What do badgers get up to in private when they think nobody is watching? (updated 31/08/11)
Watch this short video filmed this morning to find out. How very cute they are - I want one!
Sadly one of these badgers is being badly bullied. I wondered what the scars were on the neck of the weaker of the two and now it is obvious.
Excuse the red/pink hue added to the ‘badger fight’ video. I did this in an effort to increase contrast. These videos are filmed in total darkness using a night vision camera so the quality will never be as good as footage filmed in daylight.
Ronnie Rabbit
Excellent video. Not easy to get them like that. Well done.
One word, fantastic. You're right to keep the location secret but I'd be interested to know if this is in in the heart of Tameside, as I have a keen interest in the conservation of rural habitats/Green Belt in urban areas? We shouldn't ignore the potential problems to farmers and their cattle from these animals, specifically the explosion in bovine TB in the last twenty years. There is an experimental cull currently in operation.
Good footage. The Badger is our most ancient Briton now the bear and wolf has been wiped out.
The illegal sport of badger digging continues to occur around England. It involves men sending dogs down into the sett to find the badger, which is then dug out and put with a number of dogs to fight until death. Sometimes badgers suffer terrible injuries before they are thrown to the dogs.
People digging for badgers will normally have two or three terriers or lurcher dogs with them and will also be equipped with spades and sacks. If you see such persons and genuinely believe they are digging for badgers make a note of their description, their dogs and the tools they have in their possession, together with the registration numbers of vehicles you believe to be associated with them. Call the police at once, giving the location of the incident or even better smash them over the head with a rock if you think they are likely to attack you before the police arrive.
Remember to protest in Jan when this suspected animal torturer is up for trial.
Always be on the look out for men with terrier and lurcher dogs. If they go out late at night or very early in the mornings, usually in a 4wd vehicle they may be a badger baiters. Report them to us if you can identify any such people or post their details on here.
Why are the League Against Cruel Sports campaigning against the badger cull trial? It isn't a sport. If you're going to get involved in other stuff, start by campaigning against the industrial scale atrocity of Halal and Kosher slaughter.
Allowing 22000 cattle a year to get TB and NOT conducting a scientific trial cull of badgers to determine their part in TB's spread, because it's unpleasant, and makes a few people feel bad, is 'immoral'.
Religious slaughter is totally unnecessary barbarism based on archaic, foreign mumbo-jumbo.
It isn't dismissed by all leading experts at all. The cause of the 10,000% increase in bovine TB in the last thirty years is disputed. The strongest suspect by far is the badger. A long term study by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee calculated a 77% increase in the British badger population between 1988 and 1997. The generally accepted pre 1995 figure is 190,000, compared to the current 310,000, a 63% increase. The purpose of the cull trial in the Southwest is to determine scientifically the likely national effect on bovine TB levels. Although the issue as a whole is complex and there are other possible, partial causes for the disease's increase, the rapid growth of the highly protected badger population is difficult to ignore. Most animal rights group's objections are based on their 'moral' stance on culling, or indeed anything unpleasant being done to animals, even if necessary. Or their version of morality, i.e. it's OK for cattle and farmers to suffer but not badgers, they tend to cover this with a pseudo-objective/scientific veneer. These groups' silence on the undisputedly unnecessary barbarity of industrial scale religious slaughter is deafening.
The Internationalist Marxist/Capitalist is the enemy
What a complete letdown the Tories are proving to be. Despite their promises to bring the immigration crisis under control new figures released today show a 21% increase in immigration over the last year.
They are doing exactly what Thatcher did in 79, talking tough on immigration to gain votes but at the same time allowing the uncontrolled masses of the third world to swamp us.
The wheels of Capitalism constantly needs oiling with a never ending source of cheap labour.
The Lib/Lab/Con elite has one message to the British worker who is struggling in low paid work or even worse cannot find work. The message is: grovel on your knees for the crumbs that falls from our Internationalists rich mans table because if you don't we will happily watch you starve.
The British political elite have zero loyalty to the indigenous of this island. This country desperately needs a new workers movement just like that set up by the great patriot Keir Hardy. The current mob of ’mainstream’ parties and their trade union counterparts are all Internationalists and therefore inherently opposed to the rights of British workers. Their aim is to ensure at all costs the free movement of capital and labour around the globe to maximise the wealth of their financier masters.
Free yourself from convicted criminals you gob shite , your a convicted criminal and now you have turned on the only party to support you. You caused us nothing but trouble but we still supported you,we will be better off without you.
Labour are the past. The modern Labour party is anti-british, pro-globalisation, pro-immigration, pro-privatisation and anti-worker.
There isnt a party that British patriots can join and fight the state at the moment but something will turn up. With a bit of luck circumstances will allow us to have our party back soon.
On an unrelated topic, if MI5 are reading this, we all think Griffin is a brilliant leader and we are sure he will lead us into a Nationalist government soon, I just hope nothing unfortunate happens to him to stop that from happening. Worth a try isnt it?
Great victory for Taylor and searchlight, history shows where ever they campaign against the BNP they win. Disastrous council results were the beginning of the end, rats now jumping ship,look back at some of the West rants praising the BNP. Well done John Taylor and searchlight the fascist have been defeated and your town is free of the scum forever.
John Taylor, Jim Fitzpatrick etc liaising and associating with hard left, anti-democratic organisations like Searchlight/UAF speaks volumes. If Keir Hardy WERE alive he'd spit in both Blair AND Red Ed Miliband's faces.
Another stunning victory for Taylor, West defeated, now he wants to start his own party ,guess who will be leader. Prepare yourself for another election defeat it takes at least 10years to get rid of the BNP stigma if your lucky. Electors will be reminded of his association with the BNP.
the undefeated just in cast your brain is not working (follow the link) They'll be a new nationalist party led by Andrew Brons MEP. It will come, no option very soon.
We will be celebrating the downfall of the BNP in Dukinfield very soon just like they are celebrating in Libya. Dancing on the steps of the town hall and outside the community centre the site of another recent victory when our members took the piss out of a local fascist, assisting the Labour members in the election UAF members helped them to a great victory ,then later in the town hall we chased the defeated rabble out onto the streets never to be seen again. Since then leaflets and social networking sites have assisted in demoralising the remaining scum bags who have now started to desert the sinking cess pit of a ship. What a great day this is, we may take the official surrender in the WHITE HART just to make the racist feel a little better ,we real English can be magnanimous.
The BBC documentary will be the final nail in their coffin. We may betray the workers of this country. We may be traitors who aim to disposses the British in their homeland. We may fight illegal wars for a Greater Judea but none of this matters because we get paid very well for our treason and we enjoy life in the mainstream political arena.
BNP twitchers have today reported a rare sighting of the now almost extinct British National Party election candidate in Shirebrook South West ward in the Bolsover area of Derbyshire.
Nick Griffin's man, Tom Key, is going head to head with Sandra Peake of the Labour Party - in Labour legend Dennis Skinner's back yard.
Let's hope the Beast of Bolsover himself is at the count tonight to give the fascist an earful of traditional common sense!
Why is it that Christianity has produced countries that everyone wants to live in, whereas Islam has only produced countries that everyone wants to escape from.
If the Shirebrook Southwest Ward is a typical Labour area they could stand a dug up corpse as a candidate, and provided it was wearing a red rosette it would win easily.
Concerned Bloke, 'They reflect only the first half year of the new government.' You cannot seriously believe the coalition are going to do anything remotely meaningful about immigration. It is by far the biggest threat to this country and should have taken top priority with immediate draconian action. Instead there's been another massive INCREASE, on top of the existing astronomical figures. Cameron has made two speeches in the last few months enthusiastically welcoming the potential accession of Turkey into the EU. The government has also cut THE UK Border Agency's funding just at the time when it needs significantly increasing.
Yes, but Dave said it and he's the Prime Minister so it must be true. Many people in modern Britain have developed such a horror of any destabilisation that they automatically support and believe anything authority figures say. They'd rather have a lie that makes them feel secure than a truth that does the opposite.
Every single geographic position in the UK that is currently effectd by criminal looting and thuggery are essentially BLACK communities.
White people up and down the country who happen to live in run down estates simliar to theos occupied by Blacks in UK cities don't shit on their own communities
Labour 200 (47%) Green 103 (24%) Con 76 (18%) BNP 43 (10%)
This by-election was caused by the untimely death of a popular local independent candidate who got an impressive 52% share of the vote in this May's council election.
All parties will have been looking to improve their share of the vote. The question was; which party would attract most of the independent's supporters and win the seat?
Ed Miliband's labour candidate predictably surged to victory with a 15% increase from 32% to 47%.
The Greens arguably did even better with a very impressive 24% share, especially since they didn't stand in May.
Wards like Shirebrook show just how open our traditional democratic system is. A respectable independent focused on local issues can humble the national parties and small parties like the Greens can really make an impact. The recent failures of the BNP are just that; the failures of the BNP, not the fault of our democratic system.
Even the Tories increased their vote from 10% to 18%.
But what of the British Boneheads? Surely they continue to make titanic electoral strides towards their dream of a fascist Britain?
They slumped from third place behind the Tories last time to last place and only 43 votes last night. They were the only party not to increase their share of the vote and remain unchanged on 10%.
So Janet Callender now exits as Chief Executive of Trafford Council after exiting TMBC as Chief Executive just two years ago. Health problems it suggests.
72 complaints against TMBC lodged with the Ombudsman. Obviously not many in Tameside can write.
I have analysed the style of writing used by BNP Meltdown and I can confirm it is not TC's style as it is word perfect. It is actually someone who regularly posts here under the user name NCB.
BNP Meltdown, why the long analysis of a minor council by-election result where 80% didn't even bother to vote? You and your kind detest democracy and try to subvert it if the 'right' parties are doing too well or are on the rise. You haven't the courage, moral or physical, to stand openly and put policies before the electorate. Instead skulking in the background trying to undermine the democratic process.
No doubt the BNP and other groups have some fascistic tendencies and opinions, but you and your kind are the purest representation of fascism imaginable.
I am not writing under the name BNP Meltdown, although I'm flattered that someone thinks it is me because whoever it is writes quite well. The poor devil appears to be somewhat obsessed with minor council by-elections that involve the BNP.
My question to him is simple: If the BNP is finished and no longer of any relevance, then why are you spending so much time and effort writing about it?
Nationalism is far from finished, it's on the rise in Austria, France, Holland, Finland, Belgium etc. In Britain, on the surface it's doing badly, but the leftie anti-democrats and their internationalist masters know the multi-culti lunacy is becoming increasingly difficult to cover up. They also know the British have a long habit of being relaxed about such issues because they are so relaxed and confident (in reality overconfident) about their national identity. Above all they know the British have a habit of letting things go and then snapping 'all at once'.
We cannot remember a nationalist leader who has been loathed so much by fellow nationalists and even considered by many as an enemy and liability to the cause.
“You have been too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!”
Please kind sirs. I am a refugee living in Ashton and i notice there is hostility towards refugees here. We love england and we come here to make england a great place. Please welcome us and accept us as equals.
I would say that the reason "Christian" countries function better than islamic ones is nothing to do with religion. It is simply a matter of race.
Islamic lands are ruins but so are all the other lands belonging to Black people and black racial mixes (middle easterners, indians)
On the contrary all predominantly white countries are prosperous and built up, very few of these pay much heed to the "made for whites" version of the Jewish hocus pocus.
On the other hand Christianity made us see the blacks as our brothers under an all powerful Hebrew speaking sky-genie who teaches us to be suspicious of nature, to see sex as little better than an unnecessary evil and worst of all to see all mankind as inherently sinful!
The white man has done well, but he could have done better if he had followed the call of his blood, denied foreigners into his religion and most importantly treated the Jews for the vermin they are as oppsoed to the chosen people of god.
Mr Manugai, this is a small extremely densely populated island, any hostility towards refugees is caused by the failure of large numbers of them to even try to assimilate. Also by the fact that none of them have any legal right to come here, yet our soft traitorous government lets them in in ever growing droves. When they get in large numbers leach off our benefits stystem, the Somalians for instance have a 90% unemployment rate, and massive extended families. Any hostility is motivated by the British people's anger at our country being ripped off and colonised by vast numbers of alens who don't belong here and have no right to be here. If you don't like it you can always leave.
I have come to your wonderful country to escape poverty and create a better life for me and my family. Why do you wish to deny me this. I am not stealing from you or hurting you so please kind sir open your heart to love and welcome your brothers and sisters from around the world.
Ron Davies, Welsh Secretary during the last Labour government, admitted visiting a notorious gay sex haunt, but only to look for BADGERS.
Davies said: “I’ve actually been there watching badgers first thing in the morning. I know the area, it is very pleasant."
He denied he was on the lookout for sexual partners during a visit to the park, but said he did meet a stranger. A national newspaper, however, took photos of him having sex with a man described as a "builder".
I want it on record that TC has NEVER worked in the building trade.
the following ravings are copied from the official twitter account of bnp leader nick griffin so looks like panoramas gonna be a good one!
"BBC Panorama smearmongers ran full credit check on Jackie last week. Nothing wrong to be found of course but shows how desperate Powers That Be are to aid their 'nationalist' collaborators in their failing bid to get rid of me and break the party. Dream on, we're here to stay, together!"
"Bbc round filming outside our office first thing this morning. They should be exposing Muslim heroin jihad against Britain, not corrupting democratic process."
"Those who collaborate with media smear mongers put themselves beyond the Pale."
"BBC say it's not them who've been making underhand credit checks. So that'll be one of the 'deform' group looking for info to try to sell them then. Lowest of the low!"
"List leak rebels, bitter sacked former staff, Nazi cranks & police/ Searchlight touts all collaborating with BBC Panorama to try to murder BNP where the Equality Commission failed. They'll fail too, but not for want of trying. BBC are the worst as they force us all to pay for their PC propaganda machine."
Thousands of qualified and over-qualified candidates are looking for their next job right now. Many have built up years of experience in their specific sector or trade, with enviable skills, expertise and qualifications that young school leavers could only dream of. Why then, are they strugggling to find a job?
Clearly, there are fewer jobs around right now. They are also are more expensive category of candidate to hire.
But of the jobs that are being advertised (and where employers are willing to pay a premium), I am finding that companies are becoming ever more picky about who they hire. It's not actually about "skills shortages" - so many employers blame a dearth of talent for not being able to fill posts - but actually, what they mean is that they cannot find the right type of person to fill their role.
Personality, attitude, cultural fit. These are all things that are put first, above and beyond skills and qualifications on paper. If you are fully trained but won't "fit in" with an organisation's values then you don't stand a chance against hundreds of other applicants.
It is becoming critical for candidates to seek out not only the sector that suits them best, but those employers that match their way of doing things.
We’ve found that over the past 15 years, even in industries such as IT, where skills were once considered the most important factor, there has been a seismic shift towards recruiting for company culture.
In IT, the main reason for this is because the industry has become more business-focused. We often find that technology-focused companies will take on people and train them if they don’t have all the skills, but do fit the culture of the business.
Organisations' choosy behaviour is partly down to the abundance of degree-qualified job seekers. The sheer volume of degree-qualified candidates has forced employers to look for something else which distinguishes the individual.
By looking for employees that share their values and personality, many companies feel that it helps greatly to pull everyone in the same direction.
The potential problem with this approach is that having "similar" personalities and ways of working can hinder an organisation’s ability to react to different customer needs. Managers need to be careful they don't simply hire like-for-like (someone that looks and talks exactly like them) or they may miss out on the most innovation.
So how do you get the right cultural fit? The best place to start is looking at how a company presents itself through its job advert, website or recruitment fairs. This will indicate what it is like to work there and attract the right sort of people - in theory at least.
The interview stage will also give both employer and job candidate insight into whether somebody is the correct fit for the company. Questions could include things such as:
-What management style supports you to perform at your best?
-What are your expectations of your colleagues?
-What is most important to you at work?
As cultural fit grows in importance, some companies are taking a radical approach to finding the best talent. In the industrial and manufacturing sector, some employers are encouraging perspective candidates to take a group tour of the business to confirm if they really want to work there, before they even get that far down the recruitment process.
Please understand that you will not be treated as an equal for you are not one. The people who are native to this island are the same people who donned redcoats and conquered armies many times greater than their meagre numbers would belie.
We invented the steam engine, the television, the telephone and the descendents of our colonists in America put men on the moon.
We gave the world Shakespeare, Elgar, Keats, Burns, Dickens, The Duke of Wellington, Enoch Powell, George Orwell.
We British are the greatest of a most wondrous race of men and we were so before the multicultural experiment, in fact our society and status as the dominant world power have since declined dramatically.
All that our nation used to be has been stripped away from us, we can only hope of creating men of the like we used to.
Immigration, as forced onto us by our traitor politicians, has created a nation of people too scared to speak out againts the economic and social injustices forced upon the Native British people.
You may mean well Mr. Manugai but Brtons live best with Britons and Im sure your people would be best off if you rejoined them to fight against similar problems in your own land.
Dear Mr Snake Slayer. I agree with most of what you say. England and the english are the reason why i fled economic hardship in my country of birth and moved to england. Since i arrived in 1998 i have had four boys and three girls and they are proud to be english. They are part of the best nation in the world and we all love england and we are all honoured to be called english.
Have seen the new west leaflet someone correct me if I am wrong, eight years on benefits,and free home in Costa Nothing land ,will amount to a tad over £200,000 and a lot more than the other people earned on his leaflet,he does say EARNED in his leaflet.
In my old country we were very poor. England has the best benefits system in the world. In my village we only had one television which was housed in the school but when the generator drunk all the petrol the television and lights went off. When the wonderful and kind people from the british council come to our village in in 1998 they told us everyone in england is rich and everyone has there own television and if we come to england we would have one to. Half of the people from my village agreed to come and we now love england as our own country. Everyone all over the world loves england and it is the best place in the world.
Yes you're right about Mr West. However I don't want to criticize his financial support. In much the same way he should accept that his local councillors receive payments for their work in running local democracy. 'earned' in his own words
Public opinion, like our political system, is reactive rather than pro-active. Both react to events as they happen rather than by anticipating them. In short both our political system, and the public opinion that in theory governs it are based on short-term thinking. Nationalism on the other hand is based largely on long-term thinking. We tend to look at current events/trends and then make our own assessment of where these events/trends will lead. This in practice means that we sometimes end up advocating policies that to many members of the general public are believe to be extreme.
The issue of immigration provides a good example of these two different types of thinking short-term vs long-term. The majority of public opinion in this country has now come round to the view that immigration needs to be limited or even stopped. Short-term public opinion based as it is in the present, now says that if we stop immigration everything will be all right. If we then compare this with our own nationalist thinking which states that, even if immigration was completely stopped today we will still have a major problem we see the difference. Both of these positions are legitimate but one, to me at least, involves wish full thinking in the here and now while the other is looking to the future and being prepared of the worst.
While dealing with the general public we have all at one time or another been asked, 'Why don't you just live and let live.' My own answer to this question has always been that I have looked into current politic trends and don't like where they are leading. It is of course entirely possible that I am wrong in my observations but we all have to have faith in our own judgement. If I, along with the movement which I support, then get labelled as extremist then so be it. What matters is not that our policies are seen by public opinion to be "extreme" but rather that they are seen to be credible; and at the same time, can be backed up by sound arguments to show that they will one day be needed. On that day, such policies will no longer be seen as extreme but as being entirely necessary. Yes Nationalist thinking is out of sync with public opinion on many issues but rather than seeing this as a bad thing it should instead be seen as an entirely natural state of affairs. If we are to become a genuinely revolutionary movement, and that's a big if, it can not be other wise.
Can someone explain why NCB also posts under the user name BNP Meltdown and Thinker? His writing style is so unique I can spot it immediately but he seems to offer opposing views on the same subject when using his alter-ego personas.
Thank you Big Ben, I suppose it could be a possibility.
Back in the 1980’s I was DHSS fraud investigator and I was a handwriting expert responsible for identifying possible fraudulent multiple claimants. I have no handwriting style to study but nearly as important as the actual hand writing is the writing style. Everyone has a unique writing style and the poster using the name seems to strive for perfection, but he or she does not always quite manage to get it right and that is their weakness.
When posting using an alter-ego NCB would be advised to use a random series of minor unrelated errors to cover his tracks.
Gis a job Mr Manugai, you're right, employers do demand a lot more now, but the vast majority simultaneously want to pay a lot less. Sometimes this is because at the moment money's tight, but in the main it's because they've got the whip hand and BECAUSE THEY CAN.
Support for the Dukinfield three, yes Councillors should receive expenses, but a) They get too much, and b) We don't need three elected representatives for 11000 people. Especially not when staff, wages and services are being cut.
Thinker, you're correct, looking ahead is crucial. It's obvious which way things are currently headed. Here are the most likely, possible outcomes:
Multiculturalism will continue to be imposed until the Islamic population reaches 75% or so when monoculturalism (i.e Islam) will take over. They are the most united and easily the most fertile, having their breeding stock (we call them women) firmly under control.
The British will take hold of their destiny, stop their destruction, elect a nationalist government while it's still demographically possible and after several years of trouble, unrest and violence reclaim their land.
The British people will leave it too late for peaceful means, and long term, violent clashes akin to a civil war between the indigenous and the colonisers (who will probably be simultaneously fighting amongst themselves) will ensue.
What criteria are you using to say they are paid too much? What are your proposals eg hw many councillors per ward and what would this save? Simply saying they are paid too much doesn't explain alternatives
Support for the Dukinfield Three, my criteria are that £22000 on average per amateur, part-time representative is far too much. They're supposed to receive remuneration for any outlay/loss etc. £22000 is a wage for a good, full time job, especially with the chronic wage suppression of the last few years. That wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that there are 57 councillors for 215,000 residents, i.e one per 3700 constituents. Compare that to an MP who has to represent 100,000 constituents. Even one councillor per ward, average 11000 people, would be excessive. A reasonable 'alternative' would be to significantly reduce the number of wards and have one elected representative for each. Pay them a good full time salary, say seven professionals, experienced in representation and local affairs, on £50,000 each, all barred from having ANY outside interests. In today's climate there'd be no shortage of applicants. That would save nearly £1 million. Staff and services are being cut and Tamesiders are suffering as a result, why should councillors be excepted?
90% of the people condemning the train woman would say nothing if they'd heard the start of that dispute and the man for example had called her an 'Effing white bitch' or similar. That's because they're gutless hypocrites who hate their own kind.
Yellow Nation, the argument with the train woman began when invaders asked her to give up her seat and stand so they could take her seat. The bastards know the whole system is geared against the indiginous in favour of the invaders.
Enoch Powell's prophetic words were more accurate than anyone could have imagined.
I admire your proposal. I think some people would think 7 not enough to represent their interests. And I'm afraid this site would be full of people criticizing a payment of £50,000 even if it was warranted.
Support the Dukinfield Three, if it was explained to the public, re the relative ratios (even with 50 less councillors it would still be one representative per 30,000 locally and one representative per 100,000 at a national level), the significant cost savings and the fact that they would be represented by full time, experienced, professional, intelligent, and educated people, I believe the vast majority would be in favour. The current system would be extremely difficult to justify in a boom, in the current economic circumstances it is insupportable.
I think TC is male, an anti-government type, in his mid-twenties, grossly overweight and lives in cyberspace. His complexion is probably pasty and he's a heavy cannabis user with the associated paranoia.
Drug use is a killer for individuals and societies. In my view every drug manufacturer, grower, user and dealer should be killed. Imagine how much better the world would be without them.
I'd put TC as a male, in his 50's, a good mate of John Hall, lived through the anti-establishment era of punk and the sex pistols and lives in Denton. Well educated, pr obably a teacher / lecturer
Come on now, 130 comments for a one minute clip of badgers. For fu*ks sake, change the story. Surely there must be something happening in Tameside worthy of debate.
The BBC sci-fi drama Torchwood has attracted a deluge of complaints because of its main characters having gay sex.
Torchwood is a direct spin-off of the children's programme Dr Who. The BBC and the makers of Torchwood KNOW large numbers of children will be watching. It is clearly an attempt to promote a perverted lifestyle to adult viewers, but more importantly an attempt to corrupt the many children watching. Licence fee payers, especially those with children should be clear about the BBC's warped agenda before renewing. No choice? Yes you have, don't pay.
They should have a character who has his genitals surgically removed and promote that as normal. Oh hang on, in the lunatic asylum of the western world that's 'transgender' and apparently IS normal. The promotion of incest and bestiality will be next in the ongoing PC liberal campaign to corrupt and destroy all decent values.
It is a deisgrace, Doctor Who is a beloved programme of all British Sci-Fi fans.
I wouldnt say it was a chuldrens programme or at least it wasn;t, the tripe that the BBC try and claim as Doctor Who is shocking, openly queer characters, ridiculous hollywood music throughout the show, every episode being the end of the world.
It may appear as a childrens show to us but thus is the intellectual level of its average adult viewer.
What makes it worse is that I watched a lot of the first series of torchwood after being lured in by the gorgeous Eve Myles. Kept me watching for a while, until that Freema Agyeman came into it. She is one of those peoples who appears to be soulless, like many others on television, dead behind the eyes.
214 arrests at the Notting Hill Carnival, slightly down on last year so let's all celebrate that fantastic achievement. But of course the velvet gloves will have been even softer this year, after all we don't want to incite another riot by arresting criminals. It's a drug user and dealers paradise but it's better to let them off than make trouble isn't it. That's what the appeasers in the 30s said about Hitler. It's called spinlessness.
The Metropolitan Police have put the cost at £34 million. That doesn't include the massive cost of the refuse collection and clear up.
Imagine a StGeorge's Day parade (not in London, it's not an English city now) that cost a fraction of that and caused a fraction of that amount of trouble, it'd be 'Skinhead white thugs go on crime fest.' The bought and paid for media would be campaigning on, 'Never again!'
The modern British media have got no principles and believe in nothing. They'll carry on getting away with it as long as the British people's apathy and ignorance hold sway.
The last Labour government spent £40,000 on African drumming lessons for civil servants. That doesn't sound like much in the grand scheme of things but the point is, it's our money. Imagine how you'd feel if you heard a government department had burned £40,000 of taxpayer's money just because they felt like it, because it's the same thing.
There's been a recalculation of the official 2010 new jobs figures. It was a t first given as 80% of all new jobs went to cheap labour, sorry foreigners. The ACTUAL figure is 92%. Don't forget, if you want to back up the traitorous backstabbing government no matter what because it makes you feel secure, stick to the mantra: 'All Brits are lazy scroungers, all foreigners are paragons of hard work.' Kicking your own kind in the teeth with such gutless, total bullshit is easier than facing the truth.
Thanks for the compliments regarding the video. Since this footage was taken there has been developments with these badgers. I have another video of them having a vicious fight - see main article to watch.
What’s all this about ‘identifying TC’? Very odd and will the real NCB please stand up!
Excellent video. Not easy to get them like that. Well done.
One word, fantastic.
You're right to keep the location secret but I'd be interested to know if this is in in the heart of Tameside, as I have a keen interest in the conservation of rural habitats/Green Belt in urban areas?
We shouldn't ignore the potential problems to farmers and their cattle from these animals, specifically the explosion in bovine TB in the last twenty years. There is an experimental cull currently in operation.
Good footage. The Badger is our most ancient Briton now the bear and wolf has been wiped out.
The illegal sport of badger digging continues to occur around England. It involves men sending dogs down into the sett to find the badger, which is then dug out and put with a number of dogs to fight until death. Sometimes badgers suffer terrible injuries before they are thrown to the dogs.
People digging for badgers will normally have two or three terriers or lurcher dogs with them and will also be equipped with spades and sacks. If you see such persons and genuinely believe they are digging for badgers make a note of their description, their dogs and the tools they have in their possession, together with the registration numbers of vehicles you believe to be associated with them. Call the police at once, giving the location of the incident or even better smash them over the head with a rock if you think they are likely to attack you before the police arrive.
Give me badgers over immigrants any day.
Remember to protest in Jan when this suspected animal torturer is up for trial.
Always be on the look out for men with terrier and lurcher dogs. If they go out late at night or very early in the mornings, usually in a 4wd vehicle they may be a badger baiters. Report them to us if you can identify any such people or post their details on here.
Why are the League Against Cruel Sports campaigning against the badger cull trial? It isn't a sport.
If you're going to get involved in other stuff, start by campaigning against the industrial scale atrocity of Halal and Kosher slaughter.
The badger cull is immoral as is religious ritual slaughter.
Allowing 22000 cattle a year to get TB and NOT conducting a scientific trial cull of badgers to determine their part in TB's spread, because it's unpleasant, and makes a few people feel bad, is 'immoral'.
Religious slaughter is totally unnecessary barbarism based on archaic, foreign mumbo-jumbo.
Sorry to disappoint but the badger/bovineTB link is dismissed by all leading experts.
I agree about the savage practice of ritual slaughter. It should be banned with no exemptions.
It isn't dismissed by all leading experts at all. The cause of the 10,000% increase in bovine TB in the last thirty years is disputed. The strongest suspect by far is the badger.
A long term study by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee calculated a 77% increase in the British badger population between 1988 and 1997. The generally accepted pre 1995 figure is 190,000, compared to the current 310,000, a 63% increase.
The purpose of the cull trial in the Southwest is to determine scientifically the likely national effect on bovine TB levels.
Although the issue as a whole is complex and there are other possible, partial causes for the disease's increase, the rapid growth of the highly protected badger population is difficult to ignore.
Most animal rights group's objections are based on their 'moral' stance on culling, or indeed anything unpleasant being done to animals, even if necessary. Or their version of morality, i.e. it's OK for cattle and farmers to suffer but not badgers, they tend to cover this with a pseudo-objective/scientific veneer.
These groups' silence on the undisputedly unnecessary barbarity of industrial scale religious slaughter is deafening.
Having witnessed religious slaughter many times I agree there should be a review with a view to it being made illegal.
What a complete letdown the Tories are proving to be. Despite their promises to bring the immigration crisis under control new figures released today show a 21% increase in immigration over the last year.
They are doing exactly what Thatcher did in 79, talking tough on immigration to gain votes but at the same time allowing the uncontrolled masses of the third world to swamp us.
The wheels of Capitalism constantly needs oiling with a never ending source of cheap labour.
The Lib/Lab/Con elite has one message to the British worker who is struggling in low paid work or even worse cannot find work. The message is: grovel on your knees for the crumbs that falls from our Internationalists rich mans table because if you don't we will happily watch you starve.
The British political elite have zero loyalty to the indigenous of this island. This country desperately needs a new workers movement just like that set up by the great patriot Keir Hardy. The current mob of ’mainstream’ parties and their trade union counterparts are all Internationalists and therefore inherently opposed to the rights of British workers. Their aim is to ensure at all costs the free movement of capital and labour around the globe to maximise the wealth of their financier masters.
Don't care what you all say but only way out of this mess is VOTE LABOUR
Free yourself from convicted criminals you gob shite , your a convicted criminal and now you have turned on the only party to support you.
You caused us nothing but trouble but we still supported you,we will be better off without you.
Very sad that people can't see that the only way out is by voting LABOUR both locally (John Taylor for Leader) and nationally. Get rid of ConDems
Where's the post on Longdendale Bypass? I miss the John Hall rants.
Yes and the BNP promote porn what does thast tell you?
BNP there's not active bnp members in the NW now, only the Salford small group.
BNP are spent. Labour's the future after this lot of ConDems
You'll be voting for John then. Great guy and has the interests of Dukinfied at heart. Trust me
Looking forward to the BBC Panorama special they are making about the collapse of the BNP - should be a cracker!
You won't win as an independent. If you are so interested in Dukinfield politics why don't you become John's agent?
Come on Roy. Do it for the benefit of Dukinfield.
Roy. Then join John Taylor and be his agent or help with his leafleting
Labour are the past. The modern Labour party is anti-british, pro-globalisation, pro-immigration, pro-privatisation and anti-worker.
There isnt a party that British patriots can join and fight the state at the moment but something will turn up. With a bit of luck circumstances will allow us to have our party back soon.
On an unrelated topic, if MI5 are reading this, we all think Griffin is a brilliant leader and we are sure he will lead us into a Nationalist government soon, I just hope nothing unfortunate happens to him to stop that from happening. Worth a try isnt it?
Brtilliant post by Serpent Slayer. You are one of the best posters on this blog.
Great victory for Taylor and searchlight, history shows where ever they campaign against the BNP they win.
Disastrous council results were the beginning of the end, rats now jumping ship,look back at some of the West rants praising the BNP.
Well done John Taylor and searchlight the fascist have been defeated and your town is free of the scum forever.
Half the stuff we spread all over the internet wasn't even true. Griffin has been stitched up like a kipper and the bnp is finished. A job well done
Rip bnp hello new nationalist party.
John Taylor, Jim Fitzpatrick etc liaising and associating with hard left, anti-democratic organisations like Searchlight/UAF speaks volumes.
If Keir Hardy WERE alive he'd spit in both Blair AND Red Ed Miliband's faces.
Another stunning victory for Taylor, West defeated, now he wants to start his own party ,guess who will be leader.
Prepare yourself for another election defeat it takes at least 10years to get rid of the BNP stigma if your lucky.
Electors will be reminded of his association with the BNP.
Andrew Brons will be the leader, of a new nationalist party you moron.
It's got to come and it will.
the undefeated just in cast your brain is not working (follow the link)
They'll be a new nationalist party led by Andrew Brons MEP.
It will come, no option very soon.
We will be celebrating the downfall of the BNP in Dukinfield very soon just like they are celebrating in Libya.
Dancing on the steps of the town hall and outside the community centre the site of another recent victory when our members took the piss out of a local fascist, assisting the Labour members in the election UAF members helped them to a great victory ,then later in the town hall we chased the defeated rabble out onto the streets never to be seen again.
Since then leaflets and social networking sites have assisted in demoralising the remaining scum bags who have now started to desert the sinking cess pit of a ship.
What a great day this is, we may take the official surrender in the WHITE HART just to make the racist feel a little better ,we real English can be magnanimous.
We accept.....
We true socialist's will be there.
The BBC documentary will be the final nail in their coffin. We may betray the workers of this country. We may be traitors who aim to disposses the British in their homeland. We may fight illegal wars for a Greater Judea but none of this matters because we get paid very well for our treason and we enjoy life in the mainstream political arena.
We accept your white flag it's not a white flag you numpty.
Why would an old carclocker get so worked up over it?
re the immigration figures....They reflect only the first half-year of the new Government. Judge them after a couple of years.
BNP twitchers have today reported a rare sighting of the now almost extinct British National Party election candidate in Shirebrook South West ward in the Bolsover area of Derbyshire.
Nick Griffin's man, Tom Key, is going head to head with Sandra Peake of the Labour Party - in Labour legend Dennis Skinner's back yard.
Let's hope the Beast of Bolsover himself is at the count tonight to give the fascist an earful of traditional common sense!
BNP Meltdown earful? why are you always about making threats?
The End of Gaddafi will help Israel and the world.
Why is it that Christianity has produced countries that everyone wants to live in, whereas Islam has only produced countries that everyone wants to escape from.
If the Shirebrook Southwest Ward is a typical Labour area they could stand a dug up corpse as a candidate, and provided it was wearing a red rosette it would win easily.
Concerned Bloke, 'They reflect only the first half year of the new government.' You cannot seriously believe the coalition are going to do anything remotely meaningful about immigration.
It is by far the biggest threat to this country and should have taken top priority with immediate draconian action. Instead there's been another massive INCREASE, on top of the existing astronomical figures.
Cameron has made two speeches in the last few months enthusiastically welcoming the potential accession of Turkey into the EU. The government has also cut THE UK Border Agency's funding just at the time when it needs significantly increasing.
Yes, but Dave said it and he's the Prime Minister so it must be true.
Many people in modern Britain have developed such a horror of any destabilisation that they automatically support and believe anything authority figures say. They'd rather have a lie that makes them feel secure than a truth that does the opposite.
Every single geographic position in the UK that is currently effectd by criminal looting and thuggery are essentially BLACK communities.
White people up and down the country who happen to live in run down estates simliar to theos occupied by Blacks in UK cities don't shit on their own communities
Shirebrook South West Ward
Labour 200 (47%)
Green 103 (24%)
Con 76 (18%)
BNP 43 (10%)
This by-election was caused by the untimely death of a popular local independent candidate who got an impressive 52% share of the vote in this May's council election.
All parties will have been looking to improve their share of the vote. The question was; which party would attract most of the independent's supporters and win the seat?
Ed Miliband's labour candidate predictably surged to victory with a 15% increase from 32% to 47%.
The Greens arguably did even better with a very impressive 24% share, especially since they didn't stand in May.
Wards like Shirebrook show just how open our traditional democratic system is. A respectable independent focused on local issues can humble the national parties and small parties like the Greens can really make an impact. The recent failures of the BNP are just that; the failures of the BNP, not the fault of our democratic system.
Even the Tories increased their vote from 10% to 18%.
But what of the British Boneheads? Surely they continue to make titanic electoral strides towards their dream of a fascist Britain?
They slumped from third place behind the Tories last time to last place and only 43 votes last night. They were the only party not to increase their share of the vote and remain unchanged on 10%.
As the youngsters may say:
BNP Meltdown aka Tameside Citizen.
Those darn hyphens again. Lol
So Janet Callender now exits as Chief Executive of Trafford Council after exiting TMBC as Chief Executive
just two years ago.
Health problems it suggests.
72 complaints against TMBC lodged with the Ombudsman.
Obviously not many in Tameside can write.
TC, how come those animals have stripey faces?
I have analysed the style of writing used by BNP Meltdown and I can confirm it is not TC's style as it is word perfect. It is actually someone who regularly posts here under the user name NCB.
BNP Meltdown, why the long analysis of a minor council by-election result where 80% didn't even bother to vote?
You and your kind detest democracy and try to subvert it if the 'right' parties are doing too well or are on the rise. You haven't the courage, moral or physical, to stand openly and put policies before the electorate. Instead skulking in the background trying to undermine the democratic process.
No doubt the BNP and other groups have some fascistic tendencies and opinions, but you and your kind are the purest representation of fascism imaginable.
I am not writing under the name BNP Meltdown, although I'm flattered that someone thinks it is me because whoever it is writes quite well. The poor devil appears to be somewhat obsessed with minor council by-elections that involve the BNP.
My question to him is simple: If the BNP is finished and no longer of any relevance, then why are you spending so much time and effort writing about it?
NCB it's the thought of them being there.
There desperate hope that no nationalist will stand in elections, is they obsession.
Nationalism is far from finished, it's on the rise in Austria, France, Holland, Finland, Belgium etc.
In Britain, on the surface it's doing badly, but the leftie anti-democrats and their internationalist masters know the multi-culti lunacy is becoming increasingly difficult to cover up.
They also know the British have a long habit of being relaxed about such issues because they are so relaxed and confident (in reality overconfident) about their national identity. Above all they know the British have a habit of letting things go and then snapping 'all at once'.
Re the badger footage, one ran across the road in front of me on Werneth Low last night. There are definitely more about.
We cannot remember a nationalist leader who has been loathed so much by fellow nationalists and even considered by many as an enemy and liability to the cause.
“You have been too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!”
Piss off Griffin you fat tosser
Please kind sirs. I am a refugee living in Ashton and i notice there is hostility towards refugees here. We love england and we come here to make england a great place. Please welcome us and accept us as equals.
Devout Christian,
I would say that the reason "Christian" countries function better than islamic ones is nothing to do with religion. It is simply a matter of race.
Islamic lands are ruins but so are all the other lands belonging to Black people and black racial mixes (middle easterners, indians)
On the contrary all predominantly white countries are prosperous and built up, very few of these pay much heed to the "made for whites" version of the Jewish hocus pocus.
On the other hand Christianity made us see the blacks as our brothers under an all powerful Hebrew speaking sky-genie who teaches us to be suspicious of nature, to see sex as little better than an unnecessary evil and worst of all to see all mankind as inherently sinful!
The white man has done well, but he could have done better if he had followed the call of his blood, denied foreigners into his religion and most importantly treated the Jews for the vermin they are as oppsoed to the chosen people of god.
Mr Manugai, this is a small extremely densely populated island, any hostility towards refugees is caused by the failure of large numbers of them to even try to assimilate. Also by the fact that none of them have any legal right to come here, yet our soft traitorous government lets them in in ever growing droves. When they get in large numbers leach off our benefits stystem, the Somalians for instance have a 90% unemployment rate, and massive extended families.
Any hostility is motivated by the British people's anger at our country being ripped off and colonised by vast numbers of alens who don't belong here and have no right to be here. If you don't like it you can always leave.
I have come to your wonderful country to escape poverty and create a better life for me and my family. Why do you wish to deny me this. I am not stealing from you or hurting you so please kind sir open your heart to love and welcome your brothers and sisters from around the world.
Ron Davies, Welsh Secretary during the last Labour government, admitted visiting a notorious gay sex haunt, but only to look for BADGERS.
Davies said: “I’ve actually been there watching badgers first thing in the morning. I know the area, it is very pleasant."
He denied he was on the lookout for sexual partners during a visit to the park, but said he did meet a stranger. A national newspaper, however, took photos of him having sex with a man described as a "builder".
I want it on record that TC has NEVER worked in the building trade.
I hope you're not referring to me!!
Well said, are you joining the new party?
the following ravings are copied from the official twitter account of bnp leader nick griffin so looks like panoramas gonna be a good one!
"BBC Panorama smearmongers ran full credit check on Jackie last week. Nothing wrong to be found of course but shows how desperate Powers That Be are to aid their 'nationalist' collaborators in their failing bid to get rid of me and break the party. Dream on, we're here to stay, together!"
"Bbc round filming outside our office first thing this morning. They should be exposing Muslim heroin jihad against Britain, not corrupting democratic process."
"Those who collaborate with media smear mongers put themselves beyond the Pale."
"BBC say it's not them who've been making underhand credit checks. So that'll be one of the 'deform' group looking for info to try to sell them then. Lowest of the low!"
"List leak rebels, bitter sacked former staff, Nazi cranks & police/ Searchlight touts all collaborating with BBC Panorama to try to murder BNP where the Equality Commission failed. They'll fail too, but not for want of trying. BBC are the worst as they force us all to pay for their PC propaganda machine."
Thousands of qualified and over-qualified candidates are looking for their next job right now. Many have built up years of experience in their specific sector or trade, with enviable skills, expertise and qualifications that young school leavers could only dream of. Why then, are they strugggling to find a job?
Clearly, there are fewer jobs around right now. They are also are more expensive category of candidate to hire.
But of the jobs that are being advertised (and where employers are willing to pay a premium), I am finding that companies are becoming ever more picky about who they hire. It's not actually about "skills shortages" - so many employers blame a dearth of talent for not being able to fill posts - but actually, what they mean is that they cannot find the right type of person to fill their role.
Personality, attitude, cultural fit. These are all things that are put first, above and beyond skills and qualifications on paper. If you are fully trained but won't "fit in" with an organisation's values then you don't stand a chance against hundreds of other applicants.
It is becoming critical for candidates to seek out not only the sector that suits them best, but those employers that match their way of doing things.
We’ve found that over the past 15 years, even in industries such as IT, where skills were once considered the most important factor, there has been a seismic shift towards recruiting for company culture.
In IT, the main reason for this is because the industry has become more business-focused. We often find that technology-focused companies will take on people and train them if they don’t have all the skills, but do fit the culture of the business.
Organisations' choosy behaviour is partly down to the abundance of degree-qualified job seekers. The sheer volume of degree-qualified candidates has forced employers to look for something else which distinguishes the individual.
By looking for employees that share their values and personality, many companies feel that it helps greatly to pull everyone in the same direction.
The potential problem with this approach is that having "similar" personalities and ways of working can hinder an organisation’s ability to react to different customer needs. Managers need to be careful they don't simply hire like-for-like (someone that looks and talks exactly like them) or they may miss out on the most innovation.
So how do you get the right cultural fit? The best place to start is looking at how a company presents itself through its job advert, website or recruitment fairs. This will indicate what it is like to work there and attract the right sort of people - in theory at least.
The interview stage will also give both employer and job candidate insight into whether somebody is the correct fit for the company. Questions could include things such as:
-What management style supports you to perform at your best?
-What are your expectations of your colleagues?
-What is most important to you at work?
As cultural fit grows in importance, some companies are taking a radical approach to finding the best talent. In the industrial and manufacturing sector, some employers are encouraging perspective candidates to take a group tour of the business to confirm if they really want to work there, before they even get that far down the recruitment process.
Please understand that you will not be treated as an equal for you are not one. The people who are native to this island are the same people who donned redcoats and conquered armies many times greater than their meagre numbers would belie.
We invented the steam engine, the television, the telephone and the descendents of our colonists in America put men on the moon.
We gave the world Shakespeare, Elgar, Keats, Burns, Dickens, The Duke of Wellington, Enoch Powell, George Orwell.
We British are the greatest of a most wondrous race of men and we were so before the multicultural experiment, in fact our society and status as the dominant world power have since declined dramatically.
All that our nation used to be has been stripped away from us, we can only hope of creating men of the like we used to.
Immigration, as forced onto us by our traitor politicians, has created a nation of people too scared to speak out againts the economic and social injustices forced upon the Native British people.
You may mean well Mr. Manugai but Brtons live best with Britons and Im sure your people would be best off if you rejoined them to fight against similar problems in your own land.
Dear Mr Snake Slayer. I agree with most of what you say. England and the english are the reason why i fled economic hardship in my country of birth and moved to england. Since i arrived in 1998 i have had four boys and three girls and they are proud to be english. They are part of the best nation in the world and we all love england and we are all honoured to be called english.
Have seen the new west leaflet someone correct me if I am wrong, eight years on benefits,and free home in Costa Nothing land ,will amount to a tad over £200,000 and a lot more than the other people earned on his leaflet,he does say EARNED in his leaflet.
In my old country we were very poor. England has the best benefits system in the world. In my village we only had one television which was housed in the school but when the generator drunk all the petrol the television and lights went off. When the wonderful and kind people from the british council come to our village in in 1998 they told us everyone in england is rich and everyone has there own television and if we come to england we would have one to. Half of the people from my village agreed to come and we now love england as our own country. Everyone all over the world loves england and it is the best place in the world.
New Spurious Griffin/Harrington Charges Brought Against Martin Wingfield.
Costa Nothing
Yes you're right about Mr West. However I don't want to criticize his financial support. In much the same way he should accept that his local councillors receive payments for their work in running local democracy. 'earned' in his own words
Manukhwar you might find what this courageous lady has to say. She deserves a medal for having the balls to tell it how it is.
Public opinion, like our political system, is reactive rather than pro-active. Both react to events as they happen rather than by anticipating them. In short both our political system, and the public opinion that in theory governs it are based on short-term thinking. Nationalism on the other hand is based largely on long-term thinking. We tend to look at current events/trends and then make our own assessment of where these events/trends will lead. This in practice means that we sometimes end up advocating policies that to many members of the general public are believe to be extreme.
The issue of immigration provides a good example of these two different types of thinking short-term vs long-term. The majority of public opinion in this country has now come round to the view that immigration needs to be limited or even stopped. Short-term public opinion based as it is in the present, now says that if we stop immigration everything will be all right. If we then compare this with our own nationalist thinking which states that, even if immigration was completely stopped today we will still have a major problem we see the difference. Both of these positions are legitimate but one, to me at least, involves wish full thinking in the here and now while the other is looking to the future and being prepared of the worst.
While dealing with the general public we have all at one time or another been asked, 'Why don't you just live and let live.' My own answer to this question has always been that I have looked into current politic trends and don't like where they are leading. It is of course entirely possible that I am wrong in my observations but we all have to have faith in our own judgement. If I, along with the movement which I support, then get labelled as extremist then so be it. What matters is not that our policies are seen by public opinion to be "extreme" but rather that they are seen to be credible; and at the same time, can be backed up by sound arguments to show that they will one day be needed. On that day, such policies will no longer be seen as extreme but as being entirely necessary. Yes Nationalist thinking is out of sync with public opinion on many issues but rather than seeing this as a bad thing it should instead be seen as an entirely natural state of affairs. If we are to become a genuinely revolutionary movement, and that's a big if, it can not be other wise.
Well said that woman.
Human Rights According to Clueless Clegg.
Can someone explain why NCB also posts under the user name BNP Meltdown and Thinker? His writing style is so unique I can spot it immediately but he seems to offer opposing views on the same subject when using his alter-ego personas.
Don't know Janet maybe you could give us more of an insight in to your findings.
I cannot understand it because he posts contradictory messages depending upon what user name he is using at the time.
maybe he's a double agent it happens you know
You mean he might work for the government security services?
something like that i suppose, splinter groups have these double agents. It's been an old age solution of state control.
People you least expect.
Thank you Big Ben, I suppose it could be a possibility.
Back in the 1980’s I was DHSS fraud investigator and I was a handwriting expert responsible for identifying possible fraudulent multiple claimants. I have no handwriting style to study but nearly as important as the actual hand writing is the writing style. Everyone has a unique writing style and the poster using the name seems to strive for perfection, but he or she does not always quite manage to get it right and that is their weakness.
When posting using an alter-ego NCB would be advised to use a random series of minor unrelated errors to cover his tracks.
remember janat
Gis a job Mr Manugai, you're right, employers do demand a lot more now, but the vast majority simultaneously want to pay a lot less. Sometimes this is because at the moment money's tight, but in the main it's because they've got the whip hand and BECAUSE THEY CAN.
Mr Manugai, if you've only managed seven children in thirteen years you should be ashamed of yourself for letting the side down.
Support for the Dukinfield three, yes Councillors should receive expenses, but a) They get too much, and b) We don't need three elected representatives for 11000 people. Especially not when staff, wages and services are being cut.
Thinker, you're correct, looking ahead is crucial. It's obvious which way things are currently headed. Here are the most likely, possible outcomes:
Multiculturalism will continue to be imposed until the Islamic population reaches 75% or so when monoculturalism (i.e Islam) will take over. They are the most united and easily the most fertile, having their breeding stock (we call them women) firmly under control.
The British will take hold of their destiny, stop their destruction, elect a nationalist government while it's still demographically possible and after several years of trouble, unrest and violence reclaim their land.
The British people will leave it too late for peaceful means, and long term, violent clashes akin to a civil war between the indigenous and the colonisers (who will probably be simultaneously fighting amongst themselves) will ensue.
Support for the Dukinfield Three
i think it's all a big con and a rip off, you know money for nothing.
Anon 16:22
What criteria are you using to say they are paid too much? What are your proposals eg hw many councillors per ward and what would this save? Simply saying they are paid too much doesn't explain alternatives
the criteria that they get paid for nothing, whats your criteria?
John hurry up with this leagal action.
The leaflet does not say you earned a holiday home from the Council.
temporary guests not permanant residents, any chance you have this young womans number.
I think she was very rude to that man and needs a firm hand to teach her a lesson!
I'll be back in ten minutes while I ponder what I've just said.
Support for the Dukinfield Three, my criteria are that £22000 on average per amateur, part-time representative is far too much. They're supposed to receive remuneration for any outlay/loss etc. £22000 is a wage for a good, full time job, especially with the chronic wage suppression of the last few years.
That wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that there are 57 councillors for 215,000 residents, i.e one per 3700 constituents. Compare that to an MP who has to represent 100,000 constituents. Even one councillor per ward, average 11000 people, would be excessive.
A reasonable 'alternative' would be to significantly reduce the number of wards and have one elected representative for each. Pay them a good full time salary, say seven professionals, experienced in representation and local affairs, on £50,000 each, all barred from having ANY outside interests. In today's climate there'd be no shortage of applicants. That would save nearly £1 million.
Staff and services are being cut and Tamesiders are suffering as a result, why should councillors be excepted?
90% of the people condemning the train woman would say nothing if they'd heard the start of that dispute and the man for example had called her an 'Effing white bitch' or similar.
That's because they're gutless hypocrites who hate their own kind.
Yellow Nation, the argument with the train woman began when invaders asked her to give up her seat and stand so they could take her seat. The bastards know the whole system is geared against the indiginous in favour of the invaders.
Enoch Powell's prophetic words were more accurate than anyone could have imagined.
Anon 18:28
I admire your proposal. I think some people would think 7 not enough to represent their interests. And I'm afraid this site would be full of people criticizing a payment of £50,000 even if it was warranted.
Support the Dukinfield Three, if it was explained to the public, re the relative ratios (even with 50 less councillors it would still be one representative per 30,000 locally and one representative per 100,000 at a national level), the significant cost savings and the fact that they would be represented by full time, experienced, professional, intelligent, and educated people, I believe the vast majority would be in favour.
The current system would be extremely difficult to justify in a boom, in the current economic circumstances it is insupportable.
Andrew Brons has been contacted by constituents concerned at a marked increase in the practice of tobacco paan spitting in Bradford.
Janet/ Tameside Citizen / BNP Meltdown / Thinker are all names used by the editor of this blog.
NCB is back posting under yet a different user name. This time Zoe Hamilton. It is a very serious offence to impersonate a police officer.
janet what do you think is the objectives of the owner this blog...
I would say it has been created to cause mischief. Why do you think it was created?
Let's identify the editor of this blog, he lives in the Stalybridge South ward under an assumed name.
Yes, let's out him now. Who is he?
he lives in uppermill, or Mirfield area. hes works in engineering we told.
As in a car mechanic?
heavy engineering some important stuff. he likes playing the game of illusion and one of the other type situation
Why do people care who TC is?
He is a clever man who cares about what happens here in Tameside, thats all I can tell.
I also find it funny that people can't work out who NCB is, its so bleeding obvious.
Why dont we focus on the happenings of Tameside rather than how similar the writing styles of some of the posters are on here.
I think TC is male, an anti-government type, in his mid-twenties, grossly overweight and lives in cyberspace. His complexion is probably pasty and he's a heavy cannabis user with the associated paranoia.
Drug use is a killer for individuals and societies. In my view every drug manufacturer, grower, user and dealer should be killed. Imagine how much better the world would be without them.
You can tell he is massively overweight by the way he is always panting in the videos. He probably struggles to walk 50yds without having a rest.
I'd put TC as a male, in his 50's, a good mate of John Hall, lived through the anti-establishment era of punk and the sex pistols and lives in Denton. Well educated, pr obably a teacher / lecturer
Come on now, 130 comments for a one minute clip of badgers. For fu*ks sake, change the story. Surely there must be something happening in Tameside worthy of debate.
I hear there's a good article coming on here very soon.
The BBC sci-fi drama Torchwood has attracted a deluge of complaints because of its main characters having gay sex.
Torchwood is a direct spin-off of the children's programme Dr Who. The BBC and the makers of Torchwood KNOW large numbers of children will be watching. It is clearly an attempt to promote a perverted lifestyle to adult viewers, but more importantly an attempt to corrupt the many children watching.
Licence fee payers, especially those with children should be clear about the BBC's warped agenda before renewing. No choice? Yes you have, don't pay.
They should have a character who has his genitals surgically removed and promote that as normal. Oh hang on, in the lunatic asylum of the western world that's 'transgender' and apparently IS normal.
The promotion of incest and bestiality will be next in the ongoing PC liberal campaign to corrupt and destroy all decent values.
It is a deisgrace, Doctor Who is a beloved programme of all British Sci-Fi fans.
I wouldnt say it was a chuldrens programme or at least it wasn;t, the tripe that the BBC try and claim as Doctor Who is shocking, openly queer characters, ridiculous hollywood music throughout the show, every episode being the end of the world.
It may appear as a childrens show to us but thus is the intellectual level of its average adult viewer.
What makes it worse is that I watched a lot of the first series of torchwood after being lured in by the gorgeous Eve Myles. Kept me watching for a while, until that Freema Agyeman came into it. She is one of those peoples who appears to be soulless, like many others on television, dead behind the eyes.
The cancer that destroys from within.
An important message about the Rape of Libya
from Brother Nathanial.
Four charged after five robberies in one hour in Ashton-under-Lyne
Fact lot of good these Muslim lads
benefited from the Mosque that Friday.
What about the injuries received by those robbed.
214 arrests at the Notting Hill Carnival, slightly down on last year so let's all celebrate that fantastic achievement. But of course the velvet gloves will have been even softer this year, after all we don't want to incite another riot by arresting criminals. It's a drug user and dealers paradise but it's better to let them off than make trouble isn't it. That's what the appeasers in the 30s said about Hitler. It's called spinlessness.
The Metropolitan Police have put the cost at £34 million. That doesn't include the massive cost of the refuse collection and clear up.
Imagine a StGeorge's Day parade (not in London, it's not an English city now) that cost a fraction of that and caused a fraction of that amount of trouble, it'd be 'Skinhead white thugs go on crime fest.' The bought and paid for media would be campaigning on, 'Never again!'
The modern British media have got no principles and believe in nothing. They'll carry on getting away with it as long as the British people's apathy and ignorance hold sway.
The last Labour government spent £40,000 on African drumming lessons for civil servants. That doesn't sound like much in the grand scheme of things but the point is, it's our money.
Imagine how you'd feel if you heard a government department had burned £40,000 of taxpayer's money just because they felt like it, because it's the same thing.
WorldRussian senator blames failure of multiculturalism for UK riots.
Daily Mail news today:
Now, according to scientists, it seems they will soon be able to create their own washout conditions.
Using a powerful laser, researchers have created water droplets in the air.
That`s not news because Mancunians have had one of these for years, but no-one knows how to switch the sod off
There's been a recalculation of the official 2010 new jobs figures. It was a t first given as 80% of all new jobs went to cheap labour, sorry foreigners. The ACTUAL figure is 92%.
Don't forget, if you want to back up the traitorous backstabbing government no matter what because it makes you feel secure, stick to the mantra: 'All Brits are lazy scroungers, all foreigners are paragons of hard work.'
Kicking your own kind in the teeth with such gutless, total bullshit is easier than facing the truth.
Thanks for the compliments regarding the video. Since this footage was taken there has been developments with these badgers. I have another video of them having a vicious fight - see main article to watch.
What’s all this about ‘identifying TC’? Very odd and will the real NCB please stand up!
Nature is indeed sometimes very cruel.
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