Blue badge holders could be forced to pay for parking under new plans being discussed by Tameside council.
Residents are currently being consulted on the plans which would see disabled drivers charged for using council-run car parks.
Those with a blue badge were entitled to park all day for free until last year when it was cut to three hours.
Coun Peter Robinson, Tameside’s executive member for transport and development, said they had to consider all options while trying to save money.
He said: "This is part of a general review of all our car parks.
"The blue badge is to give disabled people closer access to where they want to shop, it’s not about their ability to pay for a parking space.
"Councils, in the past, were able to extend free parking but now it’s just something we are having to look at.
"I don’t want to prejudice the outcome of the consultation but charging is an option we have got to seriously consider."
The consultation is being carried out independently by Tameside Third Sector Coalition.
Possible options include levelling parking charges regardless of disability, or allowing blue badge holders to park for longer at a reduced rate.
Coun Robinson denied the move was simply about saving cash and said the number of disabled spaces across the borough was being increased, in car parks and on the street.
Permits are also available for £310-£360 a year.
He said: "My father-in-law had his leg amputated at the age of 85 so I am very open-minded because I know what it’s like to have someone who is severely disabled.
"I am aware that disabled people take longer to get from A to B.
"But there are no sacred areas for councils any more. Every single aspect of what we do has got to be looked at.
"We are trying to improve the car parks for everyone in Tameside.
"It’s an independent consultation so hopefully we will get the results right."
Residents have until September 14 to make their views on the proposals known online at www.tameside.gov.uk /carparks or by calling 0161 339 4985.
Opinions of non-blue badge holders are also invited.
The outcome will be discussed by the council’s speakers panel and a decision is expected before the end of the year. Manchester Evening News
So there we have it, all motorists are fair game according to Cllr Robinson. I believe it was also Cllr Robinson who was the main backer of the scheme to introduce parking charges on the top two tiers of the Hyde multi-storey car park.
I have been told, however it may just be unsubstantiated rumour, that councillors get free parking permits to use throughout the borough. Can anyone confirm if this is true?
According to the M.E.N. article the consultation is being carried out independently by the Tameside Third Sector Coalition. Who is the Tameside Third Sector Coalition and are they genuinely independent?
The most chilling thing of all is where Cllr Robinson says “there are no sacred areas for councils any more”. If this is true it may even mean the most sacred of all beings, yes the councils very own team of Diversity Enforcement Officers who at a reported cost of a mere £322,588 a year represent outstanding value……………………erm, don’t they? How would the borough survive without these champions of diversity? Maybe that’s what the council thought when they were looking at alternate ways to expand revenue and now they may have found the new cash cow - the disabled motorist! Tameside Citizen
Please, no BNP squabbles here. If you must, please restrict it to the previous article.
"There are no sacred areas for councils."
Yes there are:
Councillors allowances toatlling £1.25 million for 57 representatives, average £22000 each,(part-time amateurs).
£189,000 for Steven Pleasant, Chief Executive. Allthe other bloated management slaries with associated pensions and perks.
£337,000 spent on trade union officials wages (why are WE paying for that AT ALL?).
Not enough privatisation of services. When the bins went back'in-housein Oldham the binmen got a 33% pay rise. Refuse collectors and the rest of council employees should get the going market rate - like the rest of us!
TMBC's priorities are listed above, all well above exploiting the disabled. Sickening from a Party founded to represent the vulnerable and exploited.
I dont see why cripples should be exempt. if they park they pay. end of.
A car maybe the only way a so called CRIPPLES can get out of there home you silly man ? so it should be classed as there legs and you and me can walk or get a bus can they ?
PS ? pay to park your legs in tameside
It is truly pathetic that TMBC is even thinking about fining disabled drivers in order to increase revenue as part of its cost cutting programme. The Government should allow Councils to adopt a 'slash and burn' approach, as pioneered by Dr Sean Gabb of the Libertarian Alliance.
This includes slashing vast swathes of the machinery of the PC state - including abolishing the race relations and diversity rackets. This would not only radically cut the tax bill, but also drastically reduce the number of wasteful bureaucratic postions.
Instead, they want to pick on people in wheelchairs. PATHETIC!
PPS ? But the person in the car\van should resemble the picture on the bay ? ie be wheelchair bound ?
NCB, the disabled will be CHARGED not fined. There is a huge difference.
People who voted for Cameron as the man who was going to slash the New Labour Mega State must be kicking themselves. The socialists will say 'F**k the public' and look after THEMSELVES until they are MADE to do differently.
Forget 'coalition difficulties', that's a handy excuse. Cameron won't do anything confrontational because it takes balls.
John Taylor has a free car park pass, for when he takes his wife shopping.
Most and i meen MOST of the blue badge holders will just park outside the car parks coz most can walk anyway so they still dont pay ? so the only people that will be hit by this are real disabled ? They should go throw all the blue badge holders and they could stop 90% off them . and pls dont get on my back for sayin this coz we all see them all the time and i meen all the time
Labour til I die said
I dont see why cripples should be exempt. if they park they pay. end of.
You keep reminding us what a "rotten stinking areshole" you are.
Cripples eh!! well I have no objection to disabled paying towards parking,but CRIPPLES is terminology a gob shite like you would use.
So a Military incapacitated person now disabled having been in action in Iraq,Afghanistan etc is a CRIPPLE.
Those who know what real military action is,would squash your mouth shut with one hand Labourite.
Pity you don`t even have the bloody bottle to declare yourself.
Yes they should pay. It's about access not ability to pay. 99% of people posting on MEN website are in favor of charging. As long as the car parks have disabled bays then why shouldn't they pay. I know of a Ashton trader who parked his Mercedes with Blue Badge all day whilst he ran his business.....stood up. When he could only park for 3 hours he parked some distance away and walked in.
Morrisons Manager said 'John Taylor has a free car park pass, for when he takes his wife shopping.'
No he doesn't. No councillor gets free parking
To the people saying the disabled should pay anyway, that's not the point of this piece.
The council is doing this to open a new revenue stream because they're supposedly short of money and have chosen the disabled, who in many cases HAVE to park as they can't walk properly. This is the reason free and/or subsidised parking for the disabled was introduced in the first place.
The disabled are being targeted while the council continues to throw money away on their own politically correct and self-interested agenda, for example paying the wages of union officials and pointless Diversity Officers. Anyone who thinks things like this should take precedence over the disabled has got their priorities totally wrong.
Intelligent comment.
Some of those posting on here about the disabled being targeted to fill the council's coffers, are clearly as ignorant of what their council's waste money on as the morons commenting in the M.E.N.
Labour councils rely on a low intelligence, ignorant electorate to maintain their local strangleholds on power, via blind unreasoning loyalty or general, largely ignorance based, apathy.
This is about the reduction in monies provided to local councils from this ConDem government. Don't blame local councils for the mess our Bankers left us in. And if local councils have to look at free parking for disabled then so be it. Some councils never allowed free parking for disabled, TMBC did and now they are being criticised for saying they need to consider charges in order to bridge the gap inflicted by this government.
yes inflicted by your govenment not mine coz my vote always gos in the with you lot . The BNP got how many vots did the BNP get ? So wheres are MPs ? you bent load of cunts
Did you know 10,000 blue badges are issued in Tameside. That's more than one per 10 households. Look down your street and work it out. Amazing isn't it?
Ronnie Rabbit makes a valid point. The cuts have been imposed on councils and the national debt crisis is not of their making. The real villians are not the councils who are trying to make ends meet but the banksters who plundered our national wealth of £££billions.
Rational Patriot
At last a rational comment. Well said that man.
Anon@20.55, to be honest I think too many blue badges are issued. The checks for entitlement should be far more rigorous.
I think this UB40 song is about the over use of blue badges by people who do not really need them.
Rational Patriot
You are right but it is GP's that sign off the paperwork for Blue Badges. The council then has to issue and upto now has provided free parking. Due to our inept Bankers we now find that times have changed. The council can't alter the free 3 hour parking on yellow lines for blue badge holders but can charge them for parking in car parks like the rest of us. Long overdue I say.
Yes RR, I understand and agree. You are one of the few sensible contributers to this site, please keep it up. A lot of the rest who post here are either thick or ignorant and they have no idea how local government operates financially or in the planning department.
Yes we always take care of our disabled visitors. Come and see us some time. You'll get a warm welcome.
Disabled Access
The national guidance for disabled bas is 6% of all parking bays. TMBC exceed that so welcome disabled drivers. The fact they are having to consider charging is not through greed or being anti car but a matter of fact. As Rational Patriot says it's down to greed amongst our Bankers.
About the Blue Badge Scheme The Blue Badge scheme is for people with severe mobility problems. It allows Blue Badge holders to park close to where they need to go. The scheme operates throughout the UK and is managed by local authorities, who deal with applications and issue Blue Badges. Learn more about the scheme.
Top Shop Care
10,000 blue badges holders in Tameside???????
Why are the council targeting the disabled for money when they are paying the wages of trade union officials plus diversity officers and all the other non-jobs created under New Labour.
'They have no idea how local government operates' what a pathetic, patronising generalisation, irrelevant to the point under discussion. How do you know what people know?
Answer some of the specific points raised, particularly about the council's priorities re the cuts.
As for 'the bankers', whatever they did, or more pertinently were ALLOWED to do, under labour's chronic misgovernance they only account for about 8% of what Britain owes.
Labour's departure from Tory spending plans in 2000 and the ensuing eight years of chronic financial recklessness, overspending, waste and sheer incompetence is what CAUSED the cuts we're now all suffering.
Umpteen comments from Labourites attacking the disabled. How far can this vile organisation sink?
Labour Hiding & Scum Rule
The dick heads are out tonight
Other people who may qualify for a Blue Badge
If you do not automatically qualify, your eligibility will need to be assessed by your local council. They will decide if you can have a Blue Badge.
Your local council might also ask you to be assessed by an independent mobility assessor, like an occupational therapist or physiotherapist.
Anyone over two years old may be eligible for a Blue Badge, if they either:
•have a permanent and substantial disability which means they cannot walk, or makes walking very difficult
•drive a motor vehicle regularly and have a severe disability in both arms, making it very difficult or impossible to operate parking meters
Disabled Strike Force
Whatever the criteria for a blue badge which allows parking on double yellow lines where does it say these people should park for free on car parks
Happy am i in this lonely world never giving up. Taking my time, sometimes tearful sometimes angry.
But at least i have my blue badge. my friend in this crazy world in which we live.
'These people', who do you think you are, talking like that about the disabled?
Parking subsidies were a consideration given by the council that has been removed because funding union officials, diversity officers and all the other PC driven, worthless dross is more important in the eyes of the local Labour mafia.
Anonymous 2157, pathetic, confirms you have no argument plus a small brain.
Labour. Hiding
I am afraid it is yourself who is pathetic with a small brain.
For a start if you read the article the council is consulting on changes. Secondly where are these Diversity Officers you go on about? And to call others 'dross' is typical. They maybe your neighbours or friends or friends of friends. Have a debate about local government finance by all means but don't relate to ordinary working people as dross. As for it being a Labour initiative you will find councils under different control with similar type people and roles
You can see why this blog would be full of anti charging comments, after all without the cant work, wont work types the BNP would have no members. Some of the very same people who may now have to pay.
If you can afford a car, afford the petrol, insurance and tax then you can afford the parking fee.
However, it is scandalous that councillors get a £350 "free" parking pass each while the rest of us pay. That's the scandal here. I wonder if they pay tax on that benefit in kind?
Anon 8:49
There is no scandal because the councillors don't get a free parking pass. Where's your evidence of the free parking pass?
03/09/2011 08:49 and the labour party would have no voters.
The evidence is stuck on the windscreens of their cars which are parked on the councils car parks. Its a round badge, parking permit, its free to councillors.
Anon 9:43
Wrong again. You might see parking permits in the widnscreens of cars belonging to councillors, staff, local business people but they are all paid for. Where does it say 'FREE PASS' on the permit? You are jumping to the wrong conclusion
Anon 9:46
yes you are right. I know people who work for TMBC and pay over 500 pound to park Monday to Friday. That permit is open to anyone else to have as well so its not a perk. I also know that all councillors pay as well so Anon 9:43 is wrong. There is no free parking
An important message for the Tameside UKIP leader. It could be a life or death matter so I hope he reads it and takes note.
As many of you know my son was very badly injured by a paki in a road traffic accident and the only help we get off tameside council is a blue badge we get no help with care or thing for our home or anything else. A blue badge and that's it, no im not saying that they would'nt coz they would. tameside did offer us £500 a week toward his care in the form of direct payment but we gave it back, but having said that my wife did apply for a holiday grant of £200 so she could maybe get a break from 24/7 caring and she got told nocoz she doe'snt score enough points,(well i don't know how anyone could score more) so all we get is a blue badge so that when we go out we can take our brain damaged son out with us in he's wheelchair and no we can't use the bus, as he weighs 15st, and if anyone has tried pushing a 15st person allday they will know how hard it is, but as i've already said that the blue badge is abused to death, but i do think that wheelchair bound should still not pay to park. Infact any especially adapted vehicle should be excempt, but hey take our blue badge and we will do it all on our own.
The council are undertaking consultation so your point may be valid.
iv just received my BLUE BADGE PARKING CONSULTATION PACK and what a misleading load of crap it is, infact monday morning i,m goner spend the day ringing all the disabled action group toget them involved in this.
The 1st page all it asked which carparks are used and how often, but ploblem starts with the 2nd page with the statement at the top,i,m goner copy it word for word,its section 2 Charging options? and it reads as follows.
The council is trying to find a fair way to charge for car parks. This needs to balance the cost of providing, maintaining and policing car parks with the fact that many disabled people walk as far as or as quickly as non-disable people.
please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the statements below. Remember - these only relate to council managed off street parking. Entitlement for blue badge holders parking on the road will not change.
Now nowhere in this statement does it mention ? CAN,T WALK OR MOVE ATALL so they rolling invalids into the same caterory as disabled,and disabled can mean anything i.e in growing toe nail etc,the only other thing that is asked is in section 3 which covers gender, age, and ethnic group which incidently which is a list i.e pakitany, black this, mixed that and yes u,ve guessed it white british at the top well just to be clear i,m english and im the only colour a englishmen could possily be i.e WHITE. This form is prejudged and its just an exercise to say that its been put out to consultion when in actual fact we,ve not been consulted because this form is just an exercise in ticking boxes with irrelvent questions at the side of them, this form should be scraped and redone
Anoymous, sixteen diversity officers are employed by the council at a cost of £322,588 a year, as revealed by the TPA's freedom of information request. So that's 'where they are'.
I didn't call 'ordinary working people dross'. I said 'PC driven worthless dross' directly after giving specific examples of worthless, politically correct JOBS. If you can't construct an argument at least learn to follow one, or perhaps your brain's too small.
'Other councils do it', so what, we don't live there and this blog post is about Tameside Council and its prioritisation of scarce resources on union officials and diversity officers etc before disabled parking. What are YOUR views on that issue?
Aluman, I did not know your son was injured in an accident. I will pray for him and hope he recovers soon.
sorry it should read cannot walk as far or as quickly as non disabled people
Anonymous, a large chunk of Labour's core supporters are professional benefits extractors, i.e scroungers, immigrants, the elderly and thickos who couldn't tell you WHY they vote for the party that's nearly wrecked Britain.
Aluman, sorry to hear about your son's problems but the council are undertaking consultation.
No mention of them undertaking concultation on the 'vital' jobs that keep the Borough going, like diversity officers and trade union officials etc because the latter are clearly more important and exempt from the cuts.
Labour. Hiding
My view is that Blue Badge holders should pay. As for the PC driven dross I think they are probably worthy of their jobs. I don't know enough to comment but unlike you I won't call them dross. Same goes for any union official
"The Government should allow Councils to adopt a 'slash and burn' approach, as pioneered by Dr Sean Gabb of the Libertarian Alliance.
This includes slashing vast swathes of the machinery of the PC state - including abolishing the race relations and diversity rackets. This would not only radically cut the tax bill, but also drastically reduce the number of wasteful bureaucratic postions."
NCB, For your information, Tameside Council has already abolished all spending on diversity and race relations. DOH
Anonymous, read my post before commenting and respond to the points raised. Otherwise it makes you look stupid and/or wilfully ignorant.
Tameside Council, show us the evidence that they've got rid of ALL spending on diversity and race relations. Plus trade union officials, plus all other unnecessary (i.e, we managed perfectly well without them before New Labour), PC non-jobs. And that they did all this before targeting the disabled.
Anonymous 1303,
'Same goes for any union official', thanks for letting us know where your priorities lie.
Tameside Council, thanks for confirming Tameside Council are STILL spending on trade union officials (as a greater priority than disabled access) by not denying it.
By the way FOI requests by the TPA and Tory MP Dominic Raab have confirmed the record amounts of taxpayer's money unions are currently receiving AND the record amounts they have amassed in their general funds. Nice to know someone's doing well in the recession.
"councillors pay for parking passes" don't make me laugh, they don't even pay for their own broadband.
Of course their passes don't say "free" they just don't pay for them.
You see, defenders of this scandal shouldn't make things up. You claim that Councillors, Council staff and businesses pay £500 for these passes yet they are freely available from the council for £360. You should see Councillor Robinsons comment for confirmation.
These labour Councillors get very violent and aggressive in their nature. You've seen it at the election counts it's a mafia.
Veteran “Monty Python” British comedian actor and die-hard Liberal Democrat John Cleese has admitted that mass immigration has ethnically cleansed London of British people.
In an interview broadcast on Australian TV, Mr Cleese said that London “no longer an English city.”
“The parent culture,” Mr Cleese said, referring to British culture, had all-but vanished from the streets of the capital.
Question about the recent riots in London, Mr Cleese said that he was “not sure what’s going on in Britain… I don’t know what’s going on in London.
Anon 13:33
That's because there are different rates. The people I know pay for inner zone. But that doesn't suit your argument. Oh dear. And you and Mr West need to know Councillors don't park for free. Not even the excellent John Taylor
Tameside Council spends a small fortune every year on politically correct nonsense, ie minority events, diversity projects etc etc. Whoever is saying the Council has ceased spending taxpayers money on such things is talking out of his/her arse.
Annon of 15:05
go on then, tell me that the sequential numbering system means that they all waited in line and bought them at the same time, one after the other - lol
You see I know, I spoke to more than one about it. They didnt describe them as free either but that is what they were, free to them, paid for by the council to the parking department of the council for the councillors use.
Yet the disabled are expected to pay.
pls rember that disabled people cannot walk as far or as quickly as non-disabled people ? acording to Tameside metropolitan borough council
Well invaids cant walk atall ?
we are all to use to seeing people walk out of there cars from the invalid bays that we forget just what they are there for
Tameside council should consult all magor supermarkets i.e tesco, asda ect... they have a beam across the door that seems to fix disabilities because when i go there, when i take my son to anyone of these shops you can never get and invalid parking bay but when you get inside everybodys walking about perfectly ok. I have never seen two wheelchairs in a supermarket at any one time.
So tameside get yourself a set of magic doors this will solve the problem.
I'm ok because I believe all this shit the Council bosses tell me. I walk around with my eyes shut.
I'd rather read what Ronnie Rabbit had to say....not.
People post on here and know Jack! You no nothing till you stand in elections, get in the middle of these Labour scum and some Tory ones as well. Listen to them talk up close, see their actions in elections.
Anon 15:28
WRONG. The parking passes are not issued for free. Not sure where you get the info but you're wrong.
Living in the Real World
I'm the voice of reason
Ronnie Rabbit you know nowt, you think you do!
But sadly not!
The police went through my collection of books in the house.
The Hunter.....
You reckon do you. You a sadly misguided individual
Ronnie Rabbit is Taylor.
He chose that alias because, iTtz ezEe twO SpEl.
I'm NOT John Taylor just the voice of reason on this blog site
There are no working men's unions anymore. Just Marxist run public sector unions dedicated to the destruction of Britain. They're currently allying themselves with the Muslim community. Just like New Labour did - anything for a vote.
Look up the right words
The ones for today
And use them correctly
And mean what I say
Answer the questions
Crossword confession
I'm down, can we meet
Is it true, do you cheat?
How far can I go?
How much do you know?
What's the definition?
How much did she mention?
How much does she know?
Can I find the right words to say?
The right words are so hard to say.
It's a challenger puzzle
From the magazine section
Across with the questions
Do the ethics of reference
One hundred twenty brain teasers to torment you
One hundred thoughts
I can't find the right words to say
My meaning's not quite getting through
The right words are so hard to say
Can I find the right words for you?
Let's not hedge our bets
'Cause the odds are dependent
Please listen instead
Now the whispers are ending
The point's misleading
As points often do
Can I find the right words for you?
Follow Tao, and nothing is old or new.
Lose it, and the ruins of age return.
Someone smiling back in the mirror,
hair white as the frost-stained glass,
you admit lament is empty, ask how
reflections get so worn and withered.
How speak of peach and plum: timeless
South Mountain blazes in the end?
A £55m scheme to help stop the misuse of blue disabled parking badges in England has been announced.
One in every 200 badges is stolen each year, and some London boroughs are dealing with hundreds of cases of stolen, forged or misused badges.
The government says it is looking to give councils new powers to confiscate stolen or forged badges.
It is also extending the badge scheme to people with temporary mobility problems or mental health problems.
Others set to benefit are disabled armed forces personnel, who will be automatically entitled to a badge, and young children with disabilities.
A £10m national data-sharing system will be established by councils to make sure stolen or forged badges from outside their areas can be detected.
The Department for Transport is also looking at new ways to make the badges harder to forge, including barcodes that can be read through windscreens.
Thats all very good and you can understand some disabled people needing to stop outside shops on high streets etc. But the blue badge should not entitled anyone to use invalid bays if you don,t resemble pictures on the bay which is an invalid in a chair,because these bays are bigger so people can get in and out of wheelchairs not because they are mentally inpaired, blind, have 1 leg shorter than the other ? They should be for 1 thing only wheelchair users and maybe people with proper walking equipment and i dont mean walking sticks
You're dead right. People park in the disabled bays and almost run to the shops. These bays should be for those with wheel chairs etc. Charging on car parks will see some of the abuse of blue badges stop. One guy last year was prosecuted because he parked his Porsche on a car park and went to work in Manchester on the train only to return in the evening. The Blue Badge apparently belonged to a family member. Charge everyone and limit disabled bays to those that need the additional space.
Thank you anonymous ? I think the word disabled should be scrapped coz we all have disabilitys in one way or another but we get on with it. I have have 3 im dyslexia,i have no working memory i've also had opperations on my back. Now in writen terms that would make me disabled but am i disabled no you have to make use of what you've got as no one is perfect. theres to many people in this world that use of any excuse to abuse everything and just as a point if tameside said wheelchair users with blue badges could park for free will have dozens of wheelchairs all over the show. The full system needs looking at.
They're trying to stop us prioritising crucial services like diversity, race relations and funding the unions.
The disabled are EVIL and must be stopped. Demonise the Blue Badge and imply they can all walk and are a load of scroungers.
TMBC's got plenty of spare cash for the 'right' things. The disabled aren't on the Golden List and can therefore get fucked.
On the whole this must be a record. 80+ posts and most of them relevant to the topic in hand and despite obvious disagreements, the debate has been frank with an honest exchange of opinions. This is definitely better than never ending name calling and squabbles.
I feel too many wonderful and valid posts are getting lost in the comments section on this blogsite so soon I intend to invite contributors of this blog to write guest articles relative to the borough of Tameside. John Hall recently did such an article and it was an overwhelming success. Anyone from any political persuasion will be welcome as long as their article is relevant to Tameside and not inflammatory or libellous.
Well said. And despite being accused of being John Taylor I have enjoyed being the voice of reason
The anon who says that councillors get free parking in tameside is wrong. They did get totally free parking on any of tameside's car parks until april.
after that they managed to negotiate themselves a massive discount off the fee paid be private individuals and council staff so that they pay a token amount.
Thus, they can legitimately claim they pay but its just a gesture
Anon 19:07
Please give facts as I understand the rate paid reflects the fact that their usage is not all the time but intermittent.
Friday, 21 January 2011 JEWISH DEFENSE LEAGUE UK.
What they really think of the English.
I recently lost my big toe on my left foot. Could it be possible to get one of these disabled passes?
The Jews are on the whole a terrible group of people.
True there are a fair few decent Jewish people and they I can accept, so long as they ditch their twisted religion and put the interests of the state first.
However there are far too many Jews involved in subverting the nation through propaganda, finance and political manipulation.
Therefore we should keep a very close eye on Jewish organisations especially groups like the ADL and the JDL and Jewish led organisations like Searchlight.
Assume a posture of vigilance when dealing with such people, there are few who will ever help the cause of indigenous white people.
On the other hand I think we can deal openly anf even work with other races. Any brave enough to try and help our cause are usually sincere if rare.
SS, you are making a grave mistake by assuming their behaviour is down to their religion. Religion does not come into it. Most of the religious of their tribe do not meddle in other peoples business or practice subversion. The Zionist mindbenders are racial supremacists intent on destroying all rival races so they can dominate the world. Most of their most vicious anti-white champions are not in the least bit religious. They act as they do for reasons of race rather than religion.
Protocols under the bed. I cant believe religion is completely inconsequential, the Talmud certainly seems to hold wait. Nonetheless you have a point about the very religious types being very distanced from the subvertion of our nation.
It is the so called Ashkenazi who seem to be the most heavily involved in the war against our people.
It does beg the question, who are the jews?
The Ashkenazi have existed for just over a century and yet the Jews on the whole have been waging war on humanity for at least two thousand years through their vessels, i.e the Roman Empire, The Catholic Church, The British Empire and Marxism.
On top of that it seems the whole race was created to prevent the progress of Jarls kin (the aryan race) from completing their destiny and becoming a godlike race.
I'm sure every section of Jewish society was engineered for destruction, there are a few rebels like Brother Nethaniel but they are small.
I concede the point about religion, their religion is a product of their race.
Perhaps they had a different creation than we had, born from some arrogant god/alien who claims to hold dominion over the universe rather than the brave and fair minded Aesir, who I suspect may also be more galactic than supernatural.
Change century for a millenia, I really should focus on what I write more.
There are extremely large numbers of Jews in the highest echelons of the news media, entertainment and internet corporations. High finance goes without saying. They are generally in the most powerful and influential positions.
Their influence at the top of American government is the most significant. Get on the wrong side of them in a Presidential election campaign and you WILL lose.
I think tameside should put signs on all its invalid bays saying ?
Good idea. I'm with you on that. I think I'll put in my feedback to TMBC re blue badge parking. Make bays for wheelchair users only.
TOP MAN ? and it whould be good to see this done everywhere not just in timeside .
I think that if you asked the wheelchair users if they mind there bays being away from the shop doors ? (If you know what i meen) I think most whould say no becoz its more inportant to them to have a space that is big enough to get in and out of the car/van ? these bays are not about location but size and its a must not a choice .
There is knowt more annoying than not being able to get abay big enough to use your chair life when you can see people walking about to and from the disabled bays and this happens alot and in the wrong car park with very few spare spaces we have no choice but to park in a standard bay and actually lift or drag our son up a two foot gap to the back of the van to place him in his chair and this happens atleast one a month and im not lieing or tring to lay it on to thick its when i say that coz its real monthly problem and insidently as im getting spellings of my wife to write this my sons shouting at me from his wheelchair that it always dirtys his clothes off the side of his van.
I do think its high time this consultation was had but i dont think that consultion form they have sent out is of any use as it does,nt mention the wheelchair bound anywhere and its clearly wrong not to gather there views cause after all its there parking spaces were talking about,and that 1 statement alone on second 2 says it all ? DISABLED PEOPLE CANNOT WALK AS FAR OR AS QUICKY AS NON-DISABLED PEOPLE . and it misleads the people that are takin the time to give there views on this.
I dont think anyone that is filling one of these form out whould say anything bad about wheelchair user but they are not being asked
Does anyone think using council taxpayer's money to fund trade union officials should take precedence over subsidised parking for the disabled?
The council do, because funding trade union officials ISN'T 'under consideration', while subsidising disabled parking IS.
I'm going to take this up with the council. Consulting Blue Badge holders is fine but I think signs in bays is needed for people like you. The only way of ensuring you have the space is to have parking enforcement and some people in here aren't too keen on the parking wardens. But if signs were put up they would need to make sure only people with wheelchairs only used them.
I'm sure that the council are looking at everything at the moment including paid union officials. After all I'm sure that Unison and other unions can afford to pay their officials
Bailifs seize Griffins car. Go on you mugs DONATE DONATE DONATE
And Aluman is King tit
Anonymous 1326,
'I'm sure that the council are looking at everything at the moment including paid union officials.
Why are you 'sure', have you got evidence.
Funding trade union officials should have been one of the first things scrapped (and not just because council taxpayer's shouldn't have been funding it in the first place). Instead subsidised disabled parking is under serious consideration.
The PAST money spent on unions and PC non-jobs is now wasted, which accounts in part for the council being short of money NOW: previous misgovernance.The public at large, locally and nationally, are suffering the effects of this gross recklessness and incompetence.
MR West the porn star ? Roy what the fuck happen to that moustache ? Is some some rich bird now wearing it around her neck like a fucking mink
All councillors have free parking in all TMBC controlled car parks.
I doubt Cllr Peter Robinson will give his up?
Interesting to note that he is up for re-election next year. Maybe it is time for a new councillor, Labour clearly don't represent the people any more.
Anon 16:44
All councillors pay for car parking. Where's the evidence they don't pay? Cos they do
The proof is the badge in their cars showing the council logo, and clearly stating that it is a parking exempt badge.
Funny how at full council meetings, the local car park is full of them!
Proof enough. Clearly, Labourites are quick to jump to the defence with no reasoning. Typical.
Anon 12:47
It doesn't say they don't pay because they do. Get your facts right.
Hello, I am a reporter for Mancunian Matters and I was wondering if anyone would be able to contact me on here regarding your opinions on the changes to the Blue Badge Scheme. I'd really like to hear your opinions on the matter. If you could also provide your name, age and where you are from that would be helpful.
Hi Emma ? i,ve sent aemail to your editor David Keane my contact details, i,d be more than happy to give you my take on it.
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