Interesting leaflet, very basic but the candidate does raise a valid issue - do we really need three councillors per ward in Tameside?
Oldham Council have decided to slash the number of councillors in their borough by a third which will result in a £350,000 per year saving. Not exactly small change and well worth thinking about.
I wonder has this Independent candidate in Denton considered the irony of his only published policy (that I am aware of)? He wants councillor numbers reducing to one per ward, but asks people to vote to elect him as a councillor!
If I lived there I'd DEFINITELY vote for him. Sounds like he's thought his policy through and in the current dire economic circumstances the savings would be doubly significant. It could get the ball rolling and the idea of getting rid of 38 councillors will appeal to the vast majority of the electorate.
Wouldn't that mean the councillors would have to find real jobs? Would cheer me up on my usual soul destroying trip to the 'job' centre.
If he was standing in my ward, I would vote for him. No candidate in my ward has sent me a leaflet pledging to cut the number of councillors and their allowances.
And whilst Oldham saved £350,000, it would save much more in Tameside as the basic allowance is 30% higher in our borough. I have tried to ask for a reduction in councillors allowances several times at full council, but the councillors coupled with their mates on the Civic Advisory Panel don't think it is relevant to be asked. Read the pages of the Advertiser and the Reporter and week after week you have someone writing in demanding that councillors should be cut. Why do the elected officials ignore their electorate? Because people like John Bell with an opposition of just 8 on over £40k a year don't care what you think and are only interested in taking the money.
TPA research says that Tameside has the 9th highest average allowance at around £19.5k per councillor. This excludes the external bodies of added bureaucracy such as GMPTA, GMPF etc... Compare this to the average person in Tameside earns £19k in a full time job (Source: ONS). Why do councillors think they are worth more than the average person in their full time job?
There's about as much chance of Tameside councillors taking a, 'we're all in it together attitude' and cutting their numbers or allowances as there is turkeys voting for Christmas. Cuts and economic hardship are for 'ordinary' people.
As long as the cretins keep voting for the main parties it will continue.
Well done Mr Simmons and I'd definitely vote for him too if I lived there.
BNP election candidate arrested over Qur'an burning
A statement from the Home Office said: "The government absolutely condemns the burning of the Qur'an. It is fundamentally offensive to the values of our pluralist and tolerant society.
Open your eyes before we are all F*****
Perhaps we should have a "Post Election Koran burning party" In Tameside?
Outside the closed "Seven Stars" pub in Ashton? Invite the EDL?
And you thought it was all over with the BNP reduced to 5 candidates?
"You ain't seen nothing yet!"
Good idea Mr Jones, I'll bring the barbecue and some bacon and bread for snacks while we burn them.
We could invite our mohameddan friends to try and save the copies of the quran, it would dent Labours vote for sure.
Burn a bible as part of an 'art' exhibition like they did in Scotland, nothing happens.
Put on a West End play with Jesus in a nappy, nothing happens.
One guy burns one Koran and the police and authorities are all over it.
British culture is fair game, foreign cultures (and one in particular) are sacrosanct.
Cutting the number of councillors is a very seductive argument. However, I think we should address the issue of councillors' allowances first; i.e., cutting them from around £12,000 (or £19.5K including their various committee allowances etc) to about £500 to cover the cost of correspondence and travel. That way we should weed out the various 'career councillors' who use their elected positions to mask their unemployability.
If we reduce the number of councillors to only one then we risk strengthening the argument that being a councillor is a job, a profession, a full-time duty, thereby supporting the notion that a councillor deserves a full time wage. In doing that, we could end up with the paradoxical situation of single-councillor wards which would cost more than three voluntary councillors (with nominal allowances of £500).
A convincing argument Mr. Hatton and one that makes perfect sense, we live under a political system where a duty towards the people is neglected in favour of the complaints and laziness of the individual.
I do not see how a councillors wage is not enough for a full time job, much of the working class work full time for less.
We need to remove the sense of entitlement our so called politicians feel they have for doing the utmost harm to the nation, all politicians must realise that their duty and loyalty belong to the state and to the people.
A good argument from a young conservative and empty promises from Jones. Its what makes this blog interesting. A bit notorious those empty words Jones.
Tom hits the nail on the head, its not the number of councillors its what they get that reasonable people struggle to understand. If the said councillor lost money from his/her work for being a councillor would you expect to compensate them. Likewise, if they were on benefits and lost them because they were on the council would you expect them to be compensated?
Which empty promises from Dave Jones?
I would expect pay but certainly not an increase in pay from the already generous £12000 or so a councillor earns. Mr.Hatton was suggesting that a single councillor would want potentially triple this amount.
There is compensation for loss of earnings and then there is wasting money. Councillors should be happy to work at what may seem to them to be a decreased rate if they take joy in improving the quality of life of their electors.
Thats what I'm in politics for, anyone who sees politics as just a 'career' is a down right disgusting individual who has no place in the future of 21st century Europe.
Let The Witch Hunt Commence.
You deserve better
The comment by TonyDJ is the most hideously sickening comment I have ever read in relation to Tameside. Am I correct to assume he is connected to the BNP? If he his he should be expelled. Does he not realise the danger he is putting BNP members and candidates in or does he want to see them murdered in their beds? Burning the Holy Qur’an is not a game. Certain members of the Muslim community will kill you if you desecrate their holy book. I do not easily get offended but the idiotic comment I have just read leads me to believe that TonyDJ is totally bonkers or totally evil and a danger to public safety. If he is a BNP member I would urge other well respected BNP personalities like Roy West to distance themselves from this idiot trouble causer or he will bring you down.
And you think Mr.Jones is in the wrong? Anyone who kills in the name of a book should be sanctioned and possibly euphenised.
Surely you have just highlighted a massively overlooked problem. The Mohammed idolators are a potential ticking time bomb. I would not kill over seeing much better books burnt, because I am not in the thrall of a backwards middle eastern cult which venerates paedophiles and murderers.
I suggest we deport any demiurg worshipper who holds such murderous intent and perhaps men like Mr.Jones should lead us in such an endeavour.
They are here and I despise their presence far more than you but they are highly volatile and capable of extreme violence. Every BNP candidates details are in the public domain and as a consequence they are sitting ducks. Provocation of the sort suggested by TonyDJ is like red to a bull to these people. Do you not realise how insensitive it is to burn ANY religious book be it the Holy Qur’an, the Bible or Torah? If you want to provoke a reaction - go ahead but don’t go saying you were not warned if one night you wake up engulfed in flames because if you push extremists they will react.
Don't disturb sleeping dogs, your type of craven appeasement is becoming increasingly prevalent amongst Brits.
Mr Jones' comments were clearly designed to make the point that, why should burning a book be considered such a deadly serious offence simply because it might offend a hostile, intolerant alien culture. Do you think the French banning the Burka was provocative, 'evil' or 'bonkers' or the Dutch government voting later this month on whether to ban the atrocity of Halal slaughter.
At least some are standing up to the fact that Islam's influence on their country is growing exponentially, as is their population. What's your approach to this growing threat? 'Ooohh, don't say or do anything they might kill us.' But don't worry your name's not in the public domain, you're covered.
Jews and Christians would almost certainly not attack or try to kill you for burning THEIR holy books but Muslims might. They reacted with extreme violence to a cartoon in a minor Danish magazine with a miniscule circulation.
By your argument the Dutch MPs from the Animal Party and the Freedom Party, whose names will be 'in the public domain' had better all vote in favour of Halal even if they abhor it because 'the Muslims might get them.' But of course they won't, they'll stand up for their nation's culture and what they believe in.
What about one PROFESSIONAL councillor (like an MP) per ward, on about £35000. Then we might get some quality (you know, someone not semi-literate) for a change.
Rotten Borough. What about three publically-spirited, low-cost councillors? Replacing volunteers and public servants (not workers) with 'professionals' has what has destroyed the public service ethic in this country's politics.
Volunteer MPs wouldn't work, so why should volunteer councillors. I'd rather have a vetted (parties would be VERY unlikely to put a duffer up if there were only 19 seats available), competent professional, committed to doing a high quality job, and aware of the fact he needs to, to be re-elected. Not someone on a vocational mission to 'serve the public.' Even if paid £50,000 we'd still be quids in.
'If you pay peanuts you get Taylor'. First of all: fantastic alias. However, a professional civil service (likewise, a professional local government bureaucracy)should provide the 'high quality' policy implementation you refer to. I regret the rise of the professional MP as much as I don't like the idea of a professional councillor. To represent a small council ward, you shouldn't need any qualifications except the democratic mandate of the electorate. I'm afraid Cllr John Taylor is a result of Dukinfield democracy. On a further note, I think the role of parliament and the role of local councils are very different; the former requires professionals who have the knowledge and ability to take decisions on pretty much any issue of national interest, where as councillors need, primarily, to know how local taxpayers want their money spent locally.
Two of the actions which Nazi Germany is most infamous for are probably the burning of books and the burning of people. Are the two connected? Curiously, the idea that the former would lead to the latter was famously predicted more than 100 years before the Nazi takeover of Germany by German author Heinrich Heine. What did he understand that others do not?
What is the connection between burning books and burning people?
Any bets on how long the police want to bash my back door down after this post? Lets see if they react to this one faster than they do at solving real crimes. And you all moan about the cuts!
Nazis then and nazis now, there is no comparison between the mass burning of books by Nazis and the selective burning of a certain book in 2011 Britain to make points, about the exponentially growing influence of Islam in this country, and the authorities' hysterical and subjective overreaction to such protests.
Tom, professionals always do a better job, as long as they're monitored and accountable.
Why is Mike Pavasovic writing Councillor John Taylor's letters? I thought Kieran Quinn had banned political assistants? What next? The borough solicitor providing legal aid to councillors?
She already is, legal aid for them all.
Yes please, whoever owns this blog site.
Take off all those references to me.
I expect them to be removed by this afternoon please.
Thank You
And, I would just like to remind those responsible for the sideline comments.
That I have no knowledge of what may go on in the care homes, in relation to postal votes.
Borough Solicitor.
Yes, get them removed, unproven allegations about individuals are unacceptable.
But leave any comments about the overall supervision of Tameside's Zimbabwe style elections.
don't disturb sleeping dogs.
Absolutely distance myself from that comment made by tonydj.
That is not the way to go about things.
Dangerous comments, and the five BNP candidates do not support such actions.
Credit where it's due; that's a sensible comment from Roy West.
The medication must be working :)
So the BS says:
Yes please, whoever owns this blog site.
Take off all those references to me.
I expect them to be removed by this afternoon please.
Thank You
As an employee of Tameside whose salary we pay,you are definately out of order if details are substantiated.
What gives you the right to be dictating to us your paymasters.
If its hot in the kitchen then the answer is the same as applies to all of us.
Wanting to be aloof is not a luxery applicable to yourself
Using FEAR TACTICS the Councillors and MP in Denton are beyond contempt seeing they are targeting the elderley by asking all those who do not want Police Cuts in Manchester put the Labour Window leaflet in your Window
They are using slanted references and misleading statements because its Tameside they represent where 14 EXTRA POLICE are being allocated,but they are deliberately burying that fact and using disgusting spin tactics to generate FEAR IN TAMESIDE.
Totally agree, Tameside Labour are corrupt, self-seeking scum.
Well said Roy west.
Don't disturb sleeping s**thouses, well done putting your head above the parapet with comments like that. Now go and hide under the stairs in case some Muslims see you.
I dont distance myself from tonydjs comment on principle. I wouldn't do a burning party myself but I wholly support the right of anybody who wants to to do such a thing, so long as no harm is done to the property of others and the smoke doesn't get out of hand.
We shouldn't be dictated to by Islamists and the Marxists who seek conflict between Muslim and Englishman.
Above! BNP Candidates won't support any such course of action in burning the Koran in Tameside.
Serpent Slayer - You would not burn the book and neither will Jones. He is known for claiming the BNP will do this and that. It never materialises.
I would rather support the branch chairman, an educated Englishman with years of Nationalist political experience behind him than the uneducated followers of an alien religion.
I would suggest we burn more than their books but we have silly rules about freedom of speech in this financially enslaved culturally marxist state.
The amount of in fighting between
BNP/NF/UKIP in these blogs must give
Tameside Councillors constant joy,knowing that regardless of the rhetoric the chances of rocking the Labour boat will always be a minor issue for those in power
The only boot up the arse for Labour will come when these fragmented opinions resolve their own arguments first and unite in a positive form to
demolish the 30 years of Labour control
Can you imagine working for a company that only has a little more than 635 employees, but, has the following employee
29 have been accused of spouse abuse
7 have been arrested for fraud
9 have been accused of writing bad cheques
17 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
3 have done time for assault
71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
8 have been arrested for shoplifting
21 are currently defendants in lawsuits
84 have been arrested for drink driving in the last year
collectively, this year alone, they have cost the British tax payer £92,993,748 in expenses!!!
It's the 635 members of the House of Commons.
The same group that cranks out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line.
What a bunch of b ***** ds we have running our country
- it says it all...
And just to top all that they probably have the best 'corporate' pension scheme in the country!!
On Tuesday 12th April I was disgusted to see the old Soviet Hammer and Sickle flag flying proudly in the sunny breeze outside Sale Town Hall and close to the war memorial.
I entered the Town Hall to complain and was directed to the Waterside Arts Centre as the flag is part of their display featuring the 50th anniversary of the first space flight of Yuri Gagarin in 1961. This exhibition will run from 8th April till Saturday 4th June.
The Waterside Arts Centre was opened in 2004 and is part of a complex including the Waterside Bar, Youth Talk Shop, Oca Restaurant, Sale library and Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council, TMBC.
It was built as a result of the Private Finance Inititive (PFI) between TMBC and Cofathec.
I spoke with a lady, Debbie, who said she was in charge of the Arts Centre. I explained to her that to fly the Red flag in this country is an insult to the 30million souls who died in Stalin's Gulags and to the estimated toll worldwide of 100 million victims of Communism. To my surprise she claimed not even knowing that the flag was flying. We went outside for her to see for herself and she said that she would look into it and that she took my complaint seriously.
I shall pay another visit this morning to see if it is hoisted outside the Town Hall.
Anyone wishing to complain can do so by calling 0161 912 5616
Don't forget 'The Magic List' with all the names of those whose prosecution was said to be 'not in the public interest'.
Amongst them our own Lord Sheldon, former local MP for several decades who stole £109,000 off the taxpayer by claiming second home allownace despite having transferrd ownership of said second home to his son nine years earlier.
To burn or not to burn?
I note that the main arguement against burning is that there would be a violent, indeed deadly, response.
OK, I can go along with that...but then what?
We don't criticise certain aspects of Islam in case of a violent response? We don't stand non-muslim candidates in areas where there is a large / moderate / small / any muslim vote?
If you object to the burning f a book because it is offensive, un-British, anti-Democratic etc then I will respect that view. But if you object through fear of an illegal response....then you are agreeing with the point I am making.
Back to the main topic.
Dear TC
Thanks for putting this leaflet on your blog, I thought you'd like it. At least this independent candidate in Denton South is saying something different. Whilst I agree with his main point that it would be better to have just one councillor representing each ward instead of the current 3; his other policy of having local elections every 4 years is something I can't agree with. Don't know about you?
The chartists wanted annual elections, I know that was for parliement but can't see why it wouldn't work for the local elections.
(Att Ms Sandra Stewart, Tameside Borough Solicitor).
Dear Borough Solicitor
I am absolutely disgusted that I like thousands of the Denton Electorate have received Labour Posters delivered to my home which state
" Please display this Poster in your window" which states:
Say No To Police Cuts
Re-Elect Brenda Warrington
The message implies that Police Cuts will be or have been arranged in Tameside Greater Manchester whereas the facts are that an increase in Police Officers
(approx 14) has been allocated.
This is manipulated terminology intended to indicate especially to thousands of the Elderley and vunerable an element of "Fear" by implying a reduction in Tameside Police Officers.
As the Borough Solicitor I believe this breaches the required conduct of all those Councillors and MP`s depicted on this Poster leaflet,and you should act accordingly and publically condemn
the intended poster as being deliberately misleading with the intention of creating Fear in the Tameside Electorate in an effort to secure votes for Labour.
I trust you will observe your need for objective impartiality in your role as monitoring officer for TMBC,and ensure full clarification is immediately offered to the Electorate.
In conclusion I requested last week that the Tameside Advertiser should permit my letter to be published which would expose this intended fear tactic in order to gain Labour Votes.
J.Hall Denton
(copies to senior MP`s)
Objective impartiality? In Tameside? When Labour are involved?
You're a 'glass half full' type of person aren't you Mr Hall.
Once again, I would like to point out, that, I do not subscribe to the views expressed by tonydj on here.
In relation to the burning of the Koran.
He is not standing in the elections, and does not represnt my views.
I am my own election agent.
Tondj should make it clear that he is speaking for himself and not other people.
'Unbelievable!!!' At least that shows the House of Commons is representative of the people it serves
Hey Ton why was this woman such a bitch? and a traitor to her people?
Hey Tom.
I was in care, when this old bag came to power.
All the staff in the home, said, right that's my job gone.
Soon after, the home was closed down.
During this Old Bags time in office, millions of young people were thrown on the scrap heap.
She had this army of young folk working for £23.50p a week slave Labour.
This Old Bag destroyed whole communities.
Tom how can you admire a woman that created such a selfish society?
£23.50's better than them lounging about on the dole at working taxpayer's expense, smoking God knows what and playing infantile computer games.
Yes! but if you where on one of those slave Labour, so-called training schemes.
Then you would understand more about it.
I was. Were you?
Of course I was.
I was working for a JEW in Ancoats Manchester.
He had three floors of young people working for £23.50p a week.
When their six months were up, he'd get a load more on the slave Labour.
The second training scheme was also for a JEW.
Again, he took Advantage of the Thatcher slave Labour.
When you've done it, then you are a witness.
I worked and grew up amongst JEWS. I know what motivates them.
Since I was 9.
In 1972 I arrived in Jew Heaven (Higher Broughton)
Nothing much took place there, other than our football matches.
Very pleasant place to grow up indeed.
The old place has been knocked down now on Broom Lane.
On a recent visit to the area, I saw a completely different situation from the care free days of the 70's.
What the Jews have created, is now creeping into their area's and communities.
Now, there are Muslim gangs to deal with from Cheetham Hill. Rampant crime coming into higher broughton.
In 1972 you could never imagine what would be the situation now.
This article sums up exactly why I think Thatcher was the best thing to happen to this country http://tinyurl.com/3r68x4z
Yeah slave Labour, Communities broken, young people homeless, ect...
Don't be to hard on Tom the knob. He did not live through the Thatcher years.
Tom why did Thatcher throw so many young people on the scrap heap, and destroy whole communities?
Like she did at that time.
Wasn't it to export Britains manufacturing base abroad to please her internationalist masters?
Thatcher is just as bad as many of the previous Prime Ministers, traitors to their people.
Yes you're right it's Thatcher's fault that 30 years later all those lazy bastards in South Wales, South Yorkshire and the rest haven't got jobs.
Merthyr Tydfil, Newport etc etc, do me a favour, they're full of work shy mutants, fat sluts and druggies.
'Woe to those who call evil good and good evil.' Isaiah 5:20.
Eugenics, you're right but you forgot to include Newcastle, Sunderland, Liverpool, Manchester, Ashton etc etc etc. In fact just about anywhere Labour are strong. It's almost as if there's some connection.
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