Construction group Galliford Try has secured a £4.7m contract to build a mosque, community centre and homes in Ashton under Lyne, Tameside.
Work on the project for Markazi Jamia Mosque will begin in June and will be completed by summer next year. Manchester Evening News
This abomination was featured on this blog back in May 2008. A contributor to this blog uncovered some amazing facts about the financing of this scheme. I would politely request this person furnishes us with any new information which has come to light since? Tameside Citizen
Why do we allow alien structures like this to be built in our country? Could we go to Saudi Arabia and start building churches?
Number of foreigners granted a UK passport reaches record high. Look where most of them come from then ask yourself why are these mosques blotting the landscape all over the country.
Thank you for the "Heads up" T.C. I am on to this. We have had complaints about this development over the last fortnight.
We shall report back after the Bank Holiday
Perhaps the EDL should be told?
Islamic 'integration', a contradiction in terms.
Is this the design which is being planned? Where can I object to this monstrosity?
Muslim group behind ‘mega-mosque’ seeks to convert all Britain The Times.
A Muslim group that wants to open a giant £100 million mosque in London has set its sights on “winning the whole of Britain to Islam”.
Tablighi Jamaat aims to build an Islamic complex near to the site of the 2012 Olympic stadium, with a mosque for 12,000 people, by far the largest religious building in Britain.
The organisation, which has millions of followers worldwide, insists that it is a peaceful, apolitical revivalist movement that promotes Islamic consciousness among individual Muslims. However, intelligence agencies have cautioned that the group’s ability to fire young men with a zeal for Islam acts as a staging post, for some, along a path that leads to jihadist terrorism.
Kafeel Ahmed, the Indian doctor who died from burns last month after trying to set off a car bomb at Glasgow Airport, is the latest in a line of terrorists for whose initial radicalisation Tablighi Jamaat has been blamed. The group (literally, the preaching party) belongs to the ultra-conservative Deobandi school of thought within Sunni Islam, whose adherents run more than 600 of Britain’s 1,350 mosques.
In recent days The Times has exposed the virulently anti-Western creed of some British Deobandis who preach that non-Muslims are an evil and corrupting influence. Their defensive, isolationist approach to life in Britain is shared by many British supporters of Tablighi Jamaat.
One leading advocate, Ebrahim Rangooni, has said that the movement seeks to “rescue the ummah [the global Muslim community] from the culture and civilisation of the Jews, the Christians and [other] enemies of Islam”. Its aim, he wrote, is to “create such hatred for their ways as human beings have for urine and excreta”.
Mr Rangooni has also given warning to parents that non-Muslim schools “turn humans into animals” and that sending a Muslim child to a British college “is as dangerous as throwing them into hell with your own hands”.
Yes, it is an artists impression of how it will look. You do know the minarets represent the male falice? Every time you look upon it remember what the tall protruding towers represent. The eyesore of Ikea will be dwarfed by this mega mosque and the minarets taller than the highest church steeple. What’s the chances of the local nutter clergy welcoming this monstrosity as a welcome addition to the Tameside ‘faith community’?
Shame it looks nothing like the picture on the designers website. Usual shite on here
Truth seeker, why are you wasting time 'on here', get down the nearest mosque and start tonguing their arseholes out you f*****g traitor.
It is the UKIP organiser who wants more mosques.
Ashton-under-Lyne 8% (2005 5.5%, 2001 4.5%)
Stalybridge & Hyde 6% (2005 3.5%)
ALUMAN says never argue with idiots they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience
If that image is to scale the minarets are over 200ft high.
Muslim preacher of hate is let into Britain The Sunday Times
THE home secretary, Theresa May, is facing a stiff test of the Conservative party’s claims to oppose radical Islam after her officials chose to allow a misogynist Muslim preacher into Britain.
Zakir Naik, an Indian televangelist described as a “hate-monger” by moderate Muslims and one Tory MP, says western women make themselves “more susceptible to rape” by wearing revealing clothing.
Naik, who proselytises on Peace TV, a satellite television channel, is reported to have called for the execution of Muslims who change their faith, described Americans as “pigs” and said that “every Muslim should be a terrorist”.
According to reports in the Indian media, his organisation, the Islamic Research Foundation in Mumbai, was where Rahil Abdul Rehman Sheikh, suspected of being commander of a series of train bombings in Mumbai, and other alleged terrorists spent much of their time before the attacks.
The American terror suspect Najibullah Zazi, arrested last year for planning suicide attacks on the New York subway, is said to have been inspired by Naik’s YouTube videos. There is no suggestion Naik had any knowledge of terrorist plotting.
The UK Border Agency said: “Each case is considered on its own merits. When assessing a visa application, we will consider the previous conduct of the individual and we will ensure the UK does not provide a platform for the promotion of violent extremism.
“We reserve the right to revoke someone’s visa if they are found to be promoting extreme views which are contrary to UK values.”
Naik will be appearing at Wembley Arena in London and in Sheffield on his British tour. When he last came to Britain in 2006, his visit was condemned by David Davies, the Tory MP for Monmouth, who described him as a “hate-monger”.
The Muslims are right when they say the country's full of sluts. They're just wrong about virtually everything else.
not only is it not to scale, its not a drawing of the Ashton mosque. Its just one of the usual fantasy ideas of the local fascists. You should look at the designers website for the reality. Don't expect it here.
Ah, poor Nightshift, cant get laid! lol
Looks like Taylors silenced West have we had some legal action or did West just give in to him after his humiliating defeat at the ballot box.
Hi English cousins take note of your own country, watch my video already recieved 3,472,278 views.
Thanks for your interest and link to your blog.
Truth seeker, so you're happy about the massive proliferation of mosques in Britain and the exploding Islamic population. The fact that the new Ashton one looks slightly different from the image shown is obviously however of the highest significance.
What's it like to not give a f**k about the destruction of your own country, identity or heritage?
Truth seeker's a good name for someone running away from the truth as fast as possible. People like that often hide behind trivia and abuse and avert their eyes from facts or anything significant.
Try a day trip to Bradford or Leicester if you want to see the future of Britain if it maintains its current course.
The people behind this are CATALYST REGENERATION. See their YOUTUBE item at this URL (Timed at 4.13)
and also here:-
See Tameside plans here:-
and other documents here:-
The UK based "Asssociation of Pakistani Lawyers" has called for a ban on the EDL
"PAKISTANI lawyers............"
Isn't that restrictive and...err..racist??
Anonymous said...
Looks like Taylors silenced West have we had some legal action or did West just give in to him after his humiliating defeat at the ballot box.
) both based on supposed purity of blood.
2) both based on supposedly reuniting some religioethnic diaspora under one expansive state.
3) both attempting to revive some supposedly "glorious ancient kingdom" -- a "glorious ancient Teutonic kingdom" for the NAZIs; a "glorious ancient Judaic kingdom" for the Nationalist Zionists.
4) both established a state that was culturally, legally, economically and religiously based to exclusively benefit one ethnic/racial group.
5) both based on violent racist exclusion and a highly intricate complex of racial exclusion laws (like Israel's racial 'Nuremberg laws').
6) both based on creating a founding mythology -- like, for Zionist Jews, "a land without a people"
7) both invented their own race: Aryans, by the NAZIs; Jews, constructed as a unique/genetic race, by the Nationalist Zionists.
8) both based on eliminating some other unwanted and supposedly inferior races -- ethnic cleansing -- and, in the case of Zionism, removing those unwanted people who supposedly didn't exist.
9) both engaged in collective punishment and widespread torture (even inventing new sadistic torture methods),
10) both engaged in the mass imprisonment -- without trials -- of unwanted populations/races.
11) both enclosed unwanted races in walled-in ghettos and concentration camps -- only the Nationalist Zionists made the walls many times higher and the concentration camps many times larger (like Gaza, in effect the world's largest open-air prison/concentration camp).
12) both tried out new weapons on civilian populations (and Israel has engaged in the internationally illegal use of anti-personal weapons of mass destruction, like the widespread use of cluster bombs, on civilian populations).
13) both sought to erase existing countries -- like the Nazis wanting to wipe Poland off the map and parts of other countries; the Nationialist Zionists wanting to wipe Palestine off the map and parts of other countries.
14) both used pseudo-archeology to claim that it had exclusive right to the land.
15) the Nazis obsessed about "too many Jews" in Germany; Nationalist Zionists/Israel obsesses about "too many Palestinians" and the re-emergence of a Palestinian majority in historic Palestine (once an overhwhelmingly Arab land).
16) both were violently and militarily expansionist.
17) both engaged in blitzkrieg fighter aircraft and tank warfare against civilian populations and civilian targets.
18) Nationalist Zionist Israeli Jews even studied the original NAZI methods for urban warfare and clearing Palestinians out of their ghettos. Exclaimed one Israeli commander, "Let's be Judeo-Nazis!" (Reference: www.seruv.org.il -- the website for Israeli Refuniks in the "Occupied Territories"; see "Letter to American Jews"; "The Nazification of Israel" -- both online.)
19) both claimed to be based on "God's will".
20) and, finally (for Israel's 'final solution'), most recently (Feb 29, 2008), Israeli deputy defence minister threatens a "Holocaust" for the Palestinians.
They want to drag the world into a war with the Arab world starting with an attack on Iran.
Up to 15 people were killed after Israeli commandoes boarded ships carrying 10,000 tonnes of aid en route from Cyprus.
William Hague said the British embassy was in "urgent contact" with the Israeli government, asking for more information.
He said: "I deplore the loss of life during the interception of the Gaza flotilla. Our embassy is in urgent contact with the Israeli government.
"We are asking for more information and urgent access to any UK nationals involved."
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World Condemns Deadly Israeli Ship Attack.
It's the same old story dragging the world into wars, they've always been at it all through history. Putting people against each other, they are masters of it.
Former Tameside councillor and recently re-elected MP for Denton and Reddish ANDREW GWYNNE is Chairman of the Labour Friends of Israel.
Do his constituents realise this?
Have you got any proof to back up your claim Tonydj? Gwynne is my MP and I will go and confront him if you can provide credible evidence.
I really pity the Palestinian people who are being brutalised by a brutal regime who are guilty of operating outside of international law.
Watch the Zionists murderers celebrate the massacre of innocent aid workers in international waters by clicking Purimfest 2010.
Dear "Bob from Denton" check:
Or do a "Google" on "Labour friends of Israel" and "Gwynne"
The Colonisation of Britain Continues Unabated: One UK Passport Handed out Every Three Minutes
An Open Letter to
Mr Andrew Gwynne. Stop supporting killers, these state killers of Palestinians. You support the eviction of thousands of Palestinian people from their lands in the Holy Land, you disgusting little man. You and your Labour bastards friends of Israel. Do you like seeing Palestinian children suffering, being killed in their homes? You vile bastard of a Labour member of parliament, you vile snake of the worse kind. A Labour bastard with Palestinians blood on his hands. A whore master watching over the deaths of Palestinian children being shot in their beds. A money grabbing Labour viper intent in supporting killers that bulldoze Palestinians out of their homes. It's just what we have come to expect from a Labour criminal like you. Mr Andrew Gwynne watch this video, you whore master of a Labour bastard!
The male population of this country has been poisoned by the wide use of Soya in processed foods. Soya has an incredibly high amount of phytoestogens. It should not be considered a foodstuff. It is more a medicinal herb to be used for feminine complaints such as the menopause and endometriosis. Soya is commonly added to infant formulas and poisoning our young British children. Is it a coincidence how many homosexuals we now have in this country?
Why don't we organise a vigil outside Gwynne's house for the innocents being massacred by the bandit state he works for?
Its totally obvious that TMBC to shore up its Labour Votes as occurs constantly,the easy way is to allow the minorities to get what they want.
The funding awards have always gone to the area`s where claimants are ten a penny,any improvements which YOU pay for are in localities where
they don`t appreciate what they already have.
Its all a stitch up using YOUR MONEY
to emable Tameside Council to continue retaining power,but the public are still half asleep.
Why didn't the BNP put a candidate up in the general election and bring these things to the attention of the electorate? Part timers who are happier moaning one here I guess.
It is quite funny, from the casual observers point of view, to see your historic hatred of Jews outweigh your more recent hatred of Muslims.
PS - I see that west is back being anonymous with his rambling repetitive letters.
Truth Seeker, it has nothing to do with 'hate'. It has everything to do with right and wrong. We are opposed to the Islamic takeover of Britain and we are equally opposed to the Zionist theft of Palestine and the Zionist brutalization of the Palestinian people. We are also outraged that a Tameside MP is a paid apologist for Zionist attrocities agains innocent civilians including aid workers.
Truth seeker, instead of trying, and failing, to be a smartarse why don't you tell us what your views are on...ANYTHING. Don't bother telling us you don't like the BNP, we've got that message already.
Nationalists don't 'hate' anyone they just want our British identity to survive, not be crushed by the exploding Islamic population which, according to the last government's own figures, grew TEN TIMES faster than any other group in Britain between 2004 - 2008.
Truth seeker's moving to Bradford next week (not), just like massive numbers of other indigenous Brits who 'love' multiculturalism but strangely don't want to live in 'New Bangladesh/Pakistan' or similar places.
Why do so many British people get so worked up about the bloody Palestinians. We have a mountain of our own problems to solve before bothering about the Middle east madhouse.
Good point 1st Nation. It is an unfortunate situation, but so is ours. We are losing our culture and identity as well as our country.
Yes but the fact remains, that Israel and the Zionists want to drag the world into a third world war. Starting firmly with Iran.
Greed is right.
Greed works.
Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit.
Greed, in all of its forms -- greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge -- has marked the upward surge of mankind.
And greed -- you mark my words -- will not only save Tameside Council, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the UK.
Sandra Stewart (135K PER YEAR)
12 April 2007
Sandra Stewart (135K PER YEAR) And legal aid to all the Labour Councillors don't forget.
The border between Denton and Haughton was on a north-south axis but it was somewhat ill defined, lacking natural dividing features. Commencing at Audenshaw in the north, the border between the townships was Ashton Road (formerly Long Lane). The border then followed Ashton Road to just beyond Wilton Street at which point it turned due east as far as Moorside Lane. Here it turned southwards to join Hyde Road where it turned westwards to follow Hyde Road for a short distance before turning due south to enclose Haughton Hall and Haughton Hall Farm within the township of Haughton. The border then curved eastwards to skirt around Whittles Farm before curving westwards to follow Tib Street and join Stockport Road. Thus, the north side of Tib Street was probably in Denton, whereas the south side was probably in Haughton. At the junction of Tib Street and Stockport Road, the border turned southwards to follow the road and cross over Three Lane Ends (Masons Arms/Old Pondicherry) to enter Two Trees Lane, which it followed for a short distance. It then struck out in a southerly direction, across the fields, to enclose Lower Haughton and Haughton Dale within the township of Haughton. The border then, more-or-less, followed the stream flowing through Hardy Wood down to its confluence with the river Tame, which is the border with Bredbury and Cheshire.
Place names in Denton include, The City, Tom Croft, Dane Bank, High Bank, Burton Nook and Beat Bank, the latter also being spelt Beet Bank or Bight Bank. An indenture, dated the 30 December 1715, firmly placed Beat Bank in Denton. Place names in Haughton include, Thorpe Fold, Moorside, Broomstair, Glass House Fold, Moorfield, Betty's Park, Haughton Green, Lower Haughton and Haughton Dale. In 1884, Betty's Park became known as Tommy Dodd in celebration of the re-siting there of a lamp, nicknamed Tommy Dodd, which formerly stood on the market ground at Denton.
The land in the township of Denton was owned by the Earls of Wilton (Egerton family) who were also known as the Patron. In their capacity of principal, the family eventually leased (or sold?) two thirds of the land area to two land proprietors, Miss Mary Woodiwis of Manchester and the Trustees of Ellis Fletcher who, prior to his death, owned the Clifton Estate in the Irwell Valley of Lancashire, with its substantial coal-mining interests. The remaining one third of the land area of Denton was leased (or sold?) to another 25 land proprietors. Nevertheless, in 1798 (?) John Fletcher (1765/66 - 1846) made an indenture with the previous land proprietor, William Hulton Senior, which transferred the land and mining interests to him. John Fletcher was the uncle of Jacob Fletcher Fletcher.
The dangers of blogging
As long as Councillor John Charles Taylor can get away with assaulting someonein the street, then who cares what anyone posts on here. One rule for them and all that you know.
Big revelations to follow regarding the criminal record, prior to 1984, of John Charles Taylor (18:10:48).
Friend of GMP officer.
Remember roy vinny means every word.
Vinny is a Bilderberger and if you mess with him he will take the law into his own hands.
I don't hate Old Vinny I feel sorry for him, he came round with a print off paper of the comments posted on this blog. Someone told me about an argument over football in the pub where he smacked someone, allegedly.
Vinny can I ask you not to come to the house again, it upset the family. Thanks Vinny!
No To Mosques, No To Islamification.
ROY go and get a decent job you BUM!! o and theres plenty of DEPOSITS that you can be cleaning up on Glenmore Grove that should keep you busy!!!!!
There was no official inquiry into the 7/7 Islamist terrorist attacks in London because the Government took a deliberate decision to protect the Muslim community from scrutiny, it has been revealed.
If you kept your opinions to yourself instead of posting them on the internet you wouldnt end up with people on your doorstep!!!
Westy you have got one of your neighbours in deep shit, didn't take Sherlock Holmes to work out who it was.
How many more are you going to upset is that now at six, Werneth ave all over again
Labour till i die Ballagher
Michael Patrick, is does not take Sherlock Holmes that you are the name behind that post.
Michael Patrick why can't you be open when you post, you nasty little man?
An insight into the insistent anti-British nature of the Labour Party has been provided with the contradictory assertion by Ed Balls that his party was “wrong” to allow mass Eastern European immigration but that he is in favour of Turkish ascension to the EU.
Westie, do not provoke Vinny. He will tear you apart and he has underworld connections.
take my advice and do not provoke Vinnie. He is an animal when he loses his rag and he could easily bite off your nose or ear.
The placement of anti-terrorism CCTV cameras in the Muslim areas of Birmingham has confirmed the accuracy of the British National Party’s explanation of the cause of terrorism in Britain: mass immigration and biased British foreign policy.
is your life that boring that you have to interfere in everybody elses
Despite giving cautious backing to the Conservative Party during the recent election, immigration think tank Migrationwatch has now been forced to admit that the Labour Party-invented and Tory-backed points-based immigration system has failed utterly.
I have enabled comment moderation to prevent Mr West from making serious allegations against other people on my blog, stupid childish allegations against me I can allow it show his childish behaviour and his immature nature.
Posting the same comments or links again shows his childish behaviour, some of his posting to other people on my blog can not be allowed.
Any sensible posting from others will be published including those who have a different view point to mine.,
Taylor, stop bullshitting and just categorically deny you have ever been sent to prison to put an end to all the speculation.
Start storing food. We are heading into a double dip recession which will start to bite by Septembeer. This time next year we will be in the grip of a full blown depression. Expect riots, looting civil unrest and racial conflict on the streets. This is no scare mongering but absolute fact and ignore this warning at your own peril.
The Chancellor and his new deputy in the Treasury Danny Alexander will outline how they intend to select which spending will be cut.
There is expected to be a "star chamber" system, under which departmental ministers will be asked to justify their budgets.
The public is also expected to be asked to give its say on the plans, via a website and a public consultation.
It comes a day after Prime Minister David Cameron warned that the cuts will "affect everyone in the country".
Roy Your Nothin But A Cock !!!!!!
Come on Roy, cut the bullshit and challenge Vinny to a bare knuckle boxing match like you did John.
ALUMAN is thinking of abandoning his NI number so he is know longer an employee of the uk govemment and becoming a free man on the land
Vinnie is a street hooligan from the 60's. Two policemen in Dukinfield once waited for Vinnie, and they kicked the shit out of him. Vinnie and his brothers were well known for crime and thuggery.
Vinny trawls the local blogs and just happened to come across Mr West's comment, yeah right. No-one told him to go round and try to intimidate Mr West. The fact that he's the brother-in-law of Mr West's arch enemy is a complete coincidence.
We are extremely lucky to have a man of John Taylor's ability, brains (his grammar and spelling in particular are amazing) and integrity as Deputy Executive Leader of TMBC. His knuckle tattoos will impress any visiting dignitaries, well Maoris maybe, and the fact that he's so articulate and knowledgeable on such a wide range of subjects is the icing on the cake.
Come back Roy Oldham for f***'s sake all is forgiven.
Lol - great post by Rotten Borough.
Aluman, I like the sound of your plan. I too wish to become a freeman of the land. What are the complications, if any, of abandoning my NI number?
The above sums Taylor up beautifully. The recent leadership changes mean the Borough is now in even more serious trouble, as the severe financial and spending restrictions coming will require people of quality and intelligence to deal with an extremely difficult and challenging situation.
I,m studying it a the minute but it looks crusty i.e police can,t hassle me i can have a fire arm i don,t need a licence to do anything including drive, we are all members of society and by all accounts we can all surrender that membership
Northern Rock to cut up to 650 jobs.
Even with the Labour bail out money.
Local blogs Tameside eye and Tameside Mafia now defunct looks like twitters taken them out.
Tameside citizen not the same just a place for some very strange people to have a moan.
The islamification of the U.K. Has to stop. Some Muslim countries have banned Christmas. This is a disgrace and should not be allowed. This is not Saudi.
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