Sunday 16 August 2009

Roy West reporting from the 2009 BNP festival


Anonymous said...

Yea, some party of the working class - check out the Lamborghini in the background as the camera pans round.

Strength through Diversity said...

You are so lucky I did not see you because I would have pointed you out and then you would get a quick lesson in how fascists should be treated.

Nationalist said...

STD, violence exclusively against white people is your stock in trade.

Strength through Diversity said...

No bigot, my role is to protect the vulnerable in society from psychopathic maniacs like you. Minorities must be protected from organised racists. We will defend minorities and crush racists. You hear our chant and you hear it loud you small minded moron. WE ARE MANY – YOU ARE FEW WE ARE MANY – YOU ARE FEW. BLACK AND WHITE UNITE AND FIGHT – SMASH THE BNP

Strength through Diversity said...

I am outraged that the racists who slipped through our net made it into this festival of hate accompanied by children. This is child abuse of an open and shut nature. Innocent children forced to endure racist brainwashing is illegal and when the children are identified they will be removed from their parents into non racist protective custody. Racists should be sterilised in a bid to prevent them breeding and then abusing their offspring by brainwashing them.

UAF said...

Who paid for this trip Mr West how much tax payers hard earned cash have you dipped into for this trip.
How many none whites did you see in the fascist camp you set up ?

Roy West said...

One non-white BNP councillor, one jewess BNP councillor. Some others that were on the camp.

Roy West said...

It only cost £10 for the tent, I also bought a Orlando chair it was made in China. Thats right it broke on me. I'll get my money back when I take it back to the shop.
Thanks for your interest though.

Anonymous said...

Were you on the world's sh*ttest roundabout Roy?

Henry Kelly said...

I always knew he went round in circles but that takes the piss.
I do agree the UAF no matter if you agree with therm or not should stand at election time so the general public can vote for "their point of view" we do live in a democracy or so we are told.
And that is no way saying i support the BNP as i don't agree with their socialist priciples.
The BNP are a left wing party that is why Labour dont like them as they target the same vote.

Anti-PC UK said...

Roy, do not justify yourself to them. You know it is your local crooked Labour councillors and they are beneath contempt. They object to you getting state benefits as a registered carer and they object to your little gathering being exclusively white but these are the same spineless wonders that remain totally silent about the vast amounts of money being spent on treating HIV+ African refugees who have no right to be in Tameside. They know they are wrong and that you have the courage to stand up and say what is right and they fear you for that.

Tory Denton NE Team said...

Very strong chance that Henry Kelly is Mr John Cooke (UKIP) guy.
He could not even be bothered to turn up for the Denton NE count.

Indigenous Brit said...

STD, you're the organised racist as you attack the BNP which is an organisation set up to protect, defend and represent the interests of the indigenous population. There are massive numbers of organisations that do the same for other ethnic groups which you DON'T object to proving your racist hatred of white people who want to stand up for their rights.

Anonymous said...

But brainwashing children about multiculturalism is fine.

Nationalist said...

UAF, how many non-blacks are there in the Association of Black Police Officers? Or non-Asians in the massive number of groups that serve their needs, none. Because according to white hating bigots, non-whites can never be racist. Check out the statistics on the number of black on white crimes, and rapes in particular and find out who's REALLY being discriminated against.

UAF said...

The difference is that the BNP scum hate people and think they are better.
Its all based on hatred and you will never get away from the Nazi your connections.

Roy West said...

"Five percent of the people think;
ten percent of the people think they think; and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think."

Indigenous Brit said...

UAF, you're the expert on hate. You hate the BNP but not any other organisation that exists to uphold the rights of a particular group. The BNP no more hate or think they are better, than any ethnic support organisation does. But you can only conceive of bigotry coming from white people because you hate them.

Electraglide in blue said...

UAF, gutless, anti-democratic racist scum.

Hypocrite Buster said...

Read this STD. Your words of wisdom on this tragedy is eagerly awaited. Disaffection is a good reason to smash someone’s scull with a claw hammer is it not? I think there is never justification for such actions, but I am sure you will find an excuse for this behaviour. And hoe racist of the Telegraph to publish such a story in the first place, what says you STD? By the way and while we are on the subject of claw hammers, did your UAF friends have many with them on Saturday?

Strength through Diversity said...

Are you stupid as well as ignorant? The article clearly states and I quote "There was a failure to deal with racial tensions and incidents or to promote good relations between different racial groups”. What we have here is a classic case of white people playing the race card in an effort to stir up hatred towards minorities. Unlike whites Asian people have to live with the misery of racism and in this case they reached a point where they could take no more which unfortunately led to violence.

Roy West said...

The British Isles: The Land and The People 1952

Nationalist said...

Are you illiterate as well as racist? The article states that groups of young Asian men were allowed to get out of control because the school's authorities were frightened of the race card, used by minorities and encouraged by left wing anti-white groups.
What we have here is a classic case of anti-nationalist pressure groups who advocate violence against those who disagree with them, using the race card to oppress and suppress the indigenous population and excusing any crimes committed by non-whites as a 'reaction against white oppression' (my quotation marks).
You clearly believe that only whites are capable of racism as, although the recipient (like so many cases that never surface in the corrupt media, censored for the good of 'community cohesion', i.e. one rule for one group of people and another rule for another) was white it was somehow his fault, (' Unlike whites Asian people have to live with the misery of racism and in this case they reached a point where they could take no more which unfortunately led to violence') despite there being no evidence whatsoever that this was the case. If a group of white lads had attacked a lone Asian with a hammer you would have been screaming blue murder from the rooftops, thus demonstrating your utter and anti-white racism.
No comment on the pre-planned claw hammer attack in Leigh speaks volumes, even a bigot like you can't defend that.

Roger Whittle said...

'The undue indulgence and leniency' towards disaffected Asian pupils created an 'obvious risk of racial violence' 'and a failure to impose and maintain adequate disciplinary standards, including control of the group of pupils known as "Asian Invasion" '.
You're the one who should learn to read. I've yet to see you put forward a rational argument on this blog. It usually starts with slanted, hate filled bigotry and degenerates into ranting, abuse and the advocation of violence against dissenters who haven't got their minds 'right'.

Hypocrite Buster said...

Good reply Nationalist. Assuming STD is a real person and not just a caricature of a typical deluded lefty, it would be a fair assumption to say this person is certifiably insane. He/she has all the classic symptoms of someone with a severe personality disorder. In this incarnation STD is a defender of ‘minorities’ and in STD’s opinion ‘minorities’ can do no wrong. Minorities could burn, rape and pillage and STD would have an explanation as to why their actions were justified. This type of insanity is prevalent amongst defenders of ‘minorities’ and promoters of ‘diversity’. There is no better example of this than king of the hypocrites Billy Bragg . This deluded man is of a mindset very similar to that of STD. He laments about life in the East End and salivates about the benefits of mass third world immigration and how great it is for communities to be enriched by Somali’s, Bangladeshis and Nigerians. He thinks mass immigration and third world in enrichment is such a great thing he is arguably the number one champion of inviting more to this crowded little island. You would be justified in thinking Billy would live right in the heart of Peckham or some similarly enriched part of London, but anyone who has any first hand knowledge of these lefty zealot types will know the opposite to be true. So where does Billy Bragg – champion of mass immigration live? Yes, you guessed it – he lives in what is the statistically the whitest and least ‘enriched’ part of England which is Dorset . If this blogs resident nut job – STD is a real person, what is the betting he/she lives in a totally ‘un-enriched’ area too?

I seem to see the Tiber said...

I defy any sane person to go to Brent in London and state (honestly) that British culture has not been virtually eradicated. The significance of this is, it is the direction the whole country is headed, evidenced by the government's own (heavily doctored) demographics, the real picture is far worse.
Anyone with the guts to stand up against national suicide is vilified as a racist/hater/bigot etc etc. The corridors of power are filled with Britain haters whose mission is to destroy British identity, culture, history and civilization. If action isn't taken to stop this transformation very soon the beckoning hand of extreme bloodshed and violence may change into a weapon wielding fist.

UAF said...

West is a racist hater, we will destroy him in Duky.

More Labour Sleaze said...

James Purnell is now on Guido Fawkes blog for allegedly not living at his Broadbottom Home. This is the second Labour top brass being called in over their expenses...

Roy West said...

My Young Man

Stereotypes don't invent themselves said...

What's wrong with not liking Germans? A lot of them are arrogant bleeders with no sense of humour. If we'd had any sense we would have ground them into the dirt in 1945. There's no racial aspect as they're the same race as indigenous Brits.

Reimer said...

"If this blogs resident nut job – STD is a real person, what is the betting he/she lives in a totally ‘un-enriched’ area too?"

IIRC s/he confessed s/he didn't live in such a place but claimed to be ready to move at the drop of a hat. S/he also claimed to be married to some superannuated parasite from the race-hustling industry, proximity to whom had enabled her access to the plans for concentration camps for 'bigots'. The threat that this blog's deletion was imminent and that various commenters were to be arrested was also asserted by this character, whom I strongly suspect is an agent provocateur, or the next big thing in UK satire.

Roy West said...

This is the fav picture of me taken at the RWB 2009.

Tommy said...

Roy trying to get his bed in the tent at the RWB.

Anonymous said...

r u a fenian?

stonehenge said...

It seems you had a thoroughly good time there, Roy.I would love to attend the next one!

stonehenge said...

I am new to this posting malarky but it seems to me that UAF is a thoroughly distasteful character filled with HATE not hope! What does UAF stand for anyway? Unwashed And Filthy perhaps?

Roy West said...

More picture's of the Veterans at the RWB 2009.

Truth Seeker said...

You can't haddle the truth