Sunday 6 December 2009

Digital cameras for Christmas

Older residents of four New Charter sheltered housing schemes in Ashton and Droylsden have been presented with cameras in time for Christmas. But instead of scratching their heads at the instruction manuals and squinting at small print, residents can just switch on the TV to use the latest technology. Thanks to the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership, work completed this week has increased day and night surveillance cameras to dissuade bogus callers and sneak burglaries. The locations – Birchfield, Leesfield and Ryefield in Ashton and Gardenfold House in Droylsden – provide generally safe homes for their elderly occupants. But analysis of police records of acquisitive crimes in a quarter mile radius of all sheltered housing showed the four as within neighbourhoods with most recorded crime. Acquisitive crime, which includes burglaries, robberies and criminal damage, has fallen across the area. But the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership wants to see further improvement and has made the topic a key priority this year.

A bid from landlord New Charter Homes to the Tameside Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership secured almost £10,000 to deter crime and increase resident confidence. As well as cameras linked to central monitoring and door entry cameras linked to residents’ own TVs, some security gates have been installed. New Charter has funded the rest of the installation cost and will meet all running expenses.

Ryefield in the west end of Ashton is the largest of the four schemes and residents have already felt the difference. Linda Hill has lived there for just a few months, and from her armchair showed how the surveillance cameras record all visitors approaching and entering the building. She said: “Sometimes the fear of crime is greater than the level of actual crime. But the risk of being caught on camera is a deterrent to criminals posing as genuine visitors. There’s no such thing as ‘under cover of darkness’, either – these capture images clearly at night time. We all feel safer as a result.”

Managing Director of New Charter Homes Tony Powell said: “Everyone should feel safe at home. Although crime levels have fallen, some opportunists and sneaks deliberately target areas with high concentrations of elderly people. These measures are physical and emotional reassurance for our older residents.”

What a great idea! Well done New Charter and Tameside Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership. Tameside Citizen


Spare the rod... said...

So what they'll just get mugged when they go out. The mugger will be let off with a caution and go and do it again.
CCTV, better 'security' and DNA sampling aren't the solution, the reinstatement of PUNISHMENT including the birch and long mandatory prison sentences served in spartan conditions IS.

Anonymous said...

"In death as in life, I defy the Jews who caused this last war [WW II], and I defy the powers of darkness which they represent. I am proud to die for my ideals, and I am sorry for the sons of Britain who have died without knowing why."

-- William Joyce [Lord Haw-Haw] (last words just before Britain executed him for anti-war activism in WW II).

Anonymous said...

Well done for highlighting another JT success story,his programme for better CCTV all over Tameside and this project helping the residents in sheltered accommodation will make the place much safer.
I hope he puts more security staff in other areas, another success story despite the Tories bleating on about it.

Labour Out. said...

It has been proven that CCTV has virtually no impact on crime figures. In other words it is high profile but useless, attention seeking by big headed, vote hungry politicians. Some of the uninformed ( i.e. a large part of Labour's key vote ) will fall for it so in the current regime's eyes it's worth throwing our money away on.

Ben Bernanke said...

You are all missing the point. The Labour councillors involved are all shareholders in the CCTV company.

Cllr Dicky Bumbler said...

Let me see if I understand all this ....
If you cross the North Korean border illegally, you get 12 years hard labour.
If you cross the Iranian border illegally, you are detained indefinitely.
If you cross the Afghan border illegally, you get shot.
If you cross the Saudi Arabian border illegally, you will be jailed.
If you cross the Chinese border illegally, you may never be heard from again.
If you cross the Venezuelan border illegally, you will be branded a spy and your fate will be sealed.
If you cross the Cuban border illegally, you will be thrown into political prison to rot.
If you cross the UK border illegally, you get:

A job
A drivers license
A social security card
Food stamps
Credit cards
Subsidised rent or a loan to buy a house
Free education
Free health care
A lobbyist in Westminster
And in many instances you can vote....

It doesn't pay to be a British taxpayer

Labour Out. said...

What an UTTER waste of money. Come the public spending meagacuts all this, 'Look what Labour is doing for you' votebuying crap will go straight in the bin. You can buy votes temporarily among the lumpenproletariat but you can't buy loyalty from ANYONE, so when the short term bribe money runs out Labour will be annihilated.