I had to photograph this newly erected shrine to Simon Cowell which I stumbled upon when walking the dog today. It is amazing that someone has gone to all this trouble to make what is an almost biblical themed shrine in their front garden to honour the new religion of X-Factor.
Personally I detest the programme and never watch it but I must say this shrine to St Simon did make me smile, especially the little people made out of bin bags - 10/10 to the makers for bringing a smile to my face along with the other admirers who stopped to look and marvel.
Sometimes it is the simplest things in life which can be the most amusing!
Pathetic nonsence the x-factor. How can anyone sit and watch that shite, is beyond me pal.
Sure it's not a target?
I cant stand it its on now, anybody got a spare house I can live rent free in until that and my mam and dads other favourite dancing on iCe is finised?
It was interesting as a kid when the concept was still a novelty but its so slick and marketing driven its just unbearable.
If Labour hadnt recked the economy and made the education system into a political vetting process I could live in my own place and have a nice quiet study to read in rather than have the choice between a tiny bedroom and the crowded living room with the jewtube never off.
No, it’s definitely not a target. Click on the picture to enlarge and you will see Simon Cowell with his arms spread wide smiling at his adoring fans who are the small people made of black bin bags. It looks better in real life than on a photograph but whoever made it must truly be devoted to X-Factor to go to all that trouble.
Can't stand the X-Factor but I watch Strictly Come Dancing. It's a proper competition and a hard skill to learn. The same goes for Dancing on Ice.
East European vice gangs cover whole of UK.
You know: You read this stuff and wonder does anyone else read it?
The fucking x-factor while your nation is falling apart.
A Kidnap a Day by Foreign Gangs in London.
Oh well I'll just build some crap shite in my front garden.
I'll wake up one day to find my children at the mercey of all this shite.
But worry not x-factor is our God.
I like the strongly defined male/female roles and look, in Strictly and Dancing on Ice. I think that's one of the reasons they've both been so successful as so much modern TV is a politically correct freak show.
'Britain sinking while its people sleep', you write a lot of rubbish Roy, but that post and link are brilliant.
Moronation Street I'm not on my own then?
I don't watch crap like the x-factor.
I'm more concerned with this "FOREIGN RAPISTS SWAMP BRITAIN"
Ironic the Daily Star's so anti-immigration, but also virulently anti-Nationalist Parties. Mind you it's written and run by bought and paid for traitors and read by dolts.
Oh "FOREIGN RAPISTS SWAMP BRITAIN" you can't say that it's naughty and racist.
"Suspects of African or Caribbean backgrounds were identified in 49% of attacks or allegation of assaults and 13% were committed by men of Indian or Pakistani appearance".
Don't say that you vile nasty racist.
How dare you speak the truth!
Just keep your heads down, pay taxes, eat junk food, and watch telly all day. Its isnt too much to ask is it?
The vast majority of victims will be white whatever the area's demographics. But there's no racist element when the rapists are black.
The US academic study into racially motivated sex attacks was shelved when it revealed the massively disproportionate number of black on white attacks.
Another nasty racist here:
The deputy head of the Metropolitan Police has launched an attack on political correctness, saying that society cannot ignore the evidence that most muggers are black.
70% of muggers are black in robbery hotspots.
MORE than a quarter of people accused of crimes in London, ranging from muggings to burglary and fraud, are black, according to new police figures.
It has been clear for some time that black muggers were responsible for the bulk of street crime in London.
The disproportionate amount of crimes perpetrated by blacks is constantly ignored. Surely its best for whites, blacks, towelheads and chinks for people to accept this fact and try and work out a way to deal with it.
An end to multiculturalism will not change without a fourth party gaining power but surely we can all campaign t do somthing about the high crime rates of inner city areas.
A start would be finding out why a part of the black community in our capital felt the need to riot over the killing of a convicted half-black armed robber with links to the Noonan crime family.
I want to talk about the joys of this wonderful inrichment and multiculturalism.
But I'm worried that the politically correct police will come round to fit me up.
When the police came round to my house on one of their intimidation visits.
They told me that Enoch Powell was a racist and took a photo of my Enoch Powell dvd.
Surprise UK Telegraph confession: The majority of London crime is committed by black men.
"It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre"
One last thought for the night.
The age of inrichment and multiculturalism is upon us as a nation.
But for most people it's a terrifying prospect for the future.
Gang warfare on the streets of London as Asian and black youths battle outside Julie Christie's house.
A VIOLENT steaming gang is being hunted by police after a group of university students were beaten on a train.
The gang split into two groups to target the five men before cornering them for a vicious assault which police have described as "unbelievable".
One of the students, all aged between 18 and 20, was celebrating his birthday on the day of the attack as the group travelled into central London.
The young men were followed by a six-strong gang as they boarded a train at Forest Hill station, in south-east London.
When the train pulled away, heading for London Bridge, they approached one of the students, demanded to see his mobile phone and took it from him.
As the train pulled into Honor Oak station, a further group of up to six jumped on the train.
The all-male gang then launched an unprovoked assault on the students.
They were repeatedly punched in the head, with one student suffering a cut to the forehead. Three mobile phones were stolen in the robbery and the suspects left the train at Brockley railway station.
Today British Transport Police released these CCTV images of nine suspects wanted in connection with the assault.
The robbery took place at 8.30pm on 30 November on a South Eastern service.
Dc Dave Chenery said: "This was a completely unprovoked attack by a gang of young male youths on a group of young university students enjoying a night out. The scale of violence was unbelievable in as much as the threats made and the way they robbed the victims by force."They must be arrested as soon as possible. This sort of thing cannot happen on public transport."
Why do you boneheads bring racism into everything. Do you not realise nobody wants to know about your bullshine. Change the record and try engaging in reasoned debate rather than hate filled mumbo jumbo.
Sick of it, do you call that abusive, pathetic comment reasoned debate.
Re the X-Factor/dross TV debate,
5.1 million watched the new Channel 5 Celebrity Big Brother when it opened. 50,000 people watching this mindless pile of inanity, and monument to pointlessness would hve been a shocking indictment on our country, but 5 million!
sick of it said...
Why do you boneheads bring racism into everything.
Is it only racisct when white people attack black people?
Prove me wrong here, but if a demographically minority of people from a certain community are responsible for the majority of muggings and rape (Gang rape, nine out of ten particpiants preferred it)
I suspect you are a public (professional looter)sector worker and do not live in the real world.
Une bon poignee de main.
Hope you die soon.
you are right, racism sucks. Give it a break and discuss serious issues that affect the the everyday lives of tamesiders.
say no to racism
I totally agree!
Organized Black Mobs Burn London and Rob White Londoners
Poor whites
The forgotten underclass.
Muslims and blacks get more attention. But poor whites are in a worse state.
It's only racist if Whites are attacking Blacks, yes thats right.
Britain looks in the mirror with horror.
British folk know the reality when the look into that mirror of mass immigration.
What will be left for white, British people in 20/30 years time less than that maybe?
The cold reality of fear thats what.
You can't say the smallest thing about this, without the police knocking on your door.
The thought police shouting you down.
The effigy of Simon Cowell is to be used as a guy on November 5th. We're going to build a huge bonfire, put Simon on top of it, and watch while he slowly burns. Sadly we will be unable to use the real thing on November 5th as Simon will be in America promoting his latest moronic, imbecilic, braindead TV show/boll*cks.
I Simon Bi-curious NCB?
Sorry NCB Is he Bi-curious?
It's only a kid thats made that.
The cult of celebrity keeps the lemming sheep firmly mesmerized while their birthright is stolen.
I'm sorry but I've no idea whether Simon Cowell is bi-curious or not, and to be honest, I don't want to know.
Just thinking about it has put me off my lunch.
Simon Cowell's grandparents, Joseph Cowell and Esther Malinsky, were English Jews.
So that's how he rose to the top of the music industry with no talent whatsoever, now I can see. lol
NBC do you have any plans for the future in political terms?
What is the situation with the local bnp?
Thanks Terry
A shocking catalogue of costly mistakes at the Home Office’s UK Border Agency meant £26million had to be written off in the last financial year.
And the agency paid out £13million of benefits in error to would-be refugees since April 2008.
Astonishingly, a further £41million has had to be set aside in special accounts to cover more bungles,
including bad debts, overpayments and compensation claims, this year.
The agency’s accounts reveal £12million was overpaid last year to just six hostel owners for providing asylum seekers’ accommodation.
Embarrassingly for the agency’s Home Office bosses, £4.3million ended up incorrectly in the pockets of the agency’s own staff.
Failure to update salary changes and annual leave entitlements on payroll systems meant the agency overpaid more than 2,500 employees by an average of about £1,700 each.
Meanwhile three refugees who were unlawfully detained while border officials investigated their claims ended up being paid more than £330,000 each last year in compensation.
And settlements worth £2.1million were reached with 40 under-18s who were wrongly detained as adults – an average of £52,000 each.
Yet in spite of the mistakes, 29 senior officials were paid £295,000 in bonuses in 2009. Bernard Jenkin, chairman of the Commons Public Administration Committee said: “The public administration of the civil service has become increasingly dysfunctional.
“The whole basis of civil administration in the UK has to be a huge agenda for the new government.”
The losses are detailed in the Border Agency’s annual report, published last week. Most embarrassing of the errors is the £13.1million in benefits overpaid to asylum seekers in the past two years.
Officials found that payments still being made to claimants when support should have ended totalled £9.6million during 2008/09 and £3.5million during 2009/10.
About £1.9million went to asylum seekers whose applications had already failed.
Agency chief executive Lin Homer said: “Overpayments should not be happening and we are committed to seeing them dramatically reduced. It is crucial that taxpayers’ money is spent wisely.”
Immigrants 'defrauding benefits to pay for houses back home'
155,000 illegal immigrants qualified for sickness benefits and maternity pay
Work and Pensions Department did not ask for work permits when assessing certain claims
Tens of thousands of workers with no right to be in Britain have been claiming benefits thanks to an extraordinary loophole in the law.
Ministers have discovered that Labour allowed 155,000 illegal immigrants to qualify for sickness benefits and maternity pay. Government sources put the cost to the public purse at ‘tens of millions of pounds’.
The Labour legacy.
You hear the likes of Taylor going on about the Tory lot doing things wrong.
Dead people 'paid millions in benefits'
The Government paid out £73 million in state benefits to dead people last year and has contacted hundreds of thousands of bereaved families in an attempt to recoup the money.
Britain is about paying vast sums of money to immigrants.
Thats the true legacy left by the Lib/Lab/Con traitors.
They fill their pockets and give the rest to immigrants.
8 Jan 2010
Asylum seekers wrongly paid £10m in benefits
You watch this video and open your eyes.
Left-wing scum don't want you to see things like this.
It makes your blood boil no?
"So that's how he rose to the top of the music industry with no talent whatsoever, now I can see. lol"
Cowell is not without ability IMO, even if it is the talent to sense what kind of pap will make him even richer and how to network with it.
The occasions when I've caught a bit of the show scare me with the deluded and aggressive also-rans, the oleaginous narcissist winners, and the hysterical, emotional US telethon tone of the whole thing. Its popularity is symptomatic of much that's unhealthy in the country.
In fact I'm surprised not to have heard of many of the past also-rans being spotted taking part in the Greater Notting Hill Carnival that ran so violently in many places a couple of weeks ago.
The local BNP group in Tameside is very disillusioned with the current leadership of the party. I won't go in to too much detail on this blog because I don't want to wash our dirty linen in public, but suffice it to say that we are on the verge of defecting to a rival party. More details will follow in due course.
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