A brutal attack on an innocent teenager who could lose the sight in one eye is being treated as a racially motivated hate crime, police said today.
Trainee baker Daniel Stringer-Prince, 17, was walking through Hyde town centre with his best friend Kavan Brown when they were set upon.
Daniel suffered severe damage to his face and is in danger of losing his sight in one eye.
He suffered a fractured skull, broken cheekbone, and two fractures to an eye socket.
Detectives said they are treating the incident as a hate crime because that is how the victim perceived the attack.
All of the gang were Asian but no racist comments were made to either of the victims during the incident, police said.
Kavan, 19, suffered a broken nose in the random attack on Nelson Street.
The friends were passing a takeaway on Market Street when a man inside the shop waved a knife at them and gestured that he was going to cut their throats.
The friends ignored the threat and walked on.
But the gang then emerged from the shop and chased them as they fled to a relative's house and savagely beat them as they tried to get inside.
Daniel's mother, Cheryl Stringer, of Woodstock Crescent, Woodley, Stockport, said: “They are evil thugs who have picked on two innocent lads. The full article can be read on the website of Manchester Evening News
I was quite sickened to read the advice ‘disclaimer’ added to the bottom of the article about this attack on the website of GMP. The suggestion was that the police were not happy with the victim for suggesting that race may have been a factor but seeing as a ‘hate crime’ has to be classed as such if a victim perceives race played a part, the police are then obliged to treat it as a hate crime.
I have probably posted this before but many years ago, around 1993 I believe, I witnessed an Asian on lone white male gang attack on market Street in Hyde. This was in the days when mobile phones were still quite rare and I had one and I had an incoming call so I pulled up with two wheels on the pavement on the double yellow lines close to what is now called the Canadian Charcoal Grill takeaway on Market Street. I was aware of a youth stood on the corner to my left but did not give it a second thought until a gang of Asian males on foot followed by five more who disgorged themselves from a green Rover 420 saloon set about severely beating and whipping this young man with belt buckles.
I had no option but to try and save him and I got out of my car, as I did and very luckily for me and the victim of the attack a police van was passing and pulled up just as I got out of my car. The Asians fled and the victim was left battered and badly injured on the floor. I told the police I witnessed the attack and had a good description of the attackers and a part reg for the green Rover 420. To my astonishment the police told me to leave immediately without listening to what I had to say. I remonstrated and the officer said “just do yourself a favour and f*#k-off from here, there will be two hundred of them here in a few minutes now just go”.
Next day I contacted Stalybridge police station to volunteer as a witness to the attack and complain about the discourteous officer and then to my total amazement I realised I had entered the twilight zone. I gave details of the attack, the time location and description of the officers and I was told “you must be mistaken, we have nothing on record for any such incident”. Arguing was pointless and to me it was absolute proof that cover-ups can and do happen when it comes to law enforcement.
The internet boards are alive with chatter over this incident, probably because it is so rare that a white male is described as a race attack victim. It is said the English Defence League, Casuals United and the North West Infidels are coming to Hyde to protest in the near future. The authorities must be under no illusions. These groups are not like the ‘infamous’ BNP. The BNP are toothless tigers with no capacity for violence or mobilisations which can draw great numbers. The groups mentioned above can mobilise literally thousands in a very short space of time and from what I know of them; they don't just bark - they bite too. If they come to Hyde, it will be a day long remembered. Tameside Citizen
I think it is time these kind of events were not ignored. From what you said about the attack you witnessed it seems as if the police are terrified of ethnic minorities. There is a good reason for this.
Ethnic minorities value their ethnicity and look out for one another, whereas we whites are taught to be 'colour blind', non-whites are told that the big bad white man is out to get them and that they have to act as a group to defend their interests.
This works politically (Operation Black Vote) and in terms of local 'gangs' often combinations of family and friends.
It is good to see white people uniting in a similar way, just a shame that they are political groups rather than spontaneous neighbourhood groups such as many in 'diverse communities' have.
I note not one comment from the local MP condemning this vile crime seeing as the story has gone national you would have thought Jonny would have come forward and asked people to come forward and speak to the police. But nothing at all you would think that Labour are targeting Hyde Werneth and he doesn't want to rock the boat for his candidate or something
I have it on good authority that the EDL are havinga national demo in Hyde on 25th February.
Should be interesting
Razors Edge made a song about this type of attack. It followed the racist beating of war veteran Walter Chamberlain in Oldham for the heinous crime of walking through an 'Asian area'.
The EDL ? Its combat 18 that needs to be down there
Attack not racist, fact will soon be out,any attack as vicious as this one should be condemned by all in our community.
Lets hope the young lads make a full recovery and the criminals dealt with by the courts, EDL BNP and combat 18 will solve nothing just make matters worse, but that's what they are about.
your full of shit
'Attack not racist', what makes you say that?
The EDL aren't perfect but at least someone is prepared to do something about the ongoing destruction of Britain, its history, culture, identity and heritage. As opposed to turning a blind eye, appeasement, cowardice, fencesitting or sheer bloody apathy.
'Nothing to do with race' is the exact type of deranged bigot who would be foaming at the mouth while screaching wacist attack if the tables were turned and the victim was non-white.
Nothing to do with race, I wonder if you'd take that approach if a gang of whites had battered an Asian nearly to death. In fifteen years Hyde will be unrecognisable unless something is done.
I hope this is all over soon and we can have our towns and cities back.
I think the peoples razor needs to be dusted off, the trials will cost a lot but once the traitor politicians, bankers, tax dodging-jobexporting businessmen and newspaper propagandists are dealt with, I'll be a happy man.
Until then I will continue to take pot shots at the opposition online.
Serpent Slayer, you know, I know and everyone knows that when the SHTF the carnage that will follow will make The Battle of Marston Moor look like a picnic in the park.
The enemies of Western civilization and their bought traitors from our own stock have sown the seeds of future catastrophe. The tragedy is, it is almost certain many of the traitors will be dead by the time their monstrous creation wreaks its havoc upon what is left of our people.
This incident in Hyde is a tiny glimpse of what future awaits our children as the monster in midst flexes its muscle and starts to devour all around it.
There's been another anti white attack in Hyde
08/02/2012 19:35
Nothing to do with race
If it was whites attacking a black you'd be the first on here saying it was a racist attack.
this is not the first time this kind of thing has happend in my home town,a couple of years ago me and a couple of mates met up for a pint or three at the now shut crown pub on market street to welcome home one of our mates from iraq,the last lad to leave got setupon by three asians for no reason,lucky for him he left hospital with a black nose and a couple of cracked ribs.
for me i thought it was a racist crime but the police didnt,oh and by the way noone got punished for the crime.
i also remember an attack on two lads in hyde park about 18months ago
they were beaten by around 20 asians when walking home from school,one of the lads was taken to hospital with a snapped jaw(i know this as im good mates with a teacher from the school)
The incident you mean is, I think, the one from January 2009 which was buried by the local rags. A white boy and girl were attacked by a gang of Asians.
The local Press are hand in glove with the Council and have regular meetings to discuss the suppression of 'unhelpful' stories. The person who posts on here as tonydj caught them at it.
There was a vicious Asian gang attack on an Austrailian tourist at Hyde bus station about ten years ago. He was left with very serious injuries. It was reported in the local papers and it will be in the archive if anyone has the patience to search them.
It is the culture of political appeasement which has given these savage pack animals the confidence to go around attacking people because they know they always get off with it.
It is ten years ago since Gavin Hopley was murdered in a savage Asian gang attack in neighbouring Oldham. None of the savages were ever convicted of murder and Gavin Hopley RIP is just another forgotten White victim.
I should add it is 10 years to the exact day that Gavin Hopley was murdered in an unprovoked Asian race attack in Oldham.
No McPerson Reports, Parliamentary Enquiries or St Stephen Lawrence style media hysteria over this unsolved racist murder.
@ Nation said..
Well remembered Nation. The document was a 2008 publication by the Dept Of Communities and Local Government. Check the link below. (Page 40)
The above link may not work. Copy and paste these two together as a single link
I was very concerned to hear about the savage assault on Daniel Stringer and his best friend on Saturday night in Hyde, and our thoughts go out to both families and anyone who has been affected by this dreadful incident.
The crime was a truly terrible one and the perpetrators deserve to be punished to the fullest extent, however we feel that the laws for assault are appropriate, We do not yet know if there was a racial element,But regardless assault is assault, and that is the crime that should be punished
The attack that took place was horrific, but it would have been just as horrific if they were beaten up for wearing the wrong colour football shirt or for some other imagined offence. The idea of hate crime actually causes less trust between the different racial groups in Hyde, It is a very divisive idea, whether white on Asian or vice a versa
UKIP condemn the proposed march by the English Defence League and the inevitable counter demonstrations through Hyde on Saturday 25th February. It would bring nothing to the people of Hyde, would tarnish the name of a proud town and would harm community cohesion for decades.
I would like to appeal for calm, let the police and courts do their jobs
UKIP, what do you think about the official government statistics published three years ago, that the Islamic population of Britain increased ten times faster than any other group between 2004 - 2008. And also about the demonstrable failure of the Islamic community culture to meaningfully assimilate into the native British culture: they hardly ever marry out; disrespect our animal welfare laws and carry out horriffic ritual slaughter; virtually never join the armed forces; want their own banking system; want a benefit system that recognises and pays out for polygamy; deliberately live in and gradually take over separate ghettoised areas; have little or no regard for women's rights; and are, in virtually all fundamental and significant ways; different and alien to the British native culture. You might believe in multiculturalism, I and millions of others are sick to the back teeth with it. In any case on current demographic trends we'll be destroyed in a few decades, but let's not have any marches or demonstrations hey, it might make trouble or damage the non-existent 'community' cohesion. Let's all sit back and let it happen. Well done to the (imperfect) EDL for at least DOING SOMETHING.
We oppose the far right EDL or any other far right coming to Hyde. We will unite with local communities and the UAF to protect their area from far right thugs. Hyde has no problems with racism and we do not want racists coming to Hyde stirring up trouble.
Hyde has got a lot of problems related to Islam on the rapidly approaching horizon. You deny racism in Hyde because you don't care unless it's non-whites being attacked.
Translation: 'We will unite with Muslims and hard left headcases to further our own ends.'
We stand together with our friends in the UAF. We are united to keep the bnp out of Hyde area.
The BNP are irrelevant but we will unite with the local community against them or any other unwelcome outside agitators who come to Hyde with the intentions of stirring up racial hatred. We in UKIP are proud of Britain’s multicultural communities and we will unite with communities to defend those communities from far right trouble causers. There has never been a history of racial conflict in Hyde and other than the say so of the victim in this incident there is no evidence it was a race hate attack. UKIP condemns this attack as an act of thuggish behaviour. Similar incidents happen every night of the week but because in this case the alleged attackers are from a minority ethnic community the rabid tabloid press and far right street thugs are trying to create a problem which does not exist. The communities of Hyde will unite and drive out the far right and Hyde will be stronger for it.
UKIP condemn any proposed marches in Hyde over this issue ED,CU,UAF or Searchlight.
As for defence is no crime, If that is how you feel and you have milions of other supporters, why not start a political party? you coud call it the BNP.
We have good working relations with Searchlight and UAF.
The BNP got a million votes in 2009 and 2010. Without the massive establishment and media smear campaign that demonised a democratic and lawful party (as opposed to anti-democratic thugs like the UAF), that frightened large numbers of people out of voting for them they would have got many times that. The BNP has since collapsed organisationally and financially but there are still a massive number of unrepresented people who want to stop the destruction of Britain, its identity, history, culture and heritage.
Those who don't differentiate between British indigenous culture and exponentially increasing hostile, dominating, alien ones do so for their own selfish, treacherous, anti-British, and craven purposes.
UKIP, answer the specific points and questions I raised.
We have excellent community relations in Tameside and UKIP oppose right wing intervention into an otherwise harmonious environment. The far right has nothing to offer other violence and division. UKIP is a libertarian patriotic party who stand by all Britons regardless of race, colour or creed. We oppose division and celebrate diversity.
well said ukip.
DINCS I and many others have answered these specific points many many times over. Please take a look back at the archives. I see no point in spending hours arguing over points which have already been answered. If you take this as cowardice, fine.
I think that immigration is very important to Britain's life blood.
We are all a mixture of different races, good food, from Muslim communities. They've brought such riches to our shores here in the UK.
Vote UKIP this time in Tameside.
UKIP, that must be one of the feeblest and laziest responses ever posted on this blog.
You, your party and none of the main parties have never answered these questions and never will. You are all dealers in falsehoods and treachery.
UKIP candidate, for, 'Excellent community relations' and 'Harmonious environment' read 'Gutless appeasement'.
The reason you try to demonise those opposed to multiculturalism is because your argument is so weak.
Your sarcasm is hollow and transparent but yes, we do value the contribution to British life from British Muslims and all other Britons wherever their ancestral roots may lye.
Look if you want to live in the past of whites only, then fine go ahead. But we in UKIP see the reality in our growing non white areas. What's wrong with that?
Learn to live with it.
An all white Britain is a thing of the past. We are fortunate to live in a harmonious multicultural society. Don’t let the far right square heads ruin it by sowing the seeds of division.
Impostor, did anyone ever tell you mimicry is the sincerest form of flattery? Get a life you Nazi thug!
UKIP is not racist, nationalist, it is a multi-racial party for all.
We see a Britain of mixture of all different races. Communities coming together as one.
What sarcasm?
No-one wants an all white Britain bur all the establishment paties including UKIP want to deny the demographic truth about ewhere Britain is headed. As soon as someone states this truth the response is: non-existent; inaccurate generalisations about the 'benefits' of multiculturalism; feeble; evasive; irrelevant; dishonest or abusive. All of which demonstrate the inherent falseness of the mainstream/Marxist/leftie/liberal position.
As for 'seeing the reality', Britain saw the reality in May 1940, back then we confronted it and dealt with the problem. Now so-called tolerance and cohesiveness are used as a mask by those consumed by apathy, treachery, ignorance or fear.
I would ask the Muslim community to come forward and stand for UKIP in Tameside.
You are a cheap Fascist impostor but yes, we would be happy to have Muslim candidates as long as they support the aims of the United Kingdom Independence Party. Does anyone else suspect the impostor is the Dukinfield pest?
I am the Genuine UKIP candidate we aim to invite all races to be candidates. We are not racial nationalists at all.
Get lost Pest. I look forward to reading about you getting banged up.
Please take no notice of the post above. Let us stick to the point.
We aim to work with UAF in Hyde, and invite a new force for UKIP in the coming elections here in Tameside.
I agree Genuine UKIP candidate.
We don't want people to think, that THEY will be voting for a nationalist party in UKIP. Immigration is not the issue with us, in the sense of racialism. Immigration is good that must be our new slogan.
ukip ? jog on you silly little man
UKIP you have lost an awful lot of votes with those pathetic posts,you are in cahoots with the UAF,a far left loony organisation,well done you have shown your true colours..
sorry ukip.... i wasnt sure about BFP or UKIP. ukip u just made my mind up, BFP for me!
If you are a UKIP candidate give your name,it is so obvious that you are a lying soap dodging uaf lefty causing trouble as usual,uaf are a total fail and a disgrace to Great Britain,now go and get a wash smelly.
BFP for me as well,when did UKIP become a communist party ?
i am a member of the E D L and we are not racist we do not cause the riots we stand up for what we beleve in which race crimes against white people. and islamic extremeist who practice sharia law.
Surely this is all a joke?
Agree with everything you said Defence is no crime,could you help me build a bridge for all these uaf lefty trolls to live under,as far as i am concerned it is all bollocks anyone commenting with ukip in their name on here are trouble causing uaf soap dodging liberal lefty self haters,and if they are not go to ukip facebook page and post these same comments and see if they get deleted,dhimmi scum.
Astonishing, I don't know why the UKIP name is being ground into the dust here by UAF trolls, but it is UKIP policy to reduce immigration "UKIP calls for an immediate five-year freeze on immigration for permanent settlement. We aspire to ensure that any future immigration does not exceed 50,000 people p.a."
Nor does UKIP tolerate racism in any shape or form and Gerrard Batten a UKIP MEP has proposed a charter of Muslim Understanding which will set out to separate the sheep from the wolves so to speak. http://www.ukip.org/content/latest-news/123-gerard-batten-mep-launches-proposed-charter-of-muslim-understanding-in-house-of-lords-monday-29th-a
So please understand, the people who are abusing the UKIP name in this article have nothing to do with UKIP, they are merely trolls and flamers.
UKIP I have been a long standing member of UKIP and an active activist for you. I work very hard pushing UKIP in my area. Serious devotion. You are part of my life. While I follow these street movements closely I am not affiliated with any. If this is true, that you will stand with the FAR LEFT THUGS of the UAF you can forget about any future membership fee or donation from me. Infact I will e.mail UKIP 1st thing in the morning and ask I be removed from your system......and then devote my time and money turning people against you.
Upset to say the least.
Quiet Man shows idiocy runs right to the heart of UKIP with this statement "Nor does UKIP tolerate racism in any shape or form and Gerrard Batten a UKIP MEP has proposed a charter of Muslim Understanding which will set out to separate the sheep from the wolves so to speak"
Firstly, what is your definition of "RACISM" and as for your "Charter of Muslim Understanding" what planet are you living on?
There are no sheep or wolves, from that community. There are only the ones who say what they mean in public and the ones who say, usually for money, what they know what the public want to hear.
Do you think the 'sheep' will be moderate when they have the numbers to complete their colonisation of Britain?
It's obvious the so called UKIP are trolls. Everyone knows UKIP want us out of the EU so we're not subject to their ridiculous dictats of the EU Court of Human Rights and can deal with the rubbish that thinks it can live here on the the back of law abiding tax payers whatever country they came from.
Tameside ukip is run by Searchlight operatives, they pass on members details to Gerry Gable {convicted burglar)
Funny to see so many BNP type trolls and supporters pretending to be UKIP.
What is so tragic is that these trolls think people reading this blog are so stupid that they would be taken in - what an insult.
I (as a genuine UKIP candidate) attacked Brighton Unity/UAF and their political supporters during the 2010 general election campaign for potentially inciting violence. Unity/UAF they called for a counter march to a proposed (peaceful) 'March for England' event - the only possible reason for unity/UAF to get involved was to cause trouble and bring violence to the City.
Brighton Unity/UAF tried to air brush their 'call to arms' off the internet - I ended up posting it on my blog so the names of these supporters of UAF violence just to keep their names 'on the record'.
The lib dems no longer have any seats on the council - but some of the green and labour supporters of this Unity/UAF call to violence are still around.
I would not touch UKIP if they were associated with UAF and their ilk - nor if they were associated with BNP and their ilk. I am a UKIP member and candidate to get the UK out of the EU and to get a government who put the people of the UK first in their own country.
UK has 2 million unemployed citizens and 2.5 million migrant workers (and .5 million unemployed migrant workers on benefits) there is plenty of work for UK citizens to do once we take back control of our borders and immigration - and huge savings to be made on benefits.
UKIP support is close to passing that of the Lib Dems - for people who want to save the UK, the answer is obvious - support UKIP. The trolls here running down UKIP are part of the problem, they are helping to destroy the UK just as the EU loving Conservatives, Labour and Lib Dems are.
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