Doreen and the girls out doing their bit come rain, hail or shine. I don’t think the Labour Party would be so silly as to waste any significant resources on their campaign in Stalybridge South as it is a foregone conclusion that Doreen will win. She is immensely popular in the area and even more so now following her efforts to have a passageway used by anti-social yobs blocked.
Looking at the pictures of her, and wonderful pictures they are, I have come to the conclusion she has had a makeover. Anyone else agree?
By the way, what ever happened to the former Labour candidate KY Marland? He come on the scene with tremendous energy and did lots of decent work in the area but following his electoral defeat he disappeared into thin air.

Often wondered why The Conservatives never leaflet/campaign in Duki?
Do they regard the ward a no go area, lost cause?
Johnny Reynolds may well be back on the council after dropping Milliband in the deep shit in PMQs today. (Train fare increases).
Come-on Johnny, do your research and stop making your boss look a fool.
Johnny Reynolds also made a major blooper in the Commons a while back regarding his lack of knowledge on Engels.
Is Johnny's latest banana skin encounter available to view online?
Ed Miliband is the Conservative's secret weapon.
I see Luciana Berger (MP for five minutes, popped up with a pathetic query at PM's questions today). She was also made Shadow Minister for climate change five months after becoming an MP. Enough already!
What have Tameside Conservatives and Ed Miliband got in common?
They are both utterly pathetic as the official 'opposition'.
The same old (and I do mean old) local Tory group keep looking after number one as the Labour Mafia tighten their stranglehold on the moronic, spineless, apathetic morass that is the Tameside electorate.
I think that is an unkind and unpleasant think to say. The Conservatives I have met have always been decent and upstanding citizens. It is not the Conservatives fault that moronic idiots turn out in greater number to vote for the corrupt local Labour mafia.
The truth sometimes is 'unkind and unpleasant.' In 2010 Labour were destroyed in the general and local elections and yet enjoyed excellent results in Tameside. That's because their local Conservative 'opposition' are a disorganised shambles, and it IS the Tameside Tories fault if they can't get their vote out in a borough that in socio-economic is far from a typical Labour slum area.
All non-voters should have their franchise permanently removed.
I agree with 'bag of s***e'.
At the 2005 election I was ithing to vote for Dave Jones. Myself and my group of friends even canvassed our school mates to vote for the British National Party in the future.
And still some people can't be arsed to walk to the end of their street.
The moral of the story is obviously not to enfranchise younger people but to enfranchise only people with enough intelligence to vote. Top 2% of IQ's maybe, like Mensa and Mysterium.
Better yet to make some peoples votes worth more than others, depending on racial purity, military and civic service and intelligence level to decide the value.
One of the problems for local cons is that their vote is poorly distributed across the borough. In one local election in Tameside about 3 years back their vote in the borough was almost equal to Labour's. Problem was there were too many close 2nd places, which (given the first past the post system) resulted in a sea of red Labour faces grinning at us on the borough councillor line-up posters.
Personally I think all other political parties should boycott Tameside completely, and leave voters with one Labour box on the ballot paper. Apart from the few Tory wards, the current Labour stranglehold in Tameside looks unassailable well into the near-future, and I don't understand why the rest even bother. Let''s face it - there's little in terms of real policy and ideology to come between the main parties so who should really care?
You really are my favourite comedy poster on here SerpentSlayer.
The image of a gaggle of pasty goths taking a break from licking each other's scabs to squeak "S-s-s-stop beating me up please and vote BNP!" to the big lads in the playground is priceless.
Did the campaign go well?
Professor Van Helsing, what are your views on mass immigration?
Professor Van Helsing, it went OK and Mr Jones got a reaonable vote. But if he'd got one, it would be one more than you'll get in your entire life because you don't have the character, courage, belief or principles to stand in a democratic election.
And if SerpentSlayer is who I think he is, he's a'scabby Goth' who HAS stood in elections. Which makes you a gutless sniper from the sidelines.
The BNP appear to have retreated underground; no candidates have been nominated in recent council by-elections.
However, the apparent electoral surrender of the fascist micro-faction gives us the opportunity to assess their electoral performance in 2011.
There were 162 council by-elections held in the UK last year (NB: not including the normal May council elections). The BNP only polled a total of 1,805 votes in all the by-elections they contested during the whole of the year. That represents an average share of the vote of only 0.52%. With almost no public support it is no surprise to learn that the BNP didn't win a single seat anywhere in last year's by-elections.
They are now more of a British National Pariah than a British National Party.
By way of comparison many of the most popular local Labour candidates got more votes in their wards last May than the BNP's total of 1,805 in all by-elections up and down the land!
Kieran Quinn 1969
Allison Gwynne 1871
John Taylor 1905
Brenda Warrington 2378
Michael Whitley 1860
Ann Joyce Holland 2212
Helen Theresa Bowden 1890
David H McNally 2018
John Bell of the Conservatives also beat the national total of the BNP with 1858 votes in his ward.
Nationally, Labour polled 106,786 votes, securing a 30.73% share of the vote and winning 55 new seats.
(Figures from "Britain Votes" and TMBC website)
It seems some people who profess to despise the BNP cannot live with out them. I am sure that should the BNP ever disappear, and the chances are looking increasing likely that it will, the dedicated anti-BNP brigade would not feel satisfaction, no quite the opposite, they would feel an enormous void in their lives because they appear to need a bogey man to oppose.
Undoubtedly many a Marxist trade union official and lazy journalist would rue the day such an organisation may cease to exist because they would have to work hard to find such a Politically Incorrect free meal ticket which just keeps on giving and giving.
The rise and fall of the BNP was a fascinating phenomenon but viewing from the sidelines it seems to me as if the BNP rise was created by Labour due to their wicked and treasonous policy of ditching the working class of Britain and replacing them with millions of immigrants. Now the Labour threat has subsided, at least on a national level if not local, the people who felt such anger at the betrayal inflicted upon Britain by Labour have decided that their protest votes which once they gave to the BNP would be of more use else where and as a result the BNP vote has collapsed.
What will be of interest in a borough such as Tameside is who will be the net recipient of the significant vote which the BNP could once count on.
It's only a few years since the BNP terrified local Labour with an astonishing series of results including the Droylsden East candidate receiving 1000 votes completely out of the blue. That same year there were several other astonishing results including the Audenshaw paper candidate getting 850 votes. This rise was reflected nationally and local and national press and government got together at various of their regular 'suppress the truth' conferences and went into anti-BNP, in reality anti-democracy, overdrive. Undoubtedly the BNP has also been destroyed by enemies within operating on behalf of the powers that be.
A strong local Labour organisation, like Tameside, does not need 2000 votes (out of an average 9000 electorate) to win 15 out of 19 wards, it can manage with about 1200. The postal vote sign-up system and far more activists, unionites etc going round ensuring this has worked extremely well for them. The truth is about 18000 (approximately 10% of the electorate), 1200 x 15 wards keeps Labour in rock solid power. The increasing ignorance, apathy and cowardice of the borough's electorate is reflected nationwide and only the complete disaster Labour made of the economy allowed them to be displaced by a coalition on a national level.
Not so in Tameside where they enjoyed excellent results in 2011/11 thanks to outnumbering all other local parties combined activists (often brought in from outside) by about ten to one. An 'all hands to the pumps' and polling stations attitude helped to keep the trough filled and stay in easy control. It does make you wonder why so many people would be so desperate to turn out locally to support a party that, on a national level, had nearly destroyed Britain's economy. I beleive it's a combination of: greed; vested and self-interest; the 'community' vote with their extremely high turnout rate and expectation of getting their backs scratched in return; mass apathy; and a significant reduction in average intelligence with a corresponding increase in ignorance.
Is it true BNP Meltdown is a black guy who lives on the south coast who's got a massive chip on his shoulder about something?
Labour Mafia fear any opposition
Fantastic analysis by Derek Moss 10/10
Re voting, 85% of non-white Commonwealth immigrants vote Labour. They also, inexplicably and disgracefully, receive FULL voting rights the minute they set foot here, having contributed nothing and in many cases knowing nothing about Britain, its history, culture, identity, and values.
Alien and often hostile peoples imported en masse, often with uncivilised and violent 'cultures' totally at odds with our own. But then some group, easy to manipulate and who will 'return the favour' had to be brought in to replace Britain's aging and dead core Labour working class voters.
DTT, I witnessed the corrupt practises involving Labour's 'passports for votes' scam in Newton Heath five or six years ago. The area was being swamped with sub-Saharan Africans, many of whom had no historical or colonial links with this country. The minute they arrived they were on the electoral register and signed up for postal votes by Labour. This was reported to the Electoral Commission and the police but you will not be surprised to hear no action was taken or investigation launched.
It may reach a point where democracy is no longer an option to rescue Britain from destruction, as the corrupt electoral system and mass immigration could skew things beyond salvation. The alternatives then would be surrender or fight.
And as long as the dumbed down masses had X-Factor, football and soaps on the TV as well as lots of cheap beer, I know which option they would choose.
Van Helsing, it went quite well. My friends and I were not friends because we liked politics, we were just ordinary school lads from Ashton, Clayton and Droylsden.
Being all working class boys living just outside of a now alien big city and with Asian owned Oldham to the north, we were naturally against the idea of foreign settlers.
At the mere mention of getting rid of the 'pakis' (a term I use less now but was ubiquitous to all the white and black boys at our school) my school friends were pledging support. Whether it lasted with all I know not, nonetheless I still got a load of comments on gfacebook congratulating me on my first day of leafletting for the party.
I like your characterisation Helsing, in truth we weren't all that gothy.
We were considered 'moshers', and spent our time kicking a ball around and talking about dungeons and dragons and warhammer.
I was seen as as 'alright' because I made people laugh with silly songs and jokes and generally had a laugh with people.
The sudden loss of support for the BNP was not initiated by anything attributable to the party and its actions. The mainstream had always dismissed far right support as a mere 'protest vote', one which would never amount to much and would sooner or later diminish. Now they can be extremely smug in having predicted the behaviour of that minority of their supporters who have (probably) returned like the loyal lemmings they are.
Far-right support always increases when Labour are at the helm, and quickly recedes when they swap sides of the chamber once again with the Tories. The early 2000s were no exception to the rule, and Tameside was a hot spot for this peculiar (but predictable) blip that occurs when the working classes get a touch uneasy when the full effect of Labour-leftist ideology is being felt.
The BNP represented a chance for UK whites to assert their native ethnic identity when faced with a slow but certain demographic suicide. By the time Labour are back in again, it will probably be too late and they'll sure as damn it finish the job off. The generations that beat the fuhrer and the junta were sadly found wanting when it came to a very different threat from within. Those who grew up in a (nearly) all-white Britain seemingly decided that future generations should inherit something completely different, and the likes of the EDL & Co. will be pathetically ill-equiped at tackling the legacy being left.
Excellent post herd mentality.
Luckily herds can be led by anybody. We just need the right sheperd.
Shepherds lead FLOCKS. Sheep panic and run in all directions, hence the farmer needs a dog. The 'Great' British public however are increasingly bovine and all Farmer Cameron and his friends need to do is point the first cow in the right direction and the rest follow. There's always the cattle prod to 'persuade' dissenters.
Just found out Dorothy Cartwright deselected in a safe Labour ward Dukinfield/Stalybridge has won the selection for Stalybridge South. What a prize
Artistic licence, flock, herd, same thing really.
Either way they need to be led.
No, the British masses are far more like cows than sheep. Bovine increasingly sums them up.
Doreen is indeed an extremely attractive young lady, and without a shadow of a doubt the best councillor in Tameside. If it's votes she's after I'll give her one! :-)
What a sarcastic prick you are
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