Wednesday 19 August 2009

Roy West shows off his new collection of flags


Bernd Kugow said...

TC are you having us on with this guy or what? If he puts all those flags in his back garden he'll end up in court again.

Tameside Citizen said...

It’s not me guv - honest! I only post the videos. This latest one did have me laughing though.

Bent Rob said...

Government Spied on 500,000 UK Citizens Last Year

Sieg Heil said...

There's no law against putting flags in YOUR OWN garden.

DWP said...

Shouldn't you be at home looking after your wife?

Anonymous said...

No it's DLA

Anonymous said...

You're obsessed with Roy West. Anyone get the feeling TC and Roy West are one in the same.

Law of the land said...

No but there are laws against drunk driving and theft even if you're a Labour Councillor or an ex Labour MP Lord. Or maybe not as there's no sign of Sheldon being prosecuted. This country's starting to stink.

Taylor said...

Don't think the flags are the problem, its when you place them on your neighbours property to intimidate them,then rant at them when they object with racial abuse.
Had he done it to me I would have asked him politely to remove them,if he then decided to have a rant at me and intimidate my family I would have dealt with him.
Glasgow kiss for starters right hook on his way down,then placed a couple of flag poles in his arse for him to fly.

blood sports said...

Why does John Cooke (UKIP) make threats against people on here using the Anonymous Option? Just a thought.
As you can see the flag was never on Mr Kugow's shed. He does not even own the house his partner does.
Mr Kugow is guilty of Perverting the course of justice the night before the court case. But he will no doubt think that he is above the law of the land.

Roy West said...

Taylor, but you see that the flags were the problem. I have never seen anyone get so angry at the sight of a flag in the garden. Mr Kugow stood there in court and told lies about the flag being on his property. He ranted and raved that day about a flag in the garden, 'I want to see the blue sky, not bits of cloth.'
It's f****** amazing because since the court case, they have asked me to help them paint their fence.
Offering us a lift in their car, 'when we go out you watch our house, when you go out we'll do the same.' Mr Kugow is a big bully and he showed that the night before the court case. Where does it say that he is allowed to intimidate me and bully me into pleading guilty? Because thats what he did the night before the case, he stated that I had no option but to plead guilty the next day. He made it clear to me that the blacks would attack me if I was sent to prison. He's nothing but a big bully, he made all that fuss over a flag yet we have had to live next to a dog Kennels for the last two years.
Yes I did plead guilty, but Mr Kugow will after live with the fact the he used intimidation and bully tactics on me the night before the court case.

Psychotherapist said...

Mr West, would it be a fair comment to say you have a fettish for flags?

Roy Wes said...

No not a fettish, I would say a keen interest in regional flags of Britian. I have also got a collection of German WW2 stamps.

Tnuc a si rolyat said...

Roll on 2011 when Taylor the t**t retires. We'll have a bloody big party to wish him good riddance.

ukip said...

Sorry to disappoint you, I have not posted on here for many weeks as TC will be able to confirm from my IP address.
By the way Roy, think you mean addition not edition

Stacey Knighton said...

I think I'd much rather be at the V Festival!

Stacey Knighton said...

On the subject of putting flags etc on other people's property, here's one for you. When I was out canvassing in Moston the BNP put their sticker on my car. I spent some time trying to take it off and it made me very angry. Luckily it didn't damage the paintwork. The moral of the story is some people are childish imbeciles with no respect for other people nor their property.

Roy West said...

Stacey Knighton the flag was never on his property he made that up.
You can see by the video that fact.

Stacey Knighton said...

I didn't say it was. I wasn't talking about you at all.

Anonymous said...

Mr Cooke what we all want to know is this, why did you not bother to turn up for your own election count?
We kicked your ass again in Tameside.

UAF said...

When John calls it a day he will take on full time bash the fash campaign with us in Duky.

Anonymous said...

i would be Horrified and call the police immediately when first erected

Chris said...

Miss Knighton

The BNP does not issue any stickers.
Please stop telling lies!

Anonymous said...

Yes thats true, the BNP stopped making stickers after Nick took over the party.

Stacey Knighton said...

I'm not telling lies. It was a circular sticker to be precise. Some of us , including myself found it quite amusing until I tried to take it off.

Won't someone think of the children said...

Won't someone think of the children?

Mr blobby said...

The bnp don't do stickers Stace

chris@admin said...

Stacie, really - the BNP do not do stickers. The sticker ban come into effect when John Tyndall was still leader. The reason the BNP stopped stickers was because of a court case where they were fined for posting them on the Manchester Kremlin (Manchester Town Hall) of all places. If someone put a BNP sticker on your car they must have made it themselves. It is also worth considering that the person who was running the campaign for the BNP in Moston is a high ranking businessman and straighter than straight, even if the BNP did have stickers - there is no way he would have allowed them to be stuck on street furniture or private motor vehicles.

Mr Blobby said...

I dedicate this song to you Stacey old girl.

Mellor Road Mincer said...

Errr... Stacey isn't telling lies at all. In fact, one of your members was fined £265 for doing so.

My younger brother who is at secondary school has told me of BNP members knocking around outside schools distributing these stickers as well as racist paraphernalia.

Rotten in the state... said...

Oooohhh, stickers! Your lord and master, fifty faces Cameron, claimed a fortune off the taxpayer towards paying the mortgage on his mansion despite being a multi-millionaire. He could have bought it outright but would rather steal the money off the taxpayer.
Just like Purnell, Hogg, Blears and Sheldon etc etc etc he's fundamentally dishonest and a thief let off scot free by a corrupt judicial system. Meanwhile Mr West is pursued with extreme vigour by the political thought police for losing his rag with his provocative neighbour, talk about double standards.

Anonymous said...

Better hanging around schools telling the kids the truth than homosexuals praying on young boys.

Evil said...

And looking for signs of 'effeminacy' in five year old boys. F*****g degenerates.

Blue boy is Russian for queer said...

The Conservatives used to be the Party of family values, national pride and tradition. Now they're the Party of 'anyone who'll vote for us' no matter how vile, degenerate or self-interested.

Bloody meadow said...

If the serious problems facing the threat to this country's national survival and identity are not resolved soon things could degenerate into extreme bloodshed. Undesirable but better than craven surrender.

please get your facts right said...

Sorry MRM you are wrong. The guy featured in the Manchester Evening News was not putting out BNP stickers but hideously provocative anti-mosque stickers. This was a huge embarrasment for the BNP locally. He never was nor never will be a BNP member. I would also like to add the BNP do not distribute literature outside schools in Tameside.

Roy West said...

Hey william this ones for you from Roy.
Just English in the heart!

Roy West said...

Hey William we all want this tune at the next RWB

Roy West said...

The Dubliners - In The Rare Old Times.
The old hatreds will have to be put a side, Islamification will take away Irish/English heritage.

Anonymous said...

Taylor will not be standing in 2011 his house is up for sale, hes off to live in Spain.

tonydj said...

Hey Bernd, sorry HERR Kugow, are you still training Dachshunds as hunting dogs?

Anonymous said...

Karen wright will be Taylor's replacement in 2011 the deals already done.

DWP said...

Roy you attack MPs for their expenses, yet you fiddle your benefits too. Just because theirs is on a much grander scale than your "carers allowance" doesn't make it right.

Pot, kettle and black come to mind. No ifs, no buts. Benefit fraud is a crime.

UAF said...

John will join the bash the fash campaign full time in Duky to get rid of West

Anonymous said...

Mr Kugow will consider this latest flag stunt by West, an act of war.
Mr Kugow will deploy his forces around the shed, he will not be caugt out this time. The whole area from Glenmore to Boyds Walk will be Germanic in culture and heritage.

Anonymous said...

Oh come on the Germans are well known for being arrogant and wanting to take over property that does not belong to them. If it was not for political correctness gone mad, we would be able to say this because it's true. It's in their nature to want to rule the world and master over the rest of us.
This feeling will once again come back to life in a big way in Germany, because they are being overun with Muslim Turks.

UAF said...

Westy will be like the loser the BNP keep putting up in all areas of Tameside big Ros a born loser just like Westy.
Lets be honest would you vote for any of them both light on policy's both look scary in leaflets and both have a dodgy past when you do some digging.

Anonymous said...

What like Taylor clocking cars and selling porn vids on the market?

Roy West said...


Wildy is the best cllr in Duki said...

You don't think Wildy looks dodgy in this photo? Remember that this man in a public pissed state, we are supposed to respect? This is a drunk gravy train rider. He spends more time in the pub.

Anonymous said...

Byrhtwold spoke out, he raised his shield aloft
And shook his spear; an elderly retainer,
Courageously he taught the warriors:
Mind must be the harder, spirit must be bolder
And heart the greater, as our might grows less.
Here lies our leader in the dust, the hero
Cut down in battle. Ever must he mourn
Who thinks to go home from this battle-play.
I am an aged man. Hence I will not,
But I intend to die beside my lord,
Give up my life beside so dear a chief.

Tameside Nationalist said...

Re BNP stickers.
I am a Tameside BNP activist. The person in question turned up for one part-day during the Hyde Newton election campaign.
1) He is not a member.
2) He did what he did as part of an independent anti-Islamic campaign that is in no way connected to the BNP.
3) After turning up uninvited and due to his behaviour in his few hours on the leafleting trail he was removed from the campaign and has not been seen for seven months.

LibLabCon criminals said...

There's a difference between losing your temper when a provocative neighbour tells you what you can and can't do in your own garden, and holding high office, where you're supposed to serve your country and the public and set an example, and then using the advantages of your position to systematicallt steal from and defraud the taxpayer. Mr West was prosecuted for his 'offence' despite it being a spur of the moment loss of control. The MPs and Lords who pre-planned their theft and carried it out, in virtually every case for years have ALL gone unpunished.

oooch said...

Great news for all the frightened wives and partners who are suffering from brutes who abuse them, these brave so called men will now be prosecuted even if the partner or wife does not bring charges when threatened by these brave ares holes.
The authorities will now take them on and sort them, about time have you seen some of faces of these poor women after the cowardly attacks.

Anonymous said...

Wildy is a known drink driver about town, his daughter was recently reported to the dss for working in the cafe and claiming hand-outs.

J Bell said...

Stacey, people are gunning for you and you know it. Think about what you are doing girl. Your continued association with the hormonal queen is not helping your rise through the party ranks and now I catch engaging in debate with BNP vermin. Pull yourself together and grow up before you permanently harm your prospects for a Conservative future.

Anonymous said...

John(Back hander)Bell a gutless Tory leader more interested in getting what he can out of Roy Oldham

Traitors Charged said...

BNP membership list leakers charged. Look at the dreadful picture the BBC use of Nick Griffin. They are so predicatable.

Anonymous said...

I am Horrified at being Horrified TC poll on the West flags.

Anonymous said...

UAF we would all like to see your ugly mush on a leaflet!

F***** Up Britain said...

Occupied Britain: “Manningham Belongs to Muslims. We Don’t Want Whites.”

Anonymous said...

J Bell is a Labour councillor trying to cause shit.

Anonymous said...

I think J Bell should be more interested in his "Advisor" commenting on here under "Conservative Values".

Insider said...

John Bell will destroy the Tameside Tory party, you see that he's always got his hand out all the time. Roy Oldham has got Bell in his pocket wake up you Tories. Roy can play Bell every time!

Labour and proud said...

Why would the leaked list cause members distress, is it because many are ashamed for being members.

Anonymous said...

No because of the threats of violence and being sacked from their jobs you evil c***

UAF said...

Threat of losing a job wont bother many local fascist then will it,especially the lazy t##t in Duki.

You have been warned said...

Time for all the Internet stalkers, weirdos and downright mentalists to beware.. There is far too much casual racism, abuse and homophobic comments on this blog. Take my advise and be good knuckleheads and think before you post. GMP are watching this blog and when the line is crossed they will pounce.

PC Titterington said...

"GMP are watching this blog"

If that is true, can the boys in blue confirm that there is a major rift between PC Stephen Oswald and PC Neil Coulson?

Anonymous said...



RWB 2009 said...

Roy West speaks a new video

Sammy cole said...

Roy West talks about the 25,000 British pensioners that die each year in the uk

Nationalist said...

There is no law saying you have to agree that homosexuality is normal or that there are no differences between cultures and races. We have free speech in Britain and if the left wing thugs in Searchlight/UAF had the guts to engage in the democratic process they might understand this.

Scorched earth said...

Re the membership list.
On Councillor Taylor's website the full name and address details of a Somerset BNP member were published. Is this a criminal offence?

Eugenecist said...

Oooch, under Harriet Harman's latest attack on the white male population men ACCUSED but not CONVICTED of violence against their partners/wives will be treated as if they are guilty despite not having the opportunity to defend themselves in court. This follows hot on the heels of Ms Harman's attempt to force through the 'Equalities' Bill which would make it legal for employers to discriminate against white males.
Her and her kind's absolute silence on the epidemic of domestic violence, which often ends in murder, in the homes of 'British' Muslims is deafening. If you think either of these attempts to corrupt the fundamental principles of the British justice system are something to celebrate you are an ignorant cretin. If you are a white male you are also a masochist.

Bugger off said...

Don't forget Manchester Council's celebration of homosexual sodomy is on next weekend. That's a few more for the AIDS clinic.

Strength through Diversity said...

Bugger off, expect a knock on your door. I am in the process of reporting your homophobic remarks to the police. I am also reporting the crank called Bloody Meadow for making racist comments. You and he will both be arrested soon.

Love thy neighbour said...

Re the new poll about living next to Roy the racist, ask his new neighbours on Glenmore what they think of him, not just his next door neighbours ask the whole area, hes brought nothing but trouble since he moved in.
Move on up into Hyde and ask his ex neighbours around Werneth Ave don't just ask Werneth neighbours ask around the area, he caused trouble week in week out they had a street party when he left, visit the area now see how nice and peaceful it is.
Despite all the moaning about his landlord Roy gets semi detached houses in the best areas and its all free not such a bad country after all is it Roy.
You try buying a modern semi in a nice area see how much change you get from around £200,000,contact any of the local housing companies and ask them what are your chances of being allocated a nice semi in a nice area.
Despite all the special treatment Roy gets and remember all he gets is free he still moans about this great country.
When the Tories are in power in 2010 lets hope the do something about the work dodgers and scroungers.

Roy West said...

Reply to above post 'Great Country'

Roy West said...

National Scandal

count your blessings said...

Love thy neighbour is right Roy. You are well looked after by the state and you should be less confrontational.

Roy West said...

No wrong love thy neighbour fails to note the facts. 14 thugs convicted due to my evidence. We were forced out of our home by a thug that has a history of stabbing people. We were forced out of our home by a nasty evil man that stood by while his two sons smashed our windows on Werneth Avenue. While no one else would come forward against this evil man on Werneth Ave, we did. We stood upto a neighbour that allowed his home to become a nest of known violent thugs. Those are the facts that matter.

look at the man in the mirror said...

So why has the neighbourhood returned to peace and tranquility now you have left but at the same time as your arrival on glennmore, trouble and strife arrives soon after?

Roy West said...

Love thy neighbour these are the facts that matter in realation to Werneth Ave. Nothing else that you can post on here.
Carl Hyde convicted for criminal damage (smashing the windows at 7 Werneth Avenue) also convicted for putting my family in fear of violence. (six months)
Michael Campbell, Keith Campbell both convicted at Manchester crown court for putting my family in fear of violence.
Imogen Makin convicted for two vile assaults on my partner on Werneth Ave, and also Assault occasioning actual bodily harm.
Gramham Stanley convicted of assault on my person on Werneth Avenue.
Michael Skeer convicted and sent to prison(4 months) for smashing my windows at Werneth Avenue.
Danny Sayers 3 year ASBO.
A, Nuttall, Steven Smith convicted (protection from harrassment) told to stay away from Werneth Ave.
These are the facts that count, these are the thugs that forced my family out of our home.

I know my rights said...

If Westy had to work for his living he might just appreciate what he gets free from us all, but hes just like all the others who think the world owes them a living.
How many times have you heard these people say "why should I work I can get more on the dole" not when the Tories take over Cameron will sort them out (I hope).
We have never heard what the BNP or UKIP would do with the work shy or the people with bad backs who claim disability benefits while working on a building site etc.

get a back bone said...

I know my rights is on the ball and I fully agree. West and his ilk do not know they are born. It is so wrong that idle people are allowed to live their lazy lifestyles while we - the tax payer carry them. But here is something you will not admit IKMR, for every West type sponger there are 10 worthless immigrants who contribute nothing and take everything. Picking on home grown spongers is one thing, but you are petrified by the pc gestapo and will not talk about the real issues of immigrants screwing the system for everything they can. That is the reason I no longer vote Conservative.

I know my rights said...

No you are wrong there would be no scrounging immigrants if I had my way only hard working ones.
No work no pay if you dont like it off you go to another country and screw them if you can.

Roy West said...

Roy West asks the question on the armed forces.

Bugger off said...

STD, so you're saying the amount of extra sodomy that takes place due to the homosexual 'celebration' supported by Manchester Council won't result in more AIDS cases. More sodomy=more AIDS. Ask any Doctor if you're struggling to understand.
As for Bloody Meadow's comment it doesn't mention race. In fact I'm sick and tired of your prejudicial comments about the indigenous protection organisation that is the BNP. I believe your offensive and abusive remarks are racially motivated as you never criticize any other ethnicity's organisation and consequently I am reporting you to the Police for committing racially based hate crimes.

Bloody Meadow said...

Let me be clear. If it's a choice between a vicious, blood drenched civil war or surrendering our nation to a backward, hate filled, barbaric, foreign culture I choose the former.

Reimer said...

Bloody Meadow said...

"Let me be clear. If it's a choice between a vicious, blood drenched civil war or surrendering our nation to a backward, hate filled, barbaric, foreign culture I choose the former."

Tempted to agree.

If STD is a real person (big if) then even worse-than-useless PC-PC Plod must be fed up being mithered with reports of ideological infractions reported by it. "Oh God, not that crazed c*** again" they must sigh.

Roy West said...

Vote BNP for the return of truth and National Survival!

John Yates said...

On the Sunday morning of last years 'Gay Pride', while driving through Manchester city centre at 0600 on my way to work I witnessed two grown men walking along Portland St hand in hand wearing nothing except skin tight pink lycra shorts (keep calm MRM) that would have fitted an action man. There's a law against dressing in said manner in a public place, but in NewLabour's Britain the law is deliberately applied unequally. A recipe for chaos if not dealt with.

A.T. Robertson, pensioner. said...

Just like planning laws not applying to gypsies. What an absolute disgrace this government is. And to think I voted for them in the last fourteen general elections. Never again.

Strength through Diversity said...

John Yates you intolerant bigot. The annual Manchester Mardi-Gras bring in £ millions in revenue for this region every year. It is obvious you are a closet homosexual struggling with your sexuality. Come out of the closet and join the human race.

John Yates said...

The deal to return Al-Megrahi to Libya on 'compassionate' grounds will bring in billions in oil revenue to this country but is also nauseating. It is obvious you are a closet lunatic struggling with your sanity. Check yourself into the mental health unit before you are sectioned.

Strength through Diversity said...

The brave Scots should be commended for their bravery in standing up to American imperialism. This man should have been released earlier so he could spend his twilight years back at home with his family. Everyone except you knows he was not guilty. He was a sacrificial lamb handed over to appease America. You despise him for one reason and one reason only - because of his colour. There is a big expose of your bigot festival coming out in tomorrows News of the World. You are finished. Only psychos like you would encourage children to burn effigies of black people.

John Yates said...

This man was convicted of killing 270 people. After arrest he persistently lied about virtually all of his actions and movements leading up to the explosion. A store owner eyewitness identitied him as the purchaser of a shirt in Malta that was forensically linked to the explosives. All this was fully exposed in court and at his appeal.
Everyone except you and the other inmates know he was guilty. You absolve him for one reason only - his colour.
There is no need for an expose of UAF as every impartial observer knows they are a group of white hating, anti-democratic thugs now riddled with Islamic influence and consequent hostility to British culture, history and identity.
The left wing, liberal media (under official instruction from their unions) simply preach to the brainwashed and converted, NOTW readers being a perfect example of 'the herd' who are incapable of independent thought. Hence the reporting of Barack Obama in the 'stocks' but not Tony Blair, George Bush, Gordon Brown, Osama Bin Laden etc etc.
If an impartial media investigator went undercover in UAF it would be shut down in a week. The BNP may have a few idiot members, UAF has a few sane ones.

The Questions said...

1) Is it wrong to oppose mass immigration?
2) Are you racist because you say no to Islamification of Europe?
3)Should we safe guard English heritage from Islamification?

Anonymous said...

Roy is it true you tried to join the Conservative party on occasions in the past,is it true you have made another attempt to join and want to stand in Suki for them?

Roy West said...

No never tried to join the Tories, the only connection with the Conservative party is that I vote for them when I was 19

Forensic Handwriting Expert said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again - TC and Strength Through Diversity are pseudonyms of the same person.

You are fooling nobody.

Say No To Islamification said...

The Conservative party have abandoned Englishness in favour of the Islamification movement of Britain.

Anonymous said...

Liam and the Knighton crew are running the show now in Tameside, they have made it clear that Roy can join them if he wants.
An approach was made some months ago they wanted to do deals in certain wards Dukinfield being one of them.
Tory and BNP voters like Roy are very much the same right wing nutters.

Anonymous said...

What deal was made tell us more on this issue of Roy and the Gay Tory mafia

Retah rolyat said...

The Tories are always friendly to Roy because he'll probably take 800or so votes off Labour next year and a good Tory campaign might see them increase their vote enough to win.

Roy West said...

Just some latest news on Tameside police, and how they are on the ball fighting crime protecting people.
Because the police have took over three months to get these mug shots shorted out for Mark to look at, even if he picked out the scum that attacked him on the canal it would not matter, the police say that it would not stand up in court because it's been to long since the crime was reported.

A new beginning said...

The relationship with West and the Tories is well known,the Tories are now desperate two recent by-elections with a reduced vote is a disaster, does anyone think they or West have cat in hells chance of beating Labour in Dukinfield.
Lane Wild and Taylor were out again at week end canvassing with a large team on Victoria road, they were out litter picking on Richmond park Saturday morning with a group of residents.
The whole ward was canvassed in July/August the BNP and the Tories have done just less than F*** all when will you learn that voter contact is the only option.
The new Tory group emerging will change things around for us we are younger and smarter and we don't need or want an idiot like West within a million miles of us.

A new beginning said...

The relationship with West and the Tories is well known,the Tories are now desperate two recent by-elections with a reduced vote is a disaster, does anyone think they or West have cat in hells chance of beating Labour in Dukinfield.
Lane Wild and Taylor were out again at week end canvassing with a large team on Victoria road, they were out litter picking on Richmond park Saturday morning with a group of residents.
The whole ward was canvassed in July/August the BNP and the Tories have done just less than F*** all when will you learn that voter contact is the only option.
The new Tory group emerging will change things around for us we are younger and smarter and we don't need or want an idiot like West within a million miles of us.

Anonymous said...

Why would they want West when they have got a gobshite like you on board above post?

Tameside Citizen said...

Forensic investigator, that is an interesting allegation you make. Pray do tell how you come this conclusion? And assuming you are right and I am STD in disguise, please engage your super analytical mind to work out what my modus operandi is? Am I playing devils advocate to make this blog deliberately controversial? Or is it that I am a secret Communist struggling to suppress my feelings which causes me to express my true thoughts by using a pseudonym? Maybe I am working for the Police and I am attempting to entrap ‘racists’ by offering them honey trap questions which I assume they will answer in an illegal way? Finally, have you ever accused anyone else, yourself using a pseudonym, of being STD? I do not have the time or patience to trawl through hundreds of comments searching for the answer to this question, but I do recall someone else being accused of being STD.

Tameside Citizen said...

Mr West, are you saying the police are no longer trying to catch the thugs who threw the young man who is relative of yours into the canal?

Or not maybe? said...

A new beginning Labour are lucky to have someone like you I'm sure

Roy West said...

Yes thats the case TC, no interest no flags involved. Or paranoid German neighbour.

Dukinfield BNP said...

One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

Tameside Citizen said...

So this young man who is ill with asbergers syndrome is pushed into the canal by a pair of cowardly bullies, not only does that cause him trauma to such a degree he will no longer cycle along the canal, but he also losses his bike which is now rusting away at the bottom of the canal? Yet the police are unprepared to actively investigate this crime? If I have read the facts right Mr West, I think you should go the scene of the crime and record a video update.

Roy West said...

Well Mark will be making an official complaint to the police there's alot to say about this matter.

Regime change said...

The government and Police have been instructed by the European Court that the detention of DNA samples from innocent people is illegal. They have not however destroyed said samples as just like the massive number of proven thieves, embezzlers and fraudsters who inhabit Parliament's two houses (NONE of whom have been prosecute), they believe they are above the law.