Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Roy West takes control in Denton by-election

The BNP’s local election strategist Roy West takes control of the still born BNP campaign for the Denton NE by-election. Can he revive the BNP’s fortunes with just two weeks to go?


Adam D's notepad said...

Great, a space filler for next weeks Advertiser.

Conservative Values said...

I think thats what he's after.

Denise and my agent said...

We cant thank you enough having the real opposition split into many parts,and now this great news is really to much to ask for, but we will take it.

Denton BNP said...

Nick Griffin speech to the European Parliament

Don't drink and die said...

Why no mention of Steve Smith? This is a glaring omission from your blog TC. The Advertiser have given it a very small space for what should be a very big issue. I would be interested to know what your readers think of this.

Anonymous said...

Yeah good point above post. More on this we need. Thanks!

Investigator said...

Hey, what a great write up on Paul . We were going to do one for Adam but all in all he isn't a bad lad.

Denton Blue said...

The election is really over already now its become a one horse race.
Congratulations Denise.

Fred Talbot said...

You sound like a weatherman Roy. Stop flapping your hands around like a thalidomide pleb.

Pen and Ink said...

Roy you sweaty sod, that's the same shirt you're wearing from the earlier film you did.

Either they were filmed at the same time or you stink!

Red Shirt said...

No I have three of these shirts, anyway I use a good deodrant.

Don't dawdle said...

Tameside UKIP website so out of date and out of touch!

Denton NE page says keep Denton Mkt open - the market has been gone for over two years because traders didn't even want a stall for free; calls for a joint police/council shop at Crown Point (there is both already at Denton Town Hall) and is calling for 2 hrs free parking when both Saxon Street and Queen Street car parks are already FREE - all day!

Blimey! Keep up!!!

Rumbled you! said...

No three shirts... blink and you'll miss it, but even the two oldies are still present on the bench behind Roy, just like in the first film.

Maybe the old dears have been sitting there since 9th July, or maybe these two 'separate' films were actually recorded on the same day.

If so, that means the BNP 'inactivity' was planned. There's been no campaign take-over. This is better spin than Peter Mandelson could manage. Next time Roy, maybe try a different angle and take a second shirt with you! said...

No I promise you it's not spin. It's on the way!!!

Anonymous said...

It might be "on the way" whatever 'it' is, but that clip was filmed on the same day as the earlier clip, which means:

1) the 'still born' campaign was always planned to be that way and
2) Roy's take-over isn't spontaneous - it's planned too

THAT'S SPIN if ever I saw it...

Now with 13 days to go, bring "IT" on...

Treehugger said...

I think everyone knows who's really running the BNP campaign. In my opinion he has been from the start.

BBC Continuity Dept said...

Well spotted Rumbled You! You can have a job in my department any day. Certainly those two clips were done at the same time, not weeks apart.

True Brit said...

If there is no bnp campaign in the next day or so! We will get judge Berg onto West again

Splitter Stacey said...

Poor Stacey. Why wouldn't Joan and Floyd sit with her at the Denton DA last night? Why did the Denton Mafia sit at the back of the hall and Stacey and her two bodygards from Ashton sit at the front??

Doreen for leader said...

Because howarth has told her to keep out of denton. she is fuming now that tart has been asking questions about west ward.

Anonymous said...

My God you Tories are pathetic with all this childish shit.

Manchester Road Mincemeat said...

Yes well if you had to put up with the abuse and spitefulness we have had to put up with then you would understand. Even now there is a massive battle to take control of our conservative association. Stacey and her cronies have caused enough trouble without them stealing the show at Denton DA. It should have been left to our candidate to question the useless labour councillors but she can't help herself. She sits there pontificating with that pair from Ashton like they bloody well run the show and then wonder why we are angry. Just wait til the byelection is over then you will really see what we do to those who have damaged our happy party. CCHQ won't be able to stop this now.

Anonymous said...

stacey - people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, you should have thought about all this last year.

if you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen love and leave it to people who aren't going to ruffle feathers at every opportunity.

i could tell you a thing or two about how it's done.


One owner, low mileage said...

Taylor that comment about glass houses is yours. The lack of grammar gives it away. By the way where are your UAF mates in Denton? It's not the same without them. Still you're probably right to be keep them on the leash. if they start attacking people again it could really blow up in your face.

John said...

See you at the count