Sunday 1 February 2009

Yet more anti-BNP hysteria in Hyde Newton

I have never witnessed anything like this in any election - ever. The Labour Party and their allies appear to view the BNP as the only opposition in this election. This suggests to me that Labour canvassers have worked out that Hyde Newton is definitely winnable for the BNP. I can’t wait for the results on Thursday.


Anonymous said...

Lol! I can't believe that they've actually put "Don't vote BNP - Vote Labour" on the 1st one. Who is going to fall for that?

Anonymous said...

"Stop the BNP - Vote Labour" even....

Anonymous said...

Massive British jobs for British workers campaign to start in Newton on Monday. The electorate will be informed that a vote for Labour is a vote for cheap foreign labour to undercut British workers. The day will start at the doomed Castrol works where a we will encourage a mass walk out to show solidarity with British workers. Go to our main website and print as many British jobs leaflets as you can and join the picket at the scheduled time.


Tameside Citizen said...

Ref "Sick of bent Labour", please re-submit your comments without the gratuitous swearing. TC

Anonymous said...

What's that noise? It's the bottom of the barrel being scraped.

Anonymous said...

How does voting Labour, 'stop the BNP'. Whoops.

Anonymous said...

Ok temper check, can the BNP put this lot on a leaflet for Newton? I'm sick of Labour telling me about other parties with criminal members. COME ON IT'S A REVOLUTION NOT JUST POLITICS. I am a Newton resident with steam coming out of my ears.

Anonymous said...

I am the above post. A Newton resident from Newton Hall Road. The people of Newton need to read about the seemingly endless list of Labour criminals. If the people of Newton were to read about these Labour criminals, then maybe life long Labour voters would start to open their eyes.?

Anonymous said...

Usdaw, don't make me laugh. The Unions in this country have spent the last twelve years toeing the Labour Party line on immigration, i.e. cheap foreign labour shipped in en masse instead of doing what they are paid for which is standing up for the interests of their members. They are now in the grotesque position of condemning their own members for the wildcat strikes that are spreading across the country. With unemployment spiralling we don't need any more foreign workers. And now our unelected Mcleader has put the boot in. Real socialists like Bevan and Attlee must be spinning in their graves.

Anonymous said...

It's time for real change now. No one in their right mind can trust the Labour party criminals. I used to be a member of the Conservative party in Newton, but voted BNP on two occasions. My vote is once again going to the BNP. Don't tell me who to vote for I don't like it.

Anonymous said...

According to the Office For National Statistics latest figures the number of Muslims in Britain went up by 500,000 between 2004 and 2008. The number of Christians fell by more than two million in the same period. The Islamic population multiplied ten times faster than any other population group in Britain. 301,000 Muslims are under 4 years old.
The other day Lord Ahmed got the screening of the Dutch film Fitna-which criticizes Islam- in the House of Commons stopped by threatening to mobilise 10,000 Muslims.
Wake up now before it's too late.

Anonymous said...

Newton will look like Great Norbury St in ten years if we don't act now.

Anonymous said...

Go to the Labour for Newton blog and take a look at the item titled ‘The final Push’. If you look at the photograph and then concentrate on the individual on the extreme right of the image you will be looking at one of the coordinators of the leaflet distribution carried out today in Newton by the anti-BNP students. This man holds extreme views and James Purnell ought to know better than to be pictured with him.

Keir Hardy said...

You idiot. Labour has a lot to answer for if they educated you annon!

That's Dawson Lane, Labour Councillor for Denton West. All but two of the people in the background are Labour Councillors. So much for grass root support! Looks like this lot are short on the ground for local support.

Anonymous said...

'British jobs for British workers'. Labour has allowed the benefit sponging class to massively expand and has actively encouraged this by vastly enlarging and making welfare payments much larger. The result has been an influx of cheap foreign labour to do jobs Brits could have done-why would anyone do a full weeks extremely badly paid work for only £15 more than they get for sitting on their backsides? They got away with it in a boom, it doesn't work in a bust. With the wildcat strikes and the economic destruction Labour have wrought upon this country by their policies and being totally unprepared for the recession it's like the late 1970's all over again.

Anonymous said...

Just heard from a very good source nomad Lady Knighton will be standing in Ashton Waterloo.

Anonymous said...

'Stop the BNP - vote Labour'. But even if this is was what you wsanted to do, why just 'vote Labour' to stop them?!! How can the BNP have 'failed' on anything when they have never held power? These scurrilous third party campaigns are in the long run doomed to fail - they can only cry wolf for so long before the electorate begin to see through it and that they are being taken for granted and for fools.

Anonymous said...

Saw the UAF mob yesterday. A few naive students who will soon grow up and realize they are being used by the REAL fascists.

Anonymous said...

If these leaflets say Vote Labour why aren't they part of Labour's campaign spending allowance which is strictly limited by law?

Tameside Citizen said...

Fourth Planet, if you take a close look at the black and white UAF leaflet you will discover it is totally illegal as it does not contain a Printed & Published imprint. This is a strict legal requirement and I assume Tony DJ and his buddies are aware of this and have taken appropriate steps in reporting it to the relevant authorities.

tonydj said...

We are on to it TC,we are on to it.

Anonymous said...

All that is good, and kind, and honest, and generous, in the British nation, is being steadily, surreptitiously, and stealthily replaced with all that is evil, and bad, and dishonest, and corrupt, in Europe.
It was not the BNP that started the illegal wars that are getting our soldiers slaughtered.
It was not the BNP that stole the pension funds of millions of our elderly.
It was not the BNP that sold of our Utility Companies to overseas buyers who now exploit us.
It was not the BNP that betrayed the True British People by swamping Our Country with colonisers.
It was not the BNP that sold our gold for peanuts to Europe.
It was not the BNP that gave away our fishing fleets.
It was not the BNP that allowed the banker to rip us off for billions.
It was not the BNP that destroyed our educations system.
It was not the BNP that destroyed our manufacturing base.
It was not, not, not the BNP that created the mess we are now in.

The events over the past few days are acting as a wake-up call to the people who are having the veil of lies, spin and deceit, by the establishment, lifted from their eyes.


Anonymous said...

The media in this country are in bed with the Government/Establishment to an unprecedented degree. There is a Liberal left pro-Europe anti-national identity consensus that is trying to destroy all opposition by any means they are allowed to get away with. The BBC's Nick Robinson's 'interview' with Gordon Brown about the wildcat strikes was a totally unprofessional and gutless piece of 'journalism' and typical of the depths to which many of our senior media commentators have sunk. If they did their job and deservedly ripped this appalling Government to shreds they would be demoted and pushed outside the circle of trust. Real journalism takes the sort of courage that is manifestly in such short supply.

Anonymous said...

What a pity your a load of racist bigots and fascist scum, maybe when you drop the far right tag you could be taken seriously.

Anonymous said...

You have resorted to abuse and namecalling because you cannot argue against the commonsense policies of the BNP.

Anonymous said...

I'll be voting BNP

Anonymous said...

It's a close one this gents.
Closer than some people are letting on.