Monday, 14 April 2014

Denton South gets thousands of pounds in extra funding via charity. Is local Independent candidate a threat?

Local Independent candidate Carl Simmons has done remarkably well in Denton South. Coming second with 672 votes in 2012 . We wonder whether this may be the reason for the spending by some local charities on Denton South. The Annual Return of T3SC (Tameside Third Sector Coalition) for the year ending 
31-03-2012 states:-

"During the year T3SC continued to provide intensive community development work in Denton South.
This aims to facilitate and strengthen community engagement and influence in local partnerships
networks and help local residents to improve services."

With formal effect from October 2012 T3SC joined with Volunteer Centre Tameside to form Community and Voluntary Action Tameside.(Registered Charity 1148056). This made no change to Denton South. The Report of the Trustees for the period 31/01/12 to 31/03/13 stating:-

"~ During the year CVAT continued to provide intensive community development work In Denton South.
This aims to facilitate and strengthen community engagement and influence in local partnerships
networks and help local residents to improve services, in particular to early years."

The funding was provided by TMBC and appeared in the accounts as a "Restricted Fund " and an "Incoming Resource" of £16250. See:- 

Enquiries made with CVAT by this blog learned that the money is spent on Denton South because it is a "Deprived area" The only one in Tameside if  the fact that it is the only one to receive this special funding means anything! They have been receiving it since at least 2009 according to returns submitted by T3SC, so it is clearly not working!

So. Clearly the "community" is not "engaging" - whatever that means!
Or it could be due to a local Independent candidate getting too popular.


Anonymous said...

Give the complacent establishment parties the kicking they so richly deserve. Vote UKIP.

Anonymous said...

The extra funding Denton South has received may have something to do with the potential the independent candidate has in the ward. I can't see him winning in this year's local election (Labour's postal vote scam will see to that) but he should poll extremely well and easily come second. He deserves to win though as he's the only candidate to put in any kind of campaign in Denton South - recently canvassing every voter. He puts out very basic homemade literature which needs to improve; the political message is starting to get very repetitive ie, one councillor per ward and no more "husband and wife teams" on the council. Got that!

I think he should do some reading on local government and that way broaden his horizons because unfortunately he has become a bit of a 'stuck record' of late. But overall well done to Carl Simmons for a very good effort.
Nigel Byrne