain to the election courts but, then again, you don't have the balls for a real fight.
if only Jones, West, Hall ect had any guts .
Get out from under your stone pal,but thats something you never would do being someone who has no bottle,and pig ignorant on the dozens of injusticies I have "openly fought" for over a period of 50years with substantiated information on corrupt,devious and shit like you to clean up where I can,up front,openly,with files (if you can read) which would fill your shithouse too overflowing.
Open yourself up instead of being a crap head,hiding behind your inabilities.No betting on no reply to that request.
The reds run the courts, you may as well tell us to play cards with the mob.
While Taylor puts out his smear leaflets. Remember, what he his never keen to talk about.
Labour Mayor and Council Leader (Westhoughton/Lancashire), Nicholas Green – Convicted and jailed for 10 years in 1998, for 3 rapes and 13 counts of indecent assault against little girls between the age of 6 and 10. He raped one woman on her wedding day.
Labour work with the likes of Searchlight to smear the BNP.
And yet, the BNP allow them to do so with-out fighting back.
Labour Councillor.
(Northampton/Northamptonshire), and former School Governor, Alec Dyer-Atkins – Convicted and jailed for 2 years in 2003 for downloading more than 42,000 pictures and films described in court as “Horrifying images of child abuse”. Dyer-Atkins was a member of an international paedophile ring called `The Shadows Brotherhood` which was successfully penetrated following stirling work by Britain's National Hi-Tech Crime Unit (NHTCU). Commenting on the conviction of the depraved Labour Party beast, NHTCU Deputy Head, Mick Deats said: “This man had some of the worst images on his computers that officers from this unit have ever viewed”.
The BNP have the information at hand, to play John Taylor at his own game.
Taylor plays the vile smear game.
Time to fight back!
Labour Councillor (Coxhoe/Durham), Les Sheppard – Convicted in 2004 on ten counts of indecent assault on young girls. Jailed for 2 years, and placed on the sex offenders register for 10 years. Teeside Crown Court heard how 71 year old Cllr Sheppard lured his victims into his gold Porsche before driving them to remote spots, where he would submit them to sickening sex attacks. After his arrest, the Labour nonce-case told police “I love women, but you do things which you regret”. Sheppard’s `women` victims were between 9 and 13 years old.
Byrne, Gough, Jones and Lomas are extremely unhappy with Nick Griffin. They are desperate to see the back of him. They feel that Griffin is a huge millstone round the BNP's neck and that progress is impossible without new leadership. The candidates who are standing feel the same as well.
Get all this information in hard hitting leaflets, and fight back against Taylor/Labour smears.
Labour Councillor and former Mayor (Halton/Cheshire), Liam Temple - Convicted in 2004 of `Inciting a child under 16 to commit an act of gross indecency` after the 58-year old Labour pervert had attempted to molest a 12-year old girl. During the case, the brave youngster told the court via a video link: “He said if I let him touch me he would give me money”.
Get this on a leaflet and play Taylor at his own game.
Labour Councillor and Mayor-Elect (Merton/London), Sam Chaudry – Due to become Merton’s first Asian Mayor, before he was arrested, tried and convicted of multiple sex attacks on young girls in 1999. One of his victims was a 5-year old.
On an older thread on this site someone has posted that UKIPS views on race are very similar to the BNP's.
Great News - it means that in Dukinfield I can vote for someone with the same views as me but who isnt the village idiot.
Thanks for the information
Check out all UKIP's policies before you vote, if you can find out EXACTLY what they are.
The Dukinfield elections have always been used by Taylor/Searchlight to smear the BNP and Candidate.
This week, I will have a leaflet showing the hidden shame of Labour.
a shocking, and growing list of Labour Councillors convicted for molesting children.
Dear Resident
Before you read the usual smears against the BNP by Labour/Searchlight.
Please take time to read on about the hidden shame of Labour.
The information that Labour keep from you, but are keen to smear other Candidates standing in the election.
If you vot for Cooke then more fool you.
He's not a Nationalist, he's said so on here.....................
Whoever pointed out the nationalist background of UKIP I thank you. Im like the annon guy. I now have a person to vote for instead of that BNP idiot.
On an older thread on this site someone has posted that UKIPS views on race are very similar to the BNP's.
Don't mention that to John Cooke he'll have a fucking fit at you.
Yes! The Founding Fathers of ukip are National Front, Monday Club, 1922 Committee, racist, rich, Tories, now flood ukip with money.
But John Cooke is not a racial nationalist.
Suspected Searchlight operative ukip Candidate.
so what are you saying? People with criminal records shouldn't be councillors?
Thats West ruled out then!
Of course above, and most of politicians.
Of course above, and most of politicians.
If you cannot conduct your life like the vast majority then don`t expect to rule over others.
Standards need to be re-established in the UK do not let the dross continue to take over.
Why does Labour get 92% of the care home postal votes Sandra?
While I disagree with blatant censorship I have had to delete a comment accusing a well known Tameside councillor of a having a criminal record for the simple reason the accuser provides no proof to back up this allegation and the accuser also posts anonymously.
Sorry if I have upset the poster who makes the allegation but in the interests of fairness it would wrong of me to allow the unsubstantiated accusation to remain.
If anyone named in any malicious comments on this blog would like what they consider to be an offensive post removing please do email me and I will see to it that it is removed.
Taylor's campaigning frantically in Duki even though he'll win easily. Talk about using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. It's his massive ego (little man syndrome) and chip on his shoulder (he must be the only Deputy Executive council leader in Britain who's semi-literate) that means he's got to try and crush the BNP and UKIP.
Let's hope Quinn lives to be a hundred, imagine Taylor in charge of the Borough.
Yes please, whoever owns this blog site.
Take off all those references to me.
I expect them to be removed by this afternoon please.
Thank You
And, I would just like to remind those responsible for the sideline comments.
That I have no knowledge of what may go on in the care homes, in relation to postal votes.
Borough Solicitor.
Remove the personal comments but not the ones about how Tameside's elections are supervised. Zimbabwe's are fairer.
'I expect them to be removed by this afternoon...'
WE expect elections to be run impartially.
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