Coming out of the McDonalds drive through at Hattersley I looked over at the controversial Tesco store which is in the early stages of construction. I noticed that electricity pylons and cables run right through the site. I decided to stop and make a video and takes some photographs for this blog to see if anyone has any idea what the plan is regarding the pylons and high voltage cables. Surely the store will not be built beneath them? Especially when the health risks associated with pylons are well documented.
The Youtube video shows the site from one angle and most of the still images, which you can click to enlarge, are taken from another location to show that the pylons and cables do indeed run right through the site.
Hey Jim (Councillor Jim Fitzpatrick) how much did you get?
Sorry to go off subject here.
Now is the time not to be standing by, while our freedoms are being taken away.
See link
Just the first of many discoveries of the free ride Tesco have been given my our dopey councillors. There is much worse to come.
Scarth is a well known rabble rouser and is where he belongs.
Has J.Taylor got a Jewish background through his ancestors ??,well worth a search.
JT was the chosen one to take on any problem makers similar to John Prescott`s appointment as Deputy PM of one of the Worlds leading Nations.
The decisions to create Clown Deputies always removes the fear of Leaders being ousted.
He's pro bandit State I know that. If the only thing you give a s**t about is money and status they're the people to stay on the right side of.
F**k pylons. Does anyone know if and when Tesco are recruiting for this new store.
You wouldn't be saying that if you got a job there and after ten years of eight hour a day shifts you ended up with cancer caused by the pylons.
You'd have to live, i.e 100 hours plus per week, within 200 feet and always within that range and even then it's only a theoretical risk, mostly to children.
Get ready for the Notting Hill Riot...sorry crimefest...sorry carnival. What a great time to have a million people in inner London pissed and drugged up. The crime is normally horrendous, add that to masses of young black men, who commit over 80% of all street robberies anyway, PLUS the festering sores of the riots, mass criminality and looting.
The establishment had better hope it DOESN'T kick off. Still, the policing bill will only be tens of millions in the middle of a recession and its good for 'community' relations.
Dear Councillor Jim Fitzpatrick.
Will you be working with third pary groups again in Tameside?
Do you get paid to incite violence against BNP Candidates?
It's not bad work posting Communist leaflets, you've made so much money over the last 4 years.
And a nice big pay out for the Tersco in Hattersley.
How do you do it Jim?
Dear Tameside Labour Exposed.
It's not a bad life for Cllr Jim Fitzpatrick.
He's made all this money in the last 4 years on the Council Gravy Train.
And he can still find time to deliver third party leaflets for Communists, Inciting violence against BNP Candidates.
I have deleted a comment from a person posting under the name Borough Solicitor. The comment was totally out of order. Your political opponents children should not be insulted or even mentioned when they are guilty of nothing.
Since the coalition took office 15 months ago 100,000 more British people have lost their jobs and 300,000 more foreigners have got jobs. Talk about stabbing your own people in the back in the middle of a recession.
The vast majority of these are decent, employable Brits desperate for work but being in the EU means the government will do NOTHING to support British workers and hordes of foreigners keep flooding in to one of the most overpopulated countries in the world.
Employers love Poles etc beacause they work cheap and never complain, even when it's justified. In short they are easy to exploit. The Eastern Europeans etc are here to get what they can, earning massively more than they would at home, and sending large amounts of it abroad (i.e out of our economy) or saving it for when they return.
The British worker is being fleeced, cheated, betrayed and robbed BY ITS OWN GOVERNMENT. Don't expect cameron to do anything, neither he nor any member of the government has got the bollocks. As for the LibDems, they like it this way.
Taylor's brandishing the big stick for rioters in the Labourtiser, saying he hopes the Police put their front doors in.
I wonder if any of the local Labour Mafia wrote in and demanded an investigation when former Ashton Labour MP and local bigwig Robert (now Lord) Sheldon was found to have claimed £130,000 in expenses for a 'primary residence' he'd given to his son six years earlier.
Do you remember the electricity pylon on Leicester Road in Failsworth that was virtually in someone's front garden? There was a row of about 3 or 4 fairly new houses, and literally right in front of them was a gigantic pylon. I've never seen anything like it before. I remember turning to you and saying that it can't be legal to have such high voltage electricity pylons so close to residential properties, but apparently it is.
Was it you who said that if you hold a light bulb in your hand under the pylon, the bulb lights up, as there is so much electricity in the atmosphere?
Speaking of the Advertiser there's a very good letter from a CPRE (Campaign for the Preservation of Rural England) member, saying how the government is planning to give a virtual automatic green light to planning applications under new guidelines.
England's precious Green Belt land will come under increasing threat. Combined with the insanity of what is now clearly, totally out of control immigration into our massively overpopulated country, the potential damage to our precious and beautiful countryside is enormous.
Pylons don't particularly stand out in the landscape and are a necessity. Windfarms are the diametric opposite.
This racist cannot be allowed to indoctrinate children in the classroom. Ring or write to the school and demand he is removed from all teaching positions. We will never achieve a tolerant society if we allow bigots like Frost spread their racist poison.
Sir Roger Manwood's School.
Manwood Road,
CT13 9JX
Telephone: 01304 613286
Fax: 01304 615336
One of the main reasons this poor guy has to sell his house at a rock bottom price is the damaging effects on human health of radiation that is emitted from overhead power cables.
Same old story re Governments,Scientists and Councils withholding facts.
The basic principles relating to Electricity apply now as they have always done.
A fluorescent tube simply held near a Pylon will certainly light.
The magnetic forces created are considerable.
If MRI and CT scans are a danger
(which they are)
especially if repeated on a patient regularly then Pylons certainly are 24/7
I cannot believe that video. Why are they are allowed to build a supermarket over that beautiful countryside? It looks so green and pleasant, something is not right in the planning office of your local council.
If you shop beneath pylons you might be undercharged.
Sorry Tesco paid a nice big payout for his hard sell of getting it built.
It's all good.
Jim Fitzpatrick and other Labour Councillors probably received INDIRECT bribes from Tesco to give the building of the new store on Hattersley the go-ahead.
Councillors do not receive cash in brown envelopes as bribes from companies as big as Tesco. The bribery here is more subtle, and although it may be considered immoral by many, is sometimes legal.
One thing is certain: There have been shady deals struck behind-the-scenes between Tesco and TMBC.
Give us an example!
For example, Kraft Foods, Hilton International, Burger King and Motorola all have their Headquarters in Florida.
Now let's say Motorola wanted to build a new factory in Tameside, the company could offer to show local councillors around its HQ in Florida where the little darlings of Tameside Labour party could learn all about Motorola and what a fine company it is and what benefits its presence in Tameside will bring to the borough. The trip to Florida is all expenses paid you understand.
I know for a fact this kind of persuasion (bribery) happens quite a lot in Colwyn Bay which is where I'm from originally. I assume similar things go on in Tameside.
Looking at the poor calibre of Labour Councillors in Tameside, ie, Quinn, Taylor, Fitzpatrick, Cooney, Kitchen etc, it would be amazing if they weren't up to their eyeballs in sleaze and corruption.
Dont you idot boneheads know their is a recession on. no tameside councilor takes backhanders and you ungreatful dogs should happy we are bringing inward investment to the borough.
Never mind Tesco jobs, I checked today's jobs in the No-Job Centre and three full pages of the same job came up, for £30 AN HOUR! This isn't bullshit, guess what they were? Translators for every language you can imagine. I wonder why they need so many, not. The Police spend £82 million a year on them, God knows what the total national bill is.
A few more years on its current insane course and this country will be permanently fucked.
"Shut up Mike" please feel free to post your comments again minus the swearing.
One of the most interesting stats I've seen on here recently has been that we are spending £2 billion a year to house, feed etc the Somali community. Under international law we had zero obligation to let any of them in. They are virtually unemployable, 90% out of work, and are also an utterly alien culture and a violent, knife culture.
Bearing these facts in mind and that Britain is in dreadful economic straits you can only assume the immigration system is totally out of control, and that the government have either: given up and stuck their heads in the sand; are totally incompetent; are too gutless to tackle the issue; or are actively seeking to destroy Britain. It's probably a combination of the above.
The British people are rapidly running out of time to stop their nation's destruction.
From a nothing post the morons are out, except for one guy who simply said its only a theoretical risk... which is true!
dearie me sometimes I wonder whether this blog is as a-politically-sided as it once claimed... maybe still does... or is it now admitting its ran by the tories... the very swines who are robbing this country of vital investment - robbing from the poor and giving to the rich?
ive lived under them pylons
for 19 years we had to move
coz of the money men
no health problems for us
and by the way hattersley
is the new gorton now thanks the
all you backhanders you know who you are
Lived Kinder Way, under the pylons, for 40 years. Two healthy kids, now grown up, no health problems caused by pylons.
tesco was being built in hattersley to give the ppl who live there a chance of a job if you have been out of work 6 months or more well i can tell you that is a load of rubbish a lot of ppl went to interveiws for a job at tesco and guess what a lot of them did NOT get a job out of it ppl who DO NOT live on hattersley and have only just come out of work have got the jobs .... so much for helping us hattersley ppl back into work
What above poster said is absolutely true. Tesco held a course in Hattersley for the locals, used them to earn extra donations for its chosen charity (which helps make it look good in the eyes of others) and made the local unemployed jump through many hoops just to be told NO JOB. Other people from outside the area who had recent retail experience got the jobs. Be funny when a bad winter hits and not many of them can get onto Hattersley for work as the roads all shut... serve them right then.
Tesco don't want to help the locals but just cash-in on them, and even the govt watchdog CABE said that this blot ont he landscape favours vehicles over access for local people.
I've only just visited the new Tesco and I have to say I was left totally underwhelmed, the store feels miserable, badly lit and laid out and feels more expensive than the one at Denton. The staff were also useless, keeping me waiting for 20 minutes while they tried to work out how to use my CC vouchers and also telling me I couldn't use them all so they ended up back on my card. I've been a Tesco customer for a long time (used all their on-line stores as well as home delivery for groceries) but this past few months prices have sky-rocketed, much higher and faster than anywhere else, yet they halved the Club Card points you can earn. My husband's lifelong home, the one we married and brought our kids up in, was knocked down to build this rubbish so it's kind of like a double slap in the face.
They recruited only 100 people from hattersley after promising to hire 300. They then sacked them all after less than the 3 month period they promised because the store is always empty. I wouldnt bother if i were you.
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