Good to see the Greens are actively participating in this election. It is interesting to see Labours third party back up have arrived in the ward right on cue. What’s the betting the flip side of the coin, the violent group connected to a well known Dukinfield councillor - UAF arrive in the ward tomorrow? Still not had any leaflets sent from UKIP. If anyone has a UKIP leaflet please send it to me.
Yep your right, we will be there and every where the fascist go, John will be with us leading the fight against them we did a great job in Reddish and will do the same in Denton.
Nice comments on the BNP site with the photo of the fascist scum looks like they have already started to make excuses why they will do nothing in this ward also.
Thank you Griffin for your comments about murdering innocent women and children showing your true colours its made our job easier.
We know but your just scum so no problem.
UAF, no-one apart from a miniscule number of infantile or gullible fools believes a word your gutless 'organization' says.
Fascists don't believe in, and have no respect for democracy, a perfect summation of what UAF stands for. The BNP stands for election and lets the people decide. UAF doesn't and uses violence rather than engage in an electoral process in which it knows it would be utterly humiliated. It's called cowardice.
We do alot of work for John Taylor he passes information to us for our leaflets. Brian Wild is also active in giving us useful info. We work with these councillors for the same agenda. We don't try to hide this fact, no need to anymore.
There's never been any need, it's an open secret in Tameside.
What is the point of the awful cartoons on the "Hope not Hate" leaflet. They are truly amateurish.
Check the address too. Ilford..ILFORD! I thought you said you were local?
The PO Box number is that of Searchlight, former editor Gerry Gable who admits that he passes information to the police is "proud" that his son is in thw Israeli Defence Force.... don't let your Muslim members hear that lads!
Tony, the cartoon is designed to de-humanise the BNP. The cartoon of the monster is supposed to resmble your candidate. Everything these Labour backed extremist groups accuse the BNP of - they are guilty of themselves. They use Nazi propaganda techniques and then accuse the BNP of being the Nazis.
We will be swamping the ward with truth on Sunday. See you at 12 as arranged John.
On my way now with my group we are also doing another leaflet, this will be another splendid Sunday.
UAF thug spotted screaming on Tame Street after a BNP voter refused to accept a lie leaflet. The thug is said to be no taller than five foot, wearing a green cagoule and has bags under his eyes which are far larger than those of Deputy Dog.
UAF thug spotted screaming on Tame Street after a BNP voter refused to accept a lie leaflet. The thug is said to be no taller than five foot, wearing a green cagoule and has bags under his eyes which are far larger than those of Deputy Dog. Photo available if requested.
Denton latest--- Customers were in shock last night in the Conservative club, a row broke out between the Tory rivals, supporters of the the Tory candidate were heard saying that they knew the election was lost and they knew who to blame.
Club officials acted before the rivals came to blows,what more can these people do make it even easier for Labour.
OK you Labour people I have sussed you out just in time, I suspect you have planted Dawson Lane as the candidate for this election and that's how you are getting all the inside information.
Take close look at the election photos on the Tory leaflets its Dawson Lane.
Dawson was a keen boxer and I know he likes darts, very clever trick you guys but its over now,I suggest the Tories cry foul and try to get the election stopped.
Saw the mob today guess who was with them again looking very orange.
Didn't see Tangerina but saw the Tories. That's two days running.
When the truth (Labour supporters can look that up in the dictionary) about the state of the economy rises above pro-establishment media lies and 'interpretation' there'll be hell to pay.
Did you see Dawson Lane in his Tory disguise
New Labour are scum, they have betrayed the British people all the way down the line.
Vote anyone but not new labour
I predict like in Reddish, a good chunk of the votes will go red... the scraps are to be fought for between the other four. Like the TC poll shows, the real battle is which party can come second in this contest.
The difference between Reddish and Denton North East is Reddish is under Stockport council which is Lib Dem while Tameside is Labour.
We will soon see on Thursday the result which i believe will be closer than some people will let you believe.
The only party with any accurate data is the Labour party unless you canvass these wards there is no other way of predicting this result with any accuracy.
My understanding is that Labour have canvassed by the traditional method of door knocking, they are also doing phone canvassing,and just before the election was called they had posted out thousands of voter I.D. leaflets.
They claim to have some very accurate data showing a big Labour vote Andrew Gwynne MP is an expert at this sort of stuff he is always within 5%of the election results.
Anyone who was at the opening of the postal votes last week will know that the Labour vote was almost 60% of the votes returned should this continue the result will be over before Thursday.
Now take a look at the work being done by all party's this week, word is Labour will deliver at least three leaflets and will be out on election day with a final one.
If you live in Denton you will have also have received a special; targeted letter from the candidate, if you had a postal vote you got a special letter also.
Combine all the work of the other party's and that would not match the Labour efforts so don't be surprised at the comments about who will come second.
All these other party's have let themselves down missed a great opportunity in what are difficult time for the ruling party, but its true to say you only get out what you put in.
The main oppositions alleged rift is not helping them and the BNP delivering third rate leaflets is an insult to the voters, no need to mention the Greens and UKIP they were never a serious about this election they will be humiliated again.
I hate to say this but Labour will reap the rewards of their campaign just like they did in Newton and Reddish they have a new campaigning strategy that's working for them, its not rocket science but it does require some very hard work and that's what they are doing.
Some of the other party's should try it.
Labour to win with an increased Majority.Tories second,the rest also ran
There wasn't any argument in the Tories. What are you lot taking?
Another good day completed with our friends from Searchlight in Denton, Griffins comments about murdering children by sinking their boats not gone down very well in this area.
We are told several residents moved two fascist female workers on their way last week.
Newsboy, you make some good points about Labour's strategy but forgot to mention them bringing in outside agitators, thugs and smearmongers to help them try and lie their way to a by-election win and cling on to the gravy train. Seven out of ten people are so disillusioned with politicians they don't bother to vote, you'd better hope this situation continues and you can keep dragging out your 1200 or so zombies. Such tactics won't be possible in a 19 ward full council election and by then Labour will be so universally despised they'll suffer massive reverses and not just in Tameside.
Newsboy, if your canvassing and general tactics are so good why did 88.5% of the electorate in Reddish NOT vote Labour? A win's a win but as the economy continues to disintegrate the mass voter apathy Labour have come to rely on will disintegrate and then ANYTHING can happen.
Dead right above, all that hard work and nine out of ten still don't vote for them.
Look at the turnout at any election and it's the same.
And if more had turned out, it would probably have broken down along similar proportions. The real question being dodged is why only 16% of people who bothered to vote felt they could support the Tory in the current political climate in Reddish.
You'd have thought they should have been rushing out in droves to support the blues.
Working class... all that hard work and 75% didn't vote for ANYONE. Apathy isn't just Labour's problem is it?
No-one else is crowing about a 'magnificent' victory. The point is Labour RELY on apathy, it will rapidly dissipate as the economy crumbles and other Parties will come to the fore.
'Look at the turnout at any election and it's the same', it was 23.5% in Reddish, over the last ten general elections it's averaged 71.75% which means ANYTHING can happen especially in current economic conditions.
Low turnouts mean Labour does well. Their wins in '97, '01 and '05 have seen the lowest percentage turnouts since before the second world war. In 1992, despite winning 82 LESS seats than Tony Blair in 1997, John Major got half a million MORE votes due to a much higher turnout. If the Tories get their vote out they win. As mentioned before apathy helps Labour.
Yeah not round here though, low turnouts does the opposition well... in 2003 local elections across Denton and Reddish (average turnout 27%) the Labour vote was circa 12,000 and the Tory vote was circa 7,000.
In the General Election, turnout 52% the Labour vote was circa 21,000 and the Tory vote circa 7,000.
The higher the turnout, the higher the Labour vote in these parts!
And as for crowing, I don't seem to remember the Tories bemoaning low turnouts in 2008 when they took Staly N and Duki/Staly in the local elections... weren't they "magnificent victories" too?
Duki/Staly will almost definitely be a Tory gain next year but I wouldn't be so sure about Staly N. The Cllr's have put an great deal of work in since May 2008.
Cllr Patrick basically won it in Carrbrook.
Cllr K Welsh will easily pull back those 45 votes as a result of the work.
That wasn't over exactly the same area as one was a general and the other a series of local elections. On a comparable and long term basis Labour benefit from low turnouts.
The Stalybridge North and Dukinfield/Stalybridge council elections of 2008 had average turnouts. Labour lost in the latter because the BNP took too many votes off them, in the former because of general Labour unpopularity and a good Tory campaign. The massive increase in unemployment will skyrocket even further over the next year and Labour will rightly bear the brunt of the public's wrath.
Your argument is weak... 60/70% still didn't vote. So low turnout = a disgrace when Labour wins in Reddish/Denton NE but low turnout = good when Tories win in Duki/Staly and Staly N. Peverse logic there.
Anonymous, learn to read. The turnouts in Duki/Staly and Stalybridge North were AVERAGE not low hence an increased chance of Tory victory especially if smaller Parties take some of Labour's working class support. The turnout in Reddish was about 7% below the average turnout for a council election in England, i.e. very low, Labour took 49.5% of the vote compared to their current national support of about 22%.
If the turnout at the upcoming general election is anywhere above the 71.5% average since WWII, Labour will, on current trends be annihilated not just defeated. If they drop much below 200 seats the Party will almost certainly be finished.
There is no way on this earth turnout will be 70%+.
2005 was on average 61% and in this current poltical climate it is likely to decrease further. It this a positive thing? Of course not.
Also the Tories need a 12% swing in the GE in order to give them the result they want. The Norwich by-election gave them 6%.
The Labour vote isn't coming out (apart from in tameside and the stockport parts of Andrew Gwynne's constituency of course)but the Conservatives are not capitalising on this enough.
Based on a 6% swing as in norwich it will be a hung parliament.
FYI stacey - the tories are obviously opting for Chloe Smith types with half a brain so I think you're on to a loser here! Bimbo
Its a fact Labour wont be able to mount the same campaigns in the council elections in 2010,its another fact that the other party's will have the same problem also.
The conservatives will once again have paper candidates up in several wards this tells you something about their desire to win control of the council.
What do you think the BNP will do my best guess is they will contest five seats they do not have the resources to do much more and all candidates will be on their own.
Labour will be the only party that resources all wards and mounts serious campaigns, some wards will do extra work and be given real assistance by the party, unless the rift in the Tory party is healed they will not do this because some members now hate each other.
Labour will not wait for the election period to show their faces in the wards the campaign is ongoing now they are out every week canvassing and posting newsletters, that's what united party's do.
The turnout in 1992 was 78%, in 1997, motivated by hatred of the Tories it was 72%. Similar hatred of New Labour exists now and I believe the turnout wiil be in excess of 70%. Your comments are however interesting and thought provoking.
United Labour, Labour are indeed united, by self-interest and a strong desire to stay on the gravy train so motivation won't be a problem. The other Parties are united in their hatred of Labour and the BNP in particular will be targeting 1st, the wards - and it will be a lot more than five - they believe they can win in and 2nd anywhere they believe they can affect the result in the favour of any Party BUT Labour. This happened in Duki/Staly last year and they will be targeting Labour's core voters across many wards. Roy West is co-ordinating this work and the Party is totally united in one thing, making sure Labour have to work as hard as possible for every vote.
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