A letter by Cllr Richard Ambler who represents the Ashton Hurst ward and which is published in the latest edition of the Tameside Advertiser.
Cllr Ambler claims his remuneration as a ward councillor comes to less than £1000 per month and for that he does in excess of 15.5 hours per week on councillor related work.
(click image above to enlarge)
He makes a very good point but no doubt in the next few days we will be inundated on this blog with the doubters and Mr West with his usual rubbish about Dukinfield councillors, all of which put in just as much effort if not more than councillor Ambler
Cllr Ambler is a hard working Conservative Councillor and can work 15 hours a day in his ward.
If he gets paid for this good luck to him he deserves it, Conservative councillors work for their money.
Its only disgraced ex Conservative members and some strange BNP members who moan just because they cant get elected and get this money.
There is no doubt if you want people to give their time and be available to attend meetings, receive telephone calls from residents etc you have to pay. Jealousy doesn't stack up as an argument.
Yes, I agree. Our councillors are worth every penny and if the truth is told they deserve more money for the tremendous work they do.
If the people on this site who constantly knock councillors were to shadow them for a month they'd change their views when experiencing the amount of work and effort councillors put in.
A lot of the people who constantly attack the councillors do it for one reason and one reason only; jealousy. They are jealous because they are not elected and respected as our councillors.
Well said Brenda. Our local councillors here in Droylsden are brilliant and nothing is too much trouble for them. When ever we have a problem we only need make a call and a councillor comes round and gets things fixed.
"Councillor s respected" your having a laugh so why are the vast majority of Tameside people
not voting.
Another organised,arranged and Labour "call up the mafia" attempt on TC to show their feeble qualities.
As for Mooney the Tameside Advertiser Editor its time we researched her background because she is hell bent on usurping democracy in Tameside.
Notice how many thank you Tameside Hospital letters are stuffed into the Advertiser when the Hospital Management are proven to be officially negligent.
Claire Mooney the Editor disgraces
our region and whose pulling her strings and for what.
I think its evident from previous posts that our councillors need to spend more time working with the police to halt the obviously widespread drug problems we have in Tameside.
Droylsden Lad, that made me laugh, Are we living in different Droylsdens by any chance?
Hey man, it's not racist when we discriminate.
Richard Ambler should have stated also that the average Tameside Councillor receives £22,500 and that they represent a paltry 3700 people each as opposed to 90,000 plus for an MP if he wanted to keep up the pseudo-reasonableness oozing out of his letter.
Millions are feeling the pinch in Britain yet in local government the upper echelons, elected and unelected, are completely unaffected.
Tameside councillors in particular, the ninth best paid in the country, would be well advised to keep quiet about their cushy number in case they wake up some of the zombies who repeatedly vote them in.
Here they come the anti councillor brigade. Anyone who happens to support local democracy is somehow part of a Labour Mafia. Turnout at elections the world over has nothing to do with respect or disrespect for individual politicians. It might have a lot to do with apathy but that's democracy I'm afraid. If turn out is typically 33% it doesn't mean the 66% don't agree with the result of the election. Whichever party the individual comes from they need recompense for their time. Otherwise you don't stand a chance of getting anyone interested other than retired or out of work individuals
26/01/2012 19:36
Can't get elected because it's fixed with postal votes, care home votes. Wonder what else?
"the most corrupt council in the country, ripping us all off"
from that extreme lefty bitch that works in the boat shop in Ashton.
26/01/2012 19:36
Yes I suppose that's true. But they are so confident, that they need to employ the services of a convicted burglar to spread smear.
Don't forget the violence of one man and his wife.
Jackie Lane and Fitzpatrick sneaking around posting Searchlight leaflets.
Labour councillors and Labour members will be out all weekend canvassing, you stick to sitting on your fat arses on the computers, see who gets elected in May.
No put out 3,000 anti-labour smear leaflets so far. Labour child molesters.
Eposing vile labour for whast they are...............
No put out 3,000 anti-labour smear leaflets so far. Labour child molesters.
Exposing vile labour for what they are...............
There must always be a BNP Candidate in Dukinfield.
Knock knock who's there, Labour got elected year in year out without all this canvassing a few years ago. Then they got a scare in 2008 from the BNP and have actually been doing a bit of work 'canvassing' ever since, even though they don't need to.
In reality they're out signing up brain dead, old Labourite postal voters who still think it's the 1970s and want to stop the 'evil' Tories getting in. Or the 'new wave' of deluded anti-establishment weirdos, scroungers, immigrants and associated morons.
Why are you worried about a few people on the internet? But of course you're worried about anyone who's well informed and might upset the cosy, profitable apple cart aren't you, hence the mass importation of Labour funded outsiders to spread lies and smears when Labour ARE threatened. It's the 70% of people who never vote that really concerns you and the fact that one day they just might.
27500 Labour funded smear leaflets in Hyde Newton in 2009 because of 'a few people on the internet'.
I was at the Droylsden East count the previous year when the BNP got 1000 votes out of the blue. I saw the Labour member's faces then and they weren't 'worried', they were s***ting themselves.
They've got no real opposition at the moment but things can change any time, and if the Labour expanded postal vote scam was scrapped by the Tory government Labour's vote would drop very significantly in Tameside in particular.
I notice no-one has answered any of the specific points re the truth about councillors allowances and overmanning in the previous posts, just vague abuse.
Labour Councillors and Members will be out this weekend.HOW NICE.
They will be easy to see folks
Groups of retarded Councillors holding hands,mostly fat arsed ugly
obese and scruffy.
A few physically challenged somewhat like dwarfs,but with big mouths.
Requiring help finding area`s in their own constituents.
No doubt their sycophantic Labour Supporters will tag along as their claim to fame knowing a Councillor,also very easy to spot being scruffy ,no taste,perhaps towing kids with them,grinning but not speaking because of their seriously limited vocabulary with low IQ ratings.
What a fright TC must have dealt them,running around on this damage limitation weekend.
Watch out for them later packing the pubs stuffing their paunches and gobs.
They prefer to hide around street corners,whereas years ago Labour
Politicians were not out and out cowards but held public meetings where they could be challenged and questioned.
What a bunch of low class brain dead losers they are and thats A SUBSTANTIATED FACT
As opposed to the perfect Aryan specimens of übermensch you must surely be!
When you have to resort to such pathetic abuse, you have already lost any claim to superiority, REGARDLESS OF POLITICAL PERSUASION.
Grow up! Said When you have to resort to such pathetic abuse, you have already lost any claim to superiority, REGARDLESS OF POLITICAL PERSUASION.
Well said. I can't believe anyone can be taken seriously if you read Anon 16:18. Talk about democracy!
Anonymous 17:04, is that the 'democracy' that allows the dominant local party to bring in gangs of paid for outsiders to distribute thousands of lying smear lealflets whenever their hegemony is threatened. Don't try and take the moral highground with those who KNOW what Tameside Labour is all about.
hope you've all got rain coats
labour can't win with-out smear, and using third party leaflets to smear the BNP.
There's a group of people coming from Liverpool to post "Labour 25" leaflets in the borough.
watch this video the police/bastards cover up.
In the upside-down madhouse that is 21st Century Britain, a murder can only be 'racist' if it is committed
by a White person and the victim is a non-White person. White victims don't matter to the media
Some people want to get elected because their benefits are about to be capped at £26,000 yes its not an error £26,000 and that's cash take home pay no tax or insurance to pay on their income.
An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.
Yes and 99% of them are Labour voters.
Labour had 13 years to reform immigration but it got massively worse.
10 years of boom to govern prudently and responsibly, get debt down and put money away for harder economic times, instead they kept spending with utter recklessness to try and buy votes. 13 years to reform the out of control welfare state and it got massively worse with a vast increase in the number of long term benefits parasites.
13 years to introduce efficiency into the NHS and comprehensively failed.
13 years to reform the massive financial burden of public sector pensions but bottled it.
All the hard decisions were put off and now the coalition have got to clear up the mess whilst listening to the utter hypocrisy of Ed Balls, one of the people most responsible for Britain's massive deficit.
Ed Balls is a disgusting oaf. He makes my want to throw a heavy object at my tv when ever I see his ugly mug. And as for the shadow health minister, well, what would Tarzan have to say about her?
Unemployment rate in Spain for 16 - 24 year olds: 56%. In Europe it's 25%. And still the Third World immigrants are shipped in, despite them having amongst the highest rates of unemployment.
Out leafleting tomorrow? Scousers are joining them? How out of touch with the common man are these Marxist dregs?
FA cup, Manchester United versus Liverpool kick off 12:45, ITV1.
I wouldn't miss Liverpool versus United if a brothel opened at the end of the road offering freebies for the duration of the game.
Priorities for christ's sake.
Correct Mr Vernon and yet still 40% would vote for them, which speaks volumes about the decline in intelligence of the average person entitled to a British passport.
Don't worry, by the time Labour get re-elected Chuka Umunna (Chuck Yermoney, he'd be a great Labour Chancellor with that name) will be Labour leader.
Ye Gods!
Methinks the mighty Midgard monitoring Serpent fellow is onto something!
If scouse 'Marxist dregs' have joined the BNP and are dishing out "All dem Labours iz nonses, innit!" bin fodder then it truly is the end of days...
Burgundy coloured national suicide booklet, virtually none of them could tell you WHY they vote Labour because they're either:
Too thick.
Have 'Always voted Labour'.
Want their benefits paid without any aggro about getting a job.
Hate the Tories.
Are immigrants.
Are Marxists and associated lefties and cranks.
Low-key Loki
it's west the pest posting them.
I know that, you know that, but I don't think the boxroom wizard gets it!
The word 'Labour' must have set off the knee jerk response above.
I still find him the best contrarian comedy poster on here; sub-Tolkein d&d cobblers, Nazi fetishising, vampires, revenge fantasies, wants to see 'schoolkid fight club' on the curriculum, and now it's all 'blokey bloke' nonsense about the footy and free prostitutes!
He really is the gift that keeps on giving...
They've some out it lookls like
I've had one of those leaflets this morning, they're shocking.
Not just because I'm Conservative as well.
I like loads of things Loki, when I type I can only paint a small picture of myself.
I would almost rather have been disseminating Communist propaganda than watching that display of ineptitude I saw earlier today.
Ironically for us to win, we needed an extra scouser on the field. Damn that troll faced git for being injured.
Scouser Song.............
Low-key Loki, SS might be a bit odd but at least his posts sometimes demonstrate intelligence, perceptiveness and the capacity for independent and original thought. Unlike the 'whimsical' meaningless crud you post.
Richard Ambler is a bloody good councillor and deserves every penny for putting up with the nutters that call themselves Ashton Conservatives. I really feel sorry Richard. He dragged Hurst back into the hands of the Tories, only to see all his hard work go to rats thanks to the antics of Council Tax Dodger and Dumpy. Keep up the good work Richard, you deserve every penny of your danger money.
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