Tuesday, 25 May 2010

New era dawns with new Executive Leader

This was a lack lustre affair given the excitement in the run up over the last two weeks.

Cllr Quinn was elected Executive Leader unopposed and Cllr Kitchen was elected the Chair of the Council. Cllr Oldham sent his apologises for absence, due to his sickness in hospital, but no further details were forthcoming.

Cllr Quinn gave a 17 minute speech in the best traditions of 1930's Plenary sessions of the Supreme Soviet, full of figures and statistics "proving" how life is better in the People's Republic of Tameside with crime reduced by X% and jobs increased by y% etc etc. I half expected the announcement of a five year plan to improve tractor production in the Urals!

Quinn made much of the Con-Lib pact and their alleged plans to cut services. Though he made an oblique reference to banks being to blame he chose not to probe into the exact nature of the bankers responcible.

The speech even ended with the assembled councillors and apparatchiks in the gallery dutifully applauding.

If this report is bland, unexciting and turgid then it's deliberate.....being an accurate representation of the meetng.


NCB said...

Comrades, on the instructions of the Borough Solicitor of Tameside MBC I have to give you certain necessary information on matters concerning the discussion and on the resolutions connected with the discussion. Unfortunately, we shall have to discuss Oldham's action in his absence because, as we have been informed today, he will be unable to attend the full council meeting owing to illness.
You know, comrades, that the discussion started with Oldham's action, the dispute with Janet Calendar.
The discussion was started by Oldham. The discussion was forced on the Party.
The Party replied to Oldam's action by making two main charges. Firstly, that Oldham is trying to revive New Labour; secondly, that Oldham is trying to bring about a radical change in the Party leadership.
Oldham has not said anything in his own defence about these charges made by the Party.It is hard to say why he has not said anything in his own defence. The usual explanation is that he has fallen ill and has not been able to say anything in his own defence. But that is not the Party's fault, of course. It is not the Party's fault if Oldham begins to get a high temperature after every attack he makes upon the Party.
Let us be clear,comrades,Oldham may be forced into exile.

The Soviet Republic of Tameside said...

Thanks for the informative report comrade.

Georgy Pyatakov said...

NCB, that is a fascinating piece. Sounds like the minutes from a Soviet show trial.

London Zoo said...

Left-wing firebrand Diane Abbott has topped the first major opinion poll since she entered the Labour leadership race - despite not having the declared support of any MPs.
The strongest backing for the Hackney North and Stoke Newington MP in the poll came from Tory and Lib Dem voters.
Research by the Politics-Home website shows Britain's first black female MP is a more popular choice for Labour leader than the front-runner David Miliband.
Miss Abbott, 56, who appears on BBC's This Week, was the first choice of 19 per cent of people, putting her ahead of Mr Miliband on 18 per cent, his brother Ed on 12 per cent, Andy Burnham on 8 per cent, Ed Balls on 7 per cent and John McDonnell on 5 per cent.
Her high media profile could explain her performance in the poll, although the backing from non-Labour supporters could be intended to get Labour to appoint the candidate least likely to win a general election.

NCB said...

Comrade Pyatakov, the speech I have quoted was given by our glorious leader Comrade Quinn.

May he reign supreme for decades to come.

Andy said...

So is the new supreme leader of the Tameside Soviet a time served Bolshevic?

Anonymous said...

Yes, he is an old style Red.

Real Name Lev Bronstein. said...

Well that's a good question Andy. I'd say Quinn hasn't really got the intelligence to be a Bolshevik or a National Socialist or anything for that matter, but the shadowy union figures behind him, no doubt manipulating him, most definitely ARE Communists.

Kieran Quinn said...

To the tune of "The Red Flag"

The working class...
can kiss my ass...
I've got the Foreman's...
Job at last!

Kieran continues said...

or the longer version....

The working class, can kiss my ass
I've got the foreman's job at last
The system I'll no more resist
I'm going to be a capitalist

Now you can raise the standard high
Beneath its shade to fight and die
But brother, please don't count on me
I've up and joined the bourgeoisie

The army version... said...

Through shit and muck....
we'll fight like fuck...
to keep the red flag flying here

The Mighty Quim said...

Christ! We get rid of the Keystone Cabinet nationally (Disagree? Four words: Harriet Harman, Yvette Cooper), then this happens in our own back yard.
Isn't Quinn as thick as pigshit?

tonydj said...

QUOTE from this blog on the 27th October 2007. Over two years ago...

"tonydj said...

I had always considered Cllr K Quinn as the successer to Cllr Oldham, "

Remember where you heard it first!

George at Asda said...

The changes have already helped stimulate the local economy.....Charming John Taylor has traded-in the boxing gloves and bought a suit!

Care of: Strangeways said...

When central government puts the money squeeze on let's hope the Tameside 'comrades' react as stupidly as possible. Oldham, bullyboy though he was, would have dealt with it by using his brains. An option not open to Quinn, Taylor (Deputy f*****g Leader?) and co.
They might have developed an election winning 'formula' that stinks to high heaven but running a Borough takes a lot more than they've got.

Tip of the iceberg said...

Election fraud committed by the Labour Party has forced its newly-elected for the Goresbrook Ward in Barking to resign and force a by-election.

The ward previously held by British National Party GLA member Richard Barnbrook, was contested by the Labour candidate while he was still a council employee. Such open party allegiance is forbidden under council rules.

The Labour candidate's employment record was uncovered as part of an ongoing investigation into election fraud in Barking being conducted by Mr Barnbrook.

“We informed the Labour Party that we would be going to court on this matter,” Mr Barnbrook said.

“Faced with the legal threat, the Labour councillor threw in the towel and resigned.”

The by-election will be held shortly and will be contested by the BNP.

“We have to be realistic about this election,” Mr Barnbrook said. “We know what happened here on 6th May and the reasons why it happened. Nonetheless, we will fight it to the best of our abilities on issues which really matter to the local people.”

* There are currently more than 50 cases of electoral fraud under investigation in Barking, mostly consisting of multiple voter registrations at identical residences.