The initial pilot scheme will encompass 4000 homes some or all of which are in Ashton Waterloo.
Now recycling is a good idea, but this scheme raises a few issues. Why a Salford firm? What happened to "Tameside First"? Especially when Tameside already have an in-house recycling scheme (www.tameside.gov.uk/recycling ) which amongst other things donates 25% of it's profits to Willow Wood Hospice. A worthwhile cause, one which the former leader Cllr Oldham keenly supported.
Is this the start of a more economic based council regime where charity has no place?
So is this a charitable cause?
I find this article and the comments anti-semitic. I respectfully request you remove the article or I will be forced to make a police complaint.
I find people who overreact to comments about, or justified criticism of, Jews/Israel to be in fact anti free speech.
Criticism or analysis based on reasoned argument is NOT bigotry.
In what way is the article anti-semitic?
Is the picture a picture of a Jewish man? I can't tell. He looks like a rather poor (ie not wealthy) workman in Victorian times. Possibly a reference to a return to Victorian poverty thanks to what Cllr Oldham has accurately described as "the work of the financial sector" and "financier's nightmare". (see earlier posting)
This article is not in any way intended to be ‘anti-Semitic’. However, for some bizarre reason many of the comments of which I have just deleted were of an anti-Semitic or a racist nature.
I am a believer in free speech but free speech does extend to using cheap racist slurs towards people of other faiths or cultures. To the ‘racist’ contributor please moderate what you post on here or I will be forced to add comment moderation before I go to London tomorrow. And do remember a pair of local internet racists were given lengthy jail terms last week for espousing views and opinions not too dissimilar to the ones I have just deleted. You want to hope the police have not been viewing this blog or you might end up sharing a cell with them.
Hardly the same thread though TC.
Re the internet racists link, what a couple of morons. Totally insignificant, but from the length of the so-called Independent's piece you'd think they were dangerous terrorists as opposed to a couple of 'gobby' thugs.
I'd like to believe this is something to do with the change of Leadership, but I think you underestimate the time-scales that Councils work to!
This has probably been 18 months in the planning and will have costs many £000's in wages, meetings etc.
Criticism of Jews, 'Enough already!'
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