Monday, 8 June 2009

So I wake up to find out our region has a BNP MEP

I look out the window – everything appears normal, the birds are still singing in the trees, the sun is still shining, people are still going about their daily business, but make no mistake; an earthquake, a political earthquake of monumental proportions did take place last night. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine the BNP could succeed in making a breakthrough after the unrelenting media barrage of negativity directed towards them.

I knew the BNP were strong in certain areas locally, but to gain over 130,000 votes across the NW region is barely believable. This victory will move the BNP into the political mainstream in a way the minor council victories never could. When election time comes, will the extra credibility gained for the BNP by this victory lead them to get the extra boost they need in the local elections to dislodge the Labour troughmeisters from their tax payer funded feeding frenzy?

I make no apologies for giving this hype to the BNP because I am genuinely shocked by last night’s results. The Conservative’s and UKIP easily outpolled the BNP, but that was always expected to happen. The big news surely has to be that in an ironic twist; the Labour collapse has lead directly to the BNP victory. I can imagine a certain Dukinfield Labour councillor being non too pleased over that twist to the story. And then if we analyse the results on a local level; the combined UKIP and BNP vote was I believe greater than the ruling Labour clique’s? Interesting times!

Please try and keep debate as civil as possible because I will be away from now until Sunday and it is unlikely I will be able to get internet connection to delete any offensive posts.


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Francis Apaloo said...

So you now have an MEP - but by a thread.

Your key areas didn't hold up.

Tameside - 4th
Oldham - 5th
Manchester - 6th
Burnley - 5th
Pendle - 5th

You would of thought the BNP could of done better. I doubt you will have as many MEPs in the next election. Griffin maybe smiling, but he should be worried. He predicted that Burnley and Pendle would be key areas for the BNP, but he was greatly mistaken.

Anonymous said...

No two MEP'S

Say No To Eu Rule said...

Francis Apaloo Who said this?
"A win is a win"

Obama bin Laden said...

Anyone who voted BNP must be a racist.


Do I get a prize for being the first to say it?

Anonymous said...

Shame you are going away, I was going to canvass your house, number 21 is it?

War law said...

Mr Apaloo, the BNP gained three County Councillors and two MEPs in the face of the most virulent, corrupt and dishonest media campaign in British political history. The utter lack of integrity in contemporary British journalism can be summed up by their national union's official advice to always report negative BNP stories and never report positive ones. In the light of this, and now having well over 100 Councillors and Richard Barnbrook as a member of the 25 member Greater London Assembly victory tates all the sweeter. If we'd had fair treatment by the politically run media we may well have won half a dozen seats or more.

Bill Cole (Gorton) said...

Kaufman's £220 grapefruit bowls

VETERAN Labour MP Sir Gerald Kaufman bought a pair of crystal grapefruit bowls for £220 on his expenses, we can reveal.

Sir Gerald also charged the taxpayer £225 for a rollerball pen. And when asked to explain what he admits are a `bizarre-sounding' series of expense claims he blamed `self-diagnosed obsessive compulsive disorder' for some of his purchases.

Sir Gerald, 79, who represents Gorton, one of the country's poorest areas - has already been criticised after it emerged that he had submitted a claim for importing a rug from New York.

Racist said...

Moshe Kedar and Mordechai Hersch, Israeli Nationals, Arrested Attempting to Smuggle 12.5 Tons of Marijuana into Britain

Illegal drugs extract a terrible toll on society. The single most important obstacle to making a severe dent into the availability of illegal recreational drugs is Jews being in charge of the international drugs trade, which we are reminded of every now and then when a major bust such as the following happens.

Recently, two Israelis, Moshe Kedar and Mordechai Hersch, aged 81 and 67, respectively, were arrested while attempting to smuggle 12.5 tons of marijuana into Britain! This amount of marijuana would have made 36 million marijuana cigarettes, good for approximately 3.5 million street deals. Moshe Kedar was arrested after being caught on surveillance video receiving a cell phone and £10,000 cash from members of a Leicester-based drug gang headed by Mohinder and Baljinder Rai. Kedar was reported as having no criminal record. Whereas the mainstream media reported that Kedar and Hersch organized the shipment and came to Britain to oversee its transfer, they credited Israeli intelligence with facilitating the arrest. Yeah, right! The Jews are attempting damage control.

Note the ages of these Jews. There’s an extensive history of Rabbis peddling drugs, too, a topic that we will cover at some point. Jews use people few would suspect to be dispensers or traders of illegal recreational drugs. Naturally, attempts by ZOG to eradicate the illegal drugs scourge will be nothing but a sham.

Noel O'Brien said...

Labour Councillor - Violence

A FORMER Labour councillor is facing jail for assaulting a young woman traffic warden.

Liam and the Oldham crew said...

Conservative Conference

Sychonce2009 said...

Margaret Thatcher 'spirit of the south Atlantic'

Now it's coming back in the form of the British National Party!

Regime Change said...

Brown's clung on because the Labour hogs think that will give them a bit longer at the trough. Never mind trivia like the national interest or even the future of the Party. What a bunch of tenth rate, unprincipled traitors. Michael Foot and his gang of cranks plumbed the depths but this lot have sunk to an all time low.

West RoyKevin said...

I will never forget those wise words from my neighbour not so long ago.
"you can post a million leaflets, your never going to get elected"

True blue said...

They were talking about you Roy I would guess,bet you dont win any elections in Tameside.
You will get nothing in Denton if its called and you will never beat the Dukinfield councillors they are far to clever for the likes of you, we will remove them one by one over the next few years.

West RoyKevin said...

Oh so it's the next few years now? you said you would take the Duki seat next time round. We will see about what you say old 2010. Big progress made in Duki over the last few weeks.

The Sons of Katie Elder said...

West will win. word on the streets vote for bnp euro elections went over the 734 votes he got in the local elections, by 310.

Anonymous said...

So many intelligent people I know say "they're all the same/all so bad, I didn't know who to vote for, so didn't vote for any"

Look: if you want change - within OR outwith the system - YOU HAVE GOT TO GET INVOLVED.
It's not just Politicians who kill democracy!

Shame on every last one of you who didn't vote and whose apathy has allowed a gaggle of lying neo-nazis to legitimise themselves.
Millions of good men died to presereve the democracy YOU spurn and THEY damage.

It’s easy to understand the mindset of the typical BNP supporter by reading some of the many comments posted on the BNP website. Generally the BNP supporter sees the country as being under attack from immigrants and Muslims - and the BNP hierarchy use this to stoke up hatred for both groups. Hitler did the same during his early political career with the Jews.

I’d like to think that not everyone who voted BNP is inherently racist, although many certainly are. Many will be disenfranchised, disillusioned and aggrieved voters who don’t hate people because of their ethnicity but because they see what has been badly managed immigration impacting their lives (even if they wrongly attribute their woes to immigration).
It’s these voters that need to be won back.
The racists on the other hand need their heads stamping on.

Judd said...

Anonymous, people just don't understand about the 'evil' fascists do they. If only we could get rid of this awful democracy where people disagree with Marxist globalizers. I voted BNP because like millions of others due to 'badly managed' immigration (i.e. a deluge) which has led to massive uncontrolled numbers of foreigners of all races flooding in prepared to work for a pittance; as the vast majority of them have extremely low outgoings often living in overcrowded Third World style conditions, care nothing for and know nothing about Britain. They are here to benefit big business and themselves at the expense of British people who are voting in increasing numbers for the BNP because NO-ONE else will even address these issues.
The issue is the survival of our culture and way of life and bleating on and on about 'rayycism'
has worn thin and looks increasingly irrelevant to growing
numbers of British people.

If you want a war said...

'The 'racists' need their heads stamping on'. Weren't those the Nazi's tactics; kill those who disagree with you. You have demonstrated most admirably your thorough understanding of what true fascism is.

British Nationalist said...

You're right, we're legitimized. You're just a bunch of shouting, anti-democratic bigots who react with attempted intimidation because you haven't got the guts, policies, ideas or principles to do what we do, stand for election.

Towton 1461 said...

Millions didn't die to propitiate a multicultural experiment they died defending Britain, its values, traditions, way of life and thousands of years of history. Your comparison with the Nazis treatment of the Jews is utterly spurious. That was based on non-reasoning bigotry, the Islamic threat to this country is based on demographics, a deliberate refusal to integrate, is real and is growing exponentially-according to the Government's own (extremely conservative figures) between 2004 and 2008 the Islamic population of Britain increased ten times faster than any other group, these kinds of statistics are reflected globally. Go to Brent if you want to see Britain's potential future. Like 943,000 others -and growing- I'll keep working for, supporting and voting BNP.

True Blue said...

Its got to be over the next few years old chap we can only take take one seat in each ward each year,Duki/Staly will be ours in two years,and Duki ward will take three years but we will be the majority party by 2011, the BNP will have none.
Work it Roy how many seat do you have in Tameside and how many do you think you will have by 2011.
You do the leafleting and leave the thinking to others.

Anonymous said...

Huge Labour gang out today in Denton looks like Newton all over again its their second leaflet in the last two weeks,whats going on?

Anonymous said...

john taylor above post the guy is a complete dick

shamelessly stolen from said...

Against 'No Platform for The BNP'

My problem with the BNP is they are knuckledragging idiots peddling a nationalist socialism: British Jobs for British Workers, nationalisation etc...(oh sorry, that's Labour). The BNP are racist, hateful, socialist, ignorant, and have almost no support. It was therefore pleasing to see Griffin skewered on air on Election night - very easily. Just ask him how "you just know" who is "British", and watch him start blaming the Muslims. The BNP were given rope to hang themselves, and they did. Comprehensively.

The reason the knuckledraggers got elected is that senior Labour politicians persistently presented the issue of the "rise" of the BNP as the reason to vote Labour. Indeed this was the only message coming out of the Labour Party centre which addressed issues specific to the ongoing election campaign. The BNP vote didn't go up, it stayed about the same. Labour's on the other hand, collapsed. Two strategically-shaved primates now represent the UK in the European talking-shop. Mainly because the Labour party has given up. The BNP aren't a threat to British Democracy, nor are they "on the rise".

White Power: Not a racist.

It is time to use sunlight as a disinfectant. It is time for the mainstream parties to rethink the 'no platform' stance when dealing with the BNP. It hasn't worked, and now the knuckledraggers have democratic representation, such a stance undemocratic. The electorate wanted to send a message that they are disgusted with the mainstream politicians. Under these circumstances Labour politicians begging people to vote for "anyone but the BNP" is likely to have the effect of suring up their support. The howls of outrage indicate the votes have had the desired effect. A Campaign by Harriet Harman to "vote BNP in order to give hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of tax-payer funded expenses to Nick Griffin" would probably have worked better.

If there is one thing, beyond Harperson telling you to not vote for them that is bound to increase the appeal of the BNP, it is the risible Unite Against Fascism, whose spokesman interviewed on Channel 4 News this evening used the word "hitler" about a dozen times. Do these people realise that they are playing into Griffin's hands? BNP "news conferences" would have been roundly ignored, had Griffin not been pelted with eggs by a tosspot. Griffin's unchallenged assertions about "lies" from the media would not have been on the evening news had a simpering left-wing twat not hit him with a placard. Instead of apocalyptic warnings of violence on the streets (tip: If you threw and egg at me, I would hit you too), try ridiculing them in debate. Laughter at the Roderick Spodes is more dangerous to them than any number of be-dreadlocked cunts with green hair and megaphones. If you give the BNP the oxygen of publicity, they will self-immolate rather than grow. If you fight them, they will enjoy feeling victimised, which will reinforce their hateful message.

If these "anti facsist" activists actually wanted to stop the BNP they should perhaps try to persuade the electorate. I wonder how many "activists" were pushing leaflets through letterboxes for a party which could have stopped them before the election. I wonder how many "activists" take the view I heard from activists in Camden last week, that "to vote only encourages them [presumably, by that they mean 'the man']". Instead of actually doing something as simple as voting, they scream themselves hoarse in stupid, pointless, counterproductive, self-indulgent "protest" when others vote in a way of which they disapprove.

This country is pissed off with politicians, not racist. The BNP on the other hand are, and all you need to do is let them show their true colours. The best way to combat the BNP is to debate them. Investigate them. Let their true message shine through. Hell, go to their website and find out for yourself. Then trust the British people to make the right decision.

Please visit the website in the link above to see a snazzy pic of griffin in his leisurewear.

Anonymous said...

Yeah and the mob are playing into the bnp trap

I.D. said...

Shamelessly stolen, if people voted BNP just to protest about Parliamentary sleaze why did so many more choose the disorganized shambles-admitted by their own leader-that is UKIP? THAT was the protest vote and 99% of UKIP voters don't know a single one of their policies apart from pull out of Europe and keep the pound. BNP support has been rising at all levels of democracy for the last six or seven years and the vast majority of our supporters are extremely well informed about our policies.

Political animal said...

Why didn't more people vote Green or English Democrat if it was simply a protest vote?

War law said...

Shamelessly stolen, the 'sunlight' you speak of will also reveal the full range of BNP policies on every major issue and how markedly different they are from the Lib/Lab/Con who are in reality a self-serving block with virtually indistinguishable views. BNP policies are in touch with common sense, reality and public opinion. They are the only mainstream Party that will reinstate Corporal and Capital punishment as part of a PUNISHMENT based judicial system thereby restoring order to our crime ridden country. They are the only Party that will re-institute the Christian values that British civilization is built on, and whether people are religious or not the importance of this heritage cannot be overstated. 943,000 voted for them and without such a virulent, vicious and dishonest media campaign a great deal more would have. They believe they've got something to offer. Throwing eggs, desperate, irrational pleas not to vote for them and worn out accusations of 'racism' are being exposed as what they are by the 'sunlight' of a lawful democratic mandate.

British Nationalist said...

Nice picture. Have you got any of the Cabinet when THEY were at university in the Young All Time Mass Murderers of Humanity, sorry Communists League?

Samuel Roy Oldham said...

The Labour Party is still number one in the PPRT (Peoples Popular Republic of Tameside). We have still maintained the share of the vote in the last local elections.

I was out in the Labourmobile on Thursday night telling people to vote Labour. I could not believe the support I was having. People were shouting to me “All hail the glorious leader”.

Anonymous said...


Take out the trash said...

You must be going deaf Roy, they were shouting, 'Jail the notorious bleeder!'

Labour till I die said...

Lets have some serious bets on who will win the Denton election, my money is on Labour, Tories a close second Lib Dems third.
All others if they stand will get jack shit.

Gross distortion said...

The BNP campaign will make sure whatever happens Labour get the same result you got in Duki/Staly twelvebellies, i.e. one less Labour Councillor.

Retribution said...

24/7 campaign war for HydeNewton revenge. Win if possible, destroy Labour at all costs.

UAF said...

We will be with you again in Newton but this time more of us,did you see us at the Ace of Diamonds today ?
Get use to us being around see you in Denton how do you like your eggs?

Hard Labour said...

Your spelling's getting worse, it's spelt T A Y L O R not U A F.

Vive la Revolution said...

Scrambled, like your brains thug.

Bloody Meadow said...

UAF, eggs are appropriate because yellow's your favourite colour, the streak runs right up your back. The thing that terrifies fascists like you most is democracy.

no yolk said...

Just playing right into the hands of the far right bnp

True blue said...

Nice to see the opposition at each others throat keep it up we will walk through you,its time for a cahnage.

Old England said...

BNP: 943598
UAF: 0

Blue Lamp said...

True Blue, has £30 million wonderboy Cameron paid back the two Grand a month mortgage he's been stealing off the taxpayer for the last eight years? Clean up Parliament? What a total f*****g hypocrite.

Cut their hands off said...

Cameron's the poshest thief since Raffles.

Anonymous said...

On a straight forward vote for vote system the BNP would have got four seats.

True Blue Two said...

We Tories don't like left wing thugs anymore than we like the far left. We have our own far right wing in our party but they know to stay in the shadows or else.
Thank You

Anonymous said...

TBT, Cameron is a named supporter of Serarchlight/UAF so your leader clearly DOES like left-wing thugs.

Anonymous said...

There will be no by-election this year an agreement was reached yesterday by the main party's not to call it and have two seats up in 2010.
Stand you members down and cancel the printer.

Blood and mud said...

If it's true about the cancellation of democracy in Denton NorthEast it's because Labour are scared of losing ANOTHER election. If they can lose to the Tories in Wales they can lose to anyone anywhere. And still Gordon goes on wrecking the country because of self-interest and cowardice from massive numbers of Labour representatives, workers and supporters.

Anonymous said...

Police accused of being fearful in tackling culprits over citys growing toll of racial assaults THE number of white victims of racist attacks in a Yorkshire city has risen 30 per cent in a year to more than 300 and police have been accused of being afraid to take on the culprits

Quiet Revolution said...

By Clive Bennett, super activist from South Wales — Wales did not succeed in winning a seat in the European Parliament this time around, but I’m sure we will do better next time.

When we analyse the results for Wales we see that even though the overall turnout was lower than in 2004, down from 41% to 30%, our number of votes increased by almost 10,000 up from 27,135 to 37,114. Put another way, our increase in number of votes is up 36.7 percent.

Anonymous said...

They may have called it off until 2010 but they were out delivering leaflets again today in huge numbers.

Anonymous said...

I have also been out today in huge numbers.

Don't tell anyone said...

Shock figures released by the NHS Confederation have shown that the NHS budget for 2010/11 will be increased by £4.1 billion - just two thirds of the total foreign aid spend by the British government for 2009.

According to the NHS Confederation, the health service will face “the most severe constriction ever in its finances” within two years. In a document called ‘Dealing with the Downturn’ the NHS Confederation - which represents all the constituent organisations making up the NHS - warns that this cash shortage will “translate into fewer staff” and a lowered number of services.

According to the NHS Confederation, the budget allocation for the NHS in 2009/10 is £98.2 billion. This is set to increase to £102.3 billion in 2010/11 - or 68 percent of the £6.02 billion spent on foreign aid this year.

Anonymous said...


What did that last post mean? 6.2 Billion is 68% of 98.2%?
I bet your maths are better whilst calculating your benefits.

Silly Nazi

Bloody Meadow said...

According to the Government's own racial crime statistics, when figures are adjusted for relative populations you are 140 times more likely to be the victim of a racially motivated attack if you are white.

Strength through Diversity said...

So now we know there are approximately one million Hitler followers prepared to vote in this country. One million bone heads prepared to vote for a party which openly advocates the mass murder of ethnic minorities, gypsies, Jews, gay and disabled people. I am ashamed to have a British passport following the events of recent days. We have created a vibrant multi-cultural paradise but these evil bigoted bastards are too thick to understand the wonders of what we have done for them. Well here is a message for you mass murdering white supremacist knuckle dragging bigots; the multi-cultural society is here to stay and before this century is over I can promise you there will be very few white people left on this island. Britain will no longer exist it will just be a province of the world and it will be inhabited by a vibrant racially mixed population which will be guaranteed to be bigot free.

Bloody Meadow said...

'Hitler followers', 'boneheads', 'evil bigoted bastards', 'too thick to understand', 'mass murdering', 'white supremacist knuckle dragging bigots'. Not bad for a short comment.
Abuse is what people without the mental capacity to construct a reasoned argument resort to.
The BNP does not advocate any of the following; mass murder of ethnic minorities, gypsies, Jews (they have a Jewish Councillor and many Jewish members), homosexuals, disabled people or anyone else. No-one believes your hysterical rants apart from your insane fellow cranks, stand for election and see how much support you get. But then that would involve hard work, policies, ideas, organisational skills, speaking to people in a rational adult way trying to convince them of your point of view instead of infantile
sloganising and lying. These are the reasons they got nearly a million votes and without a vicious, dishonest media campaign would have got many more.
You say you are ashamed to have a British passport as if you place value on your nationality then say in a few years Britain will no longer exist as though that would be an achievement adding inconsistency to your irrationality. This is confirmed as is your bigotry by stating, 'There will be very few white people left on these islands' followed by 'it will be a vibrant racially mixed population' but presumably with virtually none of the white people you hate so much.
This nation has 8000 years of history, roots that run deep with millions and millions of gallons of blood spilt defending its existence and shaping its identity. A few twisted, racist Britain haters trying to impose their unasked for and unwanted multicultural experiment will receive their due reward in the coming years.

tonydj said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tonydj said...

Dear STD

What do you mean by "vibrant"?

V4GBR said...

Not vibrant, violent.

Strength through Diversity said...

vi·brant :pulsating with life, vigor, or activity
Pronunciation: \-brənt\ Function: adjective Date: 1616:

You claim to be British patriots and you have not managed to acquire a decent grasp of your language. I will repeat for the benefit of anyone who may have learning difficulties i.e. anyone who votes BNP. The BNP is an openly Nazi party whose ideology is based the teachings of Mein Kampf. BNP supporters would vote for Hitler if they had the chance. The BNP want to murder or deport all people of colour, all GLBT people, all gypsies and all Jews. They want to ban all food and drink which they consider to be non-English. They believe in the concept of Aryan racial superiority - despite the fact most them are little more than inbred subhuman’s. They are stupid, uneducated, cultureless and oafish. If they had a brain between them they could be dangerous but like their closest living relatives - swarming bacteria, they are numerous and potentially dangerous. All people of faith, the mainstream political parties, the unions and all lovers of liberty and democracy must now unite to stamp these vermin back into the mud they belong. They must and will be crushed by any means necessary. Do not sit by and ideally watch while they divide our nation. Unite and crush the Nazi menace so it can never rear its ugly head again.

Anonymous said...

Don't be fooled the Denton election is on, if its not why have I got another leaflet through my door at 8.30am today,and why have we got all these people canvassing in Denton again on Friday.

tonydj said...

Dear STD

I know what vibrant means. I was asking what YOU meant by "vibrant".

"Pulsating with life"? Ben Kinsella was hardly "pulsating with life" 5 minutes after his brush with diversity!

Bloody Meadow said...

STD, democratically elected vermin if you don't mind. You remember democracy, it's when people make their own mind up instead of accepting the lies and insane drivel you and your lot spout. 'They must and will be crushed by any means necessary', sounds just like Adolf whose barbarous methods you obviously approve of.

Ex-Commie said...

STD, are you going through the menopause or are you just mad?

Sitting Bull said...

Do as this says! and walk like me, I am the future. In with the new and out with the old.

Anonymous said...

We don't wear that uniform; paper men from pages torn right off the press suits for the regime. The media's gone and had a baby.

Won't Get Fooled Again said...

(Dedicated to fake Nationalists)

move the goal-posts said...

What a pathetic bunch. You can smell the fear. Their contempt for democracy is being exposed for all to see.

Anonymous said...

The traitors are getting worried by the passing of the days.

Viva The Revolution In Mens Hearts.

Boltgun said...

Don't post any links to The Who. Anything related to paedo Townshend should be banned and a humane killer used on the drug wrecked degenerate.

Governor of Judea said...

The best result for the BNP at the General Election would be another massive vote and no representation because of the first past the post system. The mountain of rightful resentment built up would swell their ranks and support even more.

First past the post said...

Is this election a one horse race plenty of Labour people all over Denton today, never seen any others yet.

Roy Thinnes said...

Strength through diversity, 'inbred subhumans' is an interesting choice of phrase to describe the indigenous population. The German for subhuman is 'untermensch' which was a description used frequently by the Nazis for anyone who wasn't to their liking and 'needed' to be disposed of. Inbreeding in modern Britain is epidemic and unchecked among the Muslim community leading to a massive increase in birth defects. No-one in authority will even raise this subject as they are terrified of being savaged by Britain's 21st century cultural Nazis, i.e. people like you who infest the corridors of power.
'Swarming bacteria' were also used by the Nazis in their anti-semitic animated films, indeed your strident, hate-filled, hysterical rants have strong Hitlerian overtones. I believe your personality disorder is nearing a climax which will result in your complete mental breakdown.

Anonymous said...

Where were all these 'Labour people' during the European election campaign? If they'd got off their arses 13% of Tamesiders might not have voted BNP and Nick Griffin could have lost to the Greens instead of pipping them.

Labour till I die said...

Labour had teams out all over the place the sad fact is the Tories Greens the lib Dems and even the UKIP party did nothing,we did what we could,and within one week we are back on the streets again.
We were on our own but we did win every ward in the Euro elections a good reward for all the work we did, interesting isnt it every ward Labour came first bring on the by-election and the 2010 council elections.

Anonymous said...

Labour till I die is that Mike?

Big Bob said...

Will the bnp actually have a candidate for the Denton by election that does some work this time? How can you expect to win an election when your candidate does absolutely nothing? I will never understand how the bnp managed to get 800 votes in Newton.

Denton Blue said...

Stacey Knighton told my friend that she intends standing in the Denton by election if its called, their long standing candidate a hard working party worker who came very close last year to beating Mr Denton told party members they will resign if she gets it.
looks like we have a selection scrap on our hands.

Big Bob said...

Any political party can call for an election if Lib/Lab/Con agree not to call it

Anonymous said...

The Tameside BNP is currently in the early stages of a power struggle, not for the bad but for the good of future performance in local elections.
Making constant connection with residents and voters is the key to winning elections in the area. Quality leaflets will be the order of the day hitting back at the Labour lies and so on. Not letting Lib/Lab/Con settle making then constantly having to look over their shoulder. The Tameside BNP are rapidly catching up with the Tories in Tameside. The Tories no longer stand for the right but the soft middle ground of politics. The Tories are playing games with the people of Britain by playing along with New Labour's Liberal agenda. This is blocking out people from having a choice, but the BNP can now take that roll. The betrayal of the British people continues without any signs of relenting, Lost communities need a new political force to run off the likes of the Tameside Labour Mafia. New Labour is definitely not Old Labour. The challenge for the Tameside BNP is clear, to take votes of Labour and take on the Tories and expose their Liberal agenda in Tameside.

Anonymous said...

Stacey is not our candidate Helen Greenwood who stood for the past two years will take us on to victory, she also stood a couple of years ago and did very well, the truth is our best performance was by Anthony Kershaw who took us over 100 votes for the fist time for ages.
Stacey is a good candidate but not for us she will win Audenshaw next time we have seen the Labour people out this week and we will be making a complaint they are already campaigning this must be illegal, two laeflets out in the past week.

Anonymous said...

Conservative County Councillor Tom Wilson of Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council has been forced to resign after flagrantly violating established election rules which prevented employees of that council from being candidates.

Night Watch In Denton said...

Since when has Labour been concerned about breaking the election rules?

Anonymous said...

The feeling inside the Conservative camp in this coming by-election, is that the BNP will beat them easily. The Tories dont have the man power in Tameside which is universally known by all political groups.

Feud said...

'Interesting' isn't the word to describe people voting Labour, 'Why' would be more appropriate. The Government is an utterly shambolic den of thieves who've spent up, just like the local Labour mafia who have had to impose massive wage cuts due to financial incompetence and chronic overmanning.
The BNP got 889 votes in HydeNewton, despite outside thugs and agitators being brought in by Labour Councillors to interfere with the electoral process and distribute 27500 smear leaflets, because their local activists worked so hard and mounted an excellent campaign. We had to fight the Church and the media as well but all those tricks are out of the bag now and we're still here stronger than ever. Try the same lies in Denton and see how thin they've worn with the public.
Some people would vote for a lamppost if it had a red rosette but their number is rapidly diminishing evidenced by the disastrous European election results, losing to the Tories in
Wales was a sign of the way the hurricane is blowing. Thankfully Gordon and his gang of crooks are still there clinging on gifting votes to the opposition.
We'll need a lot of votes to win in Denton but the odds are that a few hundred will help the Tories in, not as satisfying as winning but a much deserved kick in the guts for the corrupt bunch currently in power.

Anonymous said...

Its 9 15am and we have another gang out delivering leaflets in Denton looks like this election is in full swing for the Labour people, when will I see someone from the opposition I expected the BNP to be out in force after their Euro election successes.
But to be fair to them they have never had a candidate in my ward before,Mrs Greenwood is the only person I recall trying to beat the Labour people but she was not very good at it.


Don't worry above we will be there.

UAF said...

We are already there and will stay until the end just like Newton.

bnp for Denton said...

Good for us, local people see the Labour backed mob on their streets in Denton.

Anonymous said...

UAF Why don't you stand in the election? bunch of scumbagsb rent a mob backed by Labour criminals and perverts.

Anonymous said...

uaf the more people see you causing trouble on the streets the better for the bnp. Hope you cause lots of trouble in this election, so the people of Denton can see what your group is all about. Left-Wing scum traitors.

chris@admin said...

We already have a photograph of an existing Denton Labour councillor fraternising with UAF thugs at Flowery Field station in Newton this February. We will use this on one of our leaflets to highlight Labour/UAF/Searchlight collusion in perverting the democratic process and promoting violent extremism in the Tameside political arena.

Our campaign will focus entirely on our policies and exposing Labour corruption and vice. If this opens the door for the Tories to gain the seat – so be it, but we are determined to expose the true nature of Labour to the electorate.

Lída Brožová-Polednová said...

A day is likely to come in the not too distant future when the ‘peasants’ rise up in uncontrollable fury when they discover what the Labour regime has done in their name. The pitch forks will be out – as will the rope, it will be people like us who will one day prevent their lynching at the hands of baying mobs. The hatred and revulsion at the crimes perpetrated by Labour against the indigenous peoples of this land, and the working class in particular will soon explode into spontaneous acts of revenge. Snowball and Napoleon may be sitting pretty wearing their red rosettes while they wallow in the trough now, but make no mistake, the clock is ticking, the anger is growing, the pressure is rising and their day of judgment is drawing near.

War Party said...

Swing of 114 required to oust Labour in Denton North East. Good job it's not St. Peters, the Muslim Pseudosocialist Alliance Party (Labour) also known as, we'll sell our country down the river for a few votes Party, have stitched that up with a lttle help from their friends in 'the community'.

UAF said...

Bring your camera with you all next week we will be out each day and night with our campaign.

Regime Change said...

What are your policies? Sorry I forgot you despise the democratic process unless the results go the way you like.

Anonymous said...

UAF is(John Corrupt Taylor)

Anonymous said...

He used to sell porn vids from a market stall.

Unite Against Fascism - a criminal conspiracy? said...

Listen to a covert recording from a UAF planning meeting on June 9th. They openly advocate violence and a complaint to the police has been made. Would a local concerned Tameside citizen please listen to this recording then present your evidence linking Cllr's John Taylor and Keiran Quinn to this violent group to the police. These two individuals have been terrorising local BNP members for long enough and now is the time to take action.

Anonymous said...

Look John Taylor is a thug from the 70's he used to sell porn vids from his market stall in the mid 80's. He was convicted for clocking cars. Tosser

Borstall Boy said...

This letter that Taylor sent to me shows that he is the Judge and Jury. He mentions in this letter about people providing him with information about me. It's perfectly ok it seems for (Taylor bully boy) to libel me in written word, but when I mention the word borstall it's running off to his solicitor in Liverpool time. Taylor likes to libel other folk, but he does not like it up him thats for sure.

Distributism 4 the UK said...

When the Labour candidate is announced for Denton, we will need help with content for our 'open the door for Stacey' leaflets. We will distribute the information the Conservatives may be too squeamish to. All information received will be treated as anonymous and can be sent via the usual channels.

Anonymous said...

Oh f*** off Taylor with your bullshit, we all know you used to sell porn from under your market stall. You were convicted for clocking cars, you were sent to borstall for attempting to burn your school down.

Anonymous said...

I don't hold it against John Taylor for clocking cars in the 80's, nor against him for his firebug activities by trying to burn down his school, it's the selling of porn on the market that gets me. Disgusting thing to do.

Nina Hartley said...

I love John Taylor

Anonymous said...

Doesn't Andrew Doubledick look like Tubbs from The League of Gentlemen.

Anonymous said...

Dont forget the Lib Dems we will play a major role in this by election and we could win it.

For Nick said...

West will once again be elections coordinator for the Denton by election

Traitorwatch said...

Labour have betrayed the British working class and are increasingly reliant on the votes of immigrants, particularly Muslims. Check out the demographics of St. Peters Ward, Labour's safest seat.

Clear the House said...

Tameside Tories, instead of commenting on here write to your multi-millionaire leader instead and ask him to repay the two grand a month mortgage he's been claiming off the taxpayer for the last eight years. HE'S going to clean up Troughminster? Bring back Cromwell.

Strength through Diversity said...

The spectre of Nazism once again returns to stalk the free people of Europe. We crushed the Nazis before and we will crush them again. Where Nazis start to gather, free thinking people and lovers of diversity must oppose them. If we fail to unite and crush this emerging menace we will have death camps and factories of death where human beings are turned into soap. This menace is here and now. The Nazi threat grows by the hour. Griffin in Europe is the wake up call. Griffin will soon be unstoppable if good people fail to act. The Nazis offer division and isolation, every other party on the political spectrum embraces diversity and tolerance. Without diversity we are nothing. We are a post colonial power with a decrepit, lazy and ageing population. The Nazis solution to this problem is to murder all people incapable of assisting the state. Our solution to this is to welcome newcomers from around the globe. The newcomers will pay taxes and look after the ageing population. Choose hope. Choose tolerance. Choose diversity. Choose life. Unite and fight and crush the BNP.

Expenses Watch said...

Labour councillor in Denton, Andrew Doubleday uses his local library as a creche for his unruly children.

The well known alcoholic went on to shout a tirade of swear words at a member of staff at the library who kicked out Cllr. Doubleday's children for disturbing other library users.

Cllr. Doubleday claimed for childcare costs that year at the expense of Tameside Council Tax payers. I wonder where that went...

Rocketeer said...

'Decrepit and lazy', is your racist, hate-filled description of the indigenous people of Britain. No doubt all immigrants are, 'vibrant' and 'hardworking'. The problem is every statistical study has proven that immigration, particularly of the open the floodgates type employed in the last few years is a large net drain on the nation. Immigrants, particularly those from former Commonwealth countries in Africa and the Indian sub-continent are trailed in very short order by hordes of 'decrepit' elderly relatives who are a massive drain on our infrastructure, most hard hit being the NHS, and who have contributed NOTHING. Perhaps you'd like to have a go at them, of course not they're the wrong ethnicity and nationality aren't they.

John Taylor/UAF said...

We will continue to take on the bnp in Tam eside

Anonymous said...

No Party in Tameside can compete with Labour's man power.

In the Newton By-election Labour added 255 votes to their 2008 total as a result of the work that was put in.

Whoever the Conservative candidate is, they don't stand a chance.

Labour voter Denton said...

"bit of a God's send for us."
Taylor is a complete prick and a danger. Fancy saying something like that on a video.

Christian Survival said...

When ever I think it's time to stop campaigning for the British National Party, I just watch this video.

Christian Survival said...

Sorry Christian Survival

True Blue two said...

Did you see and hear the thunder and lightning? we had a large group on the streets in Denton all sheltering from the downpour,this Labour lot are very keen and a bit mad if you ask me.
Large groups out all afternoon I am not aware of any election being called yet,is what they are doing legal?

weetroprLabourRats said...

What like drowned rats?

Starlord said...

We will be out soon in Denton you will see the greens for the first time in the ward.

West said...

The Greens, what an amazing contradiction they are. They support an open border approach to immigration. They oppose (allegedly) widespread use of air travel. Go to Manchester, or any other major airport and check out the amount of long haul flights created because of the immigrants flying to and from the places where their extended families reside.

True blue two said...

Cant believe it they were out again tonight different crew on town lane saw a few well know councillors tonight.
Any update on the opposition will the BNP really be standing.

Anonymous said...

The BNP will only be standing if they can prevent a Labour win. In this election it will be payback time.

ABC said...

If you got a Labour leaflet full of the same fifteen year old b******t would it affect YOUR vote? They are utterly incompetent cheats and liars. Their nationwide support is down to about one in every 6.6 voters. Some people cast their ballot without thinking because they've 'always voted that way', this mentality is rapidly changing and smaller Paties are coming to the fore. The British increasingly don't believe the media and are getting their information from the Internet and other sources. The Lib/Lab/Con's power is starting to wane as they become ever more distant from commonsense, reality and public opinion.

cuto street conspirators said...

Tameside Torys the worst performing group in the country even the Welsh won seats this year.
Word is if they don't win Denton its curtains for the leadership.

Dave said...

The Tories, like UKIP are decent people on the whole. Let us face facts; we have never stood in this ward before and we stand little chance of winning it. Let us do the right thing and block the Labour crooks. This will not only benefit the people who will get a good councillor rather than a self centred Labour swindler, it will also help dent Labour's chances in next years council elections.

may vote Tory if he does said...

Will we get a referendum on Europe if Cameron wins, he did promise one.

Judd said...

Cameron will do whatever the three main Party consensus decides. No-one in the corridors of power is allowed to break the 'rules'; European superstate good, globalization good, multiculturalism good, national identity bad. Massive numbers of people want change and a ruling class that reflects their wishes. To ahieve this they'll have to change their voting habits.

Keir Hardy said...

BNP are of little consequence in Denton North East or anywhere else for that matter. The good people of the area know its a two horse race and we know we can win.

When we do win, you will claim its all down to the BNP taking Labour votes. Both Labour and ourselves know thats just not the case.

Did you see the Evening News searching for a BNP voter in Ashton. All those votes and nobody would say "it was me" - even your voters are ashamed! or, it could be vote rigging by the BNP on a massive scale!! lol

Labour til I die said...

Coming third behind the BNP like they did in Newton will mean the end of the Tories in Tameside.
Labour have been out on the streets for weeks no opposition seen anywhere.

Anonymous said...

The Tories need the bnp in Denton East, looks like it could turm both ways. The Tories could come third behind the bnp more than likely, bnp take Labour working class votes very much more than likely. Only time will tell.
See Ya in Denton

Keir Hardy said...

"Labour on the streets for weeks" - thats nice, before Cllr Wareing was dead then!

And as for the comment after - the great myth. The BNP dont take Labour votes, they may get "stay at home votes" or "i need someone to blame for my low self esteem votes" but no labour voter makes a decision BNP or Labour, thats just cloud cuckoo land

Governor of Judea said...

Conservative values, it may be fake complacency or you may BE a smug, arrogant blueLabourite suffering from chronic overconfidence and an inability to recognize the electorate are starting to wake up to the fact there's virtually no difference between the three Main Parties. Either way the rise in nationalism over the past four or five years is largely down to your increasingly liberal, touchy-feely leader Mr Cameron-look at UKIP's massive vote in the European elections, vast numbers of those people were natural Tory voters. There's now talk about a hung Parliament when, with the incumbents being the worst Government in British history the Tories should be looking at 430 seats plus. You've got no opposition yet it's the 89th minute and you're still only 1-0 up.

Labour til I die said...

On the streets for weeks yes but not just in Denton all over Tameside and our opposition know it.
You have some catching up to do so its off your fat lazy backsides and do some real ward work meeting people, leafleting and having your mugs in the papers moaning is not good enough.

Labour for Denton said...

The voters of Denton will see through the chancers that turn up just because there is an election.
Labour have delivered three newsletters done three walk abouts since the last election and last month a full survey off the ward, our opposition have done nothing.

Free Politics For The People said...

God Taylor how do you manage to do your council job with all this roaming the streets all day?

tonydj said...

The election in Denton NE is not about numbers of leaflets or numbers of people on the streets etc.

The BNP will fight this election to give the people of Denton NE the chance to make a statement against the changes in the British way of life which have occured under ALL establishment parties.

We are unconcerned with whether a candidate lives in the ward or not. or whether they have put out 10, 100, or 1000 leaflets. It is getting the message across which counts.

The message we are going to get out is the censorship of local papers, the deliberate politicisation of the churches (with proof) and the increase in unemployment locally.

Lets see the local LIB-LAB-CON answer our arguments. No childish jibes over who lives in the ward or how many leaflets we put out

Taylor is a snake in the grass said...

True blue two acting in an illegal way does not stop the Labour party lie in local elections. It's one rule for them and another for the rest of us. Taylor/Wild were seen posting this illegal leaflets on Boyds Walk 2008 local elections. Clearly against election rules but no matter to Taylor and co. Taylor is a thug and his methods are corrupt. Taylor used the police in that election to intimidate his bnp opponent. But Taylor thinks that he his above the election rules. Taylor even put his address on this leaflet thats how confident he his in getting away with this crap.

Respect for those that dont deserve it said...

I mean, this is the corrupt face of politics in Dukinfield. Morally corrupt in every way. A picture can tell a story.

This is a magistrate for God sake he sits on the bench and judges people. How can this man judge anyone?

ABC said...

Tameside had amongst the highest proportion of BNP voters in the entire NorthWest region in the recent European elections which played a significant part in Nick Griffin MEP's success. Bringing in outside agitators to distribute 27500 smear leaflets enlisting Church leaders and using the corrupt local media had some effect in HydeNewton but the same tactics used repeatedly since then nationwide have had a counter effect due to saturation demonization and overkill. Massive numbers of people are beginning to see through the outright lies, smears and distortions repeated ad nauseam in the bought and paid for Press.

Anonymous said...

People need to open their eyes to the corruption taking place with New Labour. People like Taylor/Wild corrupt individuals getting desperate. Their actions in the 2008 elections need to be exposed. Taylor/Wild were out on Boyds Walk posting illegal leaflets. Taylor using the police to intimidate his main political opponent. Taylor thinks he's above the rules and the law. He could do the same to anyone if you dont look into his actions. Taylor should not be allowed to post illegal leaflets yet he did in 2008.

Anonymous said...

That photograph Wildy makes you look like a dirty old man. Can you not see it's a perverts pose. It's a shocking picture for a magistrate to have taken.

BNP thug kicked out cathedral said...

Serves him right

Here Was A Man said...

The church is a disgraceful mess.
People have individual power that they are afraid of. The Church of England holds in perverts and child molesters. Fakes! God does not live in those churches anymore.

UKIP said...

Looks like Roy's back in full swing get down to the Docs get the medication increased before you commit another criminal act and the eviction notice returns. Think about your family stop falling for Taylor's tricks.

Anonymous said...

What are you going on about ukip? Who the hell do you think you are?

Anonymous said...

UKIP criminal act? exposing corruption and libelous letters, illegal leaflets. You think Taylor and Wild should be above election rules?

Eric Pickles: BNP to become 'serious force' in British politics said...

Labour and Tory unite to cresh them while we still can.

UKIP Corruption said...

Don't throw stones in your glass house

Those in galss houses said...

Nice of the Tory Chairman to notice the BNP threat as he puts it, but he needs to address issues like this. Corruption and perverts in his party.

Anonymous said...

April 9, 1948, Jerusalem. Irgun and Stern gang terrorists stormed an Arab suburb of Jerusalem, Dir Yashin, killing 250 Arabs, half of them women and children.

Anonymous said...

February 27, 1948, Jerusalem. Two anti-Communist Polish residents of Jerusalem were murdered by Stem gang terrorists who claimed the Poles were "pro-Arab."

Anonymous said...

it was a great victory nick well done

UKIP said...

What's the point is sueing the author of the above. He hasnt got anything worth having. Wont work / cant work type who has nothing worth sueing for. Doesn't even live in his own house.

Anonymous said...

west been told to stay away by local organizer, he's more trouble to a good working team

Regime Change said...

Go on Taylor's site. He's like a ranting infantile student obsessed with the 'fascicts'. He'd do better to worry about Labour's disastrous results in the recent elections and the massive financial crisis they have plunged this country into. Like the Labour Party as a whole he's retreated from the reality of Britain 2009 that NewLabour have created.

Anonymous said...

Whats the two Jerusalem comments got to do with Nick Griffin? oh i see say no more

To hell and back said...

F**k the Greens, UKIP, the Conservatives, the BNP, the LibDems, the English Democrats and the Monster Raving Looney Party, can any Labour supporter come on here and tell me exactly what it is they are voting FOR?

Strength through Diversity said...

Let us look at this in a rational way. The Nazis managed to trick enough people into voting for them and they have gained two MEP's. This is not the end of the world and we must remember that far more people voted for inclusive and tolerent mainstream parties than voted for the sons and daughters of Hitler. Britain is such a wondeful place because of the vibrant mix of cultures and races all living in harmony. The Nazis can sieg heil all they want but they can never undo the work of the last forty years which has turned the UK into the worlds foremost multicultural success story.

Lib-Dems for Denton said...

You will see a shock in Denton East the lib-dems will gain many votes and take the seat and come through the middle.

say no to brainwashed idiots said...

The controlled press, and most of the politicians and religious leaders in our country always repeat the mantra 'racial diversity is our strength', but they never explain why diversity is our strength. What does racial diversity do to a country to make it stronger? Does it lower the crime rate? Does it bring people closer together? Does it decrease racial hatred? Does it improve our roads, our educational system, or our health care system?

Of course racial diversity does none of those things, in fact it does just the opposite. But, more than that, racial diversity is a crime against all the races that are forced to live under this modern day neo-religion. To be a racially diverse nation, every race must give up certain rights and suppress certain biological instincts in order to get along, or be 'tolerant' of other behaviors, languages, and customs. We must give up our sense of peoplehood, community, and commonality, not to mention our Constitutional right of freedom of association.

When a man is forced by law, or a politically correct orthodoxy to suppress his natural instincts to feel part of something larger than himself; his tribe, nation, or race, he loses his sense of purpose in life. Instead of having an identity and commonality with his countrymen, he is reduced to being just an individual, and at some level he knows that when he dies, nothing will be left of him, for he had no connection to his people, thus no connection to eternity.

While we as individuals do not live forever, our efforts in life that contribute to our society and culture, and the genes that make us who we are, are our only links to a future beyond or own lifetime, and possibly to eternity. But without a nation of racially similar people to be a part of, what links are there? We have been robbed of our birthright; our right to have a common bond with our own people.

Racial diversity in the world is a wondrous thing, but when practiced within a nation it supresses man's instinctive urge to be a part of his own people, and through that, his connection to eternity, and that is a crime against humanity.

Racist but true said...

I don't know about the eternity talk but the truth about the destruction brought upon Britain by the multiclturalist lunatics is undeniable. The enormous increase in the incidence of violent crime can be directly linked to young black males who commit a massively disproportionate amount of offences involving violence. Despite what liberals may say this is NOT attributable to poverty as large scale studies done in America have comprehensively disproved this. Many ethnicities and particularly Hispanics live in poverty in the US but they commit vastly less violent crime. Race does play a part in behaviour and all the excusemongers and liars in the world cannot destroy that fact.

Anonymous said...

Get ready for massive public sector job cuts at local and national level. Labour have spent all our money with utter recklessness and consequently have no flexibility and little or no control over the economy. It will take decades to put their mess right. Councillor Taylor can brag all he likes and hide behind his petty fixations with fringe Parties, the disaster his Party have inflicted on this country will be its true legacy.

Roy Thinnes said...

STD, 'rational'?, let's see: 'sons and daughters of Hitler'(is that a horror film?), 'the Nazis managed to trick enough people into voting for them' 'the Nazis can sieg heil all they like'.
It's apparent you're making an effort to control and conceal your personality disorder but treatment for this type of chronic, infantile abuse of those who don't share your point of view requires professional therapy. I urge you to seek such as soon as possible as your attempts at self-repression may well result in an uncontrollable outburst of behaviour that may result in mental breakdown and you being sectioned under the Mental health Act.

Evil personified said...

South Africa, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Sudan and virtually every indigenously 'run' country in sub-saharan Africa are total shitholes. Nigeria's oilwealth should have turned it into a paradise but it's hell on earth. The liberals may not WANT to believe it's got anything to do with race but that doesn't alter the reality.

Go back to constituencies and prepare for Government said...

The Election is called for July 30th its official my prediction is that Anthony Kershaw will win it for the Lib Dems, a good hard working honest man hes already been out this week working the ward getting an excellent reaction.

Lib-Dems for Denton said...


Reimer said...

STD's handle is an uncanny echo of the slogan 'Strength Through Joy', and the vengeance-fixated bloodlust is hauntingly familiar too. If these sentiments are sincerely expressed (and I can imagine it COULD be some troll with a very warped sense of humour writing the stuff, stringing us along and chuckling to themselves) let's hope implosion occurs before further harm is done to the rest of us.

Nice contribution from 'Say No To Brainwashed Idiots' offers a counterbalance.

Anonymous said...

Keep two eyes on a possible Lib Dem Tory pact word on the streets is the deal is done, Lib Dems not to have a candidate and a free run in Audenshaw for the Lib Dems in 2010.

not welcome said...

Any views on the way the Irish deal with their immigration issues

lib dems for denton east said...

Lib-Dems will take first place in denton east. Time for change Time for the lib-dems

I.D. said...

The people who attacked the Romanians should be beaten until they beg for mercy. But what are a load of Romanians doing in Belfast in the first place?

Anonymous said...

What the heros of the Royal British Legion Think ...

Dear Mr Griffin,

We couldn't help but notice that there was egg on your face (and on your suit jacket) on the day after you were elected MEP for North West England.

Please don't leave egg on ours.

You wore a Poppy lapel badge during your news conference to celebrate your election victory. This was in direct contravention of our polite request that you refrain from politicising one of the nation's most treasured and beloved symbols.

The Poppy is the symbol of sacrifices made by British Armed Forces in conflicts both past and present and it has been paid for with blood and valour. True valour deserves respect regardless of a person's ethnic origin, and everyone who serves or has served their country deserves nothing less.

The Poppy pin, the Poppy logo, and the paper Poppy worn during Remembrance are the property, trademark and emblem of The Royal British Legion.

For nearly 90 years, The Royal British Legion has pursued a policy of being scrupulously above the party political fray. It is vital that everyone - the media, the public and our beneficiaries - know that we will not allow our independence to be undermined or our reputation impaired by being closely associated with any one political party. This is more important now than ever.

On May 27th, 2009, the National Chairman of The Royal British Legion wrote to you privately requesting that you desist from wearing the Poppy or any other emblem that might be associated with the Legion at any of your public appearances during the European Parliamentary election campaign.

He appealed to your sense of honour. But you have responded by continuing to wear the poppy. So now we're no longer asking you privately.

Stop it, Mr Griffin. Just stop it.


The Royal British Legion

.... There is nothing British about the BNP!

Roger Smythe said...

Did the leaders of the Royal British Legion poll their members before issuing this statement? Or have they been politicized like the Church leaders and the media? There is no other Party that stands up for the survival of our national identity more than the BNP, which is what all those men gave their lives for. The BNP have a large number of ex-servicemen as members and activists.

Strength through Diversity said...

The BNP’s utterly abhorrent policies are a slap in the face for the thousands of British and commonwealth troops who died fighting for a multicultural and tolerant world; a world free from racism and BNP style petty xenophobia. The British Legion are right to condemn Nazi Griffin for insulting the memory of the generations of who died fighting against BNP policies. If the war generation were alive today they would have made sure the BNP would not have achieved electoral breakthroughs. They would have crushed the BNP like Mosley and the Black shirts were crushed at Cable Street. If the BNP dare to show their faces in the Denton by-election I will be there to confront them and expose their policies of hatred and division.

Say no to division and intolerance and repeat these words: Black & White unite and fight – SMASH THE BNP. We are black, we are White, together we are dynamite – SMASH THE BNP. The workers united, can never be defeated – SMASH THE BNP.

Victim of the EU said...

What are the Romanians doing in Belfast is asked, there doing the same in Belfast as they are doing in London and other UK cities, screwing the benefits system and thieving day and night,in England its tolerated.
Ask the police in any city about them they arrest the same people each week they even use their children when out pick pocketing we are easy prey,and the courts are to soft.
The people in Ireland have had enough of them and the lack of any action by the authorities so they took the law into their own hands ,they tend to do that over their especially with thieves and muggers of old ladies.
If the authorities don't act over here the same will happen, the real truth will come out soon about what happened and you will see I am correct, I have seen it first hand,and don't be shocked if they don't go home and end up living near you.

Tameside Nationalist said...

STD, British troops died defending our island, our values and our identity. The same identity your kind want to erase with your plans for a multicultural 'utopia'. You aren't fit to mention the war generation who didn't fight for a mosque on every corner and increasing parts of Britain being subjected to domination by foreign cultures.
'I will be there to confront them', egomania and pathetic sloganizing are your contribution to the democratic process. See you in Denton.

V4GBR said...

You're right, when our backs were against the wall in 1940, everyone in Britain was desperately concerned about multiculturalism.

True Brit said...

Shame on the above who wrote that about the Romanians women and children were targeted by the racist thugs in Ireland,bet it was the BNP who did it.

Tameside Blue said...

This by-election is going to be a Tameside Tories effort. We do not want busy body Ian Lindley butting in again with his 'Six penn'ethworth. We are perfectly capable of wining this election without outside interference.

Denton Nationalist said...

Tameside blue your efforts over the past twenty years have been abysmal,shocking,dreadful,shameful,disastrous,embarrassing,and a complete joke other Tory groups all over the country have taken control of councils or made huge inroads.
You have less councillors now than you had twenty years ago you need all the help you can get,you know whats coming if you don't thrash Labour in Denton don't you, "you weakest link goodbye"

Anonymous said...

It's all gone sour in the Tory ranks. The Conservatives are sick of the inaction in Denton and Reddish Conservatives so Central office have brought the constituency int special measures. The likes of Joan Howarth will not have any say on the Tory campaign, it will all be coordinated from Manchester.

Stacey Knighton has definitely been selected as Tory candidate for the byelection. Stacey was picked because she's a strong candidate and lives in Denton.

Does anyone have information on who else will be standing for the other parties?

Tameside Blue said...

We fully endorse Stacey, but who the hell do they think they are to tell us how to fight elections. We have more councillors than Lindley and his co-conspirators’ combined. Look what a pigs ear of it they made in the recent Moston by-election. If these jokers are allowed to dictate how we campaign in Tameside we will be lucky to come third behind Labour and the Liberal Democrats.

Let It Be! said...

At least half of all Gypsies and Travellers in Britain are Romany in origin and are officially placed above indigenous British people in a range of National Health Services, according to an official guideline.

The shocking anti-British document emerged in the wake of anti-Gypsy violence in Belfast following months of criminal activity by the Romanian Gypsy community which drove local people to the breaking point.

The NHS Primary Care Service Framework: Gypsy and Traveller Communities document, a copy of which can be downloaded by clicking here, states that many of these “Roma Communities” are recent arrivals, and “possibly comprise half of all Gypsies and Travellers” in England.

According to the NHS, there are up to 300,000 Gypsies and Travellers in Britain in total, which means that there are possibly 150,000 Romany Gypsies living here.

ABC said...

The thugs in Belfast should be severely punished. But the crime rate always goes up when Gypsies are in the area. The main Parties are too cowardly to deal with or even mention such subjects which is why people are turning to smaller Parties that are prepared to act on such issues.

Scrap the Licence fee said...

The BBC angle on the N.I. Roma Gypsies proplem was, 'Racism, racism , racism.' The crimewave that accompanied their presence was buried or unmentioned.

Regime Change said...

The Government has borrowed £30 billion in the last TWO MONTHS. The Chancellor's forecasts are already starting to look ludicrously unrealistic. Britain needs rid of these chronic incompetents ASAP. Every day they are in office the hole they are digging for us gets deeper.

shes a stunner said...

Labour have picked a local girl she is known for her good looks and charm.

Anonymous said...

And her shit smells so nice

Anonymous said...

I can think of reasons to vote for every Party except Labour.

Patrick Jackson said...

At the last budget instead of making a start sorting out the massive financial problems they have saddled Britain with for decades, Brown and Darling tried laying a pathetic elephant trap for the Tories by raising tax on high earners. The idea being the Tories would object and the 'saviours of the working class' would shriek, 'You only care about the rich!' The fact that Stevie Wonder could have seen such an obvious and infantile ploy did not occur to the corrupt gang of tenth raters running our country. Cameron easily sidestepped it. This was Labour's last chance to show some integrity, leadership and spine in trying to do what was right for the country instead of which they descended to the desperately juvenile student type politics that in reality they have never grown out of.
They are utterly unfit for office and are now an active danger to the future wellbeing of the country.

Nail your Colours said...

Europe and the world's undesirables flood here because the Labour Government have spent the last twelve years making Britain the soft touch laughing stock of the world.

fonestr56FrontLineOfFear said...

The Tameside BNP came through the hate filled Labour mob campaign to ring the bells of freedom! Just the first step to freedom of the British Nation.

Denton Blue thinking about greens said...

The BNP have now made an appearance in Denton beat the Tories once again do they really want to win this election.
They need to get over the in fighting they have had about the candidate and get out on the streets.

Anonymous said...

Yes its me again because the Labour gang are here right now canvassing,its Friday tea time and they are still at it.

Anonymous said...

It's John Taylor above post

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