Sunday, 17 February 2013

Tameside Labour Councillors Vote In Favour Of Keeping 'Jobs For The Boys'

Well done to Tameside Conservatives for bringing forward a motion to reduce the number of ward councillors in the borough by a third. Unfortunately but not unexpectedly Labour voted down the motion. Many people are now aware that a large number of low calibre individuals who happen to don a red rosette once every four years end up being elected as Labour councillors. Once elected they do very little in return for financial remuneration which far exceeds what the said individuals could expect to earn in a competitive workplace environment.

During these times of severe economic hardship where the lowest paid are being hit the hardest I cannot help but think that the Labour Party of old would almost certainly have backed the plans to reduce the number of highly paid councillors in a bid to save money which then could be used help preserve public sector jobs, but sadly the Labour Party in its current form appears to be all about money and power. Many in the Labour Party left their principals behind a long time ago. George Orwell's Animal Farm sums up the mindset of modern Labour politicians perfectly. If you have never read the book you could watch this animated feature film and next time you hear a Labour politician spouting dishonest hot air, just think back to the film and ask yourself is this Napoleon or Snowball speaking. Like Napoleon many Labour politicians undoubtedly set out with good intentions but unfortunately once they got their snouts in the trough they liked what they found and as with their voting down of this motion to reduce the number of councillors, they put their own greedy interests ahead of the greater good for all.

To view the wording on the Conservative leaflet click each one to enlarge.


Individual inferiority said...

It's the fault of the massive number of cretins, the apathetic and the rapidly growing 'community' bloc votes in the borough's electorate. They either vote for them or don't vote, which allows the Labour dross to keep getting re-elected.

Matchstalk cats and dogs said...

There's a programme about LS Lowry on ITV at 11.15 tonight.

Community support group said...

Tameside Conservatives are a shambles. They have repeatedly lost ground and councillors over the last few years to a fifth rate but ruthless Labour group.
To sum the local tories up, they stood Mr Paterson against Mr Hyde Werneth. An idiot could have predicted the result, but Tameside Conservatives apparently couldn't.

Anonymous said...

Some substance in the reduction in Councillor debate, no doubt about it.

But, give me strength, if they want their publications to have some credibility then they need to invest in a proof reader. Typos everywhere with the masterstroke being the mis-spelling "OFTED" in the piece about educational standards.

Something about "physician heal thyself" methinks

Division Z said...

Lowry's fame originated from an unusual style and subject matter, usually northern industrial/urban landscapes. Not from any real talent.

sardines said...

Don't worry, Dave's in India drumming up 'business' and a few hundred thousand more Indian immigrants (this week).
We need them and their reproduction ethic as, at 1100 per sq mile, Britain being virtually the world's most populous country clearly just isn't good enough.

SerpentSlayer said...

Inspired by TC and Bill, I decided to climb bleaklow moor with a good mate of mine, it was tough going but we had a rope just in case. That ice is a bugger, almost made it challenging.

Anonymous said...

A puzzle for everyone if you just follow the link and read.

Can you find your MP`s name,???????????????
Open to all ages regardless of skin color or religion.
What a challenging puzzle this is !

Oy Vey said...

I cannot finf any of our local MP's on that list, but there are a few past and present on this list.

No Rules Britannia said...

Nice to see Simon Danczuk, MP for 'New Rochdale' visit Palestine. You'd think with Muslim grooming scandals, mass unemployment and all of the enriched cesspit that is New Rochdale's problems he wouldn't have time.
Falinge, one of the most charming and heavily blessed with enrichment, parts of the area, has a 72% unemployment rate. A lot of course, are 'on the sick'.
If you can find a non-Labour voter in this dump you should be running your own detective agency.

You like TC.? said...


Tameside Citizen said...

Yes, very good. Do a walk like that three or four times a week and you will become very fit.

The BBC ask: Why have the white British left London? said...

I have a good idea why. Come the day of justice I bet they will return to watch the public executions of the traitors whose policies led to their fleeing the capital.

Death to traitors said...

@ The BBC of the most specious pieces of journalism I've ever read.
What has one car plant in one town got to do with the displacement and colonisation of our capital city and other areas, by the deliberate mass importation of foreigners.
Hopefully action, and I couldn't care less what kind, will be taken soon by the White British to do something about their impending and ongoing eradication, by imported replacement and breeding rate.