I can understand why New Charter are concerned about the proposed changes. I can imagine some New Charter tenants would be over the moon when they start getting large payments into their bank accounts to cover their rent. Undoubtedly some people would not be able to resist the urge to spend and worry about the rent another time - leading to massive arrears and eventual eviction.
If they're too irresponsible to pay their own rent they'll suffer for it. They're adults and should take responsibility for themselves.
At the moment housing benefit goes directly to the landlord.
Under the new bill it will go to tenant who then pays the landlord.
At present the landlord gets their money no matter what services they provide. Bad sevices are not penalised.
But imagine what would happen if the tenant could withold their rent untill repairs were done, unsocial neighbours were evicted or extortionate rent rises were introduced? Tenant power!
Labour did a fantastic job of making people completely reliant on the state and private companies who do the job of the state and make massive profits while their at it.
If the troglodites can't work out how to give money to somebody then I reckon theirs little point giving them houses. Its just mollycoddling, the cruellest form of care. The state know that people who are reliant on themselves for their incomes are less likely to vote Liblabcon.
That is a very good point from tondj. "Tenant power"
Thats what new charter are so concerned over.
Norwegian Killer a promoter of Zionism was a Freemason who owned a Farm.
His Facebook entry declared his links and interest inc Freemasonry,but all such references to his Freemasonry have now vanished.
How powerful is that for brushing facts away.
actually he is a Nazi "Christian" but I see you knuckle dragers are getting the disclaimer in early.
why is it that both the far right and the hardened fundamentalists have a higher proportion of nutters than the rest of the population, or have I just answered my own question?
Actually anonymous you need to open your eyes.
You'll find that the higher proportion of nutters can be found in the mainstream of politics.
But you don't want to know that, do you?
really! Ive searched the net but cant find a liberal that has done anything like the Oklahoma or Norwegian attacks.
Nor can I find a conservative that has flown an aeroplane into office blocks.
Perhaps I am just not reading the mind bending shite that you appear to
Anonymous, that's MUSLIM fundamentalists who are responsible for virtually all acts of terror.
But don't say it as any criticism of them might result in Labour losing the seats they grovelled so hard for in the West Midlands, the North West and parts if Inner London where the Muslim vote, with their massive block turnout, swings the seat. Parties like Labour are happy to sell Britain down the river for a bit of power, it's called treason.
And by the way the Norwegian nutter was a Freemason, there's a picture of him in the apron. Over half of Norwegians are apparently pissed off about the government's lax approach to immigration and that Oslo's been turned into a semi-foreign city, it could be this headbanger is the extreme end of that view, that the government no longer represents the opinions of a large proportion of the indigenous population. Just like Britain.
No, liberals destroy bloodlessly from within by mass immigration, treachery and hatred of their own kind and heritage.
Expect more violence here, not massacres from headcases, just very angry Brits, in the form of increasing demonstrations that could turn nasty if the destruction of Britain by our own government continues.
Traitors should get what they deserve.
anon, 23/7/11 12:48
You are the knuckle-dragger on this blog.
As for your nonsense about liberals never having committed acts of terror. The fact is in this country we have a liberal establishment that has launched illegal wars of aggression against defenceless third world countries resulting in huge casualties (over 1 million dead in Iraq), massive increases in cancer rates due to the effects of depleted uranium and a large increase in the instance of congenital birth defects, once again due to depleted uranium.
Now then my friend, answer this question: Who do you think authorized the use of uranium on innocent and defenceless civilians in poor third world countries like Iraq?
Some Norwegian immigration facts:
2010: Immigrant community grows by 57000 accounting for NINETY PER CENT of Norway's population growth.
2000 - 2010: 510,748 residence permits issued. Based on Norway's population of 4.9 million, that's the equivalent of 7 million in Britain.
Just under a third of babies are now born to immigrants, prior to 1970 it was virtually none.
The Somalian population has increased by 300% in ten years.
According to reuters Oslo is, "The fastest growing city in Europe because of increased immigration."
Net immigration increased by 30%, 2005 - 2010.
During the first four-year term of the ruling Red-Green coalition (can't see anything too 'Green' about flooding your country with immigrants) the immigrant population of Norway increased by 41% or 143,300 persons.
The most significant statistic is the fact that 90% of population growth is from immigrants, and that those from non-European countries have a far higher fertility rate, and will naturally prefer to live in their own communities.
A recipe for ghettoisation and the eventual extinction by reproduction of Norway as a recognisable entity. This has virtually all happened in the last two decades.
Many Norwegians are extremely unhappy about immigration and this violent, disturbed individual appears to be at the extreme end of that.
They had that nutter Tony blair who has sent troops to masica hundreds of thousands of men women and children in an illigal war and it is a illigal war because we was not being attacked ? ? ? Our soldiers swear an oath to defend queen and country ? ? pls note the word defend it does not mean attack
Norwegians were drip fed propaganda about their 'moral' responsibility re immigration. Enough of them bought it and the internationalists began their floodgates open, rub the indigenous population's nose in it campaign.
Norway is where it is now: Facing destruction within twenty years unless something is done to get rid of the traitors in power and take their country back.
so you justify the acts of right wing nutters with the claim that liberal governments commit acts of terror.
"Its all right for them so its all right for my Norwegian mate" attitude.
"illegal wars", my arse, just cause you say it over and over and over again doesnt make it true.
You should be condemning the Norwegian nutter not some pathetic attempt to justify or equate to the legitimate actions of a government.
So killing children is the way to sort out any nation's problems?
Quite a few of the regular fantasists on here seem to be invoking 'Christianity', 'old time religion' etc - is it not about time humans started to evolve a bit? Arguing about who has the best imaginary friend isn't exactly working out well is it?
Extremism of any flavour is the refuge of the backward...
Anonymous ? Ho its true it is an illigal war and its also morally wrong . Your lot should start to concentrate on are own country and keep your noses out of others and i dont give a dam about norway or any other country for that matter its the UK im interested in and pls dont forget its all in them two little words DEFEND not ATTACK
Anonymous what about left wing nutters then in our Country?
so you justify the acts of left wing nutters?
Labour Councillor - Drugs and Money Laundering.
Anoymous you dumb arse: We've been ruled by left wing nutters, for years now.
Secretly ripping us off, and abusing children in the shadows of power and resposibility of government.
Don't come all this left wing higher than mighty crap on here.
There's some vile, nasty, people in that Labour party.
No-one's justified the actions of the madman in Norway, simply pointed out that the climate of out of control immigration, in Norway probably more than any other country, has contributed to tipping one unbalanced person over the edge.
Some would say Labour's eight year policy of flooding Britain with immigrants, particularly from non-European countries with completeley different oulooks and cultures is extremist, and has created serious long term problems that only so-called 'right wing extremism', but which used to be called patriotism can solve.
'Evolving' from 'old time' religion, presumably you mean in favour of the 'new' religion which is outgrowing all others by at least ten to one according to the last government's own figures. When you say evolve you mean surrender because it's easier and there'll be less trouble for cowards like you.
Evolving beyond the need for superstitious hocus pocus, caveman?
There's an influential strand of 'informed' opinion in intellectual circles and the establishment that keeping the peace in britain and not rocking the boat is all.
That says violence inside our own borders is ALWAYS wrong, even if it means standing by while your country is destroyed from within. 'At least no-one will get hurt and we're going out with a whimper. A bang might harm someone.'
Tell the Muslims coward.
Killing children? How many did we kill with carpet bombing and the Americans with nuclear weapons in Japan in WWII. It solved those 'problems', whilst simultaneously saving the lives of hundreds of thousands of our own.
The Norwegian has another issue which has not been referred to.
Norway announced just previous that it would be the first European Country to recognise a Palestinian State quite soon which obviously would be the start of the domino effect.
Now the Norwegian killer was a big supporter of Israel which basically has no interest in a Palestinian State as obvious from years of ducking and diving.
Now that the 1500 page Dossier the Norwegian issued was removed totally from the Internet Site and within a brief gap the Norwegian`s Face book entries were also removed
almost immediately he was arrested.
I am disgusted at his
slaughter tactics,however there is something in the background I believe which we will never learn,and if he intends to stand in the dock and offer his Dossier as evidence then a panic will ensue
concerning his support for outside Norwegian countries which will embarrass others.
Just a moving on thought.
"Extremism of any flavour is the refuge of the backward..."
I would call an elite that seeks to experiment with the lives and futures of peoples whilst pretending that it's doing nothing of the sort, extremist.
FWIW I find the acts of this guy in Norway hideous. Targeting political figures is one thing - near-random slaughter of any poor sod in the way is quite another.
Can we get back to the subject at hand? Can we not have payments for NC directly payed into Ged Cooney's bank account?
Resentment builds up when you've got nasty, violent, politicians above the law, and rules of conduct.
Allowances and expenses:
Tameside gravy train riders.
Richard Ambler £21,531
Derek Baines £13,970
Basil Beeley £14,219
John Bell £23,383
Helen Bowden £15,108
Warren Bray £21,482
Jean Brazil £18,107
Wendy Brelsford £15,108
David Buckley £11,909
Valerie Carter £13,424
Dorothy Cartwright £11,659
Ged Cooney £32,082
Jack Davis £22,946
Doreen Dickinson £15,045
Andrew Doubleday £20,274
Margaret Downs £21,256
Walter Downs £14,858
Ann Etchells £11,659
Roy Etchells £14,858
Jim Fitzpatrick £34,045
Philip Fitzpatrick £11,659
Allison Gwynne £31,791
Bill Harrison £14,858
Andrew Highton £15,108
Ann Holland £20,025
Barrie Holland £21,256
John Kelly £15,175
Joe Kitchen £35,193
Dawson Lane £14,858
Jackie Lane £20,011
Jim Middleton £21,256
Roy Oldham £48,004
Sean Parker-Perry £21,505
Clive Patrick £11,909
Catherine Piddington £34,045
Kieran Quinn £31,791
Susan Quinn £24,271
Jonny Reynolds £19,087
Vincent Ricci £21,547
George Roberts £21,505
Peter Robinson £21,505
Eileen Shorrock £17,867
Margaret Sidebottom £20,212
Michael Smith £21,256
Steve Smith £11,829
John Sullivan £21,505
David Sweeton £20,025
John Taylor £31,791
Lynn Travis £21,505
Denise Ward £9,908
Brenda Warrington £32,041
Kevin Welsh £21,505
Ruth Welsh £15,355
Colin White £11,909
Alan Whitehead £32,082
Michael Whitley £20,191
Brian Wild £21,256
Ignoring nature is backwards Earthworm. There is nothing in paganism that conflicts with nature, they are symbiote.
The best way to look at any religious aspect is that of a philosophy, one which sems to have been lost, luckily texts like the Dhammapada exist which were born out of the ancient religion.
Such a shame asian subhumans perverted the religion we gave them and turned it into a hocus pocus religion.
Britain is not dark enough. EU says Britain must import more third world immigrants.
F**K THE EU. If I want to live with Africans I'll move there.
If it had been a meeting of the Norwegian Cabinet who are destroying Norway, as he'd see it, that's one thing, but indiscriminate bombing and machine-gunning children is another.
Things have gone very wrong re immigration though, when a madman can make people think.
If he didn't like Islam you'd think he would have opened up in a mosque at Friday prayers.
try googling "Gladio" and see what you learn!
Operation Gladio was a cold war operation by Western INTELLIGENCE ORGANISATIONS whereby attacks were made on the public in general and certain politicians by GLADIO operatives pretending to be left wing terrorists.
see also "brabant gang"
Anon at 19:18. Those figures exclude allowances from external bodies. That's where the real money is. I don't know why TMBC include these figures. Perhaps they want to pull the wool over our eyes.
"see also "brabant gang""
A very very sinister episode, and one still not brought out into the light of day. They didn't offer to explain themselves though - elite-driven things never have to.
Andrew Gwynne
Denton and Reddish
Total Cost (2010-2011) Constituency and Staffing Costs
Constituency Office
General Admin
Direct Parliamentary Expenses
Travel and Subsistence
Basic Salary
Jonathan Reynolds
Stalybridge and Hyde
Total Cost (2010-2011)
Constituency and Staffing Costs
Constituency Office
General Admin
Direct Parliamentary Expenses
Travel and Subsistence
Basic Salary
Loans and Advances
Constituency Office Deposit
Accommodation Deposit
Allison Gwynne £31,791
Plus Plus Plus Plus
Plus Family Allowances
Andew Gwynne
General Admin
Direct Parliamentary Expenses
Basic Salary
(and does everyone not make money on Expenses ?)
Based on what I have just read on TC the following must apply.
Now even on the very very basic household incomes which you can plus up and up and up
£100,000 PA plus Family Allowances puts them in the Elite in Tameside.
Are they Elite ????
No, she'll have passed it on to the Returning Officer, who's done nothing.
Have they even had Wildy in and asked him about it? Daft question.
What's happening with that lie on the leaflet Royston?
The confessed perpetrator in the attack in Norway that killed as many as 98 people espoused a right-wing philosophy against Islam that also purports to be pro-Zionist… Anders Behring Breivik is charged with detonating a car bomb outside Oslo’s government headquarters, which houses the office of Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, and of shooting and killing at least 85 mostly young people at a political summer camp on nearby Utoya Island.”
The mainstream media has been trying to paint Anders Behring Breivik as a neo-Nazi, but Breivik has expressed hostility toward any Nazi or White Nationalist political parties. Breivik would fit in much better with the pro-Zionist neocons, who lied the United States into the war on Iraq. The only difference between Breivik and other neocons is that he did his own dirty work, instead of sending brainwashed soldiers out to murder innocent civilians.
A White Nationalist would not shoot innocent White children because of their political affiliation as did Anders Behring Breivik, who attacked a left-wing Labour Party summer camp, which included children as young as 13.
The mainstream media will continue to try to spin this incident as a “Nazi” rampage shooting even though Breivik was clearly motivated by pro-Israel kosher conservatives, who have promoted no shortage of hatred for Muslims.
The pro-White movement sees the real problem facing White people as being Jewish control of the news media and the governments of White nations. The Jews are promoting policies to flood every White nation with Third World people. We need to expose this sinister situation.
Lunatics going off on shooting sprees, whatever their intentions, only pave the way for more gun control and hate crime laws.
I agree 100% with the above, which I copied and pasted from davidduke.com.
David Duke is an asset to us. Completely destroys the media purported image of the hick Klansman.
Many of those killed could easily have been decent members of society, granted a few were the kind of people who could inflict more misery on the Norwegian people but the majority would have been normal enough.
Now anybody who argues against the destruction of the Aryan homeland will be silenced with two words: Anders Brevik.
A so-called White supremacist would not machine-gun White children. His beef is against immigration, particularly Islamic. I'd be interested to learn more about his pro-Zionist views. He has explicitly stated he is not racist.
Jewish influence in the upper echelons of the news media is beyond question.
Do New Charter want to lick the arses of these spongers and doleites as well? If they can't pay their rents then they don't deserve homes.
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